The truth outrages Left Wingers

Well, what else could you say when these people come right out and Advocate Communism, Socialism, and are opposed to Free Speech, The 2nd Amendment, Religious Freedom, and are opposed to our right to Maintain a Sovereign Border and manage Immigration as well as defend the country from and Invasion of Illegals and massive amounts of drugs pouring across our Southern Border.

The Constitution Guarantees a Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet, The Left wants to Legalize Infanticide, Restrict what you can say and do, even down to what kind of cake you must bake for any pervert that asks it of you. They also want to tax the shit out of you and keep their thumb down on you and limit upward mobility and the pursuit of your dreams. What Freedom to Pursue Happiness does a Conservative have at These Cesspools of Communism and Green Jihadism at our Universities?

Don't tell me they love our country when they demand we change 130 year old law in Congress that states "no head coverings" and don't tell me they love our Country when they want to impose Sharia law despite our restrictions on The Government Promoting an Establishment of a Religion.

People in Congress taking the Oath of Office on a Koran when The Koran classifies America as an Infidel Country to be defeated and subjugated by Jihad?
Sharia Law!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I seem to recall your God calling for the Israelites to slaughter men, women & children. OMG OMG OMG

We demanded changes to 130 odd years of slavery & racism too. I bet that really pissed you off.

I have news, barkbreath,this country was founded on the freedom of religion.

You assfucks really hate what America is supposed to be & love the idea odf a white supremacy America. Well, you ain't getting that.

you want to do away with slavery and racism? then why do you support the party of slavery and racism? We want the constitution and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnicity (Mexican is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race), or religion. But you guys want segregation by race, by sex, by political belief (safe spaces). You leftists are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk on the earth. YOU are the party of the KKK, segregated drinking fountains and rest rooms, schools, buses, and you are the party of lynchings and hate. YOU are what you accuse others of being.
You assfucks still pushing that bullshit?

The Democrats started the KKK to fight Republicans. The KKK has changes as has the South.

Unless you are so fucking stupid you think Red States are run by Democrats.
If one gets in it's too many. why do you want them to come in is the question? are you afraid to answer chicken shit?
I aid I was for border security assfuck.

Why do you want to spend 15 billion on a 40; concrete wall that will have little effect instead of upgrading our border crossings & erecting fences that are more cost effective.

I know this is a shocker, but you can tunnel under a 40' concrete wall just as you would a fence.
well you're right, until the southern border is completed barricaded, it is still officially open. so why are you against the needed money to barricade the entire border and take out the holes that leak?
They are all, everyone of them, hypocrite liars. They were all for it when the democrats wanted it.
Let me know when you lrearn the difference between fences & a 40' concrete wall.
so you didn't challenge his statement, therefore, he was correct. That makes the likes of you and your punk party liars. hey liar!!!
Your post made zero sense.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Fuck you MIkey, this is my country & you ignorant, bigoted, hate spewing assholes will be out in 2020.

That's tough talk after getting your Dem ass whooped in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and losing ground in the Senate in 2018. Wait for it...:auiqs.jpg:

Rather selective on your claims of victories. You left out 2008. The House in 2018.
come on, to a man you thought you were getting Congress. too fking funny, nope!!!!! fk you
There was little chance to get the Senate when far more Democrats were up than Republicans & some of those Democrats were only elected because they rode Obama's coattails.
Well, what else could you say when these people come right out and Advocate Communism, Socialism, and are opposed to Free Speech, The 2nd Amendment, Religious Freedom, and are opposed to our right to Maintain a Sovereign Border and manage Immigration as well as defend the country from and Invasion of Illegals and massive amounts of drugs pouring across our Southern Border.

The Constitution Guarantees a Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet, The Left wants to Legalize Infanticide, Restrict what you can say and do, even down to what kind of cake you must bake for any pervert that asks it of you. They also want to tax the shit out of you and keep their thumb down on you and limit upward mobility and the pursuit of your dreams. What Freedom to Pursue Happiness does a Conservative have at These Cesspools of Communism and Green Jihadism at our Universities?

