The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Personally, I was very disappointed with the whining about his faith. It is immaterial to me what religion someone chooses to practice.

There was a time when it was thought that a Catholic could never be POTUS.... and then along came JFK.

After the Coordinated Political Assassination of of Tom Delay, Romney was My first choice of the field that developed. Now I'd put Him first again, with Huckabee second, I'd love to see a prominent position for Sarah, Cabinet Level minimum.

Tom got what he deserved (disgraced) and sent back to that sinkhole by Houston.

What did Tom deserve Ass Hat. Lets Gerrymander and screw up Texas some more with no respect to People. Shame on You and your bad math shit head. Those Boundary lines were reason enough to indict the likes of all of you. You had to make up law that wasn't in existence at the time of the occurrences to go after him? Fuck Off! What happened to Jefferson should have happened to half of the DNC Ass wipe. And What did You do with him when caught dead to rights? Put him on the ethics committee? And Where is He now after the light of Justice nailed his ass?
I guess you could classify me as a Mormon.

I haven't been active for awhile but the church and the way of life are both wholesome and family friendly.

I don't believe in the doctrine......the reason I split from the church was because of what I would call discriminatory practices.

Aside from that....I can think of worse churches to join.

There are worse??? then us? Seriously? I never would have known that from the way people talk ;)

Well what does it really matter what people think?

We've all been taught most of our lives that there would come a time when we would become targets. The reason last year was because of politics. They couldn't afford to have somebody like Romney spoiling it for Obama.
So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???

The biggest problem I see with the show, although I have never watched it, is that from what I understand it portrays the Fundamentalist LDS faith (FLDS). This is a completely separate sect that broke away from the mainstream LDS faith and many people confuse this and believe every Mormon today practices polygamy. I think that can be a bad thing with some of the recent things going on with the FLDS and some of its leaders like Warren Jeffs.

The show distinguishes well and paints LDS in a better light.

I've watched it a couple of times. It doesn't hold a flattering light on the church.

Hollywood is well known for showing the worst side of Christianity and "Big Love" is no exception.

Nothing about the show gives me the feeling..."Hey, I wanna join that church!!"
The biggest problem I see with the show, although I have never watched it, is that from what I understand it portrays the Fundamentalist LDS faith (FLDS). This is a completely separate sect that broke away from the mainstream LDS faith and many people confuse this and believe every Mormon today practices polygamy. I think that can be a bad thing with some of the recent things going on with the FLDS and some of its leaders like Warren Jeffs.

The show distinguishes well and paints LDS in a better light.

I've watched it a couple of times. It doesn't hold a flattering light on the church.

Hollywood is well known for showing the worst side of Christianity and "Big Love" is no exception.

Nothing about the show gives me the feeling..."Hey, I wanna join that church!!"

Honest assessment. There is some good the show, but I agree it has the potential to do more damage than good. Still, it did not compare to real News events last year, if you think back. Again, that was not LDS.

I voted for Romney last time, and I didn't like the way McCain and Huckabee Teamed up against Him. Nor did I like the Polarization of the Christian Right against Him. I don't agree with Your Spiritual Beliefs, yet We share common values. It is not a Political Issue for me at all.
A girl in my old high school class became a Mormon back in those dark old ages of my "yute." I discussed Latter Day Saints theology with her a couple of times, but could not pursue it since she was a bit too deeply immersed in it for my taste. She said that part of the religious belief of the Mormons was that we can all ultimately be Gods (or part of the One God?) She wasn't entirely clear on it, and when I learned that it was also a very sexually repressed religion, I ran away.

A couple of other times in my life some "missionaries" came a knockin' at my door to talk about Jesus in the New World.

I lost interest in such chats WAY early.

I cannot buy any part of the Gold Tablets story. Too convienently "lost" for me to give it any credence.

What I know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could thus fill a thimble, well, partly.

What I do know about it, I find unpersuasive.

On the other hand, Mormonism beats the living snot out of Islam which I consider to be a truly vile and depraved religion.

No offense.
No offense taken. To be clear, the Golden Plates were not lost. They were taken. The reason people don't believe the golden plates story is because they don't believe in miracles or they don't believe Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.

There are some more persuasive points of our doctrine if you would care to examine them. But that's neither here nor there.
A girl in my old high school class became a Mormon back in those dark old ages of my "yute." I discussed Latter Day Saints theology with her a couple of times, but could not pursue it since she was a bit too deeply immersed in it for my taste. She said that part of the religious belief of the Mormons was that we can all ultimately be Gods (or part of the One God?) She wasn't entirely clear on it, and when I learned that it was also a very sexually repressed religion, I ran away.

