The two main reasons to support Trump:

$ for walls when just enforcing emigration laws across the board would be the most reasonable response?.
libs won't enforce laws. A wall is a permanent solution and it can save America and only Trump wants it. Do you understand?.
The only reason I see is the only promise I trust Trump to keep and that is he'll select more conservative Supreme Court justices than Hillary.
But since when does Trump care about illegals or the middle class,.
no idea but he is for wall to stop illegals and against free trade to help middle class while Hilary is not. Now do you understand?
The only reason I see is the only promise I trust Trump to keep and that is he'll select more conservative Supreme Court justices than Hillary.
who knows since he seems to have no sense of the left right debate? I would not count on him at all there.
you forgot to mention that conservatives have also allowed the illegals in.....they have been coming for 50 years not just the last 8....

not our subject. 1+1=2
wow ed im impressed you must be a mathematician......back in the 60's there was what about a million of them around?...50 years later it is out of control and now you are blaming just liberals?....
didn't blame anybody just said we must support Trump because he will build the wall and Hilary won't!
yea you did said LIBERALS invited all these illegals in.....sounds like you are blaming someone....
But since when does Trump care about illegals or the middle class,.
no idea but he is for wall to stop illegals and against free trade to help middle class while Hilary is not. Now do you understand?
We don't need a wall. We just need to enforce imigration laws. It's quite simple. Nobody hires illegals, they cease to be a problem. No wall required. But it's a little late for that, now. Did you have a happy cinco de mayo?
The only reason I see is the only promise I trust Trump to keep and that is he'll select more conservative Supreme Court justices than Hillary.
good luck with that....

he doesn't seem to know what a conservative's not likely he would listen to the RNC's advice on this either...
We need a horizontal wall made up of land mines, snipers and machine gun nests. Along with forward combat units to wipe out mexican drug dealers, some corrupt police and some corrupt politicians. Let's get bizzy!
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.
Since Trump changes views like his underwear there is no telling what he actually believes.
There are two reasons to support Trump:
1) You are a low information voter who believes illegals are destroying this country
2) You are a stupid voter who thinks building a wall will make a difference.
We need a horizontal wall made up of land mines, snipers and machine gun nests. Along with forward combat units to wipe out mexican drug dealers, some corrupt police and some corrupt politicians. Let's get bizzy!
That worked well in East Germany. Yay, we're gonna be a police state like E.Germany!
We need a horizontal wall made up of land mines, snipers and machine gun nests. Along with forward combat units to wipe out mexican drug dealers, some corrupt police and some corrupt politicians. Let's get bizzy!
That worked well in East Germany. Yay, we're gonna be a police state like E.Germany!
What turned you into a pussy, Rabbi? You used to be a hard I'm not too sure...
We need a horizontal wall made up of land mines, snipers and machine gun nests. Along with forward combat units to wipe out mexican drug dealers, some corrupt police and some corrupt politicians. Let's get bizzy!
That worked well in East Germany. Yay, we're gonna be a police state like E.Germany!
What turned you into a pussy, Rabbi? You used to be a hard I'm not too sure...
Yeah its that civil liberties thing. You think harsh measures will only be used against illegal Mexicans, I've got a bridge to sell you. Remember when we were going to use harsh measures only against Muslim terrorists? Yeah, how'd that turn out?
We need a horizontal wall made up of land mines, snipers and machine gun nests. Along with forward combat units to wipe out mexican drug dealers, some corrupt police and some corrupt politicians. Let's get bizzy!
That worked well in East Germany. Yay, we're gonna be a police state like E.Germany!
What turned you into a pussy, Rabbi? You used to be a hard I'm not too sure...

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in....not out.
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.

1. He's lying about building a wall. He even said so.

2. He wants to start WWIII.

BUT - there ARE two reasons to vote Republican:

1. You're very very rich.

2. You're very very stupid.

Check your wallet to see which you are.
And who gives a shit about ISIS !? U watch too many movies .

certainly not the people who were beheaded while they were alive or the millions about to be killed
by WMDs.


yes mass destruction can easily mean millions of dead and economies left worthless. Do you understand?

Who is claiming ISIS has the capability to kill millions? Especially Americans.
Right Wingers are feeding the fears of the naive
40% of illegals enter legally. The wall does nothing for that.

And what happend to caring about the debt ? A white elephant wall ( perfect term by the way) will do nothing but cost us money .
I enjoy watching edwardbaiamonte get batted around here like a badminton. He does not understand.
The only reason I see is the only promise I trust Trump to keep and that is he'll select more conservative Supreme Court justices than Hillary.

Yeah, like $arah Palin or Krispy kreme Christie.

Trumpery is more liberal than Hillary. The only reason RWNJ traitors like him is he's a racist jackass who blames blames people of color for everything he does wrong.

This, even though he himself is a person of color - orange.
1) He will build the wall and save America as we know it. Liberals have invited in 20 million illegals to take our jobs and drive down our wages only because they block vote liberal and thus will turn the USA into California rendering Republicans never able to win anywhere again.

2) He is right on ISIS. He wants to kill them before they kill us with WMD's! And, he wants to rebuilt the military to get Russia, China and the ME under control again before WW3 starts.
In other words, he'll start WW3.

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