The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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    Votes: 74 29.7%
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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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The article I posted is what I believe happened. Anything past this information is a he said she said.

The article you posted is "he said she said" as well, only those who are not directly involved in an incident and have no stake in one side or the other can give a truly accurate accounting. I would trust the police on a matter long before anyone else.
I'm sure you do. You post on this forum with a proselytizing agenda.

If people decide to join our church because of the information I give them, that is great, but not the point of my thread. They don't have to believe what i am saying.
:offtopic: but true. Just about all of us have been told to question authority by all of our prophets.Your point?

First, it's right on topic, The Truth About Mormons, you should be happy I am trying to steer it back instead of continuing the line of insult throwing that you also seem to wish to continue.

Second, the point is that makes all your statements about NOT questioning the authority of the church completely FALSE, and therefore a lie. It is a strategy to defend ones religion that the church does NOT condone, but so many of you neo-mormons keep using it, saying that the prophets say it's like this so it is, well, the prophets also told everyone to question even them.
If people decide to join our church because of the information I give them, that is great, but not the point of my thread. They don't have to believe what i am saying.

That's a lie. For what its worth, you have every right to proselytize. Just be honest enough to admit that's what you're doing.

Tell the truth. You bragged about proselytizing for two years in South Africa in your OP. Mormons are into proselytizing.
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That's a lie. For what its worth, you have every right to proselytize. Just be honest enough to admit that's what you're doing.

Tell the truth. You bragged about proselytizing for two years in South Africa in your OP. Mormons are into proselytizing.

All youth are suppose to become missionaries, and those missionaries do nothing but preach. It is the foundation of fooling people into the church.
Right Kitten--

And Mr 'Truthspeaker' isn't even honest enough to admit his agenda. I belong to a couple other forums. On one in particular, I am friends with a Mormon. I have great respect for him, and he respects me. We share information about our spiritual paths with an eye for finding common ground.

He is a more mature poster than 'truthspeaker'.
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And yet he will not realize that this is what makes him lose all credibility.

Why do you think I am proselytizing? Because I am educating people about our religion? Are you starting to become convinced? When did I start asking for names and birthdays and tithing slips? Did I pass around a plate? Did I ask anyone to get baptized?
I just want to spread knowledge about us so people can have the right information to make up their own mind. I know some of the stuff we believe in is hard to believe, but I am not here to debate or apologize for it. It's great if someone decides to join as a result of correct information about us, but I really care about truth. You haven't pointed out one instance where I lied and irrefutably threw down your attack. I didn't come here to fight though. I only came here to discuss. But if you are constantly drawing your sword, I have to defend myself with the sword of Truth, and it cuts, and oh how deep, because if it didn't, you would have dismissed me as a wacko and left by now. But you give me credibility by fighting me, for as Joseph Smith said about anti-Mormons in the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, "Those who leave the teachings of Christ are consigned and feel compelled to fight against it, because of the power that Satan hath got over them, to blind their eyes and close their minds, because they WILL not see."

Thank you for fulfilling prophecy.:bowdown:
Right Kitten--

And Mr 'Truthspeaker' isn't even honest enough to admit his agenda. I belong to a couple other forums. On one in particular, I am friends with a Mormon. I have great respect for him, and he respects me. We share information about our spiritual paths with an eye for finding common ground.

He is a more mature poster than 'truthspeaker'.

One of the greatest teachings that are taught to youth in Sunday school is that even the Mormons are not certain theirs is the one true religion and that no one of other religious beliefs should ever be attacked or excluded for those beliefs. Though lately this has changed because of the self hating members like Truthspeaker, they let their selfish and arrogant need to belong control their ideals instead of their ideals controlling the arrogance and selfishness like we were taught. They actually told their children that you should learn all you can about all religions before choosing, but that you had to honor your parents wishes until your were of the age of consent for your culture.
The Mormon Church owns a for-profit corporate empire worth at least $11 billion. One of the church’s highest-profile companies is a broadcast network that includes mainstream radio stations in eight markets, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Seattle, Phoenix, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Salt Lake City. The church also owns the NBC television affiliate in Salt Lake City, KSL, Channel 5.
In its campaign against gay marriage, the Mormon Church, through its members, donated up to 70 percent of the funding for California’s Proposition 8, which passed last Tuesday by 52 percent to 48 percent.

