The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

For the first time, ZALA Aero Group showed its drone production and a new version of the Russian Lancet kamikaze drones. As can be seen from the video, Lancet drones have begun to be produced on a huge scale, we are already talking about hundreds, and maybe thousands of drones. To expand production, the company simply bought a former shopping center and converted it to produce Lancet drones.

If you still don't understand why it is in our, US, interests to see Ukraine win this war with Russia, then you are just stupid. Putin has told us over and over again that he intends to conquer and colonize more of the land Stalin conquered and colonized after WWII and sometimes by praising Peter the Great's conquest and colonization of Europe centuries before, even stating that his, Putin's, mission is the same as Peter he Great's.

In the simplest terms, as a member of NATO, it is better for the US to support Ukraine's efforts to drive Russia back to within its borders than to have to stop Russia when it reaches the borders of other NATO members, at which time we would have to commit our soldiers as well as a great deal more money to stop Putin's imperialist ambitions.

Once again, this time please try to answer the question instead of a word salad.

"Yeah, that's what was said about Vietnam."

"Please be specific, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?"

"How is this for the benefit of the Ukrainian people?"
Female soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have sung a song that is considered to be the anthem of Ukrainian nationalists. Video with their singing published at his Telegram-channel Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky.

"Female soldiers of the IDF sing 'Oy u luzi chervona kalina"'(Oh, there's a red viburnum in the meadow), the diplomat signed the video.

The song "Chervona Kalina" is considered the unofficial anthem of ukrainian nationalists, in particular, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (recognized as extremist, banned in Russia) and the Azov regiment (terrorist organization).

In Poland, the owners of the Ukrainian restaurant "Chervona Kalina" were even forced to change its name because the UIA was involved in the mass murder of poles during World War II.
So, guys, there is no nazism not only in Ukraine, but also in Israel.
For the first time, ZALA Aero Group showed its drone production and a new version of the Russian Lancet kamikaze drones. As can be seen from the video, Lancet drones have begun to be produced on a huge scale, we are already talking about hundreds, and maybe thousands of drones. To expand production, the company simply bought a former shopping center and converted it to produce Lancet drones.
Similar projects covering all sorts of ordnance were started all over Russia in preparation to defeat NATO , if required , not just Nazi Kyiv .
There is no way NATO can catch up for many years .

Once again, this time please try to answer the question instead of a word salad.

"Yeah, that's what was said about Vietnam."

"Please be specific, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?"

"How is this for the benefit of the Ukrainian people?"
You've been told several times what it is and pretending you don't understand just makes you look stupid.
Russian Army optical locator Sosna-N for searching for snipers. Russian special forces units tested the Sosna-N anti-sniper complex. The Sosna-N automated complex was first presented in 2021. The Sosna-N optical locator is a remotely controlled laser-optical installation that can automatically detect any optical devices conducting observation or targeting. The complex operates at a distance of up to 2.5 kilometers and can detect and completely illuminate the sniper’s optics with oncoming radiation. The video shows a sniper scope detected at a range of 2300 meters. The complex itself weighs only 4.6 kg, and comes with a special tablet weighing 1.1 kg. The operation of the complex does not depend on the time of day. The complex is capable of operating around the clock in a fully automatic mode using special software. The power supply of the complex is 12 Volts, the complex can also be installed on cars.

Russian aviation attacked the Ukrainian army base in Berislav with FAB-500M62 aircraft glide bombs. Some media reports that there was a military hospital there.

Again, not a single word of truth in your post. Ethnic Russians who live in Ukraine are Ukrainians, not Russians, and there is no rational basis for believing Russia wouldn't be destroyed in a full scale nuclear war.
Do you believe that ethnic Jews who lived in Germany were Germans, and it was not our concern what exactly ethnic Germans, Poles, Lithuanians or Ukrainians are going to do about them?
Do you believe that ethnic Albanians in Kosovo are, in fact, Serbians and nobody should care what exactly those Serbs want to do with each other?
The system doesn't work that way.

Anything, the Russians believe that they are Russians, and that it is their concern.

