The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Nope...........Now tell me how many years ago that happened...................hmmm.

I heard part of Russia was flying an American flag..........the people there are wanting to be a part of America.

Think we'll go kick the door in and stomp Russia into the ground .......because well.........WE ARE PEACE KEEPERS.........We'll start by attacking Moscow first and all the ports of the Black Sea because liberating the area in question would only lead to being shelled later.....

So for the GOOD OF THE WORLD.......we are just going to STOP RUSSIA'S ASS...............

How do you like that?
You started by contracting yourself and you finished by contradicting yourself. You are not doing very well.
Fuck Russia's Red lines............They don't own NATO.........if Sweden and Finland want in then we should let them in.

Russia is having a hard time with Ukraine.............Let them try NATO.............Those 40 mile military convoys will be a scrap heap.......

They invaded another country and are trying to expand their territory......not the other way around.............

My favorite bumper sticker back in the day..........Cold War ...........was RUSSIA SUCKS...........I don't care about Russian threats.
You started by contracting yourself and you finished by contradicting yourself. You are not doing very well.
Sarcasm escapes you..............

I used sarcasm on the Russian invasion...........and their use of justification for it..........

So using their own justification we should just take some of their land too because we heard they wanted to be part of us......

Guess you MISSED THE SARCASM ........huh
Fuck Russia's Red lines............They don't own NATO.........if Sweden and Finland want in then we should let them in.

Russia is having a hard time with Ukraine.............Let them try NATO.............Those 40 mile military convoys will be a scrap heap.......

They invaded another country and are trying to expand their territory......not the other way around.............

My favorite bumper sticker back in the day..........Cold War ...........was RUSSIA SUCKS...........I don't care about Russian threats.
Yeah let’s have a nuclear holocaust just because! The ignorance of some Americans is mind numbing. Stop being a dupe!

The West’s whore media has done its best to create worldwide indignation against Russia. People worked up into indignation do not perceive the irresponsibility of Western governments in gratuitously threatening Russia with missile bases on her borders. Instead of properly perceiving the placement of the bases as aggression against Russia, the indoctrinated people see Russia’s response to existential threats as aggression.
Nuclear War Is on the Horizon - LewRockwell
NATO and Sweden are now caught in the throes of protection-racket foreplay.
Most definitely. NATO was in it from the beginning and Sweden was introduced to it in the late 1980s and has been "slowly but surely" becoming a victim of the racket and is now a certified hostage.
Yeah let’s have a nuclear holocaust just because! The ignorance of some Americans is mind numbing. Stop being a dupe!

The West’s whore media has done its best to create worldwide indignation against Russia. People worked up into indignation do not perceive the irresponsibility of Western governments in gratuitously threatening Russia with missile bases on her borders. Instead of properly perceiving the placement of the bases as aggression against Russia, the indoctrinated people see Russia’s response to existential threats as aggression.
Nuclear War Is on the Horizon - LewRockwell
STFU.............Russia has been threatening to Nuke us since WWII............We are supposed to go ............oh let me hide under the bed because Putin is threatening to Nuke us.

You want to know why he uses that........and so do you.................Because we would BEAT HIS ASS pardon me when I don't give a shit about his threats.

He's been using them forever.........I don't give a damn...........

He knows where we live.........if he wants to end the world..........which is the MAD principle then it doesn't really matter anymore does it?

More LET'S BACK DOWN because he threatened Nukes they have for 70 years.
Sarcasm escapes you..............

I used sarcasm on the Russian invasion...........and their use of justification for it..........

So using their own justification we should just take some of their land too because we heard they wanted to be part of us......

Guess you MISSED THE SARCASM ........huh
I guess I just caught you out of your depths and you are squirming to get loose with implausible excuses like, "I was only joking".
Most definitely. NATO was in it from the beginning and Sweden was introduced to it in the late 1980s and has been "slowly but surely" becoming a victim of the racket and is now a certified hostage.

Most of the expansion of NATO came since the fall of the USSR...........They weren't even countries then..........Germany wasn't even a whole nation.......

Then it's ...........LOOK AT THE EVIL NATO EXPANSION..............The countries like POLAND want to be in NATO because they don't want to be in the USSR again.

I guess I just caught you out of your depths and you are squirming to get loose with implausible excuses like, "I was only joking".
Sure you are in here being a troll for Putin........

Riddle me this..........will Putin give the Sea port's he took in Ukraine back after the War........and if not will he try and TAKE ODESSA NEXT?
STFU.............Russia has been threatening to Nuke us since WWII............We are supposed to go ............oh let me hide under the bed because Putin is threatening to Nuke us.

You want to know why he uses that........and so do you.................Because we would BEAT HIS ASS pardon me when I don't give a shit about his threats.

He's been using them forever.........I don't give a damn...........

He knows where we live.........if he wants to end the world..........which is the MAD principle then it doesn't really matter anymore does it?

More LET'S BACK DOWN because he threatened Nukes they have for 70 years.
Your childish emotional thinking makes you easy prey for the criminal oligarchs. Get smarter.
Sure you are in here being a troll for Putin........

Riddle me this..........will Putin give the Sea port's he took in Ukraine back after the War........and if not will he try and TAKE ODESSA NEXT?
Little sister says….anyone who disagrees with me is a Putin puppet.
Little sister says….anyone who disagrees with me is a Putin puppet.
Well you are his dang puppet on these boards.

Here you are playing NATO and Sweden are crossing red lines if they is Finland

I responded by saying FUCK PUTIN'S RED LINES.........I don't give a damn about his threats. He has to use the I'LL NUKE YOU because he can't win against us.
Yeah let’s have a nuclear holocaust just because! The ignorance of some Americans is mind numbing. Stop being a dupe!

The West’s whore media has done its best to create worldwide indignation against Russia. People worked up into indignation do not perceive the irresponsibility of Western governments in gratuitously threatening Russia with missile bases on her borders. Instead of properly perceiving the placement of the bases as aggression against Russia, the indoctrinated people see Russia’s response to existential threats as aggression.
Nuclear War Is on the Horizon - LewRockwell

Lew Rockwell rofl

Anti-American reads anti-American propaganda.
Finland too. It looks like they intend to cross all of Russia’s red lines. This appears to be an intended provocation that likely ends badly for a lot of people on this planet.
Finland & Sweden NATO Applications Could Be 'Imminent" After Stoltenberg Hints At Fast-Tracking | ZeroHedge
Finland has an axe to grind in any case: Karelia. A particularly large pill to swallow. I have no doubt they are thinking about getting it back now that things have heated up for Russia. I can't blame them.

Most of the expansion of NATO came since the fall of the USSR...........They weren't even countries then..........Germany wasn't even a whole nation.......

Then it's ...........LOOK AT THE EVIL NATO EXPANSION..............The countries like POLAND want to be in NATO because they don't want to be in the USSR again.

This is not really true. It's more like the yo-yo effect. They didn't like the Soviet system so they hopped on the first bus in the opposite direction. It's human nature I guess but it is seldom a wise thing to do. Many (I dare say "many") are now seeing the mistake they made by hitching their wagon to that dark star. I would like to see a serious non-partisan discussion on what most of them now wish they had done instead. My guess is "neutrality".

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