The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)
Doesn't matter. Putin pulled the trigger.
In Russia, work is underway to increase the firepower of the Russian T-14 Armata tank, said Sergei Chemezov, General Director of the Rostec Corporation. Details and videos, as often happens, are not reported. According to him, in the future "Armata" will become an even more formidable tank, its potential and combat power will be significantly increased, the result will be soon. It is not clear how the combat power will be increased; perhaps they will install a new 152 mm gun, work on which was previously carried out. The tank currently uses a 125 mm 2A82 tank gun. Sergei Chemezov also said that the tank is “saturated with the latest electronic systems and has a next-generation fire control system,” and the tank has been ready for a long time. The general director also expressed the opinion that now the Armata tank is head and shoulders above the Israeli Merkava tank, which was positioned as a super-protected tank, but in fact it has protection, in fact, at the level of a heavy combat vehicle, as can be seen now in Palestine.

Martin Wijnen, Commander-in-Chief of the Dutch Land Forces, said:
"Society must prepare for war with Russia. This applies both to the armed forces and the general population".
Where is this idiot going? Amsterdam is not Kiev, Russia will not spare it.
A massive missile strike was launched on Ukraine on December 29. The Russian army launched a massive attack on Ukraine today. Cruise missiles Kh-101 and Kh-555 were used from Tu-95MS aircraft, supersonic missiles Kh-22/Kh-32 from Tu-22M3 aircraft. Iskander ballistic missiles, Kinzhal hypersonic missiles and Geranium kamikaze drones were also used. Some of the missiles were shot down, some fell on city blocks, and the video shows the fall of one of the downed missiles. The Ukrainian army announced the interception of almost all Russian missiles. The strikes were carried out on critical infrastructure facilities, the Army Academy in Lvov, warehouses and facilities in Kyiv and Kharkov, and the building of the Artem rocket and space enterprise in Kyiv. There is no exact information yet. Strikes were also carried out in Dnepropetrovsk, Ternopil, Rivne, Khmelnitsk, Vinnitsa and Zhitomir.

Video of the Russian Kh-101 cruise missile turning on the onboard defense system. Footage of a modernized Russian cruise missile Kh-101 striking Ukraine. On the final leg of the flight, the Kh-101 missile uses the L-504 onboard defense system. The L-504 module is produced by the Ekran Research Institute in the city of Samara, the company specializes in the creation of aviation defense systems. In flight, not just a heat trap is fired, but presumably also small “needles” of different lengths, this makes it possible to deceive enemy air defense guidance radars. Decoys are fired by the missile 6 times, simultaneously with two heat traps on each side of the missile.

New kamikaze drone Lancet-55 of Russia, ZALA promo video. The Aeroscan company, part of the ZALA AERO group of companies, showed a promotional video with drones produced by the company. The video occasionally shows the new kamikaze drone “Izdeliye-55” and the ZALA Z-16 reconnaissance drone. While little is known about the Lancet-55 loitering munition, the drone is equipped with four motors and continues the line of drones using the X-wing aerodynamic design of the Lancet drone family. The drone has a short range, is easy to operate and is absolutely safe for the operator. The Lancet-55 drone is launched from a container in the same way as the Lancet-53 drone, which we previously talked about. The drone displays an image of the target in Full HD in real time, with the choice of the optimal approach angle to the target. According to the developer, the main advantages of the drone are absolute invulnerability to electronic warfare equipment and complete operator safety

Footage of the strike of the Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Ukraine has been published. The rocket's speed is enormous, about 14,000 kilometers per hour. At the final stage of the flight, the missile reduces its speed, this is done so that it can work as an active radar homing head for the missile. Without reducing the speed, under conditions of plasma formation, it is impossible for the rocket to receive satellite navigation data. The impact of the Kinzhal missile is also shown in slow motion, otherwise it is difficult to see; the video was filmed by a resident of Kyiv.

About who hits residential buildings in Kiev.
The video shows a Russian missile hitting the target military warehouses, followed by an American Patriot system destroying a residential building....
The newest Russian glide bomb, Drel, has passed all tests. Serial production of the cluster bomb will start in 2024 at one of the Russian military factories. If you are interested in Russian bombs and missiles, as well as their use, links to the video are in the comments to the video. The PBK-500U SPBE-K glide bomb was developed by NPO Basalt and is designed to destroy armored vehicles, ground-based radar stations, control posts and enemy air defenses. It is expected that this aerial bomb will be almost impossible to recognize on radars; how the designers implemented this is not reported. The PBK-500U “Drill” air bomb glides towards the target and opens over it at the right moment. The bomb is guided using GLONASS. The bomb consists of 15 self-aiming combat elements. If the destructive element does not work on a given target, it self-destructs after a certain time. Each self-aiming combat element is a compact autonomous system capable of independently studying the ground situation, searching for targets and hitting them. The combat element contains a cumulative warhead capable of penetrating at least 70 mm of homogeneous armor, according to some sources, more than 100 mm. The ammunition can be used regardless of weather conditions and does not require the aircraft to enter the air defense zone. The mass of the bomb is 540 kg, length - 3100 mm, bomb release height up to 14 km, range of use up to 50 km. The maximum deviation from the target is less than five meters. The price of the bomb is unknown. Work on the Drill bomb continues; it will be produced in several modifications.

A group of Russian military personnel came under attack from cluster shells from the Ukrainian army. The unique first-person video was taken in the Kremensky forest; judging by the video, no one was hurt. Presumably the attack was caused by a 155 mm cluster shell. At the moment, no one has ever made such video footage. The video has been shortened.

