The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The Finnish government is preparing to completely ban real estate transactions for Russian citizens this spring - the country's Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen.
Purchase, sale, transfer to management and inheritance will be prohibited.
In the world of the free market, this is called “expropriation by expropriators.”
Well, imagine that you are fighting with a hooligan, and then his friends came running from somewhere and started thrusting weapons into his hands: some with a knife, some with brass knuckles, and some with a pistol. Do you have the right to fuck these friends with a stick? Not only do you have, but you also have to – at least for the purposes of self-preservation.
Imagine the US went to war with Mexico for some reason. It doesn't matter why.
But then three dwarf states called "Ass Pimples" show up from somewhere and start supplying Mexico with weapons.
How long before they don't have enough democracy and get bombed? That's a rhetorical question.
Imagine the US went to war with Mexico for some reason. It doesn't matter why.
But then three dwarf states called "Ass Pimples" show up from somewhere and start supplying Mexico with weapons.
How long before they don't have enough democracy and get bombed? That's a rhetorical question.
It seems rather prevalent that many Americans are incapable of understanding the concerns of their government’s made up enemies. They consistently refuse to understand Russia’s concerns or the Palestinian’s.
The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense again inspected the plan for implementing state defense orders at Russian military enterprises. During a visit to the State Design Bureau "Raduga" enterprise, a new Russian cruise missile "Izdeliye-720" was noticed; there is still no technical data on it. Presumably the Izdeliye-720 missile was created on the basis of the Kh-69 missile; it has the same square body, but a different configuration of the air intake and seeker of the missile. The Izdeliye-720 missile lacks the electro-optical guidance terminal found on the Kh-69 missile and instead has a fairing similar to that of the Kh-35 missile. It is possible that the Izdeliye-720 missile is equipped with a radar used by the missile's guidance system. The missile's flight range is estimated to be from 300 to 500 kilometers, and its weight is about 450 kg. During a visit to the plant, the minister was shown the Russian X-58 anti-radar missile, which has a flight range of 250 kilometers, after which the minister said that the missile’s flight range should be increased to 300 kilometers.

A new kamikaze drone equipped with a jet engine was tested in Ukraine. At the moment, the drone developers have not provided any technical information about the drone, including even the drone model is unknown. Visually, no cameras are visible on the drone, apparently the drone is aimed at the target only according to predetermined GPS coordinates.

A hybrid of the Russian T-80B tank and the Russian RBU-6000 bomb launcher. The RBU-6000 ship-borne rocket launcher, which was installed on the MT-LB transporter, was also installed on the Russian T-80B tank. Reportedly, one of the Marine Corps units was involved in converting the T-80B tank into a homemade MLRS with a caliber of 213 mm. Many people wondered why they were doing this; apparently, a large number of RGB-60 or 90R bombs had accumulated in the military warehouses of the Russian army; the firing range of such an installation is about 5500 meters.

From 1991 to 2014, the U.S. invested $5 billion in Ukraine. According to Nuland, these funds were aimed at "supporting the aspirations of the Ukrainian people to have a strong, democratic government that represents their interests," i.e. brainwashing the natives.
This turned out to be the most profitable investment of American money ever. For just 50 tons of green paper, American corporations received a huge territory with fertile land, water resources, coal mines and metallurgy. But then "Putin attacked" and ruined everything for them.
Where Mr.Carpenter is wrong is when he writes that NATO expansion was a poke in the eye to Russia. The reason Baltic Nations and the eastern European nations wanted NATO membership was because Russia could not be trusted. Putin has always made clear his territorial ambitions to restore the old Soviet empire. The sad fact is that war like this was inevitable under Putin. Putin is willing to destroy his own nation and others as well in order to fulfill his dream of the Russian version of Lebensraum.
one can see it this way!
It seems rather prevalent that many Americans are incapable of understanding the concerns of their government’s made up enemies. They consistently refuse to understand Russia’s concerns or the Palestinian’s.
Top class misinformation and simple lies are now sophistictated and most people ( not many) are gullible .
See Project MK Ultra .

I watched a mentalist very recently take five people and in seconds he had tranced them so that they had no idea of their own first names and the number seven had disappeared from all existence .Derren Brown.
And that is just a brilliant showman at work , not someone who has developed Mind Control as a weapon over decades .
An episode of the combat work of the Russian T-90M “Breakthrough” tank in the Marinka area has been published; during the battle, the tank puts up a smoke screen. The T-90M tank reportedly overcame a minefield and the first line of defense of the Ukrainian army, after which it began firing at the second line of defense of the Ukrainian army.

Footage of Russian kamikaze Lancet drones striking two Ukrainian PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers made in Germany. It is worth noting that the Ukrainian Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled guns have fairly good camouflage and were difficult to notice. The location and time of the Lancet drone strikes have not been reported. In the video, it is unclear what damage the Ukrainian Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled guns received. Please note that in the second video, the Lancet drone is armed with new ammunition; before reaching the target, it hits it with a cumulative jet or impact core at a distance.

Footage of an attack by Ukrainian naval drones on the Russian missile boat "Ivanovets" of project 12411. As can be seen in the video, the ship was attacked by several naval drones, probably about four, they were coming from different directions. The crew fired at the drones, but the available defenses on the ship were not enough to repel the attack. The video shows that the ship is being attacked at the location of anti-ship missiles and at the stern; one hole under the missiles is already on board. After several attacks, the ship tilted on one side and after another blow, a powerful explosion occurred on the ship. As shown in the video, the ship eventually sank. Judging by all the attacks of sea drones, equipment equipped with machine guns on ships is clearly not enough to protect against drone attacks, we need to look for other solutions.

Footage of a Russian, presumably ballistic missile, hitting a Ukrainian launcher of a German-made IRIS-T SLM air defense system. The Ukrainian IRIS-T SLM medium-range air defense system was deployed between the villages of Lesnoye and Russkaya Lozovaya, in the Kharkov region. In the same place in February 2022, four Ukrainian launchers of the S-300PS air defense system, as well as a Soviet-made 5N66M radar, were destroyed. Before the impact, the site was monitored and radar emissions were detected.

The statement that Russia cannot be trusted is stupid. Russia is the only country of significance, that keeps its word.
Regarding the fact that Putin seeks to take back the lands of the USSR, you probably don't know that for 8 years Putin has been saying that Donbass is ukrainian territory and trying to push it back into Ukraine. The residents of Donbass did not want this at all, well-acquainted with the customs of fascist Ukraine. What started on February 24 should have been done in 2014, there would have been much less losses and more support from the population. But better late than never.

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