The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The Russian army used new weapons for the first time in Ukraine, the work of the remote mining engineering system "Agriculture" was filmed near Kharkov. The video shows the moment of remote installation of minefields. The operation of this installation is similar to the work of the Grad MLRS. The difference is that instead of the warhead of a 122 mm rocket, they carry cassettes with mines. After the installation of mines, this territory is plotted on an electronic map, there is no need to carry out mine clearance manually, mines can be remotely deactivated.

Movement of a column of Russian military equipment of airborne units to the area of combat missions in the Kiev region

The Ukainskijs need to haul that Zelensky monkey by his heels and deported him back to the United Snakes or ... better yet ... string him up.

The Russian army used new weapons for the first time in Ukraine, the work of the remote mining engineering system "Agriculture" was filmed near Kharkov. The video shows the moment of remote installation of minefields. The operation of this installation is similar to the work of the Grad MLRS. The difference is that instead of the warhead of a 122 mm rocket, they carry cassettes with mines. After the installation of mines, this territory is plotted on an electronic map, there is no need to carry out mine clearance manually, mines can be remotely deactivated.

Movement of a column of Russian military equipment of airborne units to the area of combat missions in the Kiev region

Now what about the bird flu lab in Kharkiv? How is the dismantling coming along?
He's already doing lines like it's going out of style: marionette and cocaine.
That's the only way he's going to survive the humiliation, defeat and isolation. How many people today think about the dispensable American-trained puppet Mikheil Saakashvili? He's going to have a snort-mate very soon.

The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.​

Obama and Biden prepared for this war in 2013-14 when they spent 5 billion dollars to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected government and installed their own candidate in the Ukraine backed by the AZOV Nazi battalion that began attacking civilians in Donbas. Was the war was created by the US & NATO? It damned sure was.
- With its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has outlawed itself!
- But what about your invasions of Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan?
- It's not out law. It's above the law. And this is completely different!
Watching this news channel France 24, and it's making me laugh at how the reporting is bent towards getting off of oil and gas (going green) in the world, yet meanwhile the major player's like (Russia and China etc), are ramping up their oil and gas needs/usage for a stronger economy, and a stronger military by way of the continued usage of such resources.
Macron: we will not pay for gas supplies in rubles, as this is not provided for in the contract.
Wipe your ass now with this contract, which is worthless after France blocked 22 billion euros of russian money.
And don't call Putin anymore, you're boring him.

The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.​


When the USSR was dismantled Ukraine had an assortment of nuclear and strategic weaponry. The US didn't like that so they forced Ukraine to give them up. Ukraine obliged and either destroyed the weapons or sold them back to Russia. Now Washington is crying about Ukraine having little to fight the Russians with. That's how they do:

1). Destroy their capabilities
2). Create an enemy for them
3). Make them dependent on your capabilities

It says so much about how propagandized people are and how insulated their ideological echo chambers have become that their first thought when encountering someone with a foreign policy opinion they disagree with is "I bet this person is a secret agent from a hostile government."
It says so much about how propagandized people are and how insulated their ideological echo chambers have become that their first thought when encountering someone with a foreign policy opinion they disagree with is "I bet this person is a secret agent from a hostile government."
You've also noticed. :)
Yeah let’s escalate this war because well, the elites want to.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

What goes up my nose more than anything else in this little "war" is that Sweden (yes, I said Sweden!) has sent weapons to Ukraine. So it's left up to who (or is it whom?) to introduce de-escalation? You and I? Well, Putin has said time and time again that there is no need for an armed conflict in the first place so I guess it's up to the three of us, Gipper. If it's too late to fill their gun barrels with roses maybe we can slip into their weapons factories with a welder. :eusa_shhh:
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

What goes up my nose more than anything else in this little "war" is that Sweden (yes, I said Sweden!) has sent weapons to Ukraine. So it's left up to who (or is it whom?) to introduce de-escalation? You and I? Well, Putin has said time and time again that there is no need for an armed conflict in the first place so I guess it's up to the three of us, Gipper. If it's too late to fill their gun barrels with roses maybe we can slip into their weapons factories with a welder. :eusa_shhh:
I’ll be surprised if this war doesn’t escalate. Western governments and media have inflamed many of their citizens with hate for Russia. Hate is what they always promote in every war. You’d think after centuries of using this deceptive tactic, all people would recognize it.

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