The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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12 witnesses? Oh, well. That makes it all credible, then. For there couldn't possibly be any group of 12 folks who have agreed to a fraud.

It's not the fact that there are witnesses that makes it credible. Though it does burn the argument that no one else saw anything. And it does follow the law of witnesses described in the scriptures.

No, what makes it credible is the lives of the actual witnesses.

How many people who know they are part of a fraud are willing to die for it? How many people, after being excommunicated and having a major falling out with the leader of the presumed fraud, will continue to affirm their testimonies that they saw the plates and the Angel till the day they die rather than denounce it?

How many people who know they took part in a fraud will later return after being excommunicated, and submit themselves before the people to be rebaptized despite knowing they will have no position of authority as they once had?

How many people will give up their fortunes to knowingly take part in a fraud with provides no monetary benefit for them?

It's extremely odd behavior if 12 people were in on a conspiracy.

Well, I can tell my tweaking has become offensive.

I like tweaking. But except for Islam, I don't like to be unnecessarily offensive about anyone's religion.

So, I apologize.

I do, however, wish to keep bumping this thread.

It is a great thread.

I certainly didn't mean you. Just that it makes a change to participate in a thread where people don't use agression (me included) to make a point.
Well, I can tell my tweaking has become offensive.

I like tweaking. But except for Islam, I don't like to be unnecessarily offensive about anyone's religion.

So, I apologize.

I do, however, wish to keep bumping this thread.

It is a great thread.

I wasnt offended at all. Quite the opposite. nice to have discussions with respectful people.

So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???
So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???

Eh. ive never watched it so i couldnt tell you. It does promote people asking questions though and I think that usually turns out to be good
So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???

Eh. ive never watched it so i couldnt tell you. It does promote people asking questions though and I think that usually turns out to be good

That's part of the mixed blessing. :):):)
Mitt Romney is yummy.

Good point! For a politician - definitely one of the better looking ones.

And..... an intelligent man. Personally, I think he might make a decent POTUS. I would have given serious thought to voting for Mitt last time around. Economically, probably the smartest of the bunch last time around.

I wonder if he'll run in '12?

He already is.

I wonder what total nonsense about his religion will be repeated as fact this time around?
Mitt Romney is yummy.

Good point! For a politician - definitely one of the better looking ones.

And..... an intelligent man. Personally, I think he might make a decent POTUS. I would have given serious thought to voting for Mitt last time around. Economically, probably the smartest of the bunch last time around.

I wonder if he'll run in '12?

He already is.

I wonder what total nonsense about his religion will be repeated as fact this time around?

Personally, I was very disappointed with the whining about his faith. It is immaterial to me what religion someone chooses to practice.

There was a time when it was thought that a Catholic could never be POTUS.... and then along came JFK.
Good point! For a politician - definitely one of the better looking ones.

And..... an intelligent man. Personally, I think he might make a decent POTUS. I would have given serious thought to voting for Mitt last time around. Economically, probably the smartest of the bunch last time around.

I wonder if he'll run in '12?

He already is.

I wonder what total nonsense about his religion will be repeated as fact this time around?

Personally, I was very disappointed with the whining about his faith. It is immaterial to me what religion someone chooses to practice.

There was a time when it was thought that a Catholic could never be POTUS.... and then along came JFK.

After the Coordinated Political Assassination of of Tom Delay, Romney was My first choice of the field that developed. Now I'd put Him first again, with Huckabee second, I'd love to see a prominent position for Sarah, Cabinet Level minimum.
Well, I can tell my tweaking has become offensive.

I like tweaking. But except for Islam, I don't like to be unnecessarily offensive about anyone's religion.

So, I apologize.

I do, however, wish to keep bumping this thread.

It is a great thread.

I wasnt offended at all. Quite the opposite. nice to have discussions with respectful people.

So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???

The biggest problem I see with the show, although I have never watched it, is that from what I understand it portrays the Fundamentalist LDS faith (FLDS). This is a completely separate sect that broke away from the mainstream LDS faith and many people confuse this and believe every Mormon today practices polygamy. I think that can be a bad thing with some of the recent things going on with the FLDS and some of its leaders like Warren Jeffs.
Continuing a theme from a few posts back:

I don't recall ever meeting ANY Mormon (not even the mormon missionaries who were utterly unable to convince me of anything about their religion) whom I would consider bad people.