Popular American blogger Mike Cernovich, commenting on recent events in Poland, writes today:
There was a color revolution in Ukraine in 2014, and 10 years later an entire generation is gone. This is the fate of anyone ruled by NATO. The Polish guys have taken notice. They are the next
The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense checked how state defense orders are fulfilled at military enterprises. During a visit to the Tactical Missiles Corporation, a super-powerful Russian FAB-1500-M54 aerial bomb equipped with a planning module was noticed for the first time. As can be seen in the photo, the bomb received a streamlined cap that improves aerodynamic characteristics, which in turn increases the range and speed of the bomb’s flight to the target. An aircraft bomb with FAB-1500-M54 has a gliding range of up to 60 km; it is believed that it can be equipped with a pulse-jet engine, which increases the gliding range of the bomb to 150 km. The FAB-155-M54 aircraft bomb has a mass of 1550 kg, the mass of the warhead is 675.6 kg. When used, an aerial bomb leaves behind a crater up to 15 meters in diameter, and its radius of destruction by fragments and shock wave is about 500 meters. The maximum altitude for dropping an aerial bomb is 12 km; the initial gliding speed of the bomb depends on the carrier and usually reaches 1900 km/h. The UMPC module makes it one of Russia's longest-range bombs. Bombs can be carried by Su-34M and Su-35C aircraft. During a visit to the plant, the minister also instructed to transfer the line of conventional ammunition, the production of which has been established in sufficient quantities, to the category of precision-guided ammunition.

Footage of the construction of defensive structures by the Russian army in the Krasnolimansky direction. When creating dugouts, trenches, communication passages and weapons magazines, the engineering troops use the military mobile sawmill complex VMLK-1, more about it in the link to the video in the comments to the video. Since the war in Ukraine in some places turned into positional battles, quite serious defensive structures are being created. In the video you can see a system of trenches, the walls and floor of which are covered with boards, for protection from drones, and the upper part of the trenches is also closed. Along the entire length of the defensive structures, an electrical lighting system was created, drainage systems were installed, dugouts and firing points were created.

Ukrainian M1 Abrams tanks have been enhanced with ARAT protection. Ukrainian M1A1SA Abrams tanks, American-made, began to be equipped, presumably, with ARAT (Abrams Reactive Armor Tiles) dynamic protection of the first generation. ARAT dynamic protection was developed in 2004, specifically for the M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams tanks. The BRAT (Bradley Reactive Armor Tiles) dynamic protection system, previously developed for the Bradly infantry fighting vehicle, was taken as the basis. The first generation of ARAT-1 protection consists of modules designated as M19. ERA units are installed on the aprons of the tank hull; there is none in other places. The modules protect the tank from drones, but cannot protect against the Kornet ATGM and other systems.

Russian troops began using the Saniya electronic warfare system to protect tanks from drones, one of which was spotted on a T-80BVM tank. The Saniya electronic warfare system is designed to counter FPV drones and was developed by the Russian company 3mx. The complex is equipped with eight antennas and is available in stationary and mobile versions. The complex does not work all the time, but turns on automatically only when radiation from FPV drones is detected; for this, it is equipped with a Bulat drone detector, which we previously talked about. The Saniya electronic warfare system suppresses drone operating frequencies of 450 MHz, 900 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. According to the manufacturer, drones are detected at a range of up to 1.5 km and suppressed within 1 km. The jamming distance of drone frequencies depends on the weather, terrain conditions and the characteristics of the kamikaze drone. The antennas of the complex are capable of deflecting and returning to their original position, this is convenient when moving equipment in the forest. The weight of the Sania electronic warfare complex is 26 kilograms.

A statement by Oleh Soskin, a former adviser to Leonid Kuchma (second Ukraine's president), on the YouTube platform, indicates that Kiev is facing a complete cutoff of ties from neighboring states, including Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.

According to him, this fact creates serious obstacles for Ukraine in its efforts to confront the Russian Federation. In addition, Soskin expressed doubts about the realism of reaching a peaceful solution on the initiative of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, calling his aspiration an unattainable dream under the given circumstances.

The political analyst stressed that the strained relations and constant clashes on the border with neighboring countries, as well as the depletion of resources, cause concern in Kiev. While Andriy Yermak of the Ukrainian presidential administration argues that the society is eager to continue fighting and rejects the idea of a frozen conflict, there is a noticeable problem of lack of finances and lack of willing participants in the fighting. According to Soskin, there are no longer those left who could go to the front, and opportunities to continue the struggle are drying up.

Oleh Soskin expressed the opinion that Ukraine found itself in a difficult political and economic environment, having fallen victim to blockades by several states, including Romania, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia, which restricted trade and embargoed Ukrainian goods. He noted rising tensions on the border with Transnistria and trade tensions with Hungary, citing geopolitical and ethnic conflicts.

Soskin emphasized that under such conditions, conducting military operations is becoming an increasingly difficult task for Ukraine. According to him, maintaining control of the situation is becoming more difficult for President Zelensky and Andrei Yermak, and the government, in his opinion, "as early as March" should give up its powers.

The former aide to Leonid Kuchma expressed fears that Zelensky's upcoming visit to Switzerland, scheduled for January 15, could become a catalyst for international tensions.He also noted the reluctance of European countries to get involved in the Ukrainian plan to settle the conflict because it is considered impractical.

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