The U.S. Need Not be divided forever-The Case for Blood and Iron

Funny, we can't make Afghanistan or Iraq turn out the way we want, with decade long occupations and support,

but, at the same time, every other dictatorship in the ME, is because we are supporting them?

Man, where did all those brilliant...masterminds go, when we really needed them? Is there a massive no talking WALL between the MASTERMINDS of Dictator Supporters, and the Military? LOL!!!

You don't see the geopolitical situation do you Correll. No surprises there. Do you still think 9-11 happened because 'they hate our freedom' a la Bush?
And you read way too much into my post.

I'll spell it out for you. How would you feel if you lived in a country where the elite tell you to do one thing (no drinking, no extra marital affairs, women can't vote or drive etc. And if you do any of those things, the punishments are extremely severe) while they do another. Go and party in neighbouring countries like the UAE and Oman and ignore the rules they make the rest of their citizens adhere to. Then, to add salt to the wound, does the country that claims to be the leader of the free world condemn this country and its leaders? No, it supplies it with arms and the means to control the population. You think AQ targetted the US because it hated your freedoms? No, it saw the US for the hypocrite it was and was making a point about what it thinks about enablers of dictatorships in the ME. Got your attention, too. As I said, without the US enabling the House of Saud there would be no 9-11. With no 9-11 there is no Iraq or Afghanistan quagmire. The problem with you neocon, Deplorable whackadoodles, you have a simplistic mindset - "We good, them bad". You don't delve - nor do you care - about the reasons things happen, which is why you have made a similar mistake in the ME as you did in Vietnam - putting your nose in a place where it wasn't welcome. No doubt, the rest of you chickenhawks will be awaiting the next foreign policy disaster so your masters at the military industrial complex can pull on your ample strings.
Trump was the first President to publicly insult companies that off-shored.

It's good to know that you don't know half of what Trump has done because you only look at the sites that hate him.

1) He made half his own shit in China
2) And that is the problem. If he just shut the fuck up on Twitter and stopped trying to tell the world how great he was, or just ad hom insult people all the time, or stopped hiring people then throwing them under the bus, maybe America would have listened. But when you're batshit crazy posting Fake News EVERY day, it's hard to see the wheat from the chafe...
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Fuck diplomacy; hasn't worked since post WWI.
Your knowledge of current events amongst nations sucks.

You're never read about NK firing nukes towards Japan?

You're so ignorant of anything outside of your Liberal bubble, you're not worth my time.

It works all the time. There have been regional and minor conflicts since WWII but there has also been plenty of times when we have come back from the brink. Cuban Missile Crisis, anyone? So diplomacy has worked many times. I guess warmongers like you just love conflict.

They fired missiles, not Nukes. Christ, I even spelt it out for you.

I'd put my knowledge of current world affairs above yours any day of the week.
CNN...The biggest Ass Kissers when it comes to learning how important it is to bribe nations into loving you.
Wouldn't know. Don't get CNN. Don't get Fox either.
Trump was the first President to publicly insult companies that off-shored.

It's good to know that you don't know half of what Trump has done because you only look at the sites that hate him.

1) He made half his own shit in China
2) And that is the problem. If he just shut the fuck on Twitter and stopped trying to tell the world how great he was, or just ad hom insult people all the time, or stopped hiring people then throwing them under the bus, maybe America would have listened. But when you're batshit crazy posting Fake News EVERY day, it's hard to see the wheat from the chafe...
I'm sure that making ties in China put lots of Americans on the unemployment line.
Any other stupid shit you'd like to add?
Fuck diplomacy; hasn't worked since post WWI.
Your knowledge of current events amongst nations sucks.

You're never read about NK firing nukes towards Japan?

You're so ignorant of anything outside of your Liberal bubble, you're not worth my time.

It works all the time. There have been regional and minor conflicts since WWII but there has also been plenty of times when we have come back from the brink. Cuban Missile Crisis, anyone? So diplomacy has worked many times. I guess warmongers like you just love conflict.

They fired missiles, not Nukes. Christ, I even spelt it out for you.

I'd put my knowledge of current world affairs above yours any day of the week.
CNN...The biggest Ass Kissers when it comes to learning how important it is to bribe nations into loving you.
Wouldn't know. Don't get CNN. Don't get Fox either.
Wow! You told me you watch CNN.
From where do you get your demented US news?
It is hard to keep with the nationalities of all these stupid American hating Moon Bats.

Normal folks in the US are sad that the likes of us can't vote in your elections, but thick-as-pigshit ignoramuses like you can. Such is life.

Yea, the American haters just get all butt hurt when we vote for somebody that wants to make America great again. A fate worse than death to the sorry sonofabitches.
Wow! You told me you watch CNN.
From where do you get your demented US news?
Er, no I didn't.

