The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
All mormans are sneaky. Take christians...they go on and on about every friggin word in the bible. They aren't scaredy cats like mormans. The muslims quote the koran to nauseum...The mormans???...Nix to that's all hush hush. Why don't you morman freaks stand up loud and proud and tell the world about morman stuff? Maybe everybody wouldn't think you were cult freaks if ya didn't act like you are doing something wrong all of the time. The truth about mormans??...youzzsome wack mofos.

uhhh.. whaddya think I'm doing here explaining everything. If I'm not loud and proud about my faith then what more do you expect from me?
Why ever in the world would Mormons want to have, or see the need to have, some sort of public discussion about their religious beliefs. They doh't have to justify their beliefs any more than a Sikh has to justify wearing a kirpan under their clothing.

I do this, so that I can answer honest questions when they come from really interested folks. Unfortunately you have to wade through the riff raff most of the time.

These whining, and derelict children pretend to know something. It's hilarious. Their literally AMAZING reach because an individual member of our church made a mistake in using his church email to solicit contributions for Romney was the fault of that individual.
So he makes one little error doing his personal work from his church email and these clowns think they have a real zinger. Well as long as people remain imperfect, these apes think they have something on the squeaky clean Romney.
their interest in protecting someone's right to perform strange sexual acts is greater than their desire to strengthen the country economically, morally and militarily.

These kids are embarrassing.
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Newsvine - Official Mormon Bookstore Selling Native American Figurine With Racist Descriptions

Is The Mormon Church stuck with an embarrassing book it cannot historically support?
May 16, 2002
By Rick Ross
Mormons grow up with the belief that Native Americans are somehow related to a lost tribe from Israel. That tribe, they are told, came across the ocean about 600 B.C. to America, led by an otherwise unknown Jewish prophet named "Lehi."

To a Mormon this story is history, but to historians it is simply a fiction, concocted by Joseph Smith within his "Book of Mormon." The complete lack of any objective archaeological or historical proof to support such a story is explained away by Mormon apologists to the faithful. Mormons appear to believe that faith, makes fiction fact. But archaeologists, linguists and genetic experts, outside the subculture of Mormonism, have known for some time that Native Americans actually originated from Asia and not Israel.

Science and faith have increasingly collided as the Mormon religion continues on from its early beginnings. Confronted by historical evidence that repeatedly disproves their holy book, Mormons have long hoped for some artifact or research that would support their faith. Some felt that day might have indeed come through research at The Mormon Church-owned Brigham Young University in Provo, where genetic tests were being done during 2000.

Mormon doctrine claims that Lehi's children eventually became two warring factions, which included the good, white Nephites and the bad, brown Lamanites. The Lamanites, eventually killed all the Nephites by 500 A.D. But the bad, brown Laminates continued to live on and are now called Native Americans.

The Book of Mormon originally stated that when Lamanites converted they would then become "white and delightsome." In 1981 the church decided to replace the word "white" with "pure." It has been said that such Mormon beliefs reflect racism. And though every faithful male Mormon may enter its priesthood, blacks were excluded until 1978. Based upon such stories about the Lamanites, modern Mormon missionaries today often feel called to proselytize amongst aboriginal cultures in South America and the Pacific Islands.

Is The Mormon Church stuck with an embarrassing book it cannot historically support?

Mormons and Mitochondrial DNA
by Chad Ressler

In August 2004 Simon Southerton released a book entitled Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church.1 Southerton concludes from studies of mitochondrial DNA of Native Americans that the Mormon claim of their descent from Israeli immigrants is unsupported by DNA evidence. Wading through the scientific claims can be a daunting task for anyone not having specialized knowledge of the field. The basic concept though is that the mitochondrial DNA taken from a group of surviving Native Americans demonstrates that they were descended from Asians and not the “ten lost tribes of Israel” as the Book of Mormon claims.2 So close is the connection that surviving Native American connection to Asiatic origin is close to 99%.3

Of course, these findings are devastating for the book of Mormon unless one decides to take a position of intellectual dishonesty which, oddly enough, is what the Mormon Church has done. While there have been some detailed technical articles written by Mormon apologists they can be very difficult to read unless one has a good understanding of various fields in biology. This is what Mormon apologists are counting on; that Mormon lay people will simply see there is a rebuttal, superficially skim through it, and be assured that their “feelings” are still correct. Though the majority of us may not be able to understand all the arguments, I think it is plausible to conclude that this book does some serious damage to the veracity of the Book of Mormon.

