The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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now Here's A Real Truthspeaker!

lateef The Truthspeaker (born Lateef Daumont In Oakland, California) Also Known As The Truthspeaker Or Simply Lateef, Is A Hip-hop Artist Who Is Part Of The Groups Latyrx (with Lyrics Born) And Maroons Aka Lateef And The Chief (with Blackalicious' Chief Xcel). He Was One Of The Founding Members Of The Solesides Collective, Which Became Quannum Projects.[1]

He Was Raised In East Oakland, Where His Father Was Security Detail For The Black Panthers. His Mother Was A Panther Medic, Who Was A Roommate And Political Associate Of Angela Davis. [1]

lateef - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

One of the greatest teachings that are taught to youth in Sunday school is that even the Mormons are not certain theirs is the one true religion and that no one of other religious beliefs should ever be attacked or excluded for those beliefs. Though lately this has changed because of the self hating members like Truthspeaker, they let their selfish and arrogant need to belong control their ideals instead of their ideals controlling the arrogance and selfishness like we were taught. They actually told their children that you should learn all you can about all religions before choosing, but that you had to honor your parents wishes until your were of the age of consent for your culture.

Truly you have a dizzying intellect. Actually, I go to church every Sunday, and we do claim that we have the full, restored Gospel of Christ. We do teach respect for all religions and never to hate others but to study all we can to find truth in every religion and focus on the good in people and religions, not the bad. We don't launch smear campaigns against other faiths like you have launched against me. I could, but I refuse, as it is un-Christlike.
You are right about one thing and wrong about another. See definition of Proselytize: to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte; recruit.
I have twisted no arms, forced my religion on others, at times defended my religion and certainly have not recruited anyone as you can see.

You are wrong about that

You are right that we love proselytizing, we have over 30,000 missionaries who serve full time, of which I was one as you correctly ascertained. When I proselytized, I knocked on doors, talked to strangers in the street, and asked for referrals from members 24 hours a day for 2 years. I know proselytizing, and this ain't it.

The Truth About Mormons--

That's the topic here. The truth is that you became a member and introduced yourself as 'The Mormon Guy" and gave yourself the exalted title of "Truth Speaker".

You have done nothing but push Mormonism since your first post.
Mormonism and the Question of Truth
by Latayne C. Scott

from the Christian Research Journal, Summer 1992, page 24. The Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research Journal is Elliot Miller.


The Mormon concept of, and approach to, the subject of truth is radically different from that of the Bible in at least nine ways. A Mormon sees truth as (1) constantly changing, (2) as going, in culture and practice, far beyond written doctrine, (3) as determined by subjective feelings, and (4) as often divorced from its history. (5) The Mormon approach to truth is compromised by a heritage of deception as practiced by leaders from founder Joseph Smith to today's Elder Paul Dunn. In addition, (6) truth to a Mormon is "layered" in the way that it is presented to prospective converts. And (7) the Church itself routinely edits both its own history and doctrine to make it seem consistent and palatable. In practice, therefore, (8) truth often yields to what the Church views as expedient. In the final analysis, (9) the Mormon concept of truth depends upon the character of its god, who as defined by LDS doctrine is constantly changing and himself ultimately human in nature.

The most basic Mormon statement of faith, known as "bearing your testimony," is taught to young children to repeat from their first chance to speak in a "fast and testimony meeting" until their dying day. It consists of a very simple yet psychologically potent affirmation: "I know the Church is true."

CRI Journal - CRJ0110A
That's certainly a different tale then 'truth' speaker tells.

As I said, many have fallen from the true path of what the church stood for, but some still hold true to it, most live in Utah still but there are a few in other places. My grandfather on my mothers side is in AZ, and he will always be one of the best Mormons I have known, a Bishop as well, retired after many years of dealing with morons who think it's "their way or the highway" and grew tired of seeing the so many in the church fail so badly. So now he only attends the major gatherings and goes to the temple in Utah, but that is actually a good thing to the churches teachings. One of the prophets once spoke to our congregation when I was young and still going, he said one thing that convinced me there was too much wrong with most of the members, "A church is not a building, it is not a town, or a city, god made his church in the forest." Taken from the Joseph Smith legend but still very hard hitting. A building he said is made by the hands of man, and therefore not a true church. While their god may visit, he lives in his own world, the trees and forests of the land he created himself. I loved that part a lot and even remember that one speech well.

