The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

Trump: “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal” = I will bankrupt the country.

“This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money." = I will bankrupt the country.

The only thing backing the US Dollar is the "full faith and credit of the federal government" Like all republicans Trump tried to destroy the government with more debt, printing money, denouncing free & fair elections & attempting a insurrection at the US capital.

Any time a republican doesn't cut spending before uttering the words tax cut, they are saying they want more debt, money printing & inflation.
Sounds to me like, only if you are serious, that you consider Biden a fucking loser for bankrupting this country.
When you add words to things Trump says, you are lying about the man. So damned simple.

This nation deserves cutting taxes. Frankly reading Democrats makes me understand more about communism and the goof balls that support communism.
Trump: “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal” = I will bankrupt the country.

“This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money." = I will bankrupt the country.

The only thing backing the US Dollar is the "full faith and credit of the federal government" Like all republicans Trump tried to destroy the government with more debt, printing money, denouncing free & fair elections & attempting a insurrection at the US capital.

Any time a republican doesn't cut spending before uttering the words tax cut, they are saying they want more debt, money printing & inflation.
I suppose you do not approve the immense spending done by the Democrats at the request of Joe Biden. By the way who would have thought Joe could lend family as much as $200,000 at one time, in one setting. I thought he had been making a VP pay until he lost the election where he got paid what retired VPs get paid.
Sounds to me like, only if you are serious, that you consider Biden a fucking loser for bankrupting this country.
When you add words to things Trump says, you are lying about the man. So damned simple.

This nation deserves cutting taxes. Frankly reading Democrats makes me understand more about communism and the goof balls that support communism.
Trump printed 5 times more US Dollars than all presidents COMBINED!!!

Biden has un-printed, more US Dollars than all presidents combined.
Drill, baby, drill!

The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don’t care.

The GOP narrative has a major hole: U.S. oil production — already the highest in the world — is on track to set a new record this year, and will probably rise even more in 2024. But the ever-increasing flow of U.S. crude has failed to keep a lid on gasoline prices, showing once again that a global market drives the fuel prices that shape presidents’ political futures.

And that means events far beyond the nation’s borders will play a sizable role in voters’ verdict on “Bidenomics” — as global oil prices rise and fall in response to banking conditions in Europe, China’s slumping real estate market, Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine and the latest maneuvers by Saudi Arabia.


U.S. oil production is forecast to average an all-time high of 12.8 million barrels a day this year and keep growing to 13.1 million in 2024, the federal Energy Information Administration said in its latest forecast.

This reality has not stopped dishonest Republicans from lying:

In one campaign ad, former Vice President Mike Pence pretends to fill his pickup truck and blames Biden’s energy policy for “causing real hardship” for Americans, while ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has vowed to bring oil production back to the United States.

And Sen. Tim Scott (R.-S.C.) railed last month on the Biden administration, which he asserted “has shut down energy production in America.”

“Why won’t this President tap into our abundant energy resources here at home and bring down prices at the pump?” he asked.

In fact, though, oil production from federal lands and waters has risen on Biden’s watch, reaching past 3 million barrels per day last year. The high mark during President Donald Trump’s term was 2.75 million barrels a day.

Inflation drives up the price of EVERYTHING!
Inflation drives up the price of EVERYTHING!
Destroying the US dollar is & has been the only goal of Republicans. The US Dollar is Government bonds that's value is based on the full faith & credit of the US Government.

100% of Republican law makers signed Norquist no tax pledge to "shrink government and drown it in a bathtub". They never signed a pledge to shrink spending, they actually increase spending to explode debt to destroy government credit & US Dollar! Then they undermined our faith in the voting system & attacked the US Capitol to finish the job.

Republicans are the money printers, deficit inflation exploding & big spenders! Republican Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold standard in 1971. Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents in history COMBINED! Republicans #1 Goal is to Print, Print, Print & Spend, Spend, Spend!!!

Democrats pay for spending with taxes & spending cuts that prevents deficits & inflation. Without spending cuts, tax cuts only increase deficit, money printing, interest on debt & inflation taxation forever.

Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that his plan to explode budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.

Note how under Trump, Gold soared over $2,065 & Biden had it falling to $1,615 as he restores faith in the US Dollar.
To Tom Paine. Tom was one of this nation's finest minds at the time he lived. And he never would approve what passes for a party known as the Democrats of today.
Destroying the US dollar is & has been the only goal of Republicans. The US Dollar is Government bonds that's value is based on the full faith & credit of the US Government.