The research by Southerton screams for an answer to the question: “If the so-called "Lamanites" (Native Americans) were spawned from an escaped tribe of Israelites, why does their DNA show a 98.6% Asian connection and 0% Middle Eastern?”4 The answer according to Southerton is, “It's all mythology. Historical fiction.”5

A very telling response from LDS author John Butler says:

“A spiritual witness is the only way to know the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Although DNA studies have made links between Native Americans and Asians, these studies in no way invalidate the Book of Mormon despite the loud voices of detractors.”6

Notice what Butler said. Although the evidence appears to disprove what so called “prophet” Joseph Smith wrote, you should ignore the evidence and simply trust your feelings. Joseph Smith claimed that the Israelites found the New World uninhabited when they arrived, yet the evidence says otherwise. Mormons claim to be Christians, but Christianity is not rooted in blind faith apart from evidence. The Bible is clearly historical being grounded in real people who lived in real places which archaeology has time and again confirmed. The Christian need not refer to his or her “feelings” as their primary epistemic justification for faith even in the face of contrary evidence. The truth of God’s Word has stood the test of time, but Joseph Smith’s word, and his reputation as a prophet, seems to be discredited.

Mormons and Mitochondrial DNA|Mormon claims of Native Americans Unsupported | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Will you please go back and search the thread on the thread search tool for the complete answers I've given to all of your zingers. I mean come one. it's been four years almost. You think I haven't heard this stuff already.
Dude are you serious? Please read the thread to avoid repeating yourself and then I won't have to as much either. Your supposed stumpers are really quite easily answered.
I mean come on. I kept studying this stuff when you quit and left. I got my answers and you left before you could get any.
You anti's are so so tired.
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I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:
1978. Really?

Hey zoom... You think you're really original with your use of the word "really". Come on stop repeating the rhetoric of some dude who thought of it's current use around circa 2005 or so. Be original will ya?
And yes 1978. that was the time. Are you ready to grow up and learn knowledge or are you gonna come with some more juvenile unverisity of colorado phrases to make you seem cool?
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:
1978. Really?

TS.... ?????

Was starting this thread in any way related to you getting your own planet? :confused:
Sorry for the hiatus. It's been a year, so forgive me for the rust. But to answer your question. No.
Hey Truthspeaker, isn't facial hair frowned upon in the mormon church?

Take a good look. no. Look at Jesus. Look at a lot of our past church leaders. But nowadays, the dress code for leadership is clean cut so as to take away focus on our leadership's appearance and just focus on the doctrine.

The reason the missionaries are clean cut is because they don't want people to focus on their appearance as much as the message of the gospel itself. There are people who would send them away immediately if they saw a beard, or long hair or a tatoo or a weird piercing. So you can see it's just to avoid steering conversation toward one's face instead of the message itself. Does that make sense?
I have a question but its more political in origin then religous, Christians own up to the Crusades and Muslims sometimes admit to Jihad but why is it that mormons never own up the things they have done?
Total Articles: 23
The Mountain Meadow's Massacre was a dark chapter in Mormon history. More than 120 pioneers, families traveling from Arkansas to California in 1857, were attacked and slaughtered by Mormons at Mountain Meadows, a grassy oasis in southern Utah. Most of the victims, which included infants in their mothers' arms, were executed after the travelers surrendered their weapons. Mormonism has covered up the truth about the MMM.

Interesting , i wasnt aware of this at all. Perhaps rather than skipping over it our host will give us some insight to what really happened.

Easy, easy, I've been gone a long time... gimme a minute to catch up on a year's worth of comments. And believe me I've had to sift through a lot of garbage to get back to this point so please take it easy on your host.
Now see here newby, I'm going to implore you to search the thread for the mmm all you want. Do you think that this hasn't come up in 4 years!!! Please think outside yourself for a moment.
It never ceases to amaze me that a newby can think he can bring some new zinger that hasn't already been answered ad nauseum already. Please go back. But to be swift in answering for now.
Brigham Young told the members who committed this terrible crime to leave them alone. They committed great sin and will be punished for it by God worse than they were punished already by the law of the land. Of course everybody wants to blame Brigham Young because they really just have problems with Joseph Smith at the origin.
As we've claimed all along, members of the church who commit crimes do it on their own since the church teaches them not to do these things. There is no doctrine they can interpret to justify murder.
It's not like the extremist muslims who twist their scripture to justify their killings. There is no doctrine to twist.
I hope that helps for now but like I said, please see my other answers and read through the thread or search it with the search tool. I only have so much time you know.
you know, you dont have to keep this thread alive...