Don't tell me they love our country when they demand we change 130 year old law in Congress that states "no head coverings" and don't tell me they love our Country when they want to impose Sharia law despite our restrictions on The Government Promoting an Establishment of a Religion.

People in Congress taking the Oath of Office on a Koran when The Koran classifies America as an Infidel Country to be defeated and subjugated by Jihad?
Sharia Law!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I seem to recall your God calling for the Israelites to slaughter men, women & children. OMG OMG OMG

We demanded changes to 130 odd years of slavery & racism too. I bet that really pissed you off.

I have news, barkbreath,this country was founded on the freedom of religion.

You assfucks really hate what America is supposed to be & love the idea odf a white supremacy America. Well, you ain't getting that.

you want to do away with slavery and racism? then why do you support the party of slavery and racism? We want the constitution and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnicity (Mexican is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race), or religion. But you guys want segregation by race, by sex, by political belief (safe spaces). You leftists are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk on the earth. YOU are the party of the KKK, segregated drinking fountains and rest rooms, schools, buses, and you are the party of lynchings and hate. YOU are what you accuse others of being.
You assfucks still pushing that bullshit?

The Democrats started the KKK to fight Republicans. The KKK has changes as has the South.

Unless you are so fucking stupid you think Red States are run by Democrats.

horseshit, the democrats started the KKK to keep blacks in their "place". No most red states are not run by democrats, but the failed big cities and the failing state of California are run by democrats.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine you stupid fuck. This is why you love Trump - you are too stupid to know he is lying.

No one is cancelling the first or second amendments.

There is no infanticide.

Replacing one source of energy with another is not destroying but improving.

And elimination of our borders????? Really? Funny shit, I've been to the border & there were fences & border patrol. Obama beefed up border security.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to make a post like you did. Full of lies & bullshit,.
Well, what else could you say when these people come right out and Advocate Communism, Socialism, and are opposed to Free Speech, The 2nd Amendment, Religious Freedom, and are opposed to our right to Maintain a Sovereign Border and manage Immigration as well as defend the country from and Invasion of Illegals and massive amounts of drugs pouring across our Southern Border.

The Constitution Guarantees a Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet, The Left wants to Legalize Infanticide, Restrict what you can say and do, even down to what kind of cake you must bake for any pervert that asks it of you. They also want to tax the shit out of you and keep their thumb down on you and limit upward mobility and the pursuit of your dreams. What Freedom to Pursue Happiness does a Conservative have at These Cesspools of Communism and Green Jihadism at our Universities?

Don't tell me they love our country when they demand we change 130 year old law in Congress that states "no head coverings" and don't tell me they love our Country when they want to impose Sharia law despite our restrictions on The Government Promoting an Establishment of a Religion.

People in Congress taking the Oath of Office on a Koran when The Koran classifies America as an Infidel Country to be defeated and subjugated by Jihad?
Sharia Law!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I seem to recall your God calling for the Israelites to slaughter men, women & children. OMG OMG OMG

We demanded changes to 130 odd years of slavery & racism too. I bet that really pissed you off.

I have news, barkbreath,this country was founded on the freedom of religion.

You assfucks really hate what America is supposed to be & love the idea odf a white supremacy America. Well, you ain't getting that.

you want to do away with slavery and racism? then why do you support the party of slavery and racism? We want the constitution and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnicity (Mexican is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race), or religion. But you guys want segregation by race, by sex, by political belief (safe spaces). You leftists are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk on the earth. YOU are the party of the KKK, segregated drinking fountains and rest rooms, schools, buses, and you are the party of lynchings and hate. YOU are what you accuse others of being.
You assfucks still pushing that bullshit?

The Democrats started the KKK to fight Republicans. The KKK has changes as has the South.

Unless you are so fucking stupid you think Red States are run by Democrats.

horseshit, the democrats started the KKK to keep blacks in their "place". No most red states are not run by democrats, but the failed big cities and the failing state of California are run by democrats.
Well, what else could you say when these people come right out and Advocate Communism, Socialism, and are opposed to Free Speech, The 2nd Amendment, Religious Freedom, and are opposed to our right to Maintain a Sovereign Border and manage Immigration as well as defend the country from and Invasion of Illegals and massive amounts of drugs pouring across our Southern Border.

