The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Again, you are just dumb as a rock, typical of Trump cultists like yourself who have no idea why they support him.

According to the Chinese embassy in Ukraine, over 6,000 Chinese citizens work or study in Ukraine.[5] 50,000 to 100,000 Ukrainian citizens live in China, as estimated by the Ukrainian embassy in China, especially in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin.[6]

They work or study in Ukraine ? Hell we have immigrant's and foreign exchange student's living and working here, but they aren't Americans. Show me the blacks, Asians, and other races who are members of the battalions fighting the battles for Ukraine, and for whom are Ukrainian citizens. Thanks

Maybe the media over there are racist, because they sure do a great job of hiding the Blacks, Asians and Hispanic Ukrainians among the ranks.
They work or study in Ukraine ? Hell we have immigrant's and foreign exchange student's living and working here, but they aren't Americans. Show me the blacks, Asians, and other races who are members of the battalions fighting the battles for Ukraine, and for whom are Ukrainian citizens. Thanks

Maybe the media over there are racist, because they sure do a great job of hiding the Blacks, Asians and Hispanic Ukrainians among the ranks.
I understand, you can't find a valid reason to object to aid to Ukraine, so you felt the need to make one up. It's a common problem among people who support a nutjob like Trump.
I understand, you can't find a valid reason to object to aid to Ukraine, so you felt the need to make one up. It's a common problem among people who support a nutjob like Trump.
It is up to you to justify the spending. Repeatedly, I have asked for a strategic reason for us to be in a proxy war with Russia. Aside from Hunter being on the payroll of Berisma, why would we send them $50 BILLION?

Now we're running out of munitions and our best ally in the Mideast is in a hot war with Hamas, backed by Iran. You know, the country President Biden released $6 BILLION if they PROMISED not to use it for terrorism.
Well thank you very much for that, because I was beginning to think that there was zero when viewing all the war footages and other media concerning Ukraine. Ok, and hopefully there are a number that equals at the least a quarter of the population there. What's their number, do you have a ball park figure on it ?
Not sure what you mean. Ukrainians from African or Latin decent are in sheer minority. That is because Eastern Europe never was their purpose for emigration. I hope you don't expect their numbers to be similar to the US's.
What race is he considered to be ? Looks white or albino to me, but I could be wrong. Oh and after a closer look reveals his eyes, so he is of Asian decent?? Ok that's great. Thanks. Not sure if they have any race issues over there, but hopefully not
He is of Buryat or Yakut origin. I don't remember for sure. I gave the link, you can read if you want.

Race issues exist everywhere. Bigots exist in every society.
People fail to realize that if Putin was as evil as he is portrayed to be, Russia would have really ignored civilians and destroyed the whole country a long time ago.
They have shown way more restraint than the US does, because US Government doesn't care how many people they kill.
The Ukrainian army began to use an unarmed SKOT R-3M command armored personnel carrier made in Poland, the vehicle was purchased with the money of volunteers. The OT-64 armored personnel carrier was developed in 1959 in Czechoslovakia; since 1961, the OT-64 armored personnel carrier began to be produced under license in Poland under the SKOT symbol. A large family of vehicles was created on the basis of the OT-64 armored personnel carrier, some of which still remain in the armies of Slovakia, Poland and other countries. When compared with old armored vehicles, this vehicle is an analogue of the Soviet BTR-60; the main advantage over the Soviet analogue was the fully armored interior. Armored personnel carriers of the OT-64 SKOT series were standardly armed with 7.62mm, 12.7mm and 14.5mm machine guns, some had Malyutka ATGMs. The armor thickness of the OT-64 SKOT vehicle is from 6 to 13 mm. Weight 14.5 tons, speed up to 95 km/h. Crew of 2 people and 10 landing personnel.

No one knows what the Russian people believe because all they get in the news is government-controlled propaganda and it is a crime in Russia to disagree with the government. If you get your information from Russian propaganda sources, then you clearly know nothing about what is going on in Ukraine.
It's not very difficult to find real Russians both in internet or off-line, and talk with them.
He is of Buryat or Yakut origin. I don't remember for sure. I gave the link, you can read if you want.

Race issues exist everywhere. Bigots exist in every society.
Still need to keep a look see at the ratio's, because maybe I'm just blind, but I didn't see any other race than white in the military ranks when watching the events unfold over to there. 🤔
Still need to keep a look see at the ratio's, because maybe I'm just blind, but I didn't see any other race than white in the military ranks when watching the events unfold over to there. 🤔
Man, Ukraine is predominantly white nation, far more than 90%.
Relocants who left Russia and committed “vile acts, rejoicing at shots fired on the territory of the Russian Federation, wishing victory for the nazi bloody Kiev regime” are not only not expected in Russia, but if they return, Magadan is guaranteed for them - Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
Footage has been published showing a Russian kamikaze drone “Lancet” destroying a Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force. The plane was again destroyed at the Krivoy Rog airfield Dolgintsevo, 70 kilometers from the front line, apparently the Russian army is using new modifications of drones. After the drone hit, a fire started in the Su-25 aircraft.

Poland will invoice Ukraine and set a number of conditions for the assistance it has provided to the country, Anna Brylka, a candidate to the Polish Sejm from the right-wing Confederation coalition, said during an election debate on Polsat.
As the politician pointed out, "gratitude is not a currency in international relations." "If we want to be respected, we must bill for our help. "Confederation" has put such an invoice to Ukraine and estimated this assistance at one hundred billion zlotys, and "Confederation" will set clear and tough conditions for Ukraine," Brylka said. :crying:

I hope this doesn't affect Zelensky's millions in western banks?
BTR-70 removed from storage appeared in the Russian troops. The Russian army began using BTR-70 armored personnel carriers removed from storage; the vehicles were spotted in one of the units. The BTR-70 armored personnel carrier was put into service in 1972. The BTR-70's armament includes a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The ammunition load of the KPVT machine gun is 500 rounds and 2000 rounds of ammunition for the PKT machine gun. The weight of the armored personnel carrier is 11.5 tons, the speed on the highway is 80 km/h. Crew 2 people and 8 landing people.

Russian air defense forces shot down two Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea off the coast of Sochi. According to the Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian drones were shot down at about 7 a.m.

Footage of the impact of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" on the British 155-mm AS-90 self-propelled gun of the Ukrainian army. In total, the Ukrainian army received 32 AS-90 self-propelled guns. These are the first frames where the destruction of the AS-90 self-propelled gun is clearly visible. After the drone hit the AS-90 self-propelled gun a fire started that completely destroyed the combat vehicle.Judging by the video, three of the four crew members managed to leave the combat vehicle.


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