100% of Republican law makers signed Norquist no tax pledge to "shrink government and drown it in a bathtub". They never signed a pledge to shrink spending, they actually increase spending to explode debt to destroy government credit & US Dollar! Then they undermined our faith in the voting system & attacked the US Capitol to finish the job.

Republicans are the money printers, deficit inflation exploding & big spenders! Republican Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold standard in 1971. Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents in history COMBINED! Republicans #1 Goal is to Print, Print, Print & Spend, Spend, Spend!!!

Democrats pay for spending with taxes & spending cuts that prevents deficits & inflation. Without spending cuts, tax cuts only increase deficit, money printing, interest on debt & inflation taxation forever.

Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that his plan to explode budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.

Note how under Trump, Gold soared over $2,065 & Biden had it falling to $1,615 as he restores faith in the US Dollar.
You must enjoy brandy?? Whiskey? You come up with goofy things to say.
Printing currency is not spending. Spending is what Biden caused Americans to do daily. I mean huge spending by Americans. And of course he has not cut taxes. Anyway you hate cutting taxes. But who pays most of the taxes? Those in the 90 percent up brackets.
To Tom Paine. Tom was one of this nation's finest minds at the time he lived. And he never would approve what passes for a party known as the Democrats of today.
I am sure you are correct. Only I’m certain he would despise the Trump Party — and its demagogery — even more!
Destroying the US dollar is & has been the only goal of Republicans. The US Dollar is Government bonds that's value is based on the full faith & credit of the US Government.

100% of Republican law makers signed Norquist no tax pledge to "shrink government and drown it in a bathtub". They never signed a pledge to shrink spending, they actually increase spending to explode debt to destroy government credit & US Dollar! Then they undermined our faith in the voting system & attacked the US Capitol to finish the job.

Republicans are the money printers, deficit inflation exploding & big spenders! Republican Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold standard in 1971. Trump printed 5 times more than all presidents in history COMBINED! Republicans #1 Goal is to Print, Print, Print & Spend, Spend, Spend!!!

Democrats pay for spending with taxes & spending cuts that prevents deficits & inflation. Without spending cuts, tax cuts only increase deficit, money printing, interest on debt & inflation taxation forever.

Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that his plan to explode budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.

Note how under Trump, Gold soared over $2,065 & Biden had it falling to $1,615 as he restores faith in the US Dollar.
So inflation soared under Biden because people have faith in the $US?
To all those complaining about the price of gasoline in their area, see my comment #752 — The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

One factor (among many) I mentioned is that state taxes vary dramatically. As of June 2023, they ranged from 9 cents to 79 cents a gallon.

Most states use gas taxes largely to upgrade roads, which require much greater funds in Northern temperate and population dense states than others. The U.S. highway system and Department of Transportation is funded mostly through federal gasoline and special purpose taxes.
To all those complaining about the price of gasoline in their area, see my comment #752 — The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

One factor (among many) I mentioned is that state taxes vary dramatically. As of June 2023, they ranged from 9 cents to 79 cents a gallon.

Most states use gas taxes largely to upgrade roads, which require much greater funds in Northern temperate and population dense states than others. The U.S. highway system and Department of Transportation is funded mostly through federal gasoline and special purpose taxes.
States like Texas, Oklahoma & Florida have toll roads that increases the tax on drivers without showing at the pump.

Here in Missouri, the gasoline tax is low 35 cents per gallon or 1.4 cents per mile & we don't have any toll roads.

The cheapest toll road in the US is over 6 cents per mile. The gasoline tax is 5 times cheaper per mile than driving in states that fleece citizens with toll roads.
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Then move. We paid $2.67 a gallon two days ago. It is going down. This proves Biden is helping us.
If Biden was helping you, he fucked a lot of the rest of America. But how can you be pleased we get fucked but you do not get fucked?
States like Texas, Oklahoma & Florida have toll roads that increases the tax on drivers without showing at the pump.

Here in Missouri, the gasoline tax is low 35 cents per gallon or 1.4 cents per mile & we don't have any toll roads.

