The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Chinese troops apparently just moved into Serbia. Russian troops did that before.
I’ll be surprised if this war doesn’t escalate. Western governments and media have inflamed many of their citizens with hate for Russia. Hate is what they always promote in every war. You’d think after centuries of using this deceptive tactic, all people would recognize it.
I have so much to say on the subject but where are all of the words needed with which to say it? It is clear that you understand the force behind this sort of madness but we are in a downward spiral of understanding the dumb-downedness of the common man who can't see worth a crap. How? Why? Is it all comic books and video games to them? Good guys and bad guys to pic sides and run with that? What is it that makes victims of continuous, national lies still think "their side" is the best side? Don't they think it's time to change the batting order? No, they still believe there were WMDs in Irak and that there was no justification for 9/11 ... only jealousy. :hmpf:
We'll post this, perhaps a false flag.

China Deploying Troops Into Europe
We in Western Europe need to have the shit scared out of us for sleeping with the Yankees. If our respective governments want to play war alongside the US then we must be given a warning either by Russia or by China.
I have so much to say on the subject but where are all of the words needed with which to say it? It is clear that you understand the force behind this sort of madness but we are in a downward spiral of understanding the dumb-downedness of the common man who can't see worth a crap. How? Why? Is it all comic books and video games to them? Good guys and bad guys to pic sides and run with that? What is it that makes victims of continuous, national lies still think "their side" is the best side? Don't they think it's time to change the batting order? No, they still believe there were WMDs in Irak and that there was no justification for 9/11 ... only jealousy. :hmpf:
Great post. We are in complete agreement.

How is it we can see through the madness, but others can’t? I can’t understand how these people have allowed themselves to be duped by the establishment over and over again. It‘s as if the’ve learned nothing from history.
..... How is it we can see through the madness, but others can’t? .....
I think I know why I can. I'm a war veteran and I (we) knew something was wrong with what we were told, it didn't jive with reality, we were all told a bunch of lies and the population we were sent to kill were decent people who only wanted freedom ..... from us. We deliberately deprived them of their freedom and killed millions of them because they resited. I didn't understand all of that at the time but eventually it sank in and I came to realize that we were the bad guys. So now when I see things happening in the world I ask myself if it makes any sense. The "west's"explanation of this thing in Ukraine does not make sense.

What about you? How did you come to see things with more clarity?
The pathology is theological. The CIA may go to church, but it's not to pray. One technique They learn likely originates all the way forward from the Neolithic: the manipulation of indignance and the strive for justice. Both of these manipulations came from the theologian's burial cult, complete with its esoterica, kept from the 'common man.'
Ukraine an illegitimate state since 2014 similar to the 2020 US elections. If it was legal, consider the collective IQ that did that disaster. One should not respect the decadent drug trafficking hub the Ukraine is, And by default the UN or Helskini is impotent to do anything about it, it's outlaw mentality, nor the behavior of Maidanians in another country, like blm baboons in Austria.
Why the propaganda ?? Ukraine left Russia when the Soviet Union fell correct ?? To my recollection they left without incident, and gave back their nukes to boot. Now how long ago was that ? How many years of peace did Ukraine have before it began to have internal strife and struggle between it's ethnic Russian's and Ukranian's in country ??

Then there is the NATO thing, and then the west blamed Russia for 4 years straight on what was wrong with the American electorial process because of them, and then we learned now that all that was just political lie's in hopes to destroy a duly elected President, and all in order to try and usher back in the leftist agenda in full force again. Fact.
Why the propaganda ?? Ukraine left Russia when the Soviet Union fell correct ?? To my recollection they left without incident, and gave back their nukes to boot. Now how long ago was that ? How many years of peace did Ukraine have before it began to have internal strife and struggle between it's ethnic Russian's and Ukranian's in country ??

Then there is the NATO thing, and then the west blamed Russia for 4 years straight on what was wrong with the American electorial process because of them, and then we learned now that all that was just political lie's in hopes to destroy a duly elected President, and all in order to try and usher back in the leftist agenda in full force again. Fact.

Putin is trying to turn Ukraine into a vassal state.
I think I know why I can. I'm a war veteran and I (we) knew something was wrong with what we were told, it didn't jive with reality, we were all told a bunch of lies and the population we were sent to kill were decent people who only wanted freedom ..... from us. We deliberately deprived them of their freedom and killed millions of them because they resited. I didn't understand all of that at the time but eventually it sank in and I came to realize that we were the bad guys. So now when I see things happening in the world I ask myself if it makes any sense. The "west's"explanation of this thing in Ukraine does not make sense.

What about you? How did you come to see things with more clarity?
I’ve always loved history and have researched it all my life. Up until about 20 years ago, I was blind too. After W invaded Iraq, I started reevaluating everything and reading a great deal of alternative history. It didn’t take long for me to conclude we’ve been lied to by the elites for millennium about war.
Putin is trying to turn Ukraine into a vassal state.
The most powerful empire that has ever existed, which is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and is continuously working to destroy any nation who challenges its global dominion, claims that it is in a global power struggle against "authoritarianism".

Get it?
And ? Why is that ? How did Ukraine piss Putin off this bad ?

Putin thinks Ukraine should be part of Russia because he believes they are “Rus.” IOW he thinks they’re the same people. He also thinks all Rus should be ruled by Moscow. It pisses him off because Ukrainians don’t see it that way.

Ukraine has been dominated by Russia for centuries. Russians have slaughtered millions of Ukrainians. Ukraine does not want to be part of Russia. For good reason.


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