You're right, I don't. I tried to let it die. I was gone a whole year and somehow, the Gospel just won't go away on this board. It infiltrates everywhere. That's how you know it's not about me or you or anybody. It's about everybody and it's amazing that after a year of abscence, the thread somehow reaches people. For good or bad.

hey you know I've since moved to Utah and I'd be interested in hearing what Catzmeow thinks about that now that I've been here for a year. Now she can't say I haven't lived here. i'll still keep the california tag though
you know, you dont have to keep this thread alive...

You're right, I don't. I tried to let it die. I was gone a whole year and somehow, the Gospel just won't go away on this board. It infiltrates everywhere. That's how you know it's not about me or you or anybody. It's about everybody and it's amazing that after a year of abscence, the thread somehow reaches people. For good or bad.

hey you know I've since moved to Utah and I'd be interested in hearing what Catzmeow thinks about that now that I've been here for a year. Now she can't say I haven't lived here. i'll still keep the california tag though

Of course, the Gospel won't go away on the board. I don't shut up. Even when it might be wise for me to do so.

But there are other threads. I've found this one has unfortunately gotten pretty crude pointless. I like responding to actual discussions on the Gospel. I dont see that happening as much unfortunately.
Mormons are no more likely to be crazy or bigoted than non-mormons, and they aren't Christian... or are you? Do mormons believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God? (my favorite definition of "Christian")

You know one day you will regret your mocking of real events that actually happened. I guess what really drove you away from the church was the pledge to be kind to others. I don't see much kindess in you.
what drove me away from the Mormon religion was the Mormon religion..
BTW it's it's the very pinnacle of hubris and arrogance to call it "the church" as if it's the only one.....
you know, you dont have to keep this thread alive...

You're right, I don't. I tried to let it die. I was gone a whole year and somehow, the Gospel just won't go away on this board. It infiltrates everywhere. That's how you know it's not about me or you or anybody. It's about everybody and it's amazing that after a year of abscence, the thread somehow reaches people. For good or bad.

hey you know I've since moved to Utah and I'd be interested in hearing what Catzmeow thinks about that now that I've been here for a year. Now she can't say I haven't lived here. i'll still keep the california tag though

Of course, the Gospel won't go away on the board. I don't shut up. Even when it might be wise for me to do so.

But there are other threads. I've found this one has unfortunately gotten pretty crude pointless. I like responding to actual discussions on the Gospel. I dont see that happening as much unfortunately.

So what happened to the golden plates anyways?
You're right, I don't. I tried to let it die. I was gone a whole year and somehow, the Gospel just won't go away on this board. It infiltrates everywhere. That's how you know it's not about me or you or anybody. It's about everybody and it's amazing that after a year of abscence, the thread somehow reaches people. For good or bad.

hey you know I've since moved to Utah and I'd be interested in hearing what Catzmeow thinks about that now that I've been here for a year. Now she can't say I haven't lived here. i'll still keep the california tag though

Of course, the Gospel won't go away on the board. I don't shut up. Even when it might be wise for me to do so.

But there are other threads. I've found this one has unfortunately gotten pretty crude pointless. I like responding to actual discussions on the Gospel. I dont see that happening as much unfortunately.

So what happened to the golden plates anyways?
the mormon version is god took them back (kinda convenient don't ya think?) in reality they never existed..
no one ever saw them, unless you want to use what the mormons called "the spiritual eye"
AKA imagination.
Mormons are no more likely to be crazy or bigoted than non-mormons, and they aren't Christian... or are you? Do mormons believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God? (my favorite definition of "Christian")

Yes Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
what drove me away from the Mormon religion was the Mormon religion..
BTW it's it's the very pinnacle of hubris and arrogance to call it "the church" as if it's the only one.....

If we are talking about the church, why would we call it something else?
the mormon version is god took them back (kinda convenient don't ya think?) in reality they never existed..
no one ever saw them, unless you want to use what the mormons called "the spiritual eye"
AKA imagination.

Then explain the witnesses who went to their graves affirming that they saw the plates.

Oh wait. Nevermind. You're just going to pretend they were lying.
Mormons are no more likely to be crazy or bigoted than non-mormons, and they aren't Christian... or are you? Do mormons believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God? (my favorite definition of "Christian")

Yes we do believe Jesus is the son of god

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