The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

The firearm related death rate also includes this such as SUICIDE... it is not just homicide.. hence why it is a skewed statistic on this.. for a person wanting to take their own life, if they do not have a firearm, will indeed take it another way

As has already been pointed out, it is broken down on the chart.
The UK has the second highest crime rate in the EU
The fifth highest robbery rate
The fourth highest burglary rate
The EU named Britain the most violent country in the EU.
In the UK there are 2034 violent crimes per 100,000 people
The U.S. has 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

Do all of those countries classify their crimes the same way?

Do you ask the same question about the WHO healthcare rankings?? Or do you just bring it up when it suits your agenda??

I don't think I've ever used those rankings in a discussion before. Thanks for asking though.
28th ???
I'm sure if we work harder we can be #1

but we are number 28 and not number 1 that anti gun nutters like to proclaim.

Give us a chance...we are working on it

Got the list? I want to know who we have to beat to get to number 1

I notice when you get owned you start posting like you are now. Why can't you just accept we are 28th and that's AMAZING NEWS, that's not really news... Point is, now that we are 28th, has your position on the second amendment changed, or do you still see it as something that needs to be repealed and done away with?

Then of course what do you base your position off if you still wana take guns away despite them making people statistically safer than countries that have very strict gins laws?

I will not get an answer.
The point of my mistake to see if you would admit the UK leads the US in violent crimes.

I will have no issue doing so as long as you can show that violent crimes are classified the same way in both countries.

The point of my mistake to see if you would admit the UK leads the US in violent crimes.

I will have no issue doing so as long as you can show that violent crimes are classified the same way in both countries.

Then go the fuck out and find the info an put it in the thread. Fact is you don’t want to because you know it's irrelevant. It could be the same, it could be that the US's numbers are much higher because we accept/count less violent crimes counted as violent crimes in comparison...

You just want to leave it open so you have something, just something to hold on to.
Not every firearm-related death is a homicide.

So, it looks like you're wrong.

You do realize that it is broken down on that page by homicide, suicide and overall firearm deaths?

So, it looks like you're wrong.
The list is quite incomplete. Nevertheless, we're nowhere near the top of the list.
Here in the US beating someone to near death with a baseball bat is counted as "making love." In GB shaking someone’s hand toooooOO firmly is counted as a VIOLENT CRIME!!!!
Violent crime (Table 2)
The figures for violent crime include violence against the person (such as physical assault), robbery (stealing by force or threat of force) and sexual offences (including rape and sexual assault). Close analysis of this class of crime is made more difficult because not all Member States use the standard definition but the general trends show a decline in the EU of about 7 % for the period 2006-2009 in the number of these offences reported to the police.
At country level, the picture is mixed, with significant rises in Cyprus, Denmark, Luxembourg, Greece and Sweden and notable falls in Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Crime trends in detail - Statistics Explained - The Burden of Crime in the EU.pdf
The point of my mistake to see if you would admit the UK leads the US in violent crimes.

I will have no issue doing so as long as you can show that violent crimes are classified the same way in both countries.

Then go the fuck out and find the info an put it in the thread. Fact is you don’t want to because you know it's irrelevant. It could be the same, it could be that the US's numbers are much higher because we accept/count less violent crimes counted as violent crimes in comparison...

You just want to leave it open so you have something, just something to hold on to.

I've looked all over for the info without success but it isn't irrelevant at all.

Also, what the fuck are you talking about? I haven't once called for a ban on guns.
The point of my mistake to see if you would admit the UK leads the US in violent crimes.

I will have no issue doing so as long as you can show that violent crimes are classified the same way in both countries.

See my post above and the sources cited therein. In the UK, "violent crimes" include a wider range of crimes that what is included in US numbers, to include instances of "simple pushing and shoving." This means that statistics from the UK will naturally be lower, when looking at such things as rate of weapon use in the commission of crimes. If the US included "pushing and shoving" in its "violent" crimes statistics, then the percentage of violent crimes involving a weapon, or a firearm, would be significantly lower.

Conversely, the overall rates of total "violent" crime in the UK will be artificially higher when measured per 100,000 people. Specific rates per 100,000 of specific crimes such as murder or use of a firearm will be unaffected by this anomaly, making those rates directly comparable for "one off" purposes.
Whatta buncha loony toons. And you wonder why 98% of America laughs at you?
Not every firearm-related death is a homicide.

So, it looks like you're wrong.

True, a lot of them are you wingnuts removing yourself from the gene pool either through suicide or accidents.

And while I normally wouldn't object to that sort of thing, it probably would be a good thing to reduce the number of those occurances.
Not every firearm-related death is a homicide.

So, it looks like you're wrong.

True, a lot of them are you wingnuts removing yourself from the gene pool either through suicide or accidents.

And while I normally wouldn't object to that sort of thing, it probably would be a good thing to reduce the number of those occurances.
You're a psychopath.

Then again, most progressives have no respect for human life.
The American Spirit was never defined by the policies and laws other country's embraced, it was uniquely American. Unfortunately at the beginning of the 20th century the progressive liberal mind set became more enamored about national image at the expense of the American spirit and that which made us great.

So who really cares about what Europeans do and their petty little laws and regulations, this is America and we should not be bound by the trappings of their failures. If we choose to carry guns so be it, if we wish to have the right and shoulder the responsibility to defend ourselves so be it.

Should we execute those that violate this trust and commit violent crimes using guns, yes, hang em high!
But the constant comparison and adoption of the European way of life is killing this country. If you don't like guns then pack your bags and get out.
Whatta buncha loony toons. And you wonder why 98% of America laughs at you?

I've provided some in depth facts and figures. Care to bring anything to the table, other than baseless insults?

You have brought nothing to the table, that's the point, except your unfounded assertion.
He brought more in one fucking post in this thread than you have brought to every thread combined that you have posted too.
Reality Check time

Anti-gun Argument Destroyed !

Anti-gun Argument Destroyed ! - YouTube

I would like to know where you got your stats. The ones I find put us anywhere from 7th to 12th. It is not a great comfort to know we are better than countries like Zimbabwe or crime ridden spots like Mexico and Columbia.

Maybe you would like to look at some stats that compare us to our cultural and economic equals.

The death of innocents: Murder and guns in the USA |

Gun violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reality Check time

Anti-gun Argument Destroyed !

Anti-gun Argument Destroyed ! - YouTube

I would like to know where you got your stats. The ones I find put us anywhere from 7th to 12th. It is not a great comfort to know we are better than countries like Zimbabwe or crime ridden spots like Mexico and Columbia.

Maybe you would like to look at some stats that compare us to our cultural and economic equals.

The death of innocents: Murder and guns in the USA |

Gun violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the video and from UK's own news source

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online

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