The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Stating that Russia can go fuck themselves is not going to War...............Why are you there bitch.

While I don't trust our own gov't............The fact is
throughout my lifetime they have always been arming everyone against us.......middle east.......and allies like Israel. It was the USSR that armed places like Syria..........

Not to mention the USSR had to build a wall to keep people in the USSR...........Guess you forget their history and WHY NATO exists at all..............Russia is NOT OUR FRIEND...........NEVER HAS BEEN

Using the Globalist to suddenly be with them is BS.

Now go on to spouting your pravda as well.................Why exactly should I listen to you...........hmmm
I don't think 18 years tick the numbers very much on the odometer and it won't afford you many points on the experience/wisdom scale.
That may take some time. Since Olaf Palme was assassinated there hasn't been a single Swedish politician with enough backbone to tie his own friggin' shoes. Just look at the predicament Julian Assange is in due to Sweden's need to have a pat on the head from the Big Boys. I think there will be a NATO pull-out by quite a few nations long before Sweden gets the balls to make such a decision.
Hopefully Sweden will boycott. In translating some Swedish folklore, we have come across a link to the nazi fyflot, which is carved on Lisa of Finshult's smojtra, a healing device: '....knots aven dem till vitormsagnen.... connects them all to the legend of the White Snake.'
Look up the word nonintervention as it relates to foreign policy. Maybe you’ll understand.
Nonintervention, I see. That is great, but you will end up with intervention on your own soil.
Oh well................We have fought stupid Wars............and Many due to the Cold War..........The Cold War caused some of them so our arms would fight each other using other countries.

RUSSIA IS NO ANGEL in all of this...............They have been against us forever.........Which is why NATO exists at all
Fuck Russia. They mean nothing to 99%of Americans. If you can’t see that the elites want war with Russia because they refuse to play by the empire‘s rules, you’re blind. Russia has a tiny economy, but they have lots of nukes. Why not just get along with them, as our Founders advised.

I thought you cons love and admire the Founders.
Listen to this guy and learn something.

And under Trump Russia didn't invade............Trump had his back .............Biden is a bought off bitch.

What was I supposed to LEARN THERE...........

Who invaded whom...........and why did Putin go right for the sea port areas? These are STRATEGIC areas..........WILL HE KEEP THEM...........hmmmm...........

Putin isn't someone I need to trust...........Not a I've already said he is x KGB from the USSR.........that dog doesn't hunt.
Nonintervention, I see. That is great, but you will end up with intervention on your own soil.
Lol. No. That’s scaredy-cat thinking promoted by the MIC and only perpetrates the MIC. Stop being a dupe of the MIC.
Fuck Russia. They mean nothing to 99%of Americans. If you can’t see that the elites want war with Russia because they refuse to play by the empire‘s rules, you’re blind. Russia has a tiny economy, but they have lots of nukes. Why not just get along with them, as our Founders advised.

I thought you cons love and admire the Founders.
Yawn........I will speak my mind on a OPINION BOARD.......I understand clearly Russia is not my friend............and I also understand that Putin is close to hitting NATO.......

You want me to BE HIS BITCH.........Not gonna happen.............Many here disagree with me on my own side..........conservatives........because of the Rhetoric of the Globalist who I know are BS....................

Saying Putin is AGAINST BS also.
The Poles (okay, some part of them) miss those good old times when their country was relevant in European affairs.
The Poles do alright. You don't hear about them every day but recognition isn't important as long as they are doing alright. I suspect their efforts in the Visegrád Group are worthy but ... the MSM doesn't like to talk about that so Poland isn't in the headlines much these days.
I don't think 18 years tick the numbers very much on the odometer and it won't afford you many points on the experience/wisdom scale.
And why am I supposed to care about you saying I lack experience.....................Who the hell are you to me TROLL.

Your purpose here is to justify Russia and it's invasion...........saying they are the good guys.

Sorry.............Sell that ISM to someone else.............Russia has been a THORN in our ass for 70 years..........You expect us to go..........OH NOW YOU ARE OUR SAVIORS.........lmao
So says you................Why the fuck in 91 did everyone want to LEAVE THE USSR...........If they LIKED IT THERE........they would have stayed............Seems the break away countries didn't want to be in Russia................hmmm

Then it's the GREAT NATO EXPANSION course it did after the USSR fell.
1991? Why are you here? There are mostly adults on this forum and we don't consult comic books in preparation for forum discussions.
1991? Why are you here? There are mostly adults on this forum and we don't consult comic books in preparation for forum discussions.

You have no clue on history huh...........Now you troll to a different tune....

Why did the USSR have to build a wall to keep people in..............The USSR WAS SO GREAT HUH.

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