The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

South Korea is not a Communist state because of that War.

After 9/11 the war was necessary. How it was handled was the problem.
Wrong on both counts. Did you learn nothing from the Vietnam War?

Are you aware of the numbers of civilians killed by US forces during the Korean War?

So after all that’s been exposed about the lies and failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, you still cling to ignorance. I bet you think Saddam had WMD and was involved in 9-11.
Russia has no plans to attack yet. There is an active defense so that the Ukrainian army runs out of military equipment. Ukraine has colossal losses, probably you don't say this in the media. The Ukrainian military commissar from Poltava reported that out of 10 people called up for service in 2022, 2 remained in the ranks. It's strange that you are scolding Trump. In my opinion, after Reagan, this is the most normal president. He is trying to bring the industry back to the US from China. Offers to fight illegal migration. In my opinion, migrants will ruin the United States. If there is a war, migrants will not protect the United States, as happened during the Vietnam-China war. I'm a Democrat by nature, but Trump is saying the right things.
Since you claim you don't get your "information" from western media, you must be getting it from Russian propaganda sources and that explains the rest of your bizarre post.

Russia cannot attack because its economy cannot even replace its battlefield losses let alone equip an army large enough to effectively win against the AFU.

The Russian defense is exactly a WWI defense aimed at delaying the advance of the better armed Ukrainian forces in the hope that Ukraine's allies will abandon it.

I voted for Trump twice because of the policies he ran on, but I would never vote for him again. The fact is he failed to effectively implement any of them except for the sanctions against Iran. You can complain that the Democrats prevented him from having more success, but if you can't implement your policies it doesn't matter what your policies are.

When Zelensky was elected, Trump loved him and radically increased aid to Ukraine, including weapons Obama had refused to send, all of this to help Ukraine to better defend itself against the coming Russian invasion, but when Trump demanded Zelensky provide him with dirt on Biden to use in the 2020 election, and when Zelensky said he couldn't find any, Trump tried to cut off all aid to Ukraine. Since then, Trump has not issued a single rational statement about the war in Ukraine.

Trump claims in the first 24 hours after he takes office, he will end the war, which is obvious nonsense, and he claims he will use his relationships with Putin, whom he has called a "evil genocidal monster" and Zelensky to bring about a "fair" (according to whom?) deal to end the war, which means giving the "evil genocidal monster about 20% of Ukraine and setting the stage for Putin to try to get more of Ukraine and beyond. There is nothing normal or even rational about Trump's preposterous statements abut the war, and his positions are in stark contrast to Reagan's.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed pro-communist governments

Wrong on both counts. Did you learn nothing from the Vietnam War?

Are you aware of the numbers of civilians killed by US forces during the Korean War?

So after all that’s been exposed about the lies and failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, you still cling to ignorance. I bet you think Saddam had WMD and was involved in 9-11.
Im aware. I guarantee you the South Koreans are happy they didnt lose and are a Democratic Nation.
Wrong on both counts. Did you learn nothing from the Vietnam War?

Are you aware of the numbers of civilians killed by US forces during the Korean War?

So after all that’s been exposed about the lies and failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, you still cling to ignorance. I bet you think Saddam had WMD and was involved in 9-11.
BTW WMD with Saddam 1st Gulf War. Yeah he had them. We blew the shit out of his ammo dumps. Guys I knew had multiple Sarin monitors going off on their Humvees.

We just dont know how much was left.
The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)

Satanists and freemasons started the war, like almost all in the last three centuries.
The final goal of carnage is elimination of all three branches of the Russian People: Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians.
Ask for the TRUE religion of Putin, Zelensky and almost all decision-makers in the West
Footage of a Russian Mi-28 helicopter pursuing a Ukrainian UJ-22 Airborne UAV. The UJ-22 Airborne drone is produced by the Ukrainian company Ukrjet and reaches speeds of up to 160 km/h. As a result of a short air battle, the Ukrainian UJ-22 Airborne UAV was destroyed by a 30 mm 2A42 automatic cannon mounted on a Mi-28 helicopter.

Russian UAV "Admiral-Aircraft Carrier" carrier of FPV drones. The Russian company Svyaz Spetszashchita presented a new UAV “Admiral-Aircraft Carrier”, which is capable of carrying two FPV drones. The drone carrier UAV is currently being improved and will soon be able to carry four FPV drones. At the moment, this is the only UAV on the Russian market that is capable of carrying kamikaze drones. The aircraft-carrying UAV project is quite interesting. The UAV controls FPV drones through a video stream repeater; their range of use will be up to 40 kilometers. As reported. The UAV is equipped with a technical vision system created on the basis of neural networks and used to recognize specified objects. The UAV transports kamikaze drones "Fighter-7", each such drone can carry up to 2.5 kg of cargo over a distance of up to 11 km at a speed of 95 km/h. The basic version of the Admiral-Aircraft Carrier UAV weighs 23 kilograms and is equipped with a 7.2 hp two-stroke gasoline engine, with a built-in electric starter and generator on board. The Admiral UAV is capable of flying for 4 hours at a distance of up to 400 km at a speed of up to 120 km/h.

