The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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So, you cannot sleep in the same bed, still nothing about sexual acts, which is what homosexuality is unless you are really admitting that you have to interpret things and that it still mentions nothing about love or marriage.

The Hebrew word for sex is to lie with someone for example when Pharaohs daughter told joseph, lie with me, and he fled from her prescence, it is clear that lie means have sex with. C'mon stop quoting books you said you don't believe?
Alright, it is clear the Truthspeaker is baiting in hopes of denying his own sins to himself.

In all beliefs, the only true evil are those who do not live by their own laws chosen by their religious ideals or those of the land, and Truthspeaker has broken his own laws and the guilt of his heart will prevent him from moving on, Anpu shall not allow it.
To continue, this is how you are to treat evil:

"But love ye your enemies, and do good, and blend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil."

I agree, we have always preached this.
Your anti-gay marriage crap. It's wrong, it's why the fall of the Mormon church started, the pride before the fall as it was. This is just a HUGE step in the fall that will cinch the damnation of all the followers because of the arrogant scum like you.

Leviticus 18:22 shows we are on the Lords side for the gay marriage issue.
The Hebrew word for sex is to lie with someone for example when Pharaohs daughter told joseph, lie with me, and he fled from her prescence, it is clear that lie means have sex with. C'mon stop quoting books you said you don't believe?

However the Hebrew word for sleep ALSO means sleep. Ancient Hebrew had a very fluent vocabulary that allowed for many words to intermingle and be interpreted in a large number of ways. Such as the mythical 666, which is actually just three lines, but also represents a few word meanings. Thus is why they use to focus on interpretation so much in Sunday school, but you instead of yeilding to the teachings of those much wiser than you, you prefer to enforce one meaning to things which have so many. That is your arrogance and your biggest flaw, as well as your worst sin.
Alright, it is clear the Truthspeaker is baiting in hopes of denying his own sins to himself.

In all beliefs, the only true evil are those who do not live by their own laws chosen by their religious ideals or those of the land, and Truthspeaker has broken his own laws and the guilt of his heart will prevent him from moving on, Anpu shall not allow it.

Who is Anpu? this is just weirder and weirder.:doubt:
Leviticus 18:22 shows we are on the Lords side for the gay marriage issue.

No, it just says not to lie with another the same as a woman. However the English word lie has two meanings, so perhaps you were justified in lying to your wife so long as you don't lie to another man. *smirks*
However the Hebrew word for sleep ALSO means sleep. Ancient Hebrew had a very fluent vocabulary that allowed for many words to intermingle and be interpreted in a large number of ways. Such as the mythical 666, which is actually just three lines, but also represents a few word meanings. Thus is why they use to focus on interpretation so much in Sunday school, but you instead of yeilding to the teachings of those much wiser than you, you prefer to enforce one meaning to things which have so many. That is your arrogance and your biggest flaw, as well as your worst sin.

For someone who doesn't believe the bible, you sure are an expert at interpreting it?
Who is Anpu? this is just weirder and weirder.:doubt:

One of the gods that Moses was told of, one who helped Ptah (the supreme god) build the earth, he guards the gate to the after life. These are the Ancient Egyptian names only, they are known by many names, even the Mormons have names for them, can you recite those?
No, it just says not to lie with another the same as a woman. However the English word lie has two meanings, so perhaps you were justified in lying to your wife so long as you don't lie to another man. *smirks*

The next verse goes on to read in verse 23, thou shalt not lie with any beast, nor shal a woman lie down thereto before a beast, thou shalt stone the woman and slay the beast.
Still any doubt as to the meaning of the word lie. Stop Lie-ing:eusa_liar:
The next verse goes on to read in verse 23, thou shalt not lie with any beast, nor shal a woman lie down thereto before a beast, thou shalt stone the woman and slay the beast.
Still any doubt as to the meaning of the word lie. Stop Lie-ing:eusa_liar:

You do realize that beasts are considered messengers as well, so to tell them a lie (or "lie before them") would be the same as lying to god. So yeah, the interpretation is still not 100% one way or another.
One of the gods that Moses was told of, one who helped Ptah (the supreme god) build the earth, he guards the gate to the after life. These are the Ancient Egyptian names only, they are known by many names, even the Mormons have names for them, can you recite those?

No becaue I don't believe in them or study them. But i do believe in official mormon doctrine. So do you believe in ancient egyptian religion? You said Anpu will not allow it but apparently he did.
Ok all..... it's been great, it's been fun... but it hasn't been great fun. I am leaving to go home from work now. God bless.
No becaue I don't believe in them or study them. But i do believe in official mormon doctrine. So do you believe in ancient egyptian religion? You said Anpu will not allow it but apparently he did.

Um, you do realize you are citing ancient texts translated into modern English, the ancient culture had a huge influence in the meanings as well as the symbolism. And no, I said Anpu would not allow you to enter the afterlife with that heavy heart you have. Also you keep saying 'official' and yet the church itself says they change the doctrine based on ancient records and findings, so the word 'official' has no meaning here. You just don't see more than you want, that's all.
That also reminds me of another teaching a prophet told us so many years ago, the books shall not be worshiped for they themselves condemn idolitry and to place their word above god himself is to break one of his highest commandments. Just to remind you.
Thanks Kitten Koder for the scriptures about pride. I notice Pridespeaker is nowhere to be found. He contributed nothing to the topic.
The truth about our religion is written in our official doctrine. I have quoted it. That is the truth I am talking about.

The truth I speak, is as plain as the nose on your face, but you cannot see it. Do you practice the religious teachings you have recieved on pride? I'm trying to find common ground here.
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Thanks Kitten Koder for the scriptures about pride. I notice Pridespeaker is nowhere to be found. He contributed nothing to the topic.

You are welcome. His own denial of his flaws will be his greatest sin in the eyes of his own god so meh, let him fester more. As I said, I was called a teacher, and I was only 10 when I earned that title, by many in different congregations in Washington, Oregon, and even one in Utah.

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