The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Russian aviation is quite actively using Ka-52 helicopters in Ukraine, armed with Vikhr guided missiles. Due to the long range of destruction of targets with Whirlwind missiles, which reaches 10 kilometers, it is quite difficult to obtain high-quality video where a destroyed target is visible. However, from time to time, videos showing the target being hit appear. One of them, footage of a Russian Ka-52 helicopter, guided by a Vikhr missile, hitting a rare Ukrainian modification of the MT-LB military transporter. The video was filmed in the Novomikhailovka area.

Ukrainians thought that the U.S. would turn Ukraine into a second South Korea, but so far it looks more like Libya.
The US became the leader in LNG supplies to Europe. The U.S. market share amounted to 52%, while Russia's share was about 13%. The third place in terms of LNG supplies to Europe is occupied by Algeria (11%).

It turned out that this war is about redistribution of markets, and what did you think it was about? Was it about freedom and democracy?
Footage of Russian Su-30SM and Su-24MR aircraft patrolling the waters of the Crimean coast and attacking a detected naval drone of the Ukrainian army has been published. The video shows a Su-30SM aircraft firing a 30mm GSh 30-1 aircraft cannon at a Ukrainian army naval drone. The firing range of the GSh 30-1 aircraft cannon against surface and ground targets is up to 1800 meters, the rate of fire is 1500 rounds per minute. The model of the Ukrainian maritime drone and the date of the attack are unknown.

The first Russian missile drone Termit. Serial production of Termit helicopter-type drones has begun in Russia. The drone was developed by the Strela production enterprise, which is part of the Kronstadt company, and was first shown in 2021. The unmanned attack mini-combat helicopter MDP-01 “Termite” is an analogue of the civilian version of the SmartHELI-350 drones. The new drone is equipped with a surveillance and sighting station, a weapons control system and three S-8L missiles from the Kalashnikov concern with an 80 mm laser homing head. In Russia, this is the first unmanned helicopter with missile weapons. The S-8L missile is based on the S-8 unguided aircraft missiles used by Russian aviation. Unlike the S-8 missiles, the S-8L missile has a semi-active homing head with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, the missile's range is up to 6 kilometers. It is assumed that the drone operator, having detected the target, sets it to be tracked by a laser beam, after which the drone acts autonomously, with the help of artificial intelligence, choosing the time of the missile launch based on the calculation of altitude and range. The Termit drone can reach speeds of up to 150 km/h, its range of use is up to 300 kilometers, the flight time is up to 6 hours, at an altitude of up to 3000 meters.

Footage of the battle and the first defeat of the Ukrainian Leopard 1A5 tank made in Germany have been published. The battle episode was filmed in the Kupyansk area; the tank was in service with the 44th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Army. The tank was not directly hit; the tank was probably damaged by a nearby artillery shell explosion, after which the crew abandoned it. The German Leopard 1A5 tank is a modernization of the first Leopard-1 tank, created in 1987. The tank is very vulnerable as it has thin armor. The thickness of the frontal armor of the tank is up to 70 mm, the turret armor is up to 65 mm, the sides of the tank have armor 35-45 mm thick. Data on the first versions of Leopard 1 tanks.

Russia has introduced 2 new systems:
  • Drones with night vision - to hunt AFU now 24/7
  • RBK500 cluster ammo
And is using them now ALL along the lines Kiev has so far no answer to that
all they can do is throwing more and more untrained men into smashed trenches
full of mud water and soon ice.
The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)
Awwwww, pootin had a bad childhood and that justifies this war.
A walk through a Ukrainian cemetery in Lviv, Western Ukraine
Not a Nazi talking about the genetically best and purest who are now in the ground.
The radar transmitter of the “friend or foe” system was created for Russian drones. The development of miniature drones has created many problems for air defense, one of which is that it is impossible for an air defense operator to distinguish his drone from enemy drones. To identify a target, the air defense operator is forced to communicate with other units and find out the operational situation. This problem can be corrected by the Russian radar identification system "friend or foe" developed for drones. The “friend or foe” radar transmitter was created by the Pulsar research and production enterprise and weighs only 150 grams. The device operates on the “friend or foe” principle and automatically marks friendly drones at an altitude of up to 5 km and a distance of up to 100 km from the radio interrogator. The radar transmitter consumes only 100 mV and is compatible with stations of the combined arms state system “Password”. Radar identification stations are used to identify targets on a “friend or foe” basis.

Despite the fact that the Russian Strela-10 air defense system was developed in 1974, and in 2014 it was upgraded to the Strela-10MN version of the air defense system, as it turned out, this air defense system can operate quite effectively against small-sized targets. The air defense system can operate covertly and has 8 9M333 missiles; the complex is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 5000 meters and an altitude of 3500 meters. The 9K35M air defense missile system is valued for its simplicity and reliability. The story of a Russian operator about the effectiveness of the Strela-10MN air defense system in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian army began using the rare Soviet BMP-1TS with the Spear combat module. The Ukrainian combat module "Spear" was developed in 2014 and is equipped with a 30-mm automatic cannon, a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun, a 30-mm KBA-117 automatic grenade launcher and two Barrier ATGMs. In the video, the module is not fully assembled. The module's armor provides protection against armor-piercing bullets of 7.62 mm caliber. The BMP-1TS fire control system includes a two-plane stabilizer, a ballistic computer and an automatic target tracking system.

"EU prepares to hand over profits from Russia's stolen assets to Ukraine."