Details about the Swedish BvS10 armored personnel carriers of the Ukrainian army. Footage of the use of two-link BvS10 tracked armored personnel carriers by the Ukrainian army has been published; in total, Ukraine received 28 Dutch vehicles. The BvS10 amphibious armored personnel carrier was developed in the first half of the 2000s by the Swedish division of BAE Systems, commissioned by the UK Ministry of Defense. Currently, BvS 10 transporters in different versions are in service with six countries. The main function of the BvS10 is to transport troops and equipment weighing up to 5 tons; the vehicle is also able to cross water obstacles. BvS 10 is a machine with two bodies connected by a special hinge mechanism. The front hull houses the power plant, the driver's cabin and some of the passenger seats. The rear link has the main compartment and is equipped with track drives. The vehicle has protection against small arms fire, which can be enhanced to protect against 14.5 mm bullets. The BvS 10 armored personnel carrier can be armed with 5.56 and 12.7 mm machine guns, as well as a 40 mm grenade launcher. Due to the low ground pressure, not all anti-tank mines are triggered under the vehicle. In different modifications, BvS 10 conveyors use diesel engines of several models with a power of 285 hp. The car's power reserve is 500 km, speed up to 70 km/h. In total, the Bandvagn Skyddad 10 transporter accommodates 12 people, including the crew. The price of the BvS10 transporter is about 1.5 million dollars.

As you know, one of the problems of the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army is the so-called defensive “Surovikin line” created by the Russian army. The line consists of engineering structures that go several tens of kilometers deep into the defense and are based on a developed transport and logistics network. These logistics routes allow the Russian army to quickly transfer reserves from one area to another. One of the important components of this line of defense are mines. One of the Ukrainian soldiers showed, one might say counted, what a colossal number of mines they encountered.

Since you claim you don't get your "information" from western media, you must be getting it from Russian propaganda sources and that explains the rest of your bizarre post.

Russia cannot attack because its economy cannot even replace its battlefield losses let alone equip an army large enough to effectively win against the AFU.

The Russian defense is exactly a WWI defense aimed at delaying the advance of the better armed Ukrainian forces in the hope that Ukraine's allies will abandon it.

I voted for Trump twice because of the policies he ran on, but I would never vote for him again. The fact is he failed to effectively implement any of them except for the sanctions against Iran. You can complain that the Democrats prevented him from having more success, but if you can't implement your policies it doesn't matter what your policies are.

When Zelensky was elected, Trump loved him and radically increased aid to Ukraine, including weapons Obama had refused to send, all of this to help Ukraine to better defend itself against the coming Russian invasion, but when Trump demanded Zelensky provide him with dirt on Biden to use in the 2020 election, and when Zelensky said he couldn't find any, Trump tried to cut off all aid to Ukraine. Since then, Trump has not issued a single rational statement about the war in Ukraine.

Trump claims in the first 24 hours after he takes office, he will end the war, which is obvious nonsense, and he claims he will use his relationships with Putin, whom he has called a "evil genocidal monster" and Zelensky to bring about a "fair" (according to whom?) deal to end the war, which means giving the "evil genocidal monster about 20% of Ukraine and setting the stage for Putin to try to get more of Ukraine and beyond. There is nothing normal or even rational about Trump's preposterous statements abut the war, and his positions are in stark contrast to Reagan's.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed pro-communist governments

Russia does not attack to save its soldiers. Now Ukraine has a lot of military equipment; during the offensive there will be large casualties. You are very much mistaken about the potential of the Russian army. Unlike Ukraine, in Russia there is not even a general mobilization. I agree that Trump will not stop the war, this is populism. But Trump is saying the right things. What is happening now under Biden is simply terrible. I am shocked that crowds have now begun to openly rob stores.
Ukraine is where the Evil Empire has to be stopped for everyone's benefit, not the least of which are the Ukrainians.
Yeah, that's what was said about Vietnam.

Please be specific, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?

How is this for the benefit of the Ukrainian people?

How would the Ukrainian people be worse off living under the corrupt government of Russia or that of Ukraine?
Yeah, that's what was said about Vietnam.

Please be specific, what is our strategic interest in Ukraine?

How is this for the benefit of the Ukrainian people?

How would the Ukrainian people be worse off living under the corrupt government of Russia or that of Ukraine?
If you still don't understand why it is in our, US, interests to see Ukraine win this war with Russia, then you are just stupid. Putin has told us over and over again that he intends to conquer and colonize more of the land Stalin conquered and colonized after WWII and sometimes by praising Peter the Great's conquest and colonization of Europe centuries before, even stating that his, Putin's, mission is the same as Peter he Great's.

In the simplest terms, as a member of NATO, it is better for the US to support Ukraine's efforts to drive Russia back to within its borders than to have to stop Russia when it reaches the borders of other NATO members, at which time we would have to commit our soldiers as well as a great deal more money to stop Putin's imperialist ambitions.
The Ukrainian army published footage of a Ukrainian FPV drone chasing a Russian Ka-52 helicopter. At the moment, an FPV drone does not pose a threat to a helicopter, since the speed of FPV drones reaches 250 km/h, and the Ka-52 helicopter reaches a speed of 350 km/h. But if the drone and the helicopter are on opposite flight paths, or when approaching the helicopter at an angle, the drone can hit the helicopter.

Two Ukrainian FPV drones attack a Russian T-72B3 tank. Footage of an attack by two Ukrainian FPV drones on a Russian T-72B3 tank has been published; this is a modernization of the tank created in 2011. FPV drones were equipped with warheads from RKG-3EM hand-held cumulative grenades; the RKG-3EM series grenade is capable of penetrating up to 220 mm of armor. RKG-3 grenades were actively used in the Soviet army before the advent of the RPG-18 grenade launcher. Reportedly, this attack occurred in the Krasnolimansky direction, where two tanks stormed a stronghold of the Ukrainian army; for an unknown reason, the grenades mounted on the drones did not work. The video has been shortened.

The question of the possibility of the Russian army using nuclear weapons in Ukraine is constantly being raised online. There are quite a lot of supporters and opponents of this action; there is still no clear answer on this issue. Russian Army General Konstantin Pulikovsky gave an answer about the likelihood of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The video has been shortened. Subtitles YouTube


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