The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

She doesn't get it, because she doesn't want to get it.

I would hate to go through life so angry, and so willfully ignorant.
The Truth of what our Founders were about is that they were for the most part Christian men who had seen what happens when Religion rules the State and when the State rules Religion and they set out to FIX that. They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law. No one had ever done that before. That is the awesomeness of it....and to say they created our government based on ONE religion's tenets is denying the awesomeness of what they did. What they DID.

The only thing regarding religion they concerned themselves with in the law was to ensure that the government would not be given any say in what person's believed in matters of religion/faith/church/spirituality and would not be able to either reward nor punish people for what they believed. That in turn required that the Church would not be given authority in government.You and Gadawg seem almost desperate to believe that meant there are no Christian concepts contained in the wording and structure that the Founders gave us in the Declaration and the Constitution. And you keep insisting on that despite reams of evidence to the contrary.

What you said there is EXTREMELY True and I applaud you for saying it so clearly.

Now...not to bust your bubble...what is the Christian principle in that?

Well you