The Constitution Guarantees a Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet, The Left wants to Legalize Infanticide, Restrict what you can say and do, even down to what kind of cake you must bake for any pervert that asks it of you. They also want to tax the shit out of you and keep their thumb down on you and limit upward mobility and the pursuit of your dreams. What Freedom to Pursue Happiness does a Conservative have at These Cesspools of Communism and Green Jihadism at our Universities?

Don't tell me they love our country when they demand we change 130 year old law in Congress that states "no head coverings" and don't tell me they love our Country when they want to impose Sharia law despite our restrictions on The Government Promoting an Establishment of a Religion.

People in Congress taking the Oath of Office on a Koran when The Koran classifies America as an Infidel Country to be defeated and subjugated by Jihad?
Sharia Law!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I seem to recall your God calling for the Israelites to slaughter men, women & children. OMG OMG OMG

We demanded changes to 130 odd years of slavery & racism too. I bet that really pissed you off.

I have news, barkbreath,this country was founded on the freedom of religion.

You assfucks really hate what America is supposed to be & love the idea odf a white supremacy America. Well, you ain't getting that.

you want to do away with slavery and racism? then why do you support the party of slavery and racism? We want the constitution and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnicity (Mexican is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race), or religion. But you guys want segregation by race, by sex, by political belief (safe spaces). You leftists are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk on the earth. YOU are the party of the KKK, segregated drinking fountains and rest rooms, schools, buses, and you are the party of lynchings and hate. YOU are what you accuse others of being.
You assfucks still pushing that bullshit?

The Democrats started the KKK to fight Republicans. The KKK has changes as has the South.

Unless you are so fucking stupid you think Red States are run by Democrats.

horseshit, the democrats started the KKK to keep blacks in their "place". No most red states are not run by democrats, but the failed big cities and the failing state of California are run by democrats.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders"

Now don't you feel; like a total, ignorant, uneducated jackass?
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine you stupid fuck. This is why you love Trump - you are too stupid to know he is lying.

No one is cancelling the first or second amendments.

There is no infanticide.

Replacing one source of energy with another is not destroying but improving.

And elimination of our borders????? Really? Funny shit, I've been to the border & there were fences & border patrol. Obama beefed up border security.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to make a post like you did. Full of lies & bullshit,.

do you think medicare is free? those getting it paid for it out of their paychecks for their entire lives. If you extend it to all 330 million americans, who will pay for it? and yes, medicare for all is but another name for socialized medicine where a government agency is put in charge of your medical care instead of you and your doctors.

the dems have bills on the floor to limit both the 1st and 2nd amendments, WTF do you think hate speech laws are if not a limit on the 1st amendment? What are laws banning certain types of guns and magazines if not limits on the 2nd amendment?

NY just passed, and celebrated, laws allowing the murder of babies that have been born, VA just passed a law that allows the killing of a baby after birth. Those are not abortions, those are murders.

falsely claiming that solar and wind can replace oil, coal and gas will destroy our industry and our standard of living. Cant wait for that solar powered railroad from NY to London.

Dems running for president have called for removal of border barriers and elimination of ICE

YOU my ignorant little friend, have proven that you are the dumbest fuck on the planet by continuing to post the lies being pumped into your empty head by your dem masters and their mouthpieces in the media.
Well, what else could you say when these people come right out and Advocate Communism, Socialism, and are opposed to Free Speech, The 2nd Amendment, Religious Freedom, and are opposed to our right to Maintain a Sovereign Border and manage Immigration as well as defend the country from and Invasion of Illegals and massive amounts of drugs pouring across our Southern Border.

The Constitution Guarantees a Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet, The Left wants to Legalize Infanticide, Restrict what you can say and do, even down to what kind of cake you must bake for any pervert that asks it of you. They also want to tax the shit out of you and keep their thumb down on you and limit upward mobility and the pursuit of your dreams. What Freedom to Pursue Happiness does a Conservative have at These Cesspools of Communism and Green Jihadism at our Universities?

