The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

I’ve always loved history and have researched it all my life. Up until about 20 years ago, I was blind too. After W invaded Iraq, I started reevaluating everything and reading a great deal of alternative history. It didn’t take long for me to conclude we’ve been lied to by the elites for millennium about war.
After the lie of WMDs, the illegal invasion of Irak, the torture chambers at Abu Graib & Guantanamo, yet the only person sitting behind bars are the ones who proved it all ...... yes, it's a good reason to conclude the world has been lied to. For sure.
Putin thinks Ukraine should be part of Russia because he believes they are “Rus.” IOW he thinks they’re the same people. He also thinks all Rus should be ruled by Moscow. It pisses him off because Ukrainians don’t see it that way.

Ukraine has been dominated by Russia for centuries. Russians have slaughtered millions of Ukrainians. Ukraine does not want to be part of Russia. For good reason.

Is there a half a minute in your time-table when you're not spreading lies and slander? Take a break, drink some water and hopefully choke yourself on it.
The CIA helped to turn Ukraine into a bastard in 2014, and as we can currently see from MI6's presence near Zelenskiy's body, the duo wants war and will antagonize until it gets it.

'...."Otkaz kievskogo rezhima prekratit' genotsid russkikh cherez vypolnenie svoikh obiazatel'stv po mezhdunarodym dogovorennostiam, privel k voennoi spetsoperatsii Rossii na Ukrainy, zaiavil Antonov.
"The refusal of the Kiev regime to stop the genocide of Russians through the fulfillment of its obligations under international agreements, led to a Russian special Operation in Ukraine," said Antonov.'
Putin thinks Ukraine should be part of Russia because he believes they are “Rus.” IOW he thinks they’re the same people. He also thinks all Rus should be ruled by Moscow. It pisses him off because Ukrainians don’t see it that way.

Ukraine has been dominated by Russia for centuries. Russians have slaughtered millions of Ukrainians. Ukraine does not want to be part of Russia. For good reason.

Lol. You really think Putin caused the Holodomor. Damn you funny.
After the lie of WMDs, the illegal invasion of Irak, the torture chambers at Abu Graib & Guantanamo, yet the only person sitting behind bars are the ones who proved it all ...... yes, it's a good reason to conclude the world has been lied to. For sure.
No doubt about that, but somehow many Americans have very short memories.
Is there a half a minute in your time-table when you're not spreading lies and slander? Take a break, drink some water and hopefully choke yourself on it.
Tonto thinks his unthinking and uncritical support of the Nazi regime in Ukraine is somehow proof he’s anti-Trump. I know..I know…it’s screwed up.
The anti-American ethno-nationalists and Russian trolls reveal themselves pretty quickly!

The CIA helped to turn Ukraine into a bastard in 2014, and as we can currently see from MI6's presence near Zelenskiy's body, the duo wants war and will antagonize until it gets it.

'...."Otkaz kievskogo rezhima prekratit' genotsid russkikh cherez vypolnenie svoikh obiazatel'stv po mezhdunarodym dogovorennostiam, privel k voennoi spetsoperatsii Rossii na Ukrainy, zaiavil Antonov.
"The refusal of the Kiev regime to stop the genocide of Russians through the fulfillment of its obligations under international agreements, led to a Russian special Operation in Ukraine," said Antonov.'

Keep lying, Russian troll.
No doubt about that, but somehow many Americans have very short memories.
In order to have a short memory or to have any memory at all, it is first necessary for awareness to have been a fact and for that to be true people need to either be told or for them to have done some reading if the info isn't taught. Not only Americans but nowadays just about everyone in the west is being fed US lies and hard-nose propaganda. Even Sweden is soaking up the crap as though that's all there is ... and keeping an eye on the MS media ..... that really is all there is. No more "two sides to every story". It's outright brainwashing. You have to keep your head cool and diligent if you want to understand anything or get close to the truth on any issue. :eek-52:
'Nuts' (American reply to the nazis request to surrender, Italy WWII).
Actually, it was General McAuliffe's reply to the German suggestion for the Americans to surrender during the battle of the bulge in Belgium.
Riddle me this............Arizona has a civil War...........Many there wanting to be a part of MEXICO..............And Arizona fights to keep them from becoming part of Mexico..........

Would we SAY..........GO TO MEXICO or PUT IT DOWN...............

We would NOT ALLOW Mexico to take it because of illegals saying THIS IS MEXICO..........Ukraine is a NATION WITH BORDERS.........Those borders are Not part of RUSSIA..........Russia is taking these areas by force........IN UKRAINE...........

So let's pick a place in Russia that says we are part of the United States.............They rebel against Russia.........saying we are NO LONGER PART OF RUSSIA............By the NONSENSE of defending Russia...........we have EVERY RIGHT TO INVADE RUSSIA and kick their ass because this area says it is part of the United States.

Anyway................Justification of Russia and X KGB UTTER BS.
Riddle me this............Arizona has a civil War...........Many there wanting to be a part of MEXICO..............And Arizona fights to keep them from becoming part of Mexico..........

Would we SAY..........GO TO MEXICO or PUT IT DOWN...............

We would NOT ALLOW Mexico to take it because of illegals saying THIS IS MEXICO..........Ukraine is a NATION WITH BORDERS.........Those borders are Not part of RUSSIA..........Russia is taking these areas by force........IN UKRAINE...........

So let's pick a place in Russia that says we are part of the United States.............They rebel against Russia.........saying we are NO LONGER PART OF RUSSIA............By the NONSENSE of defending Russia...........we have EVERY RIGHT TO INVADE RUSSIA and kick their ass because this area says it is part of the United States.

Anyway................Justification of Russia and X KGB UTTER BS.
So your position like Abe’s, is we will kill you and destroy your land to keep you. If you were alive in 1775, we know who’s side you’d be on.

Yet you likely consider yourself a lover of democracy, yet the will of the people means nothing to you. You support the State. Statist!
US intelligence has stated that Russia may interfere in the American elections... because of Ukraine. - RIA Novosti
American intelligence holds americans for imbeciles... Russia does not care at all - Democrats or Republicans will support the nazis in Kiev,
Riddle me this............Arizona has a civil War...........Many there wanting to be a part of MEXICO..............And Arizona fights to keep them from becoming part of Mexico..........

Would we SAY..........GO TO MEXICO or PUT IT DOWN...............

We would NOT ALLOW Mexico to take it because of illegals saying THIS IS MEXICO..........Ukraine is a NATION WITH BORDERS.........Those borders are Not part of RUSSIA..........Russia is taking these areas by force........IN UKRAINE...........

So let's pick a place in Russia that says we are part of the United States.............They rebel against Russia.........saying we are NO LONGER PART OF RUSSIA............By the NONSENSE of defending Russia...........we have EVERY RIGHT TO INVADE RUSSIA and kick their ass because this area says it is part of the United States.

Anyway................Justification of Russia and X KGB UTTER BS.
Am I right in assuming that you know NOTHING about how Texas became a state?
Am I right in assuming that you know NOTHING about how Texas became a state?
Nope...........Now tell me how many years ago that happened...................hmmm.

I heard part of Russia was flying an American flag..........the people there are wanting to be a part of America.

Think we'll go kick the door in and stomp Russia into the ground .......because well.........WE ARE PEACE KEEPERS.........We'll start by attacking Moscow first and all the ports of the Black Sea because liberating the area in question would only lead to being shelled later.....

So for the GOOD OF THE WORLD.......we are just going to STOP RUSSIA'S ASS...............

How do you like that?
In order to have a short memory or to have any memory at all, it is first necessary for awareness to have been a fact and for that to be true people need to either be told or for them to have done some reading if the info isn't taught. Not only Americans but nowadays just about everyone in the west is being fed US lies and hard-nose propaganda. Even Sweden is soaking up the crap as though that's all there is ... and keeping an eye on the MS media ..... that really is all there is. No more "two sides to every story". It's outright brainwashing. You have to keep your head cool and diligent if you want to understand anything or get close to the truth on any issue. :eek-52:
NATO and Sweden are now caught in the throes of protection-racket foreplay.

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