A couple of other times in my life some "missionaries" came a knockin' at my door to talk about Jesus in the New World.

I lost interest in such chats WAY early.

I cannot buy any part of the Gold Tablets story. Too convienently "lost" for me to give it any credence.

What I know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could thus fill a thimble, well, partly.

What I do know about it, I find unpersuasive.

On the other hand, Mormonism beats the living snot out of Islam which I consider to be a truly vile and depraved religion.

No offense.
That's pretty much my take - they seem really repressed, not only sexually, but in just enjoying some simple and harmless things in life.

Although, the Mormons that I have met have all been pretty decent folks. We just had little in common.

I'm not repressed at all.
As DC has no skyline to speak of (altitude regulations for structures), the Mormon temple adds a bit of good spice to driving on the beltway. It's pretty prominent.


My parents were married in that temple.
A girl in my old high school class became a Mormon back in those dark old ages of my "yute." I discussed Latter Day Saints theology with her a couple of times, but could not pursue it since she was a bit too deeply immersed in it for my taste. She said that part of the religious belief of the Mormons was that we can all ultimately be Gods (or part of the One God?) She wasn't entirely clear on it, and when I learned that it was also a very sexually repressed religion, I ran away.

A couple of other times in my life some "missionaries" came a knockin' at my door to talk about Jesus in the New World.

I lost interest in such chats WAY early.

I cannot buy any part of the Gold Tablets story. Too convienently "lost" for me to give it any credence.

What I know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could thus fill a thimble, well, partly.

What I do know about it, I find unpersuasive.

On the other hand, Mormonism beats the living snot out of Islam which I consider to be a truly vile and depraved religion.

No offense.
That's pretty much my take - they seem really repressed, not only sexually, but in just enjoying some simple and harmless things in life.

Although, the Mormons that I have met have all been pretty decent folks. We just had little in common.

I agree. Except when they (like some other prechy religions) come knocking on the door to talk about God with me, I kinda like them.

They tend to be good simple honest warm folks.

Their history is a bit messed up.

But that was then.

They are an adaptable lot.
I'd like to know what group of people has a clean history in your book?
Why would a Christian denomination call its major cathedral a "tabernacle?"

Isn't that more of a Judaic thing?

Tabernacle is an english word:
any place or house of worship, esp. one designed for a large congregation. You think of it as Jewish because that's the english word the King James writers used to describe the Jewish temple.
Why would a Christian denomination call its major cathedral a "tabernacle?"

Isn't that more of a Judaic thing?

I think its a word used for large congregational houses of wordhip...

I'm sure that's it.

I guess maybe the Latter Day Saints were/are a bit NON-AntiSemitic in some ways?

Main Entry: 1tab·er·na·cle
Pronunciation: \ˈta-bər-ˌna-kəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin tabernaculum, from Latin, tent, from taberna hut
Date: 13th century
1 a often capitalized : a tent sanctuary used by the Israelites during the Exodus b archaic : a dwelling place c archaic : a temporary shelter : tent
2 : a receptacle for the consecrated elements of the Eucharist; especially : an ornamental locked box used for reserving the Communion hosts
3 : a house of worship; specifically : a large building or tent used for evangelistic services

— tab·er·nac·u·lar \ˌta-bər-ˈna-kyə-lər\ adjective
tabernacle - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

We're the best friends the Jews ever had, and they don't even know it.
I think its a word used for large congregational houses of wordhip...

I'm sure that's it.

I guess maybe the Latter Day Saints were/are a bit NON-AntiSemitic in some ways?

Main Entry: 1tab·er·na·cle
Pronunciation: \ˈta-bər-ˌna-kəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin tabernaculum, from Latin, tent, from taberna hut
Date: 13th century
1 a often capitalized : a tent sanctuary used by the Israelites during the Exodus b archaic : a dwelling place c archaic : a temporary shelter : tent
2 : a receptacle for the consecrated elements of the Eucharist; especially : an ornamental locked box used for reserving the Communion hosts
3 : a house of worship; specifically : a large building or tent used for evangelistic services

— tab·er·nac·u·lar \ˌta-bər-ˈna-kyə-lər\ adjective
tabernacle - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

We're the best friends the Jews ever had, and they don't even know it.

You are Among The Best Friends The Jew's ever had, and Yes, They seem to miss that one allot.
Miss California.

That's funny.

On an unrelated note, I have some questions for our CJCoLDS (Mormon) buddies:

Has anybody found those missing Gold Tablets yet?

And, when one gets REALLY REALLY hungry, is it still okay to eat your travel companions?

The plates were removed for safekeeping by Moroni the angel. they will be back. We will all get to see them one day.

Dude you crack me up! The Donner Party were not Mormons.

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