The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

I still don't know what you are on about. Are you talking in your sleep?

So why are you so worried and frightened?
Is the Bear attacking the US right now..............ummm nope............Why would be scared of the Bear...........If he is a MAD MAN.........and uses Nukes........time will be too short for the world anyways............survivors will face hell on earth..........the dead it's over.

So IS PUTIN A MAD MAN..................WILL HE USE THE BOMB.............I doubt that.......For 70 years the I'LL NUKE YOU has been has never come to the world would end.

Only a MAD MAN would do it.
You lack insight, knowledge, experience and wisdom. Mark my word, The Visegrád countries are going to begin distancing themselves from NATO as soon as the time is right.
I think you are mistaken. At least about Poland.
After the lie of WMDs, the illegal invasion of Irak, the torture chambers at Abu Graib & Guantanamo, yet the only person sitting behind bars are the ones who proved it all ...... yes, it's a good reason to conclude the world has been lied to. For sure.
Your word's of condemnation without solid proof, IOW that could somehow be translated and then prosecuted by a world court that would be in agreeance upon, uhhhhh will just appear as propaganda and butt hurt because you have a chip on your shoulder about American resolve when it comes to entering conflict's in the world because you are anti-American.
Let's see now ... you read my post, particularly the bold print and your reply is .....
Your word's of condemnation without solid proof
... and ...
you are anti-American.
I can find no reason to share any information with you or take you seriously in the least.
Is the Bear attacking the US right now..............ummm nope............Why would be scared of the Bear...........If he is a MAD MAN.........and uses Nukes........time will be too short for the world anyways............survivors will face hell on earth..........the dead it's over.

So IS PUTIN A MAD MAN..................WILL HE USE THE BOMB.............I doubt that.......For 70 years the I'LL NUKE YOU has been has never come to the world would end.

Only a MAD MAN would do it.
I'm not interested in your comic book mentality.
Maybe you're right but eventually, it'll be all of those multiple border breaches that will make them realize they sold their souls to the devil and together (such as the Visegrád Group) will find the courage to give Washington the finger.
I hope so, but fear it will be too late.
Stop talking about the will of people, you hypocrite. Have you asked the Poles or the Baltics whether they want to be in Russian sphere of influence again?
I don’t give a fuck. It’s none of our stinking government‘s business. You go kill and die for Latvia. Leave me the fuck alone.

War is the health of the state. War is a racket. If only you understood these profound statements.
Because you say so...........That dog doesn't hunt with me. What are you to me.......Nothing......I have no clue who you are and you don't with me.

The media and gov'ts lie thier asses I just go to history and what I know.......

Putin was KGB with the USSR...........That is all I need to know.........I'm against him. Not to mention arming others have killed Americans all over the world.......Always in our history since WWII it has been Russia.....arming those fighting us and our allies.......

Which part of I'm all of a sudden supposed to kiss his ass as a HERO is supposed to change that?
Com’n Karen get with the program. We don’t need another war to benefit the war profiteers and oligarchs, while millions die. You’d think you’d know this shit, but you don’t.
Com’n Karen get with the program. We don’t need another war to benefit the war profiteers and oligarchs, while millions die. You’d think you’d know this shit, but you don’t.
Stating that Russia can go fuck themselves is not going to War...............Why are you there bitch.

While I don't trust our own gov't............The fact is throughout my lifetime they have always been arming everyone against us.......middle east.......and allies like Israel. It was the USSR that armed places like Syria..........

Not to mention the USSR had to build a wall to keep people in the USSR...........Guess you forget their history and WHY NATO exists at all..............Russia is NOT OUR FRIEND...........NEVER HAS BEEN

Using the Globalist to suddenly be with them is BS.

Now go on to spouting your pravda as well.................Why exactly should I listen to you...........hmmm
I hope so, but fear it will be too late.
I believe it's a foregone conclusion. Being "too late" (as you say) will show itself in how easily & gently it will be achieved - the longer it takes the harsher the road but also the harder their determination.
I'm not interested in your comic book mentality.

You just posted to me...............You are in here TROLLING YOUR ASS OFF..............And I'm not getting with the program.............Why the hell should I be backing Russia given our history.

Don't think so................Comic book..............laughing my ass off.........For 70 years we hear the same story over there..........They lost it in 91 and of course those WHO ESCAPED THE USSR want to be in NATO............They don't ever want to be back.
Stating that Russia can go fuck themselves is not going to War...............Why are you there bitch.

While I don't trust our own gov't............The fact is throughout my lifetime they have always been arming everyone against us.......middle east.......and allies like Israel. It was the USSR that armed places like Syria..........

Not to mention the USSR had to build a wall to keep people in the USSR...........Guess you forget their history and WHY NATO exists at all..............Russia is NOT OUR FRIEND...........NEVER HAS BEEN

Using the Globalist to suddenly be with them is BS.

Now go on to spouting your pravda as well.................Why exactly should I listen to you...........hmmm
Lol. No government has killed more people in the last 30 years than ours. Russia isn’t even close. So an American condemning Russia for war crimes, is most hypocritical.
He doesn't know ANYTHING.
So says you................Why the fuck in 91 did everyone want to LEAVE THE USSR...........If they LIKED IT THERE........they would have stayed............Seems the break away countries didn't want to be in Russia................hmmm

Then it's the GREAT NATO EXPANSION course it did after the USSR fell.
Some adults still have problems processing their mother tongue. Bottom line is, since we have found swastika links to Sweden, we advise readers not to take the bait of NATO now courting Sweden in a delirious protection-racket foreplay whilst MI6 holds Zelensky hostage and Johnson visits the patient.

Readers are invited to read the details now posted in Skye's Nuland Biolabs thread (Conspiracy).
I don’t give a fuck. It’s none of our stinking government‘s business. You go kill and die for Latvia. Leave me the fuck alone.

War is the health of the state. War is a racket. If only you understood these profound statements.
Then why in the hell are you bitching about the will of people?
So says you................Why the fuck in 91 did everyone want to LEAVE THE USSR...........If they LIKED IT THERE........they would have stayed............Seems the break away countries didn't want to be in Russia................hmmm

Then it's the GREAT NATO EXPANSION course it did after the USSR fell.
Listen to this guy and learn something.
Lol. No government has killed more people in the last 30 years than ours. Russia isn’t even close. So an American condemning Russia for war crimes, is most hypocritical.
Oh well................We have fought stupid Wars............and Many due to the Cold War..........The Cold War caused some of them so our arms would fight each other using other countries.

RUSSIA IS NO ANGEL in all of this...............They have been against us forever.........Which is why NATO exists at all
We'll see. Poland led Eastern Europe all the way out of the Soviet yoke and I think they have the balls to do just about anything they decide to do.
The Poles understand that if they want to be a regional power, they need a more strong ally to counter Russia in their sphere of influence.

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