The top beef ranch in the world is not the King Ranch in Texas. It is the Deseret Cattle & Citrus Ranch outside Orlando, Fla. It covers 312,000 acres; its value as real estate alone is estimated at $858 million. It is owned entirely by the Mormons. The largest producer of nuts in America, AgReserves, Inc., in Salt Lake City, is Mormon-owned. So are the Bonneville International Corp., the country’s 14th largest radio chain, and the Beneficial Life Insurance Co., with assets of $1.6 billion…

All told, TIME estimates that the Latter-day Saints farmland and financial investments total some $11 billion, and that the church’s nontithe income from its investments exceeds $600 million.

Pensito Review » Mormon Church Owns Mainstream Radio Stations in 8 Top Markets

In Seattle, the Mormon Church owns the right wing talk radio station, which it has branded “The Truth.” That just about says it all, doesn’t it?

Fantastic Post, all of that is great news! What are you joining our side now?
Mormons are into proselytizing. Admit it. It's an obvious truth.

You're a Mormon who want to establish himself as 'Mr Mormon' at this forum.
Why do you think I am proselytizing? Because I am educating people about our religion? Are you starting to become convinced? When did I start asking for names and birthdays and tithing slips? Did I pass around a plate? Did I ask anyone to get baptized?
I just want to spread knowledge about us so people can have the right information to make up their own mind. I know some of the stuff we believe in is hard to believe, but I am not here to debate or apologize for it. It's great if someone decides to join as a result of correct information about us, but I really care about truth. You haven't pointed out one instance where I lied and irrefutably threw down your attack. I didn't come here to fight though. I only came here to discuss. But if you are constantly drawing your sword, I have to defend myself with the sword of Truth, and it cuts, and oh how deep, because if it didn't, you would have dismissed me as a wacko and left by now. But you give me credibility by fighting me, for as Joseph Smith said about anti-Mormons in the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, "Those who leave the teachings of Christ are consigned and feel compelled to fight against it, because of the power that Satan hath got over them, to blind their eyes and close their minds, because they WILL not see."

Thank you for fulfilling prophecy.:bowdown:

Oh yeah, assumptions now, you actually think I am ANTI-mormon just because I correct YOU? That's really funny. That only betrays your arrogance.
One of the greatest teachings that are taught to youth in Sunday school is that even the Mormons are not certain theirs is the one true religion and that no one of other religious beliefs should ever be attacked or excluded for those beliefs. Though lately this has changed because of the self hating members like Truthspeaker, they let their selfish and arrogant need to belong control their ideals instead of their ideals controlling the arrogance and selfishness like we were taught. They actually told their children that you should learn all you can about all religions before choosing, but that you had to honor your parents wishes until your were of the age of consent for your culture.

That's certainly a different tale then 'truth' speaker tells.
Fantastic Post, all of that is great news! What are you joining our side now?

I wasn't aware we were on opposite sides. I have respect for Mormon worldly achievements. I have respect for some Mormons, because they demonstrate positive qualities and are good citizens.

The teachings spiritually don't offer much. I have met a few Mormons who I love debating with.
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That's a lie. For what its worth, you have every right to proselytize. Just be honest enough to admit that's what you're doing.

Tell the truth. You bragged about proselytizing for two years in South Africa in your OP. Mormons are into proselytizing.

You are right about one thing and wrong about another. See definition of Proselytize: to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte; recruit.
I have twisted no arms, forced my religion on others, at times defended my religion and certainly have not recruited anyone as you can see.

You are wrong about that

You are right that we love proselytizing, we have over 30,000 missionaries who serve full time, of which I was one as you correctly ascertained. When I proselytized, I knocked on doors, talked to strangers in the street, and asked for referrals from members 24 hours a day for 2 years. I know proselytizing, and this ain't it.
Bah! Do you ever retain more than fragments? I have said it many times, and a couple in this thread as well. I HATE repeating myself almost as much as I HATE liars.

forgive me if I forgot. Jeez, you are entirely incapable of having a friendly discussion aren't you?
Now here's a real Truthspeaker!

Lateef the Truthspeaker (born Lateef Daumont in Oakland, California) also known as The Truthspeaker or simply Lateef, is a hip-hop artist who is part of the groups Latyrx (with Lyrics Born) and Maroons AKA Lateef and the Chief (with Blackalicious' Chief Xcel). He was one of the founding members of the Solesides collective, which became Quannum Projects.[1]

He was raised in East Oakland, where his father was security detail for the Black Panthers. His mother was a Panther medic, who was a roommate and political associate of Angela Davis. [1]

Lateef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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