I get if from the SMH, ABC, BBC, Wash Po, NYTimes - you know, traditional, reliable sources (no matter how much the loony neocon Deplorable morons try to denigrate them)
So funny!
Traditional, reliable, liberal bullshit.
I know...I live here and you don't.
Wow! You told me you watch CNN.
From where do you get your demented US news?
Er, no I didn't.

I get if from the SMH, ABC, BBC, Wash Po, NYTimes - you know, traditional, reliable sources (no matter how much the loony neocon Deplorable morons try to denigrate them)
So funny!
Traditional, reliable, liberal bullshit.
I know...I live here and you don't.

They are definitely reliable
They are guaranteed to push the Democratic narrative to the bubblecultists
Blood and Iron (speech) - Wikipedia

The term coined by Bismarck often used to refer to the militarism and nationalism that helped create modern Germany. There are few things better to unite a people and a nation than a (perceived) external threat or a crusade to eliminate that threat and consolidate the power of a nation.

Personally, I've very tired of hearing about how divided the United States is and some repeatedly suggesting the U.S. needs to break up.

Wouldn't it be worth it to unite our country and give us renewed national purpose for at least a couple of decades or more?
Wouldn't it be worth it to save our nation?


Nazi much?!?!

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Are you really that historically ignorant?

What he suggests is certainly morally questionable, advocating war as tool to strengthen the feeling of unity in the country.

BUT, it is an idea that has nothing to do with Nazi Ideology.

Indeed, a Nazi would think that a feeling of unity with racially different people, would be a BAD thing.

Words actually mean stuff. They are not just shit you throw at your enemies.

Yes, he really is that historically ignorant. I'm fairly sure that Hitler and the Nazis are actually the only historical figures most people know, and that's why they trot them out for every damned thing, no matter how inappropriate.

What the OP is suggesting was actually a very common SOP, historically. Peasants grumbling? Focus them on hating this or that neighboring kingdom. Just make sure you don't lose, though.

I'd like to think we've advanced a ways beyond that point.
Blood and Iron (speech) - Wikipedia

The term coined by Bismarck often used to refer to the militarism and nationalism that helped create modern Germany. There are few things better to unite a people and a nation than a (perceived) external threat or a crusade to eliminate that threat and consolidate the power of a nation.

Personally, I've very tired of hearing about how divided the United States is and some repeatedly suggesting the U.S. needs to break up.

Wouldn't it be worth it to unite our country and give us renewed national purpose for at least a couple of decades or more?
Wouldn't it be worth it to save our nation?
Suddenly after the election goes their way, they are calling for unity. The last 4 years the left spent all their time and energy widening the divide.

Well, Hillary pretty much said the quiet part out loud: "Once we've won, that's when we can be civil again." (Yes, that's not the exact quote, for the stick-up-the-ass leftists who've never heard of a paraphrase.)

They only call for unity when they think they've won because the only "unity" they want is for us to unilaterally and completely surrender. I keep saying this: they want the unity of slaves submitting to their masters. Period.
Ginning up support for a bunch of foreign innocents to die to unite the people? Fuck that. Nuke DC, Manhattan, and L. A. and peace will reign.
Ginning up support for a bunch of foreign innocents to die to unite the people? Fuck that. Nuke DC, Manhattan, and L. A. and peace will reign.
Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California will have to go, too.
Here are two insane genocidal fantasists who openly talk about doing what leaders of China & Russia would never dream of saying or doing.

It's one short step from "Blood and Iron" to Hitler.

That's where these people are going folks
It's one small step from the commie, lying democrats to blood and lead, that's where these folks are going. Democrats reap what you sow--maybe lead poisoning will get you.
STFU Newb. Go beat up a black guy, or kick a transgender person in the nuts, or slap your wife around - you know, all the usual things you Deplorables do in your spare time.
Shut me up you liberal POS! As far as beating wives up--why would I want to do what George Floyd did at gun point. How about your buddies Antifa murdering people in Portland..

It's one short step from "Blood and Iron" to Hitler.

That's where these people are going folks
It's one small step from the commie, lying democrats to blood and lead, that's where these folks are going. Democrats reap what you sow--maybe lead poisoning will get you.
BTW, you do know that Dr. Chump is not a US citizen.
No, I didn't know. I do know that he is a big mouthed punk with a computer keyboard.
Here are two insane genocidal fantasists who openly talk about doing what leaders of China & Russia would never dream of saying or doing.
Think of «nuke» like a microwave -- it'll probably take considerable heat from the big law until the City Hall Democrat political machine self-destructs.

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