And no, the Russians pretty sure, that in the scenario of their counter-force attack, they have pretty good chances to wipe out all US ICBMs, bombers and the significant part of SSBNs, and then intercept significant part of incoming warheads of weakened and uncoordinated American retaliation strike (or just coerce the USA to peace on their terms).
Crimea will demand that Ukraine pay 200,000 roubles to each resident of the peninsula as moral compensation for the water blockade, the head of the Crimean parliament has said. The total amount of the claim will amount to 3.066 trillion rubles
Prepare money! You will have to pay for your crimes
You've been told several times what it is and pretending you don't understand just makes you look stupid.

Once again, this time please try to answer the question instead of a word salad.

"Yeah, that's what was said about Vietnam."

"Please be specific, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?"

Not one of you has explained our STRATEGIC INTEREST. President Bidsen invited the invasion. IF Ukraine was strategically important to us, we would have loaded them up with every weapon imaginable and Russia would have stayed within its borders.

As you know, President Biden kept moving the goalposts. No, we won't provide tanks, okay, yes we will. No, we won't provide certain missiles, okay, yes we will. No we won't provide fighter jets, okay, yes we will.
Do you believe that ethnic Jews who lived in Germany were Germans, and it was not our concern what exactly ethnic Germans, Poles, Lithuanians or Ukrainians are going to do about them?
Do you believe that ethnic Albanians in Kosovo are, in fact, Serbians and nobody should care what exactly those Serbs want to do with each other?
The system doesn't work that way.

Anything, the Russians believe that they are Russians, and that it is their concern.

And no, the Russians pretty sure, that in the scenario of their counter-force attack, they have pretty good chances to wipe out all US ICBMs, bombers and the significant part of SSBNs, and then intercept significant part of incoming warheads of weakened and uncoordinated American retaliation strike (or just coerce the USA to peace on their terms).
Of course, this is all bullshit, just like almost everything you post. There was no persecution of ethnic Russians and the violence in the Donbass was the result of Russian waging a proxy war against Ukraine after Yanukovich was removed from office. With every post you show your support for Russian imperialism.

Once again, this time please try to answer the question instead of a word salad.

"Yeah, that's what was said about Vietnam."

"Please be specific, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?"

Not one of you has explained our STRATEGIC INTEREST. President Bidsen invited the invasion. IF Ukraine was strategically important to us, we would have loaded them up with every weapon imaginable and Russia would have stayed within its borders.

As you know, President Biden kept moving the goalposts. No, we won't provide tanks, okay, yes we will. No, we won't provide certain missiles, okay, yes we will. No we won't provide fighter jets, okay, yes we will.
You ask a question and refuse to consider the answer which tells us you have no real interest in the subject but just want to be annoying.
You ask a question and refuse to consider the answer which tells us you have no real interest in the subject but just want to be annoying.
The Biden Administration has yet to define our strategic interest in Ukraine. If they can't define one, why do you work so hard twisting yourself in knots trying to do what they cannot?
The Biden Administration has yet to define our strategic interest in Ukraine. If they can't define one, why do you work so hard twisting yourself in knots trying to do what they cannot?
Everybody knows Ukraine's allies are supporting Ukraine's fight against Russian imperialism, so they won't have to fight the Russians at a NATO members border. You only make yourself look stupid by denying you already know this.
Of course, this is all bullshit, just like almost everything you post. There was no persecution of ethnic Russians and the violence in the Donbass was the result of Russian waging a proxy war against Ukraine after Yanukovich was removed from office. With every post you show your support for Russian imperialism.
As hell there wasn't. There is discrimination, abuse and attempt of the genocide of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking population.
It cost almost nothing for the Russian Federation to wage a "proxy war" because the first legal act of Kievan Neo-Nazi Junta was cancelling the law about regional languages and start of cruel nationalistic campaign (which included, for instance, Odessa massacre).
Still no answer.

Other than millions paid to the Bidens, of what STRATEGIC interest is Ukraine to the United States?
If Russia were successful going territory this way, then they become a bigger threat to NATO. And eventually Russia will continue taking more territory and become an even bigger threat.
If Russia were successful going territory this way, then they become a bigger threat to NATO. And eventually Russia will continue taking more territory and become an even bigger threat.
Or, bigger Russia may become a better ally for the USA, especially if the Russians don't think that Americans are paying for their genocide and actually believe in their proclaimed values.

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