The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
I'll second that thought!:razz::clap2:Yay Glenn Beck!

The mormons can claim him. He represents well.

He certainly does. He is a good and honorable man. And he is a living testimony to the power of Christ bringing Redemption to the Soul.

He may be a good and honorable man in his personal life, I don't really know. He has learned to make money by spouting extreme and often absurd ideas. In that regard, he is a poor representative of whatever groups he may belong to.
He is a great representative for the far right fringe whinge, a poor example for LDS, I would think. On the positive side, I have heard that he is an absolute hoot to be around, is unaffected, and truly loves the United States.
Hold on a second..

It says your from San Fran, is that correct?

A Mormon living in San Francisco? That's like a Gay guy living in Alabama.

I'm serious.

There's nothing I do that is like a gay doing anything....But I see your point. It's wonderful isn't it. An island unto myself:cool:
I've done some listening to Glen Beck but I wouldn't say I'm a regular listener. What has he said that is so extreme?
The mormons can claim him. He represents well.

He certainly does. He is a good and honorable man. And he is a living testimony to the power of Christ bringing Redemption to the Soul.

He may be a good and honorable man in his personal life, I don't really know. He has learned to make money by spouting extreme and often absurd ideas. In that regard, he is a poor representative of whatever groups he may belong to.

I know........"Extremes & Absurd Ideas" following the U.S. Constitution.........extreme stuff like that..................:clap2:

Skeptic.........Your a real winner...........:clap2:
No, Glenn does not understand the Constitution. He understands John Birch society lunacy. That is the guide to his understanding.
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No, Glenn does not understand the Constitution. He understands John Birch society lunacy. That is the guide to his understanding.

Jake: Respectfully.......

Beck has not misinterpretted constitutional issues, but has been unmercifully attacked by "progressives" of which, our President, most Democrats, and some Republicans fill that title.

As for the John Birch Society comments.........That's a throw-back to the Goldwater days.............Goldwater was accused similarly, but if he had been elected President instead of LBJ, the Vietnam war would have been over in short order, with much less American casualties.
Also: Since you think Beck is spouting incorrect Constitutional diatribe, could you please present some quotes that prove you comment/point?

We have a two paradigms going here in this nation.........a divide even more apparent than ever. We have one side that see's the U.S. Constitution as something to be amended, or is "flexible" to the point of straying so far from the Founding Father's intent that it's ridiculous.

Then you have the other side that believes that the U.S. Constitution is applicable to nowadays as it was 10, 20, 50, 100, 200+ years ago.

Beck falls into this latter category.

Did the John Birch Society propound the over throw of the U.S..?

Core Principles Of The John Birch Society:
Core Principles
To bring about less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.

Preserving Individual Rights & National Independence
"These United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States … We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Declaration of Independence, 1776
The Declaration of Independence established the independence of both the original 13 American colonies and the United States of America that they together formed a decade later.

The Declaration proclaimed that our personal rights come from God, not from government.

The John Birch Society endorses the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. The Society also labors to warn against and expose the forces that seek to abolish U.S. independence, build a world government, or otherwise undermine our personal liberties and national independence.

Restoring the Constitution
"That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed." — Declaration of Independence, 1776
The Constitution of the United States of America instituted the government that secures our God-given rights.

The John Birch Society endorses the U.S. Constitution as the foundation of our national government, and works toward educating and activating Americans to abide by the original intent of the Founding Fathers. We seek to awaken a sleeping and apathetic people concerning the designs of those who are working to destroy our constitutional Republic.

Pretty scarey huh?................:confused:
eightball, Glenn does not understand what progressivism is historically in the American experience, and, respectfully, apparently you do not either. That's OK, because we decides these things by a majority vote, and I am not too worried about the electorate changing its collective will on Glenn and Cleon's conspiracy theory in American political philosophy or history.

Tell me, according to Mr. Welch, who was President Eisenhower's communist 'handler' while he was president?

You will be glad to know that the LDS church apparently considers belonging to the JBS as a first step to apostasy.
Last edited:
He certainly does. He is a good and honorable man. And he is a living testimony to the power of Christ bringing Redemption to the Soul.

He may be a good and honorable man in his personal life, I don't really know. He has learned to make money by spouting extreme and often absurd ideas. In that regard, he is a poor representative of whatever groups he may belong to.

I know........"Extremes & Absurd Ideas" following the U.S. Constitution.........extreme stuff like that..................:clap2:

Skeptic.........Your a real winner...........:clap2:

Right, and like this:

3. "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program,"

4. "The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags." –"The Glenn Beck Program,"