Whatever one might think of their religion, I gotta join with those who commend the Mormons as people. There may be some exceptions, but for the most part, judging by the Mormons I have met in my life, they are decent, good people.

Has anybody here ever had a truly negative experience at that hands of a Mormon?
Continuing a theme from a few posts back:

I don't recall ever meeting ANY Mormon (not even the mormon missionaries who were utterly unable to convince me of anything about their religion) whom I would consider bad people.

Whatever one might think of their religion, I gotta join with those who commend the Mormons as people. There may be some exceptions, but for the most part, judging by the Mormons I have met in my life, they are decent, good people.

Has anybody here ever had a truly negative experience at that hands of a Mormon?
Yes, when I wanted some caffeine from a Mormon-run quick store. Don't get between my caffeine and me and expect me to have nice things to say for the next hour.

About Romney, his religion doesn't bother me and it's irrelevant, unless he is some flaming fundie about it. His flip-flopping does bother me, though.
He already is.

I wonder what total nonsense about his religion will be repeated as fact this time around?

Personally, I was very disappointed with the whining about his faith. It is immaterial to me what religion someone chooses to practice.

There was a time when it was thought that a Catholic could never be POTUS.... and then along came JFK.

After the Coordinated Political Assassination of of Tom Delay, Romney was My first choice of the field that developed. Now I'd put Him first again, with Huckabee second, I'd love to see a prominent position for Sarah, Cabinet Level minimum.

Tom got what he deserved (disgraced) and sent back to that sinkhole by Houston.
I wasnt offended at all. Quite the opposite. nice to have discussions with respectful people.

So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???

The biggest problem I see with the show, although I have never watched it, is that from what I understand it portrays the Fundamentalist LDS faith (FLDS). This is a completely separate sect that broke away from the mainstream LDS faith and many people confuse this and believe every Mormon today practices polygamy. I think that can be a bad thing with some of the recent things going on with the FLDS and some of its leaders like Warren Jeffs.

I have known several active LDS families that are plurally married, mostly in Salt Lake but a couple around Denver, too. It doesn't matter at all if the LDS church approves or not. The families certainly consider themselves LDS, and that is what counts.
I guess you could classify me as a Mormon.

I haven't been active for awhile but the church and the way of life are both wholesome and family friendly.

I don't believe in the doctrine......the reason I split from the church was because of what I would call discriminatory practices.

Aside from that....I can think of worse churches to join.
I have known several active LDS families that are plurally married, mostly in Salt Lake but a couple around Denver, too. It doesn't matter at all if the LDS church approves or not. The families certainly consider themselves LDS, and that is what counts.

Why the heck not? i mean why not ignore clear deliniations of who is or is not a member of the Church? i mean that baptism or excommunication is meaningless. As long as you claim it, who cares whether its true or not?

Any member caught engaging in plural marriage would be excommunicated. IE they would no longer be LDS. To pretend otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
I guess you could classify me as a Mormon.

I haven't been active for awhile but the church and the way of life are both wholesome and family friendly.

I don't believe in the doctrine......the reason I split from the church was because of what I would call discriminatory practices.

Aside from that....I can think of worse churches to join.

There are worse??? then us? Seriously? I never would have known that from the way people talk ;)
I wasnt offended at all. Quite the opposite. nice to have discussions with respectful people.

So while We are here getting ready to leave Huggy's Thread in the dust, may I respectfully ask You Your take on "Big Love"? Do You find it helpful or hurtful, or a mixed blessing to LDS???

The biggest problem I see with the show, although I have never watched it, is that from what I understand it portrays the Fundamentalist LDS faith (FLDS). This is a completely separate sect that broke away from the mainstream LDS faith and many people confuse this and believe every Mormon today practices polygamy. I think that can be a bad thing with some of the recent things going on with the FLDS and some of its leaders like Warren Jeffs.

The show distinguishes well and paints LDS in a better light.

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