The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

“Your side“ needs to be executed one by one for Treason, Sedition or worse. None of you are recoverable or worth saving. You all support criminals destroying America by any neans necc. You cant be trusted or worked with.
Starting with MSM, then DC, then go thru Posters like you…..punishments for your transgressions to civiliation.
From the Housing bust (caused by Congres) to Russian collusion, GW hogwash, men breastfeeding, code pink, ANTIFA, BLM, Floyd, Trayvon, men pregnant, Election Fraud, Ukraine, Hunter…never ending. Mac side has been lying on every subject for decades. As they raid US Treasure and destroy the Nation. They must be stopped, punished.

your leaders ripped up SOTU Speech on NATL TV, also yelled at room of generals + President and ran off to CNN mics. Nary a peep outa your side.
Lots of criminals on the trump side. Zero with President Biden. What his son has done is still in the works but I believe Biden didn't do anything wrong. No like at the scandalous and criminal trump organization. Tried to overthrow our government. Did you ever go to school or read one serious book? I don't think so.
Political overcompensation is the new Great American Pastime.

A few years ago, some of us were warning the Left: You're going too far with Political Correctness and Identity Politics. You're going too far screaming RACIST at every last fucking thing that moves. You're going too far lowering standards and expectations for people based solely on their skin color. You're going too far in normalizing sexual disorders such as gender dysphoria. You're going too far in putting your agenda in schools. You're going too far in disallowing conservative voices on college campuses. And most of all, you're going too far in attacking, intimidating and penalizing people in everyday life for saying things you don't like.

There's going to be pushback, we said. You're overcompensating, we said. This stuff is not right, we said. I only said that a few thousand times here, to be met with attacks from the Left. (By the way, a zillion examples of that available upon request via the search function)

So now we see the pushback, with this Neanderthal, middle school bully-approach to the culture from the Right. This is the pushback we warned about -- although, admittedly, even worse than I imagined. And this sucker has legs, just like your weaponized PC and Identity Politics did. They're making laws and attacking and intimidating. Gee, what a coincidence. What Deja Vu we're seeing, huh? Go figure!

And most amazing of all, this pushback included the election of a petulant child, an obvious con man, an orange buffoon, in 2016, and all the fucking unbelievable madness that has followed.

No doubt there will be pushback to this, too. Back and forth. Back and forth. More and more damage.

Ideological politics poisons everything it touches. Now it's putting this country at risk of falling apart. Great job, gang. You're BOTH so much like those you hate, and you just won't stop.

There are NOT 2 extremes on the political spectrum. Only left leaning nuts vs Constitutionalists
just to dammed spoiled,
words like working together, compromise, balance of power. common sense. respect, kindness.
Any thing that makes living together possible.
thrown out the window.
suggestion Turn off the TV.
Start looking at what we do have, get a little gratitude that your an American.
just to dammed spoiled,
words like working together, compromise, balance of power. common sense. respect, kindness.
Any thing that makes living together possible.
thrown out the window.
suggestion Turn off the TV.
Start looking at what we do have, get a little gratitude that your an American.
I think consensus is the word we're missing. And it's disappeared because of the voting system we use, which punishes candidates who seek consensus.
I'll just keep asking, to both ends:

How do you intellectually reconcile the fact that half the country disagrees with you, as you push so hard to shove your agenda down their throat?

Is it that you just know what's best for them?

What is your inner justification for that?
What a completely brain dead political.moron. ^^^

This is butt stupid. If you're not a dumbass leftard you might as well be, saying stupid shit like this.

The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us​


And Mac1958 is standing around with his thumb up his ass watching it happen
Speaking of tribes, Mac, is that you in there somewhere?


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