The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

How wonderful that in the history of the United States there has never been such a thing, that individual regions wanted to secede, but they were not given that right by the military force... Only in totalitarian Russia is such an outrage possible.
Every nation on earth including ours was decided by War. Been going on since cavemen beat down other cavemen for their women.

Our Civil War has nothing to do with your comment on Mexico
Independent expert and Javelin
Your blindfolded hypocrisy, prevents you from understanding my example with the use of Mexico
I understood. Did they attack you??? Or did you attack them??

If the people of Ukraine wanted to be part of Russia they would have welcomed you there instead of fighting
No it is not. And if you insist on this, the russians will conclude a military treaty with Mexico and I will supply it with weapons and develop propaganda about the return of Mexican territories aggressively taken away by the United States. Of course, you will agree with this, because Mexico is a sovereign state. Isn't that right, hypocritical idiot?
You are simply laughable! Your ignorance of history in only exceeded by your hilarious attempts at logic and reasoning. At the end of the Mexican War,, they signed a treaty agreeing that the US would pay for $15 million for damage to Mexico, and then assumed all of Mexico's $3.25 million debt to US citizens. That paid them for their territory. If they didn't like it, they should have noted it then. We also paid for the Gadsden Purchase in 1854 for what is now the most southern portions of Arizona and New Mexico.
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If that is your justification for War and why you went there............then the whole world has justification to invade pretty much most of the countries on planet earth.

It is NAIVE that these labs don't exist.......At the same time it pisses me off they exist.

Do a deal.........We hold a convention in Wuhan China and invite all the assholes who were part of the Covid BS..........Including ours and both our countries hit it with a Tactical Nuke..

In response to Putin's threat to use Nukes........IVAN........

Another blast from the past.

O.K. Fashist Ukraine will not win.
And you remember this..........IVAN.......


I watched the video that is now banned from youtube where Putin said openly to NATO "WELL WE HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS."

It was an OPEN THREAT to the west to use NUKES...........And was typical of the USSR during the Cold War...........

Do you support his threat of using NUKES on the WEST IVAN?

I'd also remind you that WE HAVE THEM TOO..........Do you support the threats of the destruction of the entire world?
If that is your justification for War and why you went there............then the whole world has justification to invade pretty much most of the countries on planet earth.

It is NAIVE that these labs don't exist.......At the same time it pisses me off they exist.

Do a deal.........We hold a convention in Wuhan China and invite all the assholes who were part of the Covid BS..........Including ours and both our countries hit it with a Tactical Nuke..

You need to seek mental health counseling as soon as possible. Your elevator does not reach the top floor any longer.
Your blindfolded hypocrisy, prevents you from understanding my example with the use of Mexico
The problem is, that Ukraine is not Russia.

The entire Western half of Ukraine is "not Russia".

The people there, are not Russian. They don't like Russians, and they'll never agree to Russian rule. In any form.

If Putin decides to install a puppet government there, the Ukrainians will terrorize it till the end of time. And Putin will be exposed for the thug that he is.

(Not that anyone doesn't already know).
No it is not. And if you insist on this, the russians will conclude a military treaty with Mexico and I will supply it with weapons and develop propaganda about the return of Mexican territories aggressively taken away by the United States. Of course, you will agree with this, because Mexico is a sovereign state. Isn't that right, hypocritical idiot?
You're the an idiot. NATO is a defensive organization not an aggressive one. If it were an aggressive one we would be at war with Russia right now. Besides Mexico and Canada do not fear us, I've never go along with that kind of insanity. They are two of our biggest trading partners and we have mutual defense packs with both of them.
O.K. Fashist Ukraine will not win.
You're calling the Ukraine fascist. They freely elected a comedian as their president, they cherish Western values of freedom they want nothing to do with Russia now. They will win Russia's going down the drain in their own filth and corruption all sponsored by a madman named putin. Russia is a totalitarian oligarchy fascist Nation. They just blocked the truth from their people, their people are misguided because of that. This is all on putin. And his psychotic paranoia about the West.

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