When I was young I became a speaker, often speaking in front of the congregation because most really loved my interpretations of the scriptures. I had a way with words and stories to make even the most tragic events seem pretty. I am still very poetic but not so much a people person, I hate large crowds now. I am also long winded as shown by this post. Always have an opinion and insight that many do not see until faced with it. My grandfather hoped I would one day lead many back into the true gospels, but I just couldn't see the reason. Let them fail on their own, they only have themselves to blame. I found a new path in more ancient texts, older scriptures that even the Mormons recognize as being saintly in origin, odd for a christian cult but then they are ... well were, more open to knowledge and wisdom when I was young than they are today.
Obediance to whom? God, the current President, a specific commandment? Please elaborate.

Interesting. Does this mean that the obese (due to lifestyle as opposed to medical reasons) are in violation of doctrine?

First, obedience to God is my answer.

2nd, it could be yes or no, depending on if the person knows they are damaging their body or not. If someone knows about the word of wisdom and fights against it by destroying their body and becoming addicted to fast foods or any substance then they are giving up their control and not excercising the body which God gave them. If this is the case. Then yes. If they are ignorant of health and the word of wisdom, they are not sinning, an ignorant transgression that is not punishable.
You cannot believe a word 'truthspeaker' says. Not one word.
A survey of ex-Mormons by Mister Poll asked participants to "Please indicate up to 7 main reasons why you finally decided to leave the church." The most common results, sorted by percentages, were:

General disbelief of Joseph Smith as a chosen prophet (6%)
General disbelief of the Book of Mormon (5%)
Emphasis on blind faith / Obedience to church leaders (5%)
Found more peace outside the religion (4%)
General mindset of the fanatics of the LDS religion (4%)
LDS/religious logical fallacies/manipulations (3%)
Cult-like temple ceremonies (3%)
Book of Abraham (3%)
Character of Joseph Smith (3%)
Desire to uphold personal ethics (3%)
LDS stand vs. intellectuals (2%)
Brigham Young's teachings (i.e. blood atonement, race, etc) (2%)
Polygamy (2%)
LDS vs. feminist views (2%)
Book of Mormon archaeology (2%)
LDS stand on gay issues (2%)
Fatigue/ depression (2%)
Racial issues (2%)
Unanswered prayers about LDS "truth" (2%)
General dissatisfaction with apologetic (church scholars) answers (2%). 1
Reasons Ex-Mormons give for leaving the LDS Church

Actually I sincerely applaud you for this post.:clap2: Now you are getting at the real reasons people leave the church. Interpretation of the issues is now a strong reason for why I believe IN the church. People JOIN for the exact same reasons in the reciprocal response.
First, obedience to God is my answer.

2nd, it could be yes or no, depending on if the person knows they are damaging their body or not. If someone knows about the word of wisdom and fights against it by destroying their body and becoming addicted to fast foods or any substance then they are giving up their control and not excercising the body which God gave them. If this is the case. Then yes. If they are ignorant of health and the word of wisdom, they are not sinning, an ignorant transgression that is not punishable.

Now, time for old school Mormon logic to take it's front seat. THAT is why the Mormon church has never done ANYTHING against gay men and women, because they are ignorant of the transgression. Of course the modern ones don't remember that unless it's convenient, such as defending their own lies or attacks on others. Though I know it's off topic, but it is the reason all the Mormons who are trying to lie about the gay marriages are completely WRONG and breaking their own laws. They WILL be punished for their own sins though, but this is the most current and probably best example of such folly.
You believe in the Church because you've been indoctrinated. Clearly, your posts do not indicate that your demonstrate much ability to self-reflect or to have independent thinking.

