The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Hey Sunnidiot.........doesn't YOUR religion ban alcohol?

What's even more........if you don't drink beer, then you're just a HOG poser biker.
So you have to drink alcohol to ride a Harley?

I never knew that.

I have always just rode mine for pleasure.

But you seem to have yours for a sense of identity and needing to adopt a lifestyle.

Kind of figures.

You post like a lost follower in search of a cause.
I see this is a loaded question, get to your point.

Good patent, dodge of a reply..........What's your question? He asked if you've been there?.........If Brigham cried, it was most likely crocodile tears to impress the U.S. Government military inspectors.

Must we translate for you?

Brigham, and Smith were very calloused men.........not the crying type except when cornered with their hands in the cookie jar, and did they ever have a lot of cookie jar scenarios happen!

By the way.........Truthspeaker...........Your revelations from the holy do you confirm that the message was from the holy spirit, and not some other counterfeit spirit, sent by Satan, the great counterfeiter of all?

Christians go back to the bible as directed by Jesus' apostle Paul.

Do you go back to the bible to confirm that your revelation agrees with God's Word the bible?

there's a good question. Actually I did go back to the Bible. Matthew say "by their fruits ye shall know them." In Galatians chapter 5 the fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit are defined thus:

5:17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one other, that you may not do the things that you desire.

5:18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

5:19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness,

5:20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies,

5:21 envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

5:23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

5:24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let's also walk by the Spirit.

5:26 Let's not become conceited, provoking one another, and envying one another.When I prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true, I felt joy, I felt peace. All through the pages of the book there was goodness and teachings of the like that would lead people to gain the fruits of the spirit.

Also notice how many of the fruits of the Spirit are actions, like exhibiting patience, self-control, gentleness, faithfulness. These are indicators that one is being led by God.

Thats called "feelings based" faith or belief.......It is totally subjective, as it ignores scriptural confirmation, that would determine if your answer to prayer was an objective fact of truth.

Romans says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

LDS - Interpretation would change this famous Romans verse to:
Faith cometh by "feelings", and "feelings" verify the truth.

What a totally scarey, way to seek out God's will or validation! Satan goes about the earth misleading and leading away human beings from the Truth, by the very methodology that you utilize to validate your faith as true Christianity.

I have no doubt that Satan just loves it when Mormons or potential LDS converts are asked to pray and ask God to validate Mormonism as the truth and true Church of God. Talk about walking into a big old snare trap........

Oogly feelings don't mean its from God. Satan gives oogly feelings to Satanists who pray to Satan. Wicca folks get oogly feelings when they pray and try to raise up spirits or invoke mediums.

To rely on feeling good is to live with the potential of great disappointment. God does indeed speak to us through the H.S., but bar none, He will not allow His children to become addicted to a feelings based type of faith.

True Christianity is believing when your feelings argue with your mind, and your mind says that proceeding is biblical and God's will. Feelings are a blessing bestowed upon humanity, by our Creator, but it is not the compass that we depend on to no God's will.
Hey Sunnidiot.........doesn't YOUR religion ban alcohol?

What's even more........if you don't drink beer, then you're just a HOG poser biker.
So you have to drink alcohol to ride a Harley?

I never knew that.

I have always just rode mine for pleasure.

But you seem to have yours for a sense of identity and needing to adopt a lifestyle.

Kind of figures.

You post like a lost follower in search of a cause.

You're probably a member of HOG, ain't ya? Just nothing more than a bunch of biker wannbes who trailer their scooter to Sturgis, and then practice being a biker.

Saw a lot o wrecks that way.

Ever been to Sturgis, riding your own bike pussy?
Hey Sunnidiot.........doesn't YOUR religion ban alcohol?

What's even more........if you don't drink beer, then you're just a HOG poser biker.
So you have to drink alcohol to ride a Harley?

I never knew that.

I have always just rode mine for pleasure.

But you seem to have yours for a sense of identity and needing to adopt a lifestyle.

Kind of figures.

You post like a lost follower in search of a cause.

You're probably a member of HOG, ain't ya? Just nothing more than a bunch of biker wannbes who trailer their scooter to Sturgis, and then practice being a biker.
Nope. never joined the H.O.G.

Mainly ride on weekends. Sundays and sometimes to work.

Have owned Sportsters, Wide Glides, Super Glides, and a Soft Tail. Shovels and an Evo

Personally know several bikers. But I usually ride alone.

I love to ride, but am Not looking for a lifestyle.

Most bikers dress alike, look alike, talk and act alike. It's like a group copy cat club.

Then they talk about being an individual and doing their own thing.

Give me a break!!! :lol:
I noticed that Sunni never brought up his black questions here. I noticed that everybody on that stupid thread of his just ignored all the answers I gave on this forum and went and wasted their timer repeating the same crap over and over. Quite queer really don't you think?
You are such a retard. Read the source then come back at me with problems you have with the article. Show me what problem you have. Get rid of your ridiculous little smoke screen and speak english rather than the crap that comes from your mouth.:eusa_hand:

No, I think i'll go ahead and hold you to the same standard I apply to everyone else. If you can't find an unbiased source then it looks like you fail.. Again.. (I count making silly statements about droves of mormons in missouri despite being a meager 1% of the population)

oh, and I'll use the nomenclature I want. Be glad i'm not treating you like abiker(gay)sailor

If that 1% is 5 million people, it ain't too shabby. By the way you have to prove how my source is unbiased by reading it. See for yourself that it's fair and accurate. If you can't show otherwise.... Then you fail...for the 43rd time. I haven't failed yet.:eusa_shhh:

sorry, I don't have to prove shit. Thats your job. Mormon sites are not unbiased. I hate to be so copernican on you but thats just the nature of this beast we call evidence. If you can't find anything else i'm afraid im going to have to go ahead and stop pummeling you before I do some serious damage.

1% impresses you? ooook. :thup: It's a proverbial fucking tidal wave of mormons out here, lemme tellya! :lol:
I noticed that Sunni never brought up his black questions here. I noticed that everybody on that stupid thread of his just ignored all the answers I gave on this forum and went and wasted their timer repeating the same crap over and over. Quite queer really don't you think?

Queer = strange, odd, out of the ordinary: No, not at all. Many on internet forums like to spend time repeating the same crap over and over, while ignoring answers.

Queer = homosexual? No, I don't see how that fits at all. You must have meant the other definition.
No, I think i'll go ahead and hold you to the same standard I apply to everyone else. If you can't find an unbiased source then it looks like you fail.. Again.. (I count making silly statements about droves of mormons in missouri despite being a meager 1% of the population)

oh, and I'll use the nomenclature I want. Be glad i'm not treating you like abiker(gay)sailor

If that 1% is 5 million people, it ain't too shabby. By the way you have to prove how my source is unbiased by reading it. See for yourself that it's fair and accurate. If you can't show otherwise.... Then you fail...for the 43rd time. I haven't failed yet.:eusa_shhh:

sorry, I don't have to prove shit. Thats your job. Mormon sites are not unbiased. I hate to be so copernican on you but thats just the nature of this beast we call evidence. If you can't find anything else i'm afraid im going to have to go ahead and stop pummeling you before I do some serious damage.

1% impresses you? ooook. :thup: It's a proverbial fucking tidal wave of mormons out here, lemme tellya! :lol:
Spoken like a true escape artist: You are beaten. It's over. You can't save face by lashing out any more. Your cries for help have been heard.... And ignored.
You call that a pummelling? You put Missourians to shame. They know how to give a good pummelling.:whip: You sound more like an immigrant from Tennesse. You've gotta flame a little harder to impress me.
Even that humpback Biker can rail better than you can. In fact he's nailed you:slap: a few more times.:lol:
If that 1% is 5 million people, it ain't too shabby. By the way you have to prove how my source is unbiased by reading it. See for yourself that it's fair and accurate. If you can't show otherwise.... Then you fail...for the 43rd time. I haven't failed yet.:eusa_shhh:

sorry, I don't have to prove shit. Thats your job. Mormon sites are not unbiased. I hate to be so copernican on you but thats just the nature of this beast we call evidence. If you can't find anything else i'm afraid im going to have to go ahead and stop pummeling you before I do some serious damage.

1% impresses you? ooook. :thup: It's a proverbial fucking tidal wave of mormons out here, lemme tellya! :lol:
Spoken like a true escape artist: You are beaten. It's over. You can't save face by lashing out any more. Your cries for help have been heard.... And ignored.
You call that a pummelling? You put Missourians to shame. They know how to give a good pummelling.:whip: You sound more like an immigrant from Tennesse. You've gotta flame a little harder to impress me.
Even that humpback Biker can rail better than you can. In fact he's nailed you:slap: a few more times.:lol:

I'd hate to think that you learned this standard of :)lol:) "evidence" from an institution of higher education in Utah, dude. You can't just CLAIM that a MORMON source is not biased FOR mormonism. The very idea is three shades of fucking retarded. Thats just like insisting that ISNT a biased source on racial issues. It is. End of story.

cries for help? :rofl: Trust me, mormon, when you finally get around to discovering what 1% means you'll understand, truly, what the SHOW ME STATE is all about. Hell, considering that i've driven you into the warm security blanket of mormon sites you probably don't have a platform to stand on to ask for hotter flames.

And, your "enemy of my enemy is my friend" routine is a bit stale, don't you think? Do I look like some westward moving settlers to you? Is Gaysailer your little ruckus loving natives, Mr Young?


learn something about what actually amounts to EVIDENCE, dogma junkie. I realize this may be a lot to ask of a christian, a laughable archeology expert mormon at that, but do try and better yourself so that you not attract any more DAS BOOTS from Missourians.
I'd hate to think that you learned this standard of :)lol:) "evidence" from an institution of higher education in Utah, dude. You can't just CLAIM that a MORMON source is not biased FOR mormonism. The very idea is three shades of fucking retarded. Thats just like insisting that ISNT a biased source on racial issues. It is. End of story.

cries for help? :rofl: Trust me, mormon, when you finally get around to discovering what 1% means you'll understand, truly, what the SHOW ME STATE is all about. Hell, considering that i've driven you into the warm security blanket of mormon sites you probably don't have a platform to stand on to ask for hotter flames.

And, your "enemy of my enemy is my friend" routine is a bit stale, don't you think? Do I look like some westward moving settlers to you? Is Gaysailer your little ruckus loving natives, Mr Young?


learn something about what actually amounts to EVIDENCE, dogma junkie. I realize this may be a lot to ask of a christian, a laughable archeology expert mormon at that, but do try and better yourself so that you not attract any more DAS BOOTS from Missourians.

Seems to me if you ignore all sources for a position and do nothing but focus on the sources against it, you really arent honestly investigating the subject. If you want to learn about a subject, you look at all viewpoints.

I studied both pros and cons of mormonism before I started believing. In fact, it was some of the ridiculous arguments from the critics that made me inclined to believe in the first place. But the point is, I was willing to learn then. And I did learn for myself.

But if you dismiss sources you find "biased" as if they are untrustworthy simply because they advocate a position you disagree with, youll never learn anything. You'll never truly see both sides.

Dismiss the sources all you want. Its not going to hurt me in the long run. You just wont learn anything.
Who the hell cares to "learn" about a system that REQUIRES biased evidence? Do you believe in heliocentrism just because Copernicus and his buddies says thats true? Of course not. But, again, if all you people have are team jersey sources then it's pretty clear why you fail in the mainstream. Go ahead and believe what you want to. Hell, if nutjob motherfuckers believed David Koresh and Jim Jones then it's not a huge leap to imagine what biased sources can make a human believe.

for instance, you people claim archeological evidence... but we both know damn well that such is nothing more than your biased interpretation rather than widescale archaeological consensus. Thus, you MUST fester in the opinions of those who ALREADY have an imperative to feed you what you want to hear. That, sir, is about as far from the role of EVIDENCE as it gets. If you can't swallow this concept.. well...
Who the hell cares to "learn" about a system that REQUIRES biased evidence? Do you believe in heliocentrism just because Copernicus and his buddies says thats true? Of course not. But, again, if all you people have are team jersey sources then it's pretty clear why you fail in the mainstream. Go ahead and believe what you want to. Hell, if nutjob motherfuckers believed David Koresh and Jim Jones then it's not a huge leap to imagine what biased sources can make a human believe.

for instance, you people claim archeological evidence... but we both know damn well that such is nothing more than your biased interpretation rather than widescale archaeological consensus. Thus, you MUST fester in the opinions of those who ALREADY have an imperative to feed you what you want to hear. That, sir, is about as far from the role of EVIDENCE as it gets. If you can't swallow this concept.. well...
had to post twice, eh dwarf? Feeling a little INSIGNIFICANT?

what religion IS NOT based on biased evidence, stupid? Thats kinda the point. Did you want to argue that the earth is flat now, short stuff?
had to post twice, eh dwarf? Feeling a little INSIGNIFICANT?

what religion IS NOT based on biased evidence, stupid? Thats kinda the point. Did you want to argue that the earth is flat now, short stuff?

I've given you references that you can learn from, yet you continually choose to ignore it and remain ignorant.

Google Universal Torah Network, and watch the series on the B'nei Noach.

You might learn something, but, with a skull as thick as yours, I doubt it.
I noticed that Sunni never brought up his black questions here. I noticed that everybody on that stupid thread of his just ignored all the answers I gave on this forum and went and wasted their timer repeating the same crap over and over. Quite queer really don't you think?

Sunni Man is a queerio

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