The cheapest toll road in the US is over 6 cents per mile. The gasoline tax is 5 times cheaper per mile than driving in states that fleece citizens with toll roads.
I admit I am shocked that you admit that Government does fuck the American public.
If Biden was helping you, he fucked a lot of the rest of America. But how can you be pleased we get fucked but you do not get fucked?
You would love it if the situation were reversed. If you live out west, that is the way the cookie crumbles. It has always been that way.
There is no single explanation for higher gas prices in the U.S. today. Higher prices at the pump in part reflect general inflationary pressures, but blaming inflation in general — or some supposed “war on fossil fuels” — on Democrats is frankly ridiculous partisan propaganda. As the OP points out, fossil fuel production has clearly reached record levels, even while energy efficiency in the U.S. has increased, and we continue to steadily grow solar and other renewables.

In my opinion, electric cars will probably not expand here as rapidly as many once hoped, or as fast as they are doing in China, for instance, but the U.S. auto industry can’t afford to give up EVs entirely — anymore than we can give up the fight to manufacture high-end chips here.

There are so many factors involved in determining final gasoline prices at the pump that no single explanation explains it. Certainly singling out any one factor, for example “taxes,” or “futures contacts” or “speculation” or the taking of super-profits by the oil majors after COVID disruptions misses the complex reality. All these are factors of more or less importance at different times.

Another of course is Geopolitics (Ukraine War, U.S. supplying Germany expensive LNG, U.S. sanctions against Venezuela and Iran, OPEC+ Gulf oil cartel restrictions), and financial / infrastructure issues (lag time and danger in risking capital for drilling and constructing processing plants and LNG transportation terminals) All told, however, there is no “shortage” of gasoline in our country.

There are important demand fluctuations in China and India and all economies undergoing periodic expansion and contraction that commenters often neglect. The U.S. has actually rapidly reacted to higher world demand and prices with much more exporting of oil and especially LNG onto the world market, and our economy is stronger as a result. Not so the Germans, of course. They and many Europeans are stuck paying the U.S. big money for now crucial LNG imports. There are cost price issues that are also essential, as Gulf Oil remains far cheaper to pump and transport than oil from other areas, and is far cheaper as a heating or industrial fuel than U.S. LNG.

My recommendation to all of us unhappy with (hopefully temporary) high prices at the pump: tighten your belt, drive less, buy a more efficient vehicle if you can. In the long run, short of major war or geopolitical catastrophe, the “real” price, efficiency and varieties of power and energy should decline.

If you are a real die-hard “America First” believer … show some courage and get out there and agitate. Tell your MAGA party leaders to pass a law to stop exporting LNG or processed petroleum products. Keep our precious resources at home!

See how far that gets you …

Frankly, you and I differ on politics but we are pretty much in agreement as far as you went.

We also know of a number of countries that charge a tiny fraction of the prices paid in the USA and in Europe.

Some here boast that their prices are a bit over $2.00 per gallon while other Americans suffer prices of over $5.00 per gallon.

Not sure of the date, but this then was the highest cost gasoline.
Where is the highest price gasoline in America?

Which State Has the Highest Gas Prices?
StatePrice Last Month

lets see about the lowest priced gasoline.

Using the same website as a measure, these are the top ten nations with the cheapest gasoline per US gallon.
  • Venezuela, $0.016.
  • Iran, $0.108.
  • Libya, $0.118.
  • Algeria, $1.270.
  • Kuwait, $1.288.
  • Angola, $1.373.
  • Egypt, $1.408.
  • Turkmenistan, $1.621.
More items...

Sep 11, 2023

Which countries have the cheapest and most expensive gas ...​

You would love it if the situation were reversed. If you live out west, that is the way the cookie crumbles. It has always been that way.
So you admit you love it. But you really fucked up saying I would love it. I would be pleased to pay these prices at the pump.

Using the same website as a measure, these are the top ten nations with the cheapest gasoline per US gallon.
  • Venezuela, $0.016.
  • Iran, $0.108.
  • Libya, $0.118.
  • Algeria, $1.270.
  • Kuwait, $1.288.
  • Angola, $1.373.
  • Egypt, $1.408.
  • Turkmenistan, $1.621.
More items...

Sep 11, 2023

Which countries have the cheapest and most expensive gas ...​

If you want to live in Povertyville somewhere instead of the West Coast, go for it.

However, you are giving the highest prices. Rural Nevada was under three dollars a gallon, my cousin tells me, if you have a Smith's loyalty shopping card.
If you want to live in Povertyville somewhere instead of the West Coast, go for it.

However, you are giving the highest prices. Rural Nevada was under three dollars a gallon, my cousin tells me, if you have a Smith's loyalty shopping card.
I am not at the West Coast. I am in the Rockies.

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