The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
What fascinates you about Mormonism?

I'm not having this conversation with you until you 'get it' about yourself. With other Mormons I have had numerous conversations where we share teachings about Buddhism and LDS teachings and find common ground.
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The sad thing is that all the Mormons who opposed gay marriage are anti-Mormon. They are not true mormons because going against a minority group is the same as saying that their own struggle during the founding was pointless and that they should have been exterminated as those who attacked them wanted. Also it is a sin, claiming to know the will of their god is a very BIG sin, and one that is not forgiven. By assuming that their god doesn't want gay men and women to legally marry they condemed themselves to damnation. Also by blaming those ignorant of what they see as a sin they also broke another law in the gospel. No, those who claim to be mormon that oppose gay marriage are not and never will be Mormon, and as far as their own god is concerned they are no longer alive. Also, the Mormon marriage is different, the legal documents for the marriage are NOT that valuable to them except in divorces, taxes, and visitation rights in the hospital. To them only marriage in their temple counts, so logically allowing gays the legal right to marriage doesn't even effect them, and those who think otherwise are just arrogant again, and again it's a big sin to be arrogant.

that is all false doctrine and nowhere cannot be found in any of our scriptures.
The sad thing is that all the Mormons who opposed gay marriage are anti-Mormon. They are not true mormons because going against a minority group is the same as saying that their own struggle during the founding was pointless and that they should have been exterminated as those who attacked them wanted. Also it is a sin, claiming to know the will of their god is a very BIG sin, and one that is not forgiven. By assuming that their god doesn't want gay men and women to legally marry they condemed themselves to damnation. Also by blaming those ignorant of what they see as a sin they also broke another law in the gospel. No, those who claim to be mormon that oppose gay marriage are not and never will be Mormon, and as far as their own god is concerned they are no longer alive. Also, the Mormon marriage is different, the legal documents for the marriage are NOT that valuable to them except in divorces, taxes, and visitation rights in the hospital. To them only marriage in their temple counts, so logically allowing gays the legal right to marriage doesn't even effect them, and those who think otherwise are just arrogant again, and again it's a big sin to be arrogant.

that is all false doctrine and nowhere can or will be found in any of our scriptures.
This is where you are lying, though I suspect you are lying to yourself and in more ways than belief.

To someone listening to your argument from a neutral perspective, they would ask where is your substance. All you do is say I lie but when you bring up a specific, I show you the truth.
I suspect he was one of them and is trying to justify his breaking the gospels law hoping that maybe he can use the ignorance of the sin rule as an excuse. But his god won't allow that, those who he and others like him have wronged will have their day in the afterlife. It is said that those wronged by a person who has not repented to them personally will have to pay ten fold in the afterlife, according to the gospel. I believe it's threefold myself, but meh.

that statement is written nowhere in our doctrine. False doctrine. You are scrambling for a weapon everytime but you are bringing silly putty to a gunfight.
To someone listening to your argument from a neutral perspective, they would ask where is your substance. All you do is say I lie but when you bring up a specific, I show you the truth.

This is a perfect example of your arrogance. I don't think you even read anyone elses posts. Talking to you is like talking to the wall.

You don't get it. Have fun talking to yourself in the mirror.
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Admitting your sin is the first step to repentance. Now continue the path. My substance is the pure Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If any bishop or prophet saw what you posted here you would have been excommunicated a looong time ago. I am the prodigal, even my own mother begs me to return to teaching, but I say this to them, and I shall say it to you: Not until you repent for your arrogance.

Way to ignore my questions.:razz:
Thing is Truthspeaker, while you and many like you have already committed one of the unforgivable sins there is still a place for you in the lower kingdom, if you repent for the rest of your vile sins.

Ok God, way to put yourself into the judgment seat. Way to preach oh holier then thou when you don't even go to church or believe in religion. This is really weird now:doubt:
that is all false doctrine and nowhere cannot be found in any of our scriptures.

I recommend you reread it then, the BoM is full of such commands and many examples that support it.

Though I think the only pure BoM is no longer being printed since all the online references have been heavily modified by psychos like you.
Now, you whine like a victim? The truth about Mormons is that they are not generally as arrogant and condescending as you are.

Like it or not, I'm not going anywhere.

Great, maybe the longer you stay, we may be able to get somewhere. As for the victim bit. My skin is certainly thick enough.
I'm not having this conversation with you until you 'get it' about yourself. With other Mormons I have had numerous conversations where we share teachings about Buddhism and LDS teachings and find common ground.

Let's establish peace then, let's talk about common ground.
What do Mormons have to say about pride and arrogance? This is huge for Buddhists.

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