There's a lot more of course. You can look here, or just tune in to Fox whenever he is on. He's right sometimes, but he's good for a laugh sometimes, too.
Truthspeaker 1,214
Avatar4321 384
JakeStarkey 239
froggy 204
sky dancer 195
Eightball 175
Liability 119
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California Girl 54
John Lemmon 49
catzmeow 46
Shogun 41
Intense 36
Christopher 33
TofuDog 30
Zona 26
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mudwhistle 24
Si modo 24
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Sunni Man 20
eots 20
Ralph 20
Arawyn 19
AllieBaba 17
Godboy 17
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Ceasaro 15
strollingbones 15
Dr Grump 15
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necritan 13
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emilynghiem 13
no1tovote4 12
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pare 11
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chanel 9
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jillian 7
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trueblue 7
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wvulax 5
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Dogbert 5
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xsited1 4
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rpfargone 3
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hvacjones 3
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kyzr 3
Screaming Eagle 3
Bearman 3
Said1 3
hansom 2
Dr Gregg 2
midcan5 2
geauxtohell 2
morpheus 2
tha malcontent 2
OregonJayBird 2
nraforlife 2
Douger 2
del 2
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RadiomanATL 2
mskafka 1
Chimera 1
Tony_S 1
1soldier 1
jungulator 1
dilloduck 1
caterpillar 1
Mr Mustard 1
Humongo 1
actsnoblemartin 1
Zoom-boing 1
joeyc 1
Wize Owl 1
Oscar Wao 1
spymaster 1
eagleseven 1
Buster Beez 1
editec 1
Andrew2382 1
Dante 1
BrokenAngel 1
Jesus Christ 1
AquaAthena 1
Steerpike 1
barry1960 1
hoMohammed 1
Soggy in NOLA 1
CommonSensor 1
2Parties 1
ItHappens 1





What's even more impressive is that you took the time to chart all the posts. That's amazing.
eightball, Glenn does not understand what progressivism is historically in the American experience, and, respectfully, apparently you do not either. That's OK, because we decides these things by a majority vote, and I am not too worried about the electorate changing its collective will on Glenn and Cleon's conspiracy theory in American political philosophy or history.

Tell me, according to Mr. Welch, who was President Eisenhower's communist 'handler' while he was president?

You will be glad to know that the LDS church apparently considers belonging to the JBS as a first step to apostasy.

The church, to my knowledge, has no stance on political parties or ideals, much less a specific stance on the John Birch Society.
He may be a good and honorable man in his personal life, I don't really know. He has learned to make money by spouting extreme and often absurd ideas. In that regard, he is a poor representative of whatever groups he may belong to.

I know........"Extremes & Absurd Ideas" following the U.S. Constitution.........extreme stuff like that..................:clap2:

Skeptic.........Your a real winner...........:clap2:

Right, and like this:

3. "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program,"

4. "The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags." –"The Glenn Beck Program,"

There's a lot more of course. You can look here, or just tune in to Fox whenever he is on. He's right sometimes, but he's good for a laugh sometimes, too.

I detect a lot of frustration from those quotes with Glen Beck. I think he thinks we understand what he really means when he says some things. There's a great degree of sarcasm which I think crosses the line, but at the same time I know what point he's trying to make.
but I agree he doesn't have to make such sarcastic comments to get his point across.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion................

In that you would be wrong. The general public understands your false religion quite well and simply refuses to be sucked in by the lies.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion................

In that you would be wrong. The general public understands your false religion quite well and simply refuses to be sucked in by the lies.

Thanks for making his point:)
I detect a lot of frustration from those quotes with Glen Beck. I think he thinks we understand what he really means when he says some things. There's a great degree of sarcasm which I think crosses the line, but at the same time I know what point he's trying to make.
but I agree he doesn't have to make such sarcastic comments to get his point across.

I'm not frustrated by his comments. I'm amused by them. The frustrating thing is that there are so many people who take him seriously.

I really think he says outrageous things in order to get attention. In the news business, attention = money.

He's still behind his mentor, Rush Limbaugh, who just signed a 400 million dollar contract to spout hype and nonsense, but he's no doubt crying all the way to the bank.
I detect a lot of frustration from those quotes with Glen Beck. I think he thinks we understand what he really means when he says some things. There's a great degree of sarcasm which I think crosses the line, but at the same time I know what point he's trying to make.
but I agree he doesn't have to make such sarcastic comments to get his point across.

I'm not frustrated by his comments. I'm amused by them. The frustrating thing is that there are so many people who take him seriously.

I really think he says outrageous things in order to get attention. In the news business, attention = money.

He's still behind his mentor, Rush Limbaugh, who just signed a 400 million dollar contract to spout hype and nonsense, but he's no doubt crying all the way to the bank.

I was talking about frustration from Beck, not from you. He exagerrates on purpose thinking that most people get it. But a lot of times they don't.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion................

In that you would be wrong. The general public understands your false religion quite well and simply refuses to be sucked in by the lies.

Thanks for making his point:)

Sorry friend but I made my own point- The general public understands your false religion quite well and simply refuses to be sucked in by the lies.
I detect a lot of frustration from those quotes with Glen Beck. I think he thinks we understand what he really means when he says some things. There's a great degree of sarcasm which I think crosses the line, but at the same time I know what point he's trying to make.
but I agree he doesn't have to make such sarcastic comments to get his point across.

I'm not frustrated by his comments. I'm amused by them. The frustrating thing is that there are so many people who take him seriously.

I really think he says outrageous things in order to get attention. In the news business, attention = money.

He's still behind his mentor, Rush Limbaugh, who just signed a 400 million dollar contract to spout hype and nonsense, but he's no doubt crying all the way to the bank.

I was talking about frustration from Beck, not from you. He exagerrates on purpose thinking that most people get it. But a lot of times they don't.

I think you're correct that he exaggerates on purpose. I still think he does so for ratings. Even so, he has quite a following of people who take what he says at face value.

But, that's an aside. I'm afraid I'm risking derailing your thread.

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