What spiritual qualities do you think you have Truthspeaker?

The Church is not the truth. The truth is the truth.
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You believe because you've been indoctrinated. Clearly, your posts do not indicate that your demonstrate much ability to self-reflect or to have independent thinking.

What spiritual qualities do you think you have Truthspeaker?

Better: Ask him what his priesthood blessing said he has.
Mormons are into proselytizing. Admit it. It's an obvious truth.

You're a Mormon who want to establish himself as 'Mr Mormon' at this forum.

I came out immediately and said in the introduction forum "Hey, I'm the Mormon Guy" I don't know what's more "Mr. Mormon" than that. Guilty as charged:eusa_angel:

Apparently, you aren't reading my posts again. Here I will copy and paste my previous response:
Why do you think I am proselytizing? Because I am educating people about our religion? Are you starting to become convinced? When did I start asking for names and birthdays and tithing slips? Did I pass around a plate? Did I ask anyone to get baptized?
I just want to spread knowledge about us so people can have the right information to make up their own mind. I know some of the stuff we believe in is hard to believe, but I am not here to debate or apologize for it. It's great if someone decides to join as a result of correct information about us, but I really care about truth.
I came out immediately and said in the introduction forum "Hey, I'm the Mormon Guy" I don't know what's more "Mr. Mormon" than that. Guilty as charged:eusa_angel:

Apparently, you aren't reading my posts again. Here I will copy and paste my previous response:
Why do you think I am proselytizing? Because I am educating people about our religion? Are you starting to become convinced? When did I start asking for names and birthdays and tithing slips? Did I pass around a plate? Did I ask anyone to get baptized?
I just want to spread knowledge about us so people can have the right information to make up their own mind. I know some of the stuff we believe in is hard to believe, but I am not here to debate or apologize for it. It's great if someone decides to join as a result of correct information about us, but I really care about truth.

You are still not giving the full story though, like so many you are picking and choosing what to tell so you don't look bad. ALL religions have dark sides, the best are those who accept that, air it for all to see, and then move on, but instead you choose to bury it and pretend it does not exist. That is dishonest, and a sin for all religions.
I came out immediately and said in the introduction forum "Hey, I'm the Mormon Guy" I don't know what's more "Mr. Mormon" than that. Guilty as charged:eusa_angel:

Apparently, you aren't reading my posts again. Here I will copy and paste my previous response:
Why do you think I am proselytizing? Because I am educating people about our religion? Are you starting to become convinced? When did I start asking for names and birthdays and tithing slips? Did I pass around a plate? Did I ask anyone to get baptized?
I just want to spread knowledge about us so people can have the right information to make up their own mind. I know some of the stuff we believe in is hard to believe, but I am not here to debate or apologize for it. It's great if someone decides to join as a result of correct information about us, but I really care about truth.

What makes you think anyone here is interested in joining you on your mission?

Your motivation is obvious in your own words.
I wasn't aware we were on opposite sides. I have respect for Mormon worldly achievements. I have respect for some Mormons, because they demonstrate positive qualities and are good citizens.

The teachings spiritually don't offer much. I have met a few Mormons who I love debating with.

You were't aware, so all this time you weren't trying to tear down my religion?....:woohoo: And all this time I thought you were. Silly me:eusa_wall:

Perhaps this is a step in the right direction for us one day to have a civil discussion:razz:
You are still not giving the full story though, like so many you are picking and choosing what to tell so you don't look bad. ALL religions have dark sides, the best are those who accept that, air it for all to see, and then move on, but instead you choose to bury it and pretend it does not exist. That is dishonest, and a sin for all religions.

The best spiritual practitioners are the ones who examine thier minds and hearts and who acknowledge flaws and work to overcome them.

Pride and ignorance are difficult to overcome.

Truthspeaker is a one way communicator. He thinks everyone else ought to be bowing at his feet because he has so much to offer.

He doesn't think the rest of us may have something to teach him about himself.
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