The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Post me ever saying anything positive about Nazis. You can’t. You’re lying.

Post me saying I want unvaxxed jailed. You can’t. You’re lying

It’s what you do

Your avatar is a Nazi flag. You Azov fuckers should have been wiped out when we had the chance.
What a completely brain dead political.moron. ^^^

This is butt stupid. If you're not a dumbass leftard you might as well be, saying stupid shit like this.
Can you briefly outline what is stupid and why?

Oh, NO! Mac is Mr. Moderate.

Just ask him.

He'll tell you.


and OVER

and OVER

and OVER.

You mean he hasn't convinced you yet? That must be because you aren't listening hard enough!

Wow, that's pretty amazing. I don't call myself a moderate.

Look at all the times you used "OVER". And yet I don't even do that.

There is something wrong with you. Sorry.
You don’t realize you’re supporting a criminal oligarchy by continuing to support the uniparty. Staying home is far better than doing what you do.
Fine, then fold your cards, go sit in a corner and mope.
Did it even occur to the OP that he is viewed by many here as simply a dem shill and not a very good one at that?

LOL.....If he carried anymore dem water he would need a fuckin' Yoke. :laughing0301:
Oh, okay. I'm sure you can list off all the hardcore left wing positions I hold.

I'll wait here.

These Anti-American (PRO-PEDO shows into Kindergarten classrooms) have made their positions known. They support the Communist takeover of America (the puppet regime installed via Election Fraud 2020). No more Mr. Nice guy with these EVIL DISGUSTING creatures. That ship sailed back when the housing bust hit hard. Straight down the toilet ever since (but for Trumps 4 years slowed Americas' decline). I gave these clowns every curtesy for years....but after 2020, this is the beginnings of a CIVIL WAR. Pick a side. No phony mushy middle like MAC DBLACK GATOR types pretend to be.
Can you briefly outline what is stupid and why?
Of course.

This world is not about shoving agendas down peoples' throats.

It's about making sure the power hungry pigs don't trample on EVERY BOUNDARY IN SIGHT while they're trying to shove their God-forsaken agendas down peoples' throats.

At this moment the political left in the form of the Democratic party is trampling on the rights of American citizens. There are POLITICAL PRISONERS, and if that ain't a heads up I don't know what it'll take to get you into protective mode.

The political weaponization of the law is an ASSAULT on every American citizen, it is a trampling of rights and a direct violation of boundaries.

Only a very stupid, very dumbass leftard would mistake a protective stance for an agenda. These fucking idiot leftards are DELUSIONAL, they're living on Fantasy Island. They've completely lost the ability to discern.

They are STUPID, they're living in a tiny little ideological bubble which closely resembles a smelly keester, and none of these dumb fucking assholes can see the bigger picture or even understand that there is one.
Oh, okay. I'm sure you can list off all the hardcore left wing positions I hold.

I'll wait here.


Just so everyone is clear, because you keep lying about it, you voted for Biden/Harris, the most radically leftist administration in American history. That's the proof of your positions. You didn't have the personal integrity to vote for a candidate you claim to support, because you're in a cult (see below).

Yes. I voted for a shitty candidate and a party that I find repulsive because that's how little I thought of the alternative.

Anything else?
Of course.

This world is not about shoving agendas down peoples' throats.

It's about making sure the power hungry pigs don't trample on EVERY BOUNDARY IN SIGHT while they're trying to shove their God-forsaken agendas down peoples' throats.

At this moment the political left in the form of the Democratic party is trampling on the rights of American citizens. There are POLITICAL PRISONERS, and if that ain't a heads up I don't know what it'll take to get you into protective mode.

The political weaponization of the law is an ASSAULT on every American citizen, it is a trampling of rights and a direct violation of boundaries.

Only a very stupid, very dumbass leftard would mistake a protective stance for an agenda. These fucking idiot leftards are DELUSIONAL, they're living on Fantasy Island. They've completely lost the ability to discern.

They are STUPID, they're living in a tiny little ideological bubble which closely resembles a smelly keester, and none of these dumb fucking assholes can see the bigger picture or even understand that there is one.
Don't forget the collusion with MSM (and Globalists) to Block or censor the voice of the sane against their non-stop BS. They actually banned a sitting President from MEDIA.
Of course.

This world is not about shoving agendas down peoples' throats.

It's about making sure the power hungry pigs don't trample on EVERY BOUNDARY IN SIGHT while they're trying to shove their God-forsaken agendas down peoples' throats.

At this moment the political left in the form of the Democratic party is trampling on the rights of American citizens. There are POLITICAL PRISONERS, and if that ain't a heads up I don't know what it'll take to get you into protective mode.

The political weaponization of the law is an ASSAULT on every American citizen, it is a trampling of rights and a direct violation of boundaries.

Only a very stupid, very dumbass leftard would mistake a protective stance for an agenda. These fucking idiot leftards are DELUSIONAL, they're living on Fantasy Island. They've completely lost the ability to discern.

They are STUPID, they're living in a tiny little ideological bubble which closely resembles a smelly keester, and none of these dumb fucking assholes can see the bigger picture or even understand that there is one.
I don’t disagree with that, but you have a problem. The R Party is no different from the D Party. So your supporting them makes you an accessory to the problem you abhor.
My, aren't you bright-eyed?....You actually think that someone is going to bother with someone as inconsequential as yourself?

Your lukewarm dem shill ilk are a dime a dozen.
Yeah, I didn't think so. You guys always run. Good.

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