The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The Euro satellites squealed in outrage when Trump demanded 2% of GDP for NATO and they looked forward to Biden coming in. Biden came and they started paying 20% for that membership, plus emptied their arms depots and have to buy new ones from the US.
But now they are not even allowed to squeak.
Footage of the interception of two Ukrainian HIMARS MLRS missiles, manufactured in the USA, by the Russian Buk-M1 air defense system. It is difficult to intercept HIMARS MLRS missiles on the Buk-M1 air defense system, since the speed of HIMARS MLRS rockets is about 700 m/sec, and the flight speed of Buk-M1 missiles is 830 m/sec. But it is possible to intercept HIMARS MLRS missiles if the missiles are intercepted on a collision course. It is worth noting that the crew of the Buk-M1 air defense system must be experienced, since the HIMARS MLRS rockets are accompanied by the Buk-M1 air defense system radar for only 10-20 seconds.

Ecuador has decided to give Ukraine some old Soviet tanks.
On 5 February, the Russian Federation banned five banana producers from Ecuador from importing their products due to the carnivorous humpback fly. On February 9, the certification of Ecuadorian carnations was suspended - California flower thrips was found there.

They just need to do a better job of monitoring the quality of their products in the future...
The first footage of the work of Ukrainian women military personnel. The process of firing a mortar is not shown, but in the video you can see how women prepare a position for a mortar. The brand of the mortar and details about what kind of unit it is are not reported.

Flight of Ukrainian SCALP missiles over the S-300 air defense system, overview of the situation. Footage of the flight of two Ukrainian Storm Shadow or SCALP missiles of British-French production has been published. Above the Russian S-300 or S-400 air defense system in Crimea. The missiles were allegedly flying towards the Belbek airfield. Let's start with the fact that from the video it is not at all clear to what degree of readiness the air defense system was. Soldiers are visible walking, an operator looks out from one car, and from another, soldiers got out and are standing next to the car. The flight of two missiles in this situation is quite possible. The fact is that the S-300 or S-400 air defense system should be equipped with a 40V6MD mobile tower, with a 76N6 low-altitude detector designed to detect low-flying targets, but they are not in the video. Ideally, for better detection of low-flying targets, the S-400 air defense system should receive data from AWACS aircraft or balloons. Without these systems, the complex may simply not see low-flying targets in a timely manner. It is also worth noting that the S-400 air defense system should be covered by the Pantsir-S1 air defense system or the Tor-M2 air defense system, which are more effective against low-flying targets. According to the latest data from specialized resources, in the video of the S-400 air defense system, the complex did not include a 40V6MD mobile tower with a target illumination station, which is why it was not possible to hit the missiles in time.

Rare footage of the Su-34 attack and the explosion in the air of the Russian FAB-500M62 aerial bomb has been published. The video shows an attack with four bombs on Ukrainian army hangars used for storing equipment. The video was filmed in Volchansk in the Kharkov region. Notice that the third bomb exploded in mid-air. The FAB-500M62 aircraft bomb contains 213 kilograms of explosive.

He told/warned them for ten damn years or better but now they are all surprised when it happened?
So Putin reacts to the threat of NATO expansion and the result is a further expansion of NATO
It is not by chance that the Ukrainians stubbornly refuse to discuss the reasons for the war.
They are ready to come up with the most incredible versions - from "Putin went crazy" to the seizure of territories - just to avoid admitting the truth. Because then "Putin's war of aggression" would suddenly turn into a Russian war of liberation
It is not by chance that the Ukrainians stubbornly refuse to discuss the reasons for the war.
They are ready to come up with the most incredible versions - from "Putin went crazy" to the seizure of territories - just to avoid admitting the truth. Because then "Putin's war of aggression" would suddenly turn into a Russian war of liberation
I didn’t see Ukraine attempt to invade Russia
I didn’t see Russia giving up any territory
Ukrainians, do you even realize that your leadership is destroying you? And it is destroying you purposefully? First they did EVERYTHING possible (except for direct attack) to provoke a military conflict with Russia, and now they are simply driving you to slaughter.

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