The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

All the west and Nato's moves, so far, have been, basically, to appease Putin
Bloody hell... It is difficult to find a place on Earth that the United States and NATO have not bombed in the last 30 years or established its military bases... And this is Putin, who needs to be appeased... It's time to rename Fake News to Goebbels News.

I see your point.

However, try to understand the brilliance of it. There is no doubt that capitalists use economics as a weapon. They do that so they don't have use real weapons. Human beings need an outlet for their greed, and their violence. In Russia you have the oligarchs and their methods, but here if you do something wrong we don't kill you, we just make sure you lose your cushy million dollar TV job so you have to become a truck driver again.

It's just a different set of rules, that's all.

Hey, lot of respect for the Russians. You guys are phenomenal wrestlers, you've taught me a lot. I even appreciate your sense of humor. (Although the Croatians have better curses lol)

I personally don't much like the way my government is going, but I like even less the idea of slaughtering thousands just to get rid of a tyrant. What we say here YMMV - "your methods may vary".

I:d like for us to leave you alone, and you to leave us alone, and occasionally we can get together and share a bottle of vodka or something. Does that work for you?

(Ha ha - this my little personal violation of the Logan Act, I am "engaging in diplomacy", which in theory makes me a criminal, which should be good enough to establish my bona fides). :p
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Churchill was a brute? Give me a break

United world under modern capitalism is fashism
There's no sense in talking to you you're an idiot you don't even know how to spell fascism, you definitely are some kind of Russian plant. Capitalism is dying out slowly but surely we are moving on to another not yet named system. The whole world is changing. Capitalism like communism is dying out. Hopefully the next system that develops will allow us to work in unison with the planet instead of destroying it.

Nothing wrong with exploring this sort of stuff as things progress in all of these events taking place. Ringo is that you in that video ? lol

Anyways like I said, there isn't nothing wrong with entertaining such information as it developes... Otherwise look how wrong people were about the Jussie Smollett case. People running with narratives are supposed to be taken with a grain of salt until the proper interpretation of the bigger picture gets clearer and clearer.

Jussie Smollett should have taught everyone just how evil and destructive sometimes a collective mindset or hive mentality can be.
I understand if the Western government comes to a Western company and says: we have sanctions here and you have to stop your activities in Russia, but there will come a moment when the company will come to the government and ask: where is my money?
I understand if the Western government comes to a Western company and says: we have sanctions here and you have to stop your activities in Russia, but there will come a moment when the company will come to the government and ask: where is my money?
None of those companies were forced to close their doors in Russia they chose to do it because they are American companies and they understand Americans cannot stand by while Russia commits these atrocities. Russia has lost American support and most of the world agrees with that. All this is happening because of One crazy Man in Russian named putin. That's the shame of it all. putin has set Russia back decades and they end up destroying it entirely.
Bloody hell... It is difficult to find a place on Earth that the United States and NATO have not bombed in the last 30 years or established its military bases... And this is Putin, who needs to be appeased... It's time to rename Fake News to Goebbels News. we're getting somewhere.

Tactic used to unseat Trump by the DNC and MSM.

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