Why doesn't Russia take Estonia, for example, in return for the 300 billion dollars stolen by the West?
I hope it's worth no more than that?
The small but shitty Baltic republics would never dare to pursue such an anti-Russian policy, if they didn't feel the support of the US behind their backs.
But there is a limit to everything. There is a feeling that soon they will not be saved by the US either
- if Russia is not allowed to the sea, it will drive to it on tanks.
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Footage of an attack by two Ukrainian FPV drones on a homemade Russian robotic platform has been published. The video was filmed in the Avdeevsky direction; a Russian tracked drone was used to deliver ammunition and food in the most dangerous directions, where the use of conventional transport is too risky. The Russian drone is equipped with the Volnorez electronic warfare system, which we previously talked about. At the time of the attack, the Breakwater electronic warfare system was not installed on the tracked drone.

Russia is increasing the pace of modernization of T-62M tanks. The modernization of tanks is carried out by the 103rd Armored Repair Plant in the village of Atamanovka near Chita. It became known last fall that these tanks would be removed from storage en masse and modernized. The plant operates in 2 shifts and is fully stocked with orders for the next 3 years; about 800 tanks are being modernized. The basis for modernization is the Soviet T-62M tanks with additional protection in the form of metal-polymer blocks, as well as the T-62MV with mounted Kontakt dynamic protection. The T-62M-1 and T-62MV-1 tanks are also being modernized, the main distinguishing feature of which is the more powerful 690-horsepower V-46-5M engine instead of the standard V-55U with a power of 620 hp. At the factory, the tanks undergo major overhauls, are equipped with lattice screens, T-62M, equipped with dynamic protection in the frontal part of the hull and the roof of the turret, and possibly upgraded with communication systems. The main innovation is the 1PN96MT thermal imaging sight, which is installed in place of the 1K13 night sight/missile guidance device. The 103rd Armored Repair Plant was founded in 1942, the original name was the 21st Armored Repair Plant (BTRZ), since 1961 it was renamed the 103rd Armored Repair Plant.

BS Filter said: There sure was a lot more peace when Trump was President. bsfltr.23.12.08 #18

NFBW: #48 00048 NOT: Putin had the greatest Russian asset he ever could’ve dreamed of having in the WH between 2015 and 2021 and was playing a global long game to destroy the same European western liberal democracies that stood with Russia in Hitler’s way seven decades earlier.

it is certain that Putin knew the benefit to his push for global domination and the dissolution of NATO was in the hands of American voters in November of 2020 as a worse case scenario for Russia.

We may never know however, how much Putin understood that his greatest asset and leader of the MAGA movement would attempt a coup of western liberal democracy in the nation that invented it and the most powerful member nation of NATO, by never accepting the reality that he lost.

Putin must be astounded at what a great asset the Republican Party has become and remains after J6, The MAGA Christ-Centered GOP remains under the control of irrational white Christian superstition along with it’s MAGA unchurched voters. And this political upheaval is all still under the second Son of God who was born to return America to her original white Christian roots.

You are kidding yourself if you think Putin would mess up his seventy million MAGA Russian agents while their authoritarian strongman leader was an occupant of the White House.

BS Filter said: I'm asking when do you believe a fetus becomes human? bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767

NFBW: #48 00048 NOT: That has to be Putin’s favorite frequently asked question until Dobbs messed its value to MAGA’s affinity with authoritarianism all up.

And . . . . Putin’s Roman Catholic Russian Asset was removed from US soil much to the dismay of Catholics who are MAGA.

MESSAGE of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America to the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR) Moscow, March 14, 2023

NFBW: #48 00048 NOT: Read an excerpt here:

Recent events have shown us that the materialist atheism that devastated the Russian Empire and the world since 1917 — as the Most Blessed Virgin Mary announced at Fatima — has today joined liberalism in the globalist ideology which underlies the delirious project of the New World Order.

An infernal project, as President Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin rightly pointed out in a recent speech, in which hatred for Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves subservient to the Davos elite.

A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.

We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown.

Letter #74, 2023 Thurs Mar 16: Viganò - Inside The Vatican pblshd.VIG 23.03.16 NFBW: #48 00048 NOT

The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.

nf.23.12.08 #48
to bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767
to bsfltr.23.12.08 #18
00048 NOT

CrusaderFrank said: ^ Very Fake News • ¥ • Putin invades when Bush, Obama or Biden are in the WH, not Trump • ¥¥ • crsdrfrnk.23.12.08 #50 to nf.23.12.08 #48

If Saint Crusaderfrank had read POST nf.23.12.08 #48 which was in response to Saint Bsfilter POST bsfltr.23.12.08 #18 he would’ve understood that my point in my response is exactly that “Putin invaded Ukraine when Obama or Biden is president@. However I get beyond bumper sticker banter and explained why.

nf.23.12.08 #1,399
to crsdrfrnk.23.12.08 #50
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Russian pilots began to be massively trained in the use of glide bombs. Previously, we talked about the FAB-500 M-62 and KAB 1500 glide bombs; now they are the main strike weapons of Russian aviation, the link to the video is in the comments to the video. Using the wing and rudders, the module installed on the FAB bomb allows you to adjust the flight path to the bomb target and makes it highly accurate. Russia has a colossal number of FAB bombs weighing 250, 500 and 1500 kilograms, so apparently mass training of pilots has begun. To train pilots, a batch of Su-34 bombers was transferred to one of the training centers of the Russian Air Force, which will be used for training pilots. At the same time, the software of the Su-34 aircraft is being finalized, which will make it possible to drop bombs from all types of aircraft maneuvers.


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