The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Both U.S. Senators, all three U.S. House representatives, and the Governor are Mormon. Somewhere near 80% of the elected officials in Utah are Mormon. Moreover, in the recent election, there were only five counties in Utah that gave Bush 60% or less of the vote, all of which were one of the only six counties in the state to have LDS populations less than 55%. Similarly, of the seven Utah counties with an LDS population of 75% and up, Bush won by more than 85% in six of them. The state functions within the parameters laid out by the LDS leadership and any deviation from LDS norms is harshly criticized by the huge number of active church members. When 62.4% of the population have the same general opinion on an issue and claim to know that it is God’s will, the opposition can either go with the flow, which many do, or keep a low profile and bow out of politics altogether. | Leaving Utah
On the lighter side, but it shows a lot, like why us 'non-believers' have problems with both the BoM AND the bible, though it only mentions one it's the same concept. Also it shows the truly good part of the Mormon religion, the part that id being ruined by many of the newest members and narrow minded ones like FalseSpeaker.

All about the Mormons? - 712 - Watch - South Park Zone

(Warning thread hijack, the bishop said it was ok but just this once) go look at your present from me on the give someone from this board a present thread:razz:
I believe it.:clap2:

So far, three women posters have called you on your flirting. What's up with that?

This is hilarious. I swear that anytime a guy is talking to a woman, he is in danger of being considered a flirt or a sexual harrassment case waiting to happen. My avatar has me smiling, maybe they think I am smiling at them. Plus, 2 of the candidates are animals, not my type if you have listned to any of my bestiality comments, so those aren't turn ons. the other is a pair of legs, with no face attached and named after a cat.
Next you'll probably think I am flirting with you. Talk about the odd couple.:lol:
The ultimate goal of the church, as stated publicly by its early leaders Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (but not mentioned so publicly by more recent Mormon leaders), is to establish the Mormon Kingdom of God in America,and to govern the world as God's appointed representatives. The church is already influential in the making of secular policy, as was proven not so long ago when the Equal Rights Amendment was defeated with decisive help from the Mormon church.
Why I Left the Mormon Church

Ahah! you have finally spoken a truth about our teachings. However, you have slightly, and I do seriously mean slightly, misunderstood the meaning of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the church of God, and all followers are subjects to the King of Heaven. We have talked about this pretty much every sunday in church. To grow the Kingdom of God is to grow the membership of the Church.
However, Christ will not take over the physical government of the whole world until the 1000 year period called the Millenium following Christs return. It's not like we were planning a government take over. At least not until Christ comes back and burns the earth with fire.... That is one of our "wild and crazy" doctrines. But I believe it whole heartedly.:eusa_angel:
You didn't read the article I posted. Young denied involvement because he wasn't involved. It was 2 days before he got the message when it had already happened. It wasn't like he got an IM on his cell phone and could respond right away. Read the article. It is the correct history, it is on the church's official website, I don't know how you can say we don't teach about it.

Please dont read into my questions to you.

I never said they dont teach about it.

I asked you what they teach the average Morman about this history.
I have run into many who know nothing about the history.

Investigations and prosecutions
Main article: Investigations and prosecutions relating to the Mountain Meadows massacre
Historians still question the role that local Cedar City Mormon church officials played in ordering the massacre and Young's concealment of evidence in its aftermath.[37]Young's use of inflammatory and violent language[38] in response to the Federal expedition added to the tense atmosphere at the time of the attack. After the massacre, Young stated in public forums that God had taken vengeance on the Fancher party. [39] It is unclear whether Young held this view because he believed that this specific group posed an actual threat to colonists or because he believed that the group was directly responsible for past crimes against Mormons. According to historian MacKinnon, "After the [Utah] war, U.S. President James Buchanan implied that face-to-face communications with Brigham Young might have averted the conflict, and Young argued that a north-south telegraph line in Utah could have prevented the Mountain Meadows Massacre."[40] MacKinnon suggests that hostilities could have been avoided if Young had traveled east to Washington D.C. to resolve governmental problems instead of taking a five week trip north on the eve of the Utah War for church related reasons.[41]
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Ahah! you have finally spoken a truth about our teachings. However, you have slightly, and I do seriously mean slightly, misunderstood the meaning of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the church of God, and all followers are subjects to the King of Heaven. We have talked about this pretty much every sunday in church. To grow the Kingdom of God is to grow the membership of the Church.
However, Christ will not take over the physical government of the whole world until the 1000 year period called the Millenium following Christs return. It's not like we were planning a government take over. At least not until Christ comes back and burns the earth with fire.... That is one of our "wild and crazy" doctrines. But I believe it whole heartedly.:eusa_angel:

I'm sure you do. You post on this forum with a proselytizing agenda.
The Mormon Church owns a for-profit corporate empire worth at least $11 billion. One of the church’s highest-profile companies is a broadcast network that includes mainstream radio stations in eight markets, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Seattle, Phoenix, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Salt Lake City. The church also owns the NBC television affiliate in Salt Lake City, KSL, Channel 5.
In its campaign against gay marriage, the Mormon Church, through its members, donated up to 70 percent of the funding for California’s Proposition 8, which passed last Tuesday by 52 percent to 48 percent.

The top beef ranch in the world is not the King Ranch in Texas. It is the Deseret Cattle & Citrus Ranch outside Orlando, Fla. It covers 312,000 acres; its value as real estate alone is estimated at $858 million. It is owned entirely by the Mormons. The largest producer of nuts in America, AgReserves, Inc., in Salt Lake City, is Mormon-owned. So are the Bonneville International Corp., the country’s 14th largest radio chain, and the Beneficial Life Insurance Co., with assets of $1.6 billion…

All told, TIME estimates that the Latter-day Saints farmland and financial investments total some $11 billion, and that the church’s nontithe income from its investments exceeds $600 million.

Pensito Review » Mormon Church Owns Mainstream Radio Stations in 8 Top Markets

In Seattle, the Mormon Church owns the right wing talk radio station, which it has branded “The Truth.” That just about says it all, doesn’t it?
And yet he will not realize that this is what makes him lose all credibility.

I agree. Proselytizing makes him lose credibility as well as his continuous insults of other posters and his refusal to address any of the questions we have raised.
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The Mormon Church owns a for-profit corporate empire worth at least $11 billion. One of the church’s highest-profile companies is a broadcast network that includes mainstream radio stations in eight markets, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Seattle, Phoenix, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Salt Lake City. The church also owns the NBC television affiliate in Salt Lake City, KSL, Channel 5.
In its campaign against gay marriage, the Mormon Church, through its members, donated up to 70 percent of the funding for California’s Proposition 8, which passed last Tuesday by 52 percent to 48 percent.

The top beef ranch in the world is not the King Ranch in Texas. It is the Deseret Cattle & Citrus Ranch outside Orlando, Fla. It covers 312,000 acres; its value as real estate alone is estimated at $858 million. It is owned entirely by the Mormons. The largest producer of nuts in America, AgReserves, Inc., in Salt Lake City, is Mormon-owned. So are the Bonneville International Corp., the country’s 14th largest radio chain, and the Beneficial Life Insurance Co., with assets of $1.6 billion…

All told, TIME estimates that the Latter-day Saints farmland and financial investments total some $11 billion, and that the church’s nontithe income from its investments exceeds $600 million.

Pensito Review » Mormon Church Owns Mainstream Radio Stations in 8 Top Markets

In Seattle, the Mormon Church owns the right wing talk radio station, which it has branded “The Truth.” That just about says it all, doesn’t it?

