The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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    Votes: 74 29.7%
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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Eightball, your contention is a possibility, but you can't prove it. Other possibilities exist: JS was delusional, JS had bi-polarism (which is at times characterized by hyper-sexuality), JS was a prophet.

My point here is this: this claim of Smith's in 1832 was a mainstream belief, nothing unusual at all. If he had said this will happen in "April 1862 in the great and spacious bay known as Charleston," then we should all pay closer attention I would admit.

Ok so then we shouldn't pay much attention to prophecies in the Bible because they don't contain specific dates? this is what you are telling us to do!

Sorry, but I don't buy it. None of the Bible prophecies are narrowed down the way you would like them to be by month and year. So I'm going to be a watchful learner and not dismiss the prophecies like a foolish virgin.
Eightball, your contention is a possibility, but you can't prove it. Other possibilities exist: JS was delusional, JS had bi-polarism (which is at times characterized by hyper-sexuality), JS was a prophet.

My point here is this: this claim of Smith's in 1832 was a mainstream belief, nothing unusual at all. If he had said this will happen in "April 1862 in the great and spacious bay known as Charleston," then we should all pay closer attention I would admit.

Beg to differ, Starkey........on one point of your post...........

Joseph Smith meets the total biblical criteria of a "false prophet".

Which would be?........
I have been remiss.

I have failed in my obligation to regularly bump this thread.

Belated bumpage!

I have a question for yu

Why are you bumping this thread? Are you a mormon?

So far, it seems that Truthspeaker is doing fine in mainstreaming Mormonism with his posts. I no longer see them as a bunch of cookie cutters and kids in white shirts and dress slacks riding around on bikes trying to spread the faith.

Now I see them as another group of crazy Christians!! Right up there between the Baptists and the Catholics.

Stop denouncing alcohol, Mormons!!
Some of us need a hard drink every now and then

That's funny. But we won't be able to acquiesce your request. Cheers:beer:
Eightball, your contention is a possibility, but you can't prove it. Other possibilities exist: JS was delusional, JS had bi-polarism (which is at times characterized by hyper-sexuality), JS was a prophet.

My point here is this: this claim of Smith's in 1832 was a mainstream belief, nothing unusual at all. If he had said this will happen in "April 1862 in the great and spacious bay known as Charleston," then we should all pay closer attention I would admit.

Ok so then we shouldn't pay much attention to prophecies in the Bible because they don't contain specific dates? this is what you are telling us to do!

Sorry, but I don't buy it. None of the Bible prophecies are narrowed down the way you would like them to be by month and year. So I'm going to be a watchful learner and not dismiss the prophecies like a foolish virgin.

Nobody carries what you think about this, truthspeaker. You want to defend the prophecy, but you refuse to do so in its historical context, something we are able to do far more clearly in this day and age. Your interp is one of several possibilities, and does not fit the most logical one.
Eightball, your contention is a possibility, but you can't prove it. Other possibilities exist: JS was delusional, JS had bi-polarism (which is at times characterized by hyper-sexuality), JS was a prophet.

My point here is this: this claim of Smith's in 1832 was a mainstream belief, nothing unusual at all. If he had said this will happen in "April 1862 in the great and spacious bay known as Charleston," then we should all pay closer attention I would admit.

Ok so then we shouldn't pay much attention to prophecies in the Bible because they don't contain specific dates? this is what you are telling us to do!

Sorry, but I don't buy it. None of the Bible prophecies are narrowed down the way you would like them to be by month and year. So I'm going to be a watchful learner and not dismiss the prophecies like a foolish virgin.

Nobody carries what you think about this, truthspeaker. You want to defend the prophecy, but you refuse to do so in its historical context, something we are able to do far more clearly in this day and age. Your interp is one of several possibilities, and does not fit the most logical one.

Of course we disagree, but that's ok.

I think the historical context in which I view the prophecy was right on. But I think it's irrelevant anyway because of how far in advance he predicted it and what great detail he described about the events and how they would happen.
Thanks, Truth, for ignoring my poor spirit on this one. I believe you are wrong because of your faith leaning, not because you less than honest from whence you reason.

I will point out that many thought it would begin in 1832 or the next year, and almost everyone believed it would be the clowns from South Kackalacky that would start it.

My contention is this: JS can claim no exclusivity to his prediction.
GB is a LDS convert, who found a way to redirect his alcoholic dependency from self-destruction to self-realization. That's great, in my book. Unfortunately, along the way, he found Cleon Skousen and the John Birch Society, pathways that I have been told lead to apostasy from Mormonism.
Hold on a second..

It says your from San Fran, is that correct?

A Mormon living in San Francisco? That's like a Gay guy living in Alabama.

I'm serious.
Thanks, Truth, for ignoring my poor spirit on this one. I believe you are wrong because of your faith leaning, not because you less than honest from whence you reason.

I will point out that many thought it would begin in 1832 or the next year, and almost everyone believed it would be the clowns from South Kackalacky that would start it.

My contention is this: JS can claim no exclusivity to his prediction.

Which, of course, was never claimed until after the prophecy was fulfilled in exactness.

Funny how the story changes from "No way it will happen" to "Everyone knew it would happen" when it actually does.
Thanks, Truth, for ignoring my poor spirit on this one. I believe you are wrong because of your faith leaning, not because you less than honest from whence you reason.

I will point out that many thought it would begin in 1832 or the next year, and almost everyone believed it would be the clowns from South Kackalacky that would start it.

My contention is this: JS can claim no exclusivity to his prediction.

Which, of course, was never claimed until after the prophecy was fulfilled in exactness.

Funny how the story changes from "No way it will happen" to "Everyone knew it would happen" when it actually does.

No one ever claimed such a thing, Avatar4321, as far as I know, but if you have "No way it will happen" I am willing to see the evidence.

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