The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Hister, I say this gently but firmly: you are inconsistent in your statements.

No one cares what you believe or not believe about religion.

You questions were generously answered, and you kept raising the bar.

Please be honest with yourself as well as with us.
You are the goober, Hister, because you could not stay consistent.

That's what bias such as your does, buddy: it outs you.
That is a very good description of yourself, Hister.

Please come out and play with us anytime.
Hister, you want to play, you have to pay. If you are nice instead of being silly, then your feelings don't get hurt.
I love it how Jake, a vocal non-mormon, is somehow representative of what is allowed or not allowed in Mormonism.

Though to be faired. God gives us free will so we can choose what we want to do. We can listen to Him or not. If we chose to ignore God, it really doesn't mean God is somehow wrong. It just means we won't get the blessings we otherwise could have recieved for following the Lord.

It always bothers me when people say I can't do something. Because I've made the choice voluntarily. I believe in Christ because of my experiences with Him. I believe the Book of Mormon because God has revealed to me that it's true and I've seen the good that comes from it. I believe the Bible for the same reasons.

God is active in the world. And I've seen Him act in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You might not believe me. Honestly, I completely understand that. We've had different experiences. It would be foolish to think we all have the same experiences to judge by. All I can do is offer to lift you up. All I can do is share what I've experienced and invite you or anyone else to read the Book of Mormon for themselves and take the challenge God has given to read it and ask Him whether it's true or not. After that it's between you and God.

I think God wants us to share who we are, even if we differ. He wants us to lift up one another. And if I can't persuade you that my way is better, than I want to lift you up in your way. I want you to be closer to God, even if we disagree on theology. I want to be friends, though I readily admit, my behavior isn't condusive to that all the time.

I didn't intend this post to be long. Hope I didn't bore too much:)
Hister, you are not making sense. The Mormons also rely on person to person testimony, so, yes, the illiterate also have a chance with Mormonism to hear the word.

Why are you trolling the LDS. Were you excommunicated? Did you commit adultery?
Do you have to be somewhat of a retard to be a mormon? It's not like anyone of them has ever split the atom or anything...

My mission president invented Teflon. So think of us whenever you are flipping your eggs in your non-stick pans.
Geez, I was just asking if there were any inventor or discoverers of anything from the mormon crowd. Sounds like a simple enough question. You 'tards are all defensive because you're frustrated that there are none, ok, maybe ONE guy who may have helped in the development of the tv. So you attack me. Mormons and their supporters sure are a mature crowd.

ok mister maturity,
nobody here is frustrated. We're just wondering why you are putting yourself through this embarrasing expose of your personality disorder.
Of course they can find God. The Lord blessings the efforts we make to find Him.

And those who can't read can be taught. And I hope they are.

If some mormons marry several wives, there can't be enough girls to go around. What do all the single guys do? Turn gay?

The issue hasn't really ever come up.

Now you're just playing (?) dumb. Last year there was a National Geographic issue that talked about that and said that a lot of the young single males were forced out of the polygamy community, so they wouldn't be a problem.
Not playing dumb. They aren't Mormons.

I suppose all Jews are responsible for what Christians do?

Or all Catholics are responsible for what Protestants do?

Are Hindu's responsible for what Buddhists do?
The Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints are, regardless of Avatar alleges, of course Mormon. The LDS have tried to corral the title "Mormon" and the courts shot that down. A "Mormon" is any person who follows Joseph Smith as a prophet of the restoration and believes that the Book of Mormon as true, revealed scripture. To suggest one denomination in Mormonism are the only "Mormons" makes reason stare and is simply not supported by the professional occupations in the U.S.
Av, so people who can't read can't find your god?

Of course they can find God. The Lord blessings the efforts we make to find Him.

And those who can't read can be taught. And I hope they are.

If some mormons marry several wives, there can't be enough girls to go around. What do all the single guys do? Turn gay?

The Church does not recognize plural marriages and has not since about 1890. You get kicked out if you have multiple wives.

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