A little side note related to this particular post:

The LDS church owns Burger King.
Both U.S. Senators, all three U.S. House representatives, and the Governor are Mormon. Somewhere near 80% of the elected officials in Utah are Mormon. Moreover, in the recent election, there were only five counties in Utah that gave Bush 60% or less of the vote, all of which were one of the only six counties in the state to have LDS populations less than 55%. Similarly, of the seven Utah counties with an LDS population of 75% and up, Bush won by more than 85% in six of them. The state functions within the parameters laid out by the LDS leadership and any deviation from LDS norms is harshly criticized by the huge number of active church members. When 62.4% of the population have the same general opinion on an issue and claim to know that it is God’s will, the opposition can either go with the flow, which many do, or keep a low profile and bow out of politics altogether. | Leaving Utah

I don't know what is so wrong with that. That's politics. Try debating politics with people in Iraq, or San Francisco and having an opinion that disagrees with the norm. Same thing.By the way :offtopic:
<snip> Number one reason why, is because of obedience, nothing else really matters after that but we can all see the negative effects of these substances on our bodies.

Obediance to whom? God, the current President, a specific commandment? Please elaborate.

We believe the body to be sacred and so anything that makes us lose control of or sustain damage to our bodies is against the will of God. The same goes for poor diet. A lot of people are not living the word of wisdom just because they abstain from those substances. There is an entire code of health that is involved with the revelation found in Doctrine and Covenants Section 88. It is a very interesting chapter.

Interesting. Does this mean that the obese (due to lifestyle as opposed to medical reasons) are in violation of doctrine?
Obediance to whom? God, the current President, a specific commandment? Please elaborate.

Interesting. Does this mean that the obese (due to lifestyle as opposed to medical reasons) are in violation of doctrine?

Thus one of the many hypocracies that made me leave the church.

As a matter of fact the answer is yes. The prophets of the church do not agree with this but most of the followers now do not discern the difference between what is needed or uncontrollable and what is truly a sin.
Please dont read into my questions to you.

I never said they dont teach about it.

I asked you what they teach the average Morman about this history.
I have run into many who know nothing about the history.

Mountain Meadows massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Investigations and prosecutions
Main article: Investigations and prosecutions relating to the Mountain Meadows massacre
Historians still question the role that local Cedar City Mormon church officials played in ordering the massacre and Young's concealment of evidence in its aftermath.[37]Young's use of inflammatory and violent language[38] in response to the Federal expedition added to the tense atmosphere at the time of the attack. After the massacre, Young stated in public forums that God had taken vengeance on the Fancher party. [39] It is unclear whether Young held this view because he believed that this specific group posed an actual threat to colonists or because he believed that the group was directly responsible for past crimes against Mormons. According to historian MacKinnon, "After the [Utah] war, U.S. President James Buchanan implied that face-to-face communications with Brigham Young might have averted the conflict, and Young argued that a north-south telegraph line in Utah could have prevented the Mountain Meadows Massacre."[40] MacKinnon suggests that hostilities could have been avoided if Young had traveled east to Washington D.C. to resolve governmental problems instead of taking a five week trip north on the eve of the Utah War for church related reasons.[41]

The article I posted is what I believe happened. Anything past this information is a he said she said.
A survey of ex-Mormons by Mister Poll asked participants to "Please indicate up to 7 main reasons why you finally decided to leave the church." The most common results, sorted by percentages, were:

General disbelief of Joseph Smith as a chosen prophet (6%)
General disbelief of the Book of Mormon (5%)
Emphasis on blind faith / Obedience to church leaders (5%)
Found more peace outside the religion (4%)
General mindset of the fanatics of the LDS religion (4%)
LDS/religious logical fallacies/manipulations (3%)
Cult-like temple ceremonies (3%)
Book of Abraham (3%)
Character of Joseph Smith (3%)
Desire to uphold personal ethics (3%)
LDS stand vs. intellectuals (2%)
Brigham Young's teachings (i.e. blood atonement, race, etc) (2%)
Polygamy (2%)
LDS vs. feminist views (2%)
Book of Mormon archaeology (2%)
LDS stand on gay issues (2%)
Fatigue/ depression (2%)
Racial issues (2%)
Unanswered prayers about LDS "truth" (2%)
General dissatisfaction with apologetic (church scholars) answers (2%). 1
Reasons Ex-Mormons give for leaving the LDS Church

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