Don't tell me they love our country when they demand we change 130 year old law in Congress that states "no head coverings" and don't tell me they love our Country when they want to impose Sharia law despite our restrictions on The Government Promoting an Establishment of a Religion.

People in Congress taking the Oath of Office on a Koran when The Koran classifies America as an Infidel Country to be defeated and subjugated by Jihad?
Sharia Law!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I seem to recall your God calling for the Israelites to slaughter men, women & children. OMG OMG OMG

We demanded changes to 130 odd years of slavery & racism too. I bet that really pissed you off.

I have news, barkbreath,this country was founded on the freedom of religion.

You assfucks really hate what America is supposed to be & love the idea odf a white supremacy America. Well, you ain't getting that.

you want to do away with slavery and racism? then why do you support the party of slavery and racism? We want the constitution and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnicity (Mexican is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race), or religion. But you guys want segregation by race, by sex, by political belief (safe spaces). You leftists are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk on the earth. YOU are the party of the KKK, segregated drinking fountains and rest rooms, schools, buses, and you are the party of lynchings and hate. YOU are what you accuse others of being.
You assfucks still pushing that bullshit?

The Democrats started the KKK to fight Republicans. The KKK has changes as has the South.

Unless you are so fucking stupid you think Red States are run by Democrats.

horseshit, the democrats started the KKK to keep blacks in their "place". No most red states are not run by democrats, but the failed big cities and the failing state of California are run by democrats.
Well, what else could you say when these people come right out and Advocate Communism, Socialism, and are opposed to Free Speech, The 2nd Amendment, Religious Freedom, and are opposed to our right to Maintain a Sovereign Border and manage Immigration as well as defend the country from and Invasion of Illegals and massive amounts of drugs pouring across our Southern Border.

The Constitution Guarantees a Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Yet, The Left wants to Legalize Infanticide, Restrict what you can say and do, even down to what kind of cake you must bake for any pervert that asks it of you. They also want to tax the shit out of you and keep their thumb down on you and limit upward mobility and the pursuit of your dreams. What Freedom to Pursue Happiness does a Conservative have at These Cesspools of Communism and Green Jihadism at our Universities?

Don't tell me they love our country when they demand we change 130 year old law in Congress that states "no head coverings" and don't tell me they love our Country when they want to impose Sharia law despite our restrictions on The Government Promoting an Establishment of a Religion.

People in Congress taking the Oath of Office on a Koran when The Koran classifies America as an Infidel Country to be defeated and subjugated by Jihad?
Sharia Law!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I seem to recall your God calling for the Israelites to slaughter men, women & children. OMG OMG OMG

We demanded changes to 130 odd years of slavery & racism too. I bet that really pissed you off.

I have news, barkbreath,this country was founded on the freedom of religion.

You assfucks really hate what America is supposed to be & love the idea odf a white supremacy America. Well, you ain't getting that.

you want to do away with slavery and racism? then why do you support the party of slavery and racism? We want the constitution and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, sex, ethnicity (Mexican is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race), or religion. But you guys want segregation by race, by sex, by political belief (safe spaces). You leftists are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk on the earth. YOU are the party of the KKK, segregated drinking fountains and rest rooms, schools, buses, and you are the party of lynchings and hate. YOU are what you accuse others of being.
You assfucks still pushing that bullshit?

The Democrats started the KKK to fight Republicans. The KKK has changes as has the South.

Unless you are so fucking stupid you think Red States are run by Democrats.

horseshit, the democrats started the KKK to keep blacks in their "place". No most red states are not run by democrats, but the failed big cities and the failing state of California are run by democrats.

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders"

Now don't you feel; like a total, ignorant, uneducated jackass?

nice article, but only partly true. the klan did resist reconstruction policies, but its primary purpose was to control and keep blacks down, and for the record, one of the largest KKK organizations was in Illinois.

as to education, I'll match mine to yours any day of any week, bring it.
Fuck you MIkey, this is my country & you ignorant, bigoted, hate spewing assholes will be out in 2020.

That's tough talk after getting your Dem ass whooped in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and losing ground in the Senate in 2018. Wait for it...:auiqs.jpg:

Rather selective on your claims of victories. You left out 2008. The House in 2018.
come on, to a man you thought you were getting Congress. too fking funny, nope!!!!! fk you
There was little chance to get the Senate when far more Democrats were up than Republicans & some of those Democrats were only elected because they rode Obama's coattails.
same can be said about the GOP in the house. incumbents didn't run.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
socialized medicine? we're just trying to bring healthcare on par with the rest of the developed world.
cancelling the 1st amendment? conservatives are gutting it with their ag-gag law criminalizing undercover reporting. Trump treatening broadcast licenses.
cancelling 2nd amendment? Howbout just restoring it to its original intent.

doing away with the designations of male and female? Just keep government out of gender role preferences.
infanticide? Trump is least pro life president ever. mused about aborting tiffany.
oppressive job killing taxation? current tax policy takes money out of circulation; hording by the wealthy.
destruction of the energy industry? renewable energy is the only industry going forward. Coal is dead, the rest of fossil fuels will follow.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
socialized medicine? we're just trying to bring healthcare on par with the rest of the developed world.
cancelling the 1st amendment? conservatives are gutting it with their ag-gag law criminalizing undercover reporting. Trump treatening broadcast licenses.
cancelling 2nd amendment? Howbout just restoring it to its original intent.

doing away with the designations of male and female? Just keep government out of gender role preferences.
infanticide? Trump is least pro life president ever. mused about aborting tiffany.
oppressive job killing taxation? current tax policy takes money out of circulation; hording by the wealthy.
destruction of the energy industry? renewable energy is the only industry going forward. Coal is dead, the rest of fossil fuels will follow.

nice job reciting the lefts talking points, all lies but you got them down on paper just as your masters want you to.

lets talk gender. If you don't know if you are male of female look between your legs, if you have penis your are male, if you have a vagina you are female, there aren't any other options. You are what you biological body and your genetic makeup say you are. Two genders.

Trump is pro life and has stated so many times,

The latest tax bill reduced the tax rates for all tax brackets, it also limited deductions that only the rich could use. you are lying about that too.

Everyone wants us to move to more renewable energy, but we have to do it sensibly and without destroying the country. Funny that you libs never demand that China and India move to renewables since they are the biggest polluters on the planet, only the US, why is that?
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
socialized medicine? we're just trying to bring healthcare on par with the rest of the developed world.
cancelling the 1st amendment? conservatives are gutting it with their ag-gag law criminalizing undercover reporting. Trump treatening broadcast licenses.
cancelling 2nd amendment? Howbout just restoring it to its original intent.

doing away with the designations of male and female? Just keep government out of gender role preferences.
infanticide? Trump is least pro life president ever. mused about aborting tiffany.
oppressive job killing taxation? current tax policy takes money out of circulation; hording by the wealthy.
destruction of the energy industry? renewable energy is the only industry going forward. Coal is dead, the rest of fossil fuels will follow.
we aren't followers, we are leaders. why do you sell your countryfolk short?
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
socialized medicine? we're just trying to bring healthcare on par with the rest of the developed world.
cancelling the 1st amendment? conservatives are gutting it with their ag-gag law criminalizing undercover reporting. Trump treatening broadcast licenses.
cancelling 2nd amendment? Howbout just restoring it to its original intent.

doing away with the designations of male and female? Just keep government out of gender role preferences.
infanticide? Trump is least pro life president ever. mused about aborting tiffany.
oppressive job killing taxation? current tax policy takes money out of circulation; hording by the wealthy.
destruction of the energy industry? renewable energy is the only industry going forward. Coal is dead, the rest of fossil fuels will follow.

nice job reciting the lefts talking points, all lies but you got them down on paper just as your masters want you to.

lets talk gender. If you don't know if you are male of female look between your legs, if you have penis your are male, if you have a vagina you are female, there aren't any other options. You are what you biological body and your genetic makeup say you are. Two genders.

Trump is pro life and has stated so many times,

The latest tax bill reduced the tax rates for all tax brackets, it also limited deductions that only the rich could use. you are lying about that too.

Everyone wants us to move to more renewable energy, but we have to do it sensibly and without destroying the country. Funny that you libs never demand that China and India move to renewables since they are the biggest polluters on the planet, only the US, why is that?
he has the boilerplate, for sure.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine you stupid fuck. This is why you love Trump - you are too stupid to know he is lying.

No one is cancelling the first or second amendments.

There is no infanticide.

Replacing one source of energy with another is not destroying but improving.

And elimination of our borders????? Really? Funny shit, I've been to the border & there were fences & border patrol. Obama beefed up border security.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to make a post like you did. Full of lies & bullshit,.

do you think medicare is free? those getting it paid for it out of their paychecks for their entire lives. If you extend it to all 330 million americans, who will pay for it? and yes, medicare for all is but another name for socialized medicine where a government agency is put in charge of your medical care instead of you and your doctors.

the dems have bills on the floor to limit both the 1st and 2nd amendments, WTF do you think hate speech laws are if not a limit on the 1st amendment? What are laws banning certain types of guns and magazines if not limits on the 2nd amendment?

NY just passed, and celebrated, laws allowing the murder of babies that have been born, VA just passed a law that allows the killing of a baby after birth. Those are not abortions, those are murders.

falsely claiming that solar and wind can replace oil, coal and gas will destroy our industry and our standard of living. Cant wait for that solar powered railroad from NY to London.

Dems running for president have called for removal of border barriers and elimination of ICE

YOU my ignorant little friend, have proven that you are the dumbest fuck on the planet by continuing to post the lies being pumped into your empty head by your dem masters and their mouthpieces in the media.

Never said Medicare was free.

Just like Medicare for all would not be free,.

There was no law that stated what you said. What it talked about was severely deformed fetuses that have zero chance of survival (determined by two doctors) can be allowed to die in peace. I guess you would keep bringing them back over & over & continue their suffering all for nothing? Really?

These decisions are made now by parents when their newborn has no chance of survival.

YOU are such a fucking moron you think the NGD is about trains across the Atlantic because you can't fucking read. The NGD talks about high speed rail between US cities replacing Airplanes.

We can replace vehicles with electric. We can eliminate a lot of the oil & coal. It is already in process. Gas will follow.

But hey, you sit on your fat ass & condemn your own offspring to a crap life because you are such a fucking, ignorant asshole.

President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
socialized medicine? we're just trying to bring healthcare on par with the rest of the developed world.
cancelling the 1st amendment? conservatives are gutting it with their ag-gag law criminalizing undercover reporting. Trump treatening broadcast licenses.
cancelling 2nd amendment? Howbout just restoring it to its original intent.

doing away with the designations of male and female? Just keep government out of gender role preferences.
infanticide? Trump is least pro life president ever. mused about aborting tiffany.
oppressive job killing taxation? current tax policy takes money out of circulation; hording by the wealthy.
destruction of the energy industry? renewable energy is the only industry going forward. Coal is dead, the rest of fossil fuels will follow.

nice job reciting the lefts talking points, all lies but you got them down on paper just as your masters want you to.

lets talk gender. If you don't know if you are male of female look between your legs, if you have penis your are male, if you have a vagina you are female, there aren't any other options. You are what you biological body and your genetic makeup say you are. Two genders.

Trump is pro life and has stated so many times,

The latest tax bill reduced the tax rates for all tax brackets, it also limited deductions that only the rich could use. you are lying about that too.

Everyone wants us to move to more renewable energy, but we have to do it sensibly and without destroying the country. Funny that you libs never demand that China and India move to renewables since they are the biggest polluters on the planet, only the US, why is that?
China has more people?

China is still developing?

China signed on to the Paris Accord. They recognize the need to curb pollution and are working toward it.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.

I am neither Rep nor Dem.

But that was a rambling pile of silliness.

And you obviously thought it was fact-based and coherent.

President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine you stupid fuck. This is why you love Trump - you are too stupid to know he is lying.

No one is cancelling the first or second amendments.

There is no infanticide.

Replacing one source of energy with another is not destroying but improving.

And elimination of our borders????? Really? Funny shit, I've been to the border & there were fences & border patrol. Obama beefed up border security.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to make a post like you did. Full of lies & bullshit,.

do you think medicare is free? those getting it paid for it out of their paychecks for their entire lives. If you extend it to all 330 million americans, who will pay for it? and yes, medicare for all is but another name for socialized medicine where a government agency is put in charge of your medical care instead of you and your doctors.

the dems have bills on the floor to limit both the 1st and 2nd amendments, WTF do you think hate speech laws are if not a limit on the 1st amendment? What are laws banning certain types of guns and magazines if not limits on the 2nd amendment?

NY just passed, and celebrated, laws allowing the murder of babies that have been born, VA just passed a law that allows the killing of a baby after birth. Those are not abortions, those are murders.

falsely claiming that solar and wind can replace oil, coal and gas will destroy our industry and our standard of living. Cant wait for that solar powered railroad from NY to London.

Dems running for president have called for removal of border barriers and elimination of ICE

YOU my ignorant little friend, have proven that you are the dumbest fuck on the planet by continuing to post the lies being pumped into your empty head by your dem masters and their mouthpieces in the media.

Never said Medicare was free.

Just like Medicare for all would not be free,.

There was no law that stated what you said. What it talked about was severely deformed fetuses that have zero chance of survival (determined by two doctors) can be allowed to die in peace. I guess you would keep bringing them back over & over & continue their suffering all for nothing? Really?

These decisions are made now by parents when their newborn has no chance of survival.

YOU are such a fucking moron you think the NGD is about trains across the Atlantic because you can't fucking read. The NGD talks about high speed rail between US cities replacing Airplanes.

We can replace vehicles with electric. We can eliminate a lot of the oil & coal. It is already in process. Gas will follow.

But hey, you sit on your fat ass & condemn your own offspring to a crap life because you are such a fucking, ignorant asshole.

my grandson was born at 2 lbs with a brain bleed. He's fourteen now and in high school. don't give me or anyone this bullshit, it's just bullshit. it's murder. you're an inhumane mthr fkr.
President Trump: Some Serving in the U.S. Congress 'Hate Our Country'

The Left Wingers are outaged that Trump said that they “hate” America. Time Magazine: “President Donald Trump outright said that certain members of Congress “hate” the United States during a two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.”

Trump is correct once again.
The Left Wingers will tell you in detail how much they hate America, but then they get upset when you point out that they are anti-American bigots (truth). Marxism and Islamism are not compatable with the U.S. constitution or American culture. Liberals are very proud that they hate America because they think that it’s “progressive”. Obammy proved why we should never elect people who loath our country. People have a legitimate concern that anti-American bigots are making our laws.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine you stupid fuck. This is why you love Trump - you are too stupid to know he is lying.

No one is cancelling the first or second amendments.

There is no infanticide.

Replacing one source of energy with another is not destroying but improving.

And elimination of our borders????? Really? Funny shit, I've been to the border & there were fences & border patrol. Obama beefed up border security.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to make a post like you did. Full of lies & bullshit,.

do you think medicare is free? those getting it paid for it out of their paychecks for their entire lives. If you extend it to all 330 million americans, who will pay for it? and yes, medicare for all is but another name for socialized medicine where a government agency is put in charge of your medical care instead of you and your doctors.

the dems have bills on the floor to limit both the 1st and 2nd amendments, WTF do you think hate speech laws are if not a limit on the 1st amendment? What are laws banning certain types of guns and magazines if not limits on the 2nd amendment?

NY just passed, and celebrated, laws allowing the murder of babies that have been born, VA just passed a law that allows the killing of a baby after birth. Those are not abortions, those are murders.

falsely claiming that solar and wind can replace oil, coal and gas will destroy our industry and our standard of living. Cant wait for that solar powered railroad from NY to London.

Dems running for president have called for removal of border barriers and elimination of ICE

YOU my ignorant little friend, have proven that you are the dumbest fuck on the planet by continuing to post the lies being pumped into your empty head by your dem masters and their mouthpieces in the media.

Never said Medicare was free.

Just like Medicare for all would not be free,.

There was no law that stated what you said. What it talked about was severely deformed fetuses that have zero chance of survival (determined by two doctors) can be allowed to die in peace. I guess you would keep bringing them back over & over & continue their suffering all for nothing? Really?

These decisions are made now by parents when their newborn has no chance of survival.

YOU are such a fucking moron you think the NGD is about trains across the Atlantic because you can't fucking read. The NGD talks about high speed rail between US cities replacing Airplanes.

We can replace vehicles with electric. We can eliminate a lot of the oil & coal. It is already in process. Gas will follow.

But hey, you sit on your fat ass & condemn your own offspring to a crap life because you are such a fucking, ignorant asshole.

so how do you pay for medicare? mandate? didn't we just end that? fk off loser socialist.
What a ridiculous thing for a President to say

He demeans the office. He thinks that dry humping an American flag shows he loves the country

why is it ridiculous for a president to state the truth? Democrats are pushing socialized medicine, cancelling the 1st and 2nd amendments, doing away with the designations of male and female, infanticide, oppressive job killing taxation, and the destruction of the energy industry. They are trying to destroy this country, because they hate its success and the fact that americans live better lives than any other country. They support the perversions of Hollywood, the indoctrination of our young, and the elimination of our national borders. YES, DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR.
Medicare for all is NOT socialized medicine you stupid fuck. This is why you love Trump - you are too stupid to know he is lying.

No one is cancelling the first or second amendments.

There is no infanticide.

Replacing one source of energy with another is not destroying but improving.

And elimination of our borders????? Really? Funny shit, I've been to the border & there were fences & border patrol. Obama beefed up border security.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to make a post like you did. Full of lies & bullshit,.

do you think medicare is free? those getting it paid for it out of their paychecks for their entire lives. If you extend it to all 330 million americans, who will pay for it? and yes, medicare for all is but another name for socialized medicine where a government agency is put in charge of your medical care instead of you and your doctors.

the dems have bills on the floor to limit both the 1st and 2nd amendments, WTF do you think hate speech laws are if not a limit on the 1st amendment? What are laws banning certain types of guns and magazines if not limits on the 2nd amendment?

NY just passed, and celebrated, laws allowing the murder of babies that have been born, VA just passed a law that allows the killing of a baby after birth. Those are not abortions, those are murders.

falsely claiming that solar and wind can replace oil, coal and gas will destroy our industry and our standard of living. Cant wait for that solar powered railroad from NY to London.

Dems running for president have called for removal of border barriers and elimination of ICE

YOU my ignorant little friend, have proven that you are the dumbest fuck on the planet by continuing to post the lies being pumped into your empty head by your dem masters and their mouthpieces in the media.

Never said Medicare was free.

Just like Medicare for all would not be free,.

There was no law that stated what you said. What it talked about was severely deformed fetuses that have zero chance of survival (determined by two doctors) can be allowed to die in peace. I guess you would keep bringing them back over & over & continue their suffering all for nothing? Really?

These decisions are made now by parents when their newborn has no chance of survival.

YOU are such a fucking moron you think the NGD is about trains across the Atlantic because you can't fucking read. The NGD talks about high speed rail between US cities replacing Airplanes.

We can replace vehicles with electric. We can eliminate a lot of the oil & coal. It is already in process. Gas will follow.

But hey, you sit on your fat ass & condemn your own offspring to a crap life because you are such a fucking, ignorant asshole.

so how do you pay for medicare? mandate? didn't we just end that? fk off loser socialist.

So, if you had a fucking job & got a paycheck, you would know you are being forced to pay for your medicare OMG OMG OMG OMG

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