The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The problem is, that Ukraine is not Russia.

The entire Western half of Ukraine is "not Russia".

The people there, are not Russian. They don't like Russians, and they'll never agree to Russian rule. In any form.

If Putin decides to install a puppet government there, the Ukrainians will terrorize it till the end of time. And Putin will be exposed for the thug that he is.

(Not that anyone doesn't already know).
I believe you're talking to a Russian plant, no American can be this stupid and blind.
And you remember this..........IVAN.......


I watched the video that is now banned from youtube where Putin said openly to NATO "WELL WE HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS."

It was an OPEN THREAT to the west to use NUKES...........And was typical of the USSR during the Cold War...........

Do you support his threat of using NUKES on the WEST IVAN?

I'd also remind you that WE HAVE THEM TOO..........Do you support the threats of the destruction of the entire world?
He is either a Russian plant or the most ignorant person in America.
TASS, March 11. A drone launched from the territory of Ukraine fell on Friday in the Crimea near the city of Krasnoperekopsk near the border. This was reported to TASS by a source in the law enforcement agencies.

"Today there were two cases of Ukraine using the Soviet-designed Tu-141 Strizh unmanned aerial vehicle," he said.

"The first of them fell near the city of Krasnoperekopsk (Republic of Crimea), the second - in Zagreb (Croatia), having flown more than 700 km," the agency interlocutor said.

Earlier on Friday, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that the drone that fell at night on the outskirts of Zagreb was launched from the territory of Ukraine. He expressed surprise that the old-style aircraft spent more than an hour in the sky over NATO member countries and no one noticed it. According to the President, the incident is being investigated.
You are true to your name, truly deluded. Russia does not have the right to dictate what another Nation does, only their own. You should keep up with the news, Russians are now fleeing Russia in droves because of what Putin has done, the economy is collapsing.

Quite obviously, Putin didn't see the collapse of Russia and the exit of those states as 'capeesh'. Many Russians went back before the impending 'special operation'.

Now you have a Russian bully, who has intimidated Nato and the sitting President of the United States. See he got to you with his nuke threat. Putin sees weakness in the United States that didn't exist during the last administration....and he isn't the only one.

Despite appeals from Ukraine, Biden admin holds back additional military aid to Kyiv amid diplomatic push​

The Biden administration prepared a $200 million package of additional military assistance for Ukraine in recent weeks but held off on delivering the aid despite appeals from Kyiv and some lawmakers, according to three people familiar with the issue.

The administration's delay of the smaller shipment of weapons and military equipment was designed to give more time for diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions and to retain leverage in the case of a Russian attack on Ukraine, the three people familiar with the issue told NBC News.
Biden admin holds back extra military aid to Kyiv amid diplomatic push

Don't want to piss of Putin now, do we?
I had a liberal college professor say almost those exact same words back in the 80s. I openly questioned his honesty on that statement. When he told me I was dead wrong, I pulled a copy of Aviation Week and Space Technology out and showed him the cover story. Russia had violated the SALT treaty by adding air-to-air refueling capability to its Blackjack bombers, in direct violation of the treaty. My professor admitted defeat and the class got a good chuckle watching a freshman Navy aerospace engineering student (at the time) showing up the professor.
As far as I know, Blackjack's (Tu-160) were allowed to have air-to-air refuelling capability from the very beginning. The air-to-air refuelling capability was removed from Backfires (Tu-22) (to do not count them as strategic bombers) and was returned back only in 2018.
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You are true to your name, truly deluded. Russia does not have the right to dictate what another Nation does, only their own. You should keep up with the news, Russians are now fleeing Russia in droves because of what Putin has done, the economy is collapsing.
Same way, Ukraine do not have right to dictate Crimea or Donbass should they be a part of Ukraine, or not, or should Russia recognise them as independent states and join them - or not.
You're calling the Ukraine fascist. They freely elected a comedian as their president, they cherish Western values of freedom they want nothing to do with Russia now. They will win Russia's going down the drain in their own filth and corruption all sponsored by a madman named putin. Russia is a totalitarian oligarchy fascist Nation. They just blocked the truth from their people, their people are misguided because of that. This is all on putin. And his psychotic paranoia about the West.
The Soros Lab's Tourette Syndrome

You are proof that the Globalists' Russophobia virus is specifically designed to attack the brain.
You are simply laughable! Your ignorance of history in only exceeded by your hilarious attempts at logic and reasoning. At the end of the Mexican War,, they signed a treaty agreeing that the US would pay for $15 million for damage to Mexico, and then assumed all of Mexico's $3.25 million debt to US citizens. That paid them for their territory. If they didn't like it, they should have noted it then. We also paid for the Gadsden Purchase in 1854 for what is now the most southern portions of Arizona and New Mexico.
You made them an offer they couldn't refuse, didn't you?
With the Russian anthem, Syrians staged a rally of thousands

Yes I remember, Syria was one of the four nations that voted against denouncing Russia at the UN. So did Eritrea and North Korea. What's important is that the largest number of nations ever to vote on single issue like this voted against Russia 141 Nations. And just as important China and Cuba abstained in their votes. Meaning they don't agree with your methods of genocide in the Ukraine.
Yes I remember, Syria was one of the four nations that voted against denouncing Russia at the UN. So did Eritrea and North Korea. What's important is that the largest number of nations ever to vote on single issue like this voted against Russia 141 Nations. And just as important China and Cuba abstained in their votes. Meaning they don't agree with your methods of genocide in the Ukraine.
I forgot Belarus there's one more for you Russians. I wonder how the rest of the slobs feel that Belarus betrayed their race.
Well if Putin keeps this up the war that's coming will have us back living in caves.
The key now is not triggering that war, but the war monger's have been beating the drum's irregardless of the spark that could escalate this situation beyond the border's of Ukraine. This could actually signal the thought or thinking that the world behind NATO is ready to meet Russia and possibly China on the battlefield over globalism.

It's time to respect sovereignty, border's, and nation's cultural identity again in the world. Globalism is a failure, and it's taking the world into global war without one care about who is left standing or who has fallen when all the smoke clears.
The problem is, that Ukraine is not Russia.

The entire Western half of Ukraine is "not Russia".

The people there, are not Russian. They don't like Russians, and they'll never agree to Russian rule. In any form.

If Putin decides to install a puppet government there, the Ukrainians will terrorize it till the end of time. And Putin will be exposed for the thug that he is.

(Not that anyone doesn't already know).
Is the above bolded in black the whole problem with what's been going on in the east of Ukraine ? Otherwise is the western leaned Ukrainian government seeking to rid all of Ukraine of the Russians living there, and so it's therefore that type of thinking that is maybe unexceptable to Russia and it's leadership ???? Is Putin avenging the Ukrainian Russians living in the east, otherwise from what he saw as Western Ukrainian aggression against those Russian's that are living in the east ??? Were the eastern Ukrainian Russian's being oppressed or abused in the east by the western leaned Ukrainian's ???? What gives in all of this mess really ???

That war has raged for 8 years now, so why the surprise when it began to finally reach it's climax ??
The key now is not triggering that war, but the war monger's have been beating the drum's irregardless of the spark that could escalate this situation beyond the border's of Ukraine. This could actually signal the thought or thinking that the world behind NATO is ready to meet Russia and possibly China on the battlefield over globalism.

It's time to respect sovereignty, border's, and nation's cultural identity again in the world. Globalism is a failure, and it's taking the world into global war without one care about who is left standing or who has fallen when all the smoke clears.
putin is not respecting the Ukraine's sovereignty, therefore the whole situation exists. Russia has to get out of the Ukraine before world war III is unavoidable.
putin is not respecting the Ukraine's sovereignty, therefore the whole situation exists. Russia has to get out of the Ukraine before world war III is unavoidable.
Globalism is the only way this world is going to survive, it's the way forward to a unified world without wars.

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