The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Okay prick......pick one that is messed up, as I have 3 under my belt.

Tao, Christianity and Judaism.

ALL THREE are better than your fucked up prophet and screwball belief system.

Try again loser.
Okay prick......pick one that is messed up, as I have 3 under my belt.

Tao, Christianity and Judaism.

ALL THREE are better than your fucked up prophet and screwball belief system.

Try again loser.
maybe someday we can have some real discussion again.

I don't think there are any more intelligent questions out there on this board. Just futile attempts to insult me into oblivion. I don't know why people find themselves compelled to launch attack after attack. It's like cyber-Missouri:whip:
hey now.. don't be bitter because people from my state kicked your asses farther west. I happen to be REAL GLAD my state doesn't resemble Utah.

I have a niece that is engaged to a mormon from Utah. She went to college out there and, wouldn't you know it, brought back a mormon boyfriend like abikersailer bringing back the clap after shore leave. Nice guy. We took him camping and he was shocked at how loud the bugs are at night. I had a lot of fun drinking beers, smoking bowls and picking his brain. It's all fictional to me so I have no dog in the little race you and ABSailer seem to be sprinting.
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hey now.. don't be bitter because people from my state kicked your asses farther west. I happen to be REAL GLAD my state doesn't resemble Utah.

Not bitter at all. Although I find it mildly disturbing to see such joy over the the only state authorized religious genocide in United States History. Mostly because as a psuedo historian I realize that history has a tendency to repeat itself.
hey now.. don't be bitter because people from my state kicked your asses farther west. I happen to be REAL GLAD my state doesn't resemble Utah.

Wow.....:eusa_eh: So you are proud of the extermination order against our people? You are proud that our men were slaughtered and our wives raped and children butchered? You are proud that Joseph was tarred and feathered despite not harming another Missourians head? I guess you are also proud that many of the men's bodies were dug up from their graves and hacked to pieces?
They couldn't go paint-ballin or cow tippin', so they went "Mormon-diggin":dig:? All because we were ****** lovin demons of Joe Smith.
Congratulations on being proud of that you slime.:clap2:
hey now.. don't be bitter because people from my state kicked your asses farther west. I happen to be REAL GLAD my state doesn't resemble Utah.

Not bitter at all. Although I find it mildly disturbing to see such joy over the the only state authorized religious genocide in United States History. Mostly because as a psuedo historian I realize that history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Lets not pretend that mormon hands are lacking blood on them, eh dude? And joy? Sure, why not. It was probably better than mormonism sprouted in a location WITHOUT a dominant religion already so you could go on to mold Utah into what it is without having to rake Missouri through the talons of your faith. I'll keep Missouri's heritage over yours, thanks.
hey now.. don't be bitter because people from my state kicked your asses farther west. I happen to be REAL GLAD my state doesn't resemble Utah.

Not bitter at all. Although I find it mildly disturbing to see such joy over the the only state authorized religious genocide in United States History. Mostly because as a psuedo historian I realize that history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Lets not pretend that mormon hands are lacking blood on them, eh dude? And joy? Sure, why not. It was probably better than mormonism sprouted in a location WITHOUT a dominant religion already so you could go on to mold Utah into what it is without having to rake Missouri through the talons of your faith. I'll keep Missouri's heritage over yours, thanks.

If there were some imperfect rogue individual actions by members of our church, at least we're not proud of them. You are sick.:eusa_sick:
Wow..... So you are proud of the extermination order against our people? You are proud that our men were slaughtered and our wives raped and children butchered? You are proud that Joseph was tarred and feathered despite not harming another Missourians head? I guess you are also proud that many of the men's bodies were dug up from their graves and hacked to pieces?
They couldn't go paint-ballin or cow tippin', so they went "Mormon-diggin"? All because we were ****** lovin demons of Joe Smith.
Congratulations on being proud of that you slime.

Hey, tell it to the Fancher-Baker wagon train, dude. The mellodrama is a little over the top. But, yes, I AM glad that mormons were sent packing. I'd hate to think of this state as a land of 3.2 beer and holy underoos. You are better off where you are then where you could have been. The Show Me state would have shown you how difficult it would have been to mold this place into your little idealistic mormonville.

DAS BOOT, mormon!
Not bitter at all. Although I find it mildly disturbing to see such joy over the the only state authorized religious genocide in United States History. Mostly because as a psuedo historian I realize that history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Lets not pretend that mormon hands are lacking blood on them, eh dude? And joy? Sure, why not. It was probably better than mormonism sprouted in a location WITHOUT a dominant religion already so you could go on to mold Utah into what it is without having to rake Missouri through the talons of your faith. I'll keep Missouri's heritage over yours, thanks.

If there were some imperfect rogue individual actions by members of our church, at least we're not proud of them. You are sick.:eusa_sick:

yea right, dude... Hell, how many years AFTER THE FACT did you bitches FINALLY stop denying that massacre? Lord knows I won't even TOUCH (hehehe) the polygamy lifestyle. Hell, we have plenty of mononites who ACTUALLY practice their faith without having to mold everything into what became salt lake city. I highly doubt you people would have managed the same personal faith as the menonites we still have today. Again, it's best that you moved on. Think of it as a steel toed sign from moroni.
Lets not pretend that mormon hands are lacking blood on them, eh dude? And joy? Sure, why not. It was probably better than mormonism sprouted in a location WITHOUT a dominant religion already so you could go on to mold Utah into what it is without having to rake Missouri through the talons of your faith. I'll keep Missouri's heritage over yours, thanks.

I dont have to pretend anything. Mormon hands are lacking blood on them.
are proud that Joseph was tarred and feathered despite not harming another Missourians head?

Long before he learned how to use religion to make money, the guy was a con artist (and he has the arrest record to prove it) that duped MANY people into spending their money on his "treasure hunting" magical powers and divining rods. The guy was a snake that ruined MANY innocent peoples lives, leaving them dead broke. The part that amazes me the most is the stupidity of the people who bought into his garbage.

I love the story where he was having that dude write down the words he spoke as he stuck his head into an upsidedown hat. Then when this secretarys wife didnt believe Joseph was telling the truth, she came up with a brilliant idea.... she had him go back and tell Joseph that he lost ALL the transcripts and that theyd have to start over. Since Joseph Smith claimed he was actually reading Gods written words in his seer stones, every word he spoke should match all the previous transcripts they lied about losing, exactly, word for word. Of course Joseph was a conman and he knew he wasnt going to be able to duplicate it because he had just been saying crap off of the top of his head for weeks. So then he made up a story about god getting angry, and now the seer stones wont work anymore, and hed have to write an entirely different bible now. Classic.

Im convinced that Joseph Smith wasnt even a good con man, he was just lucky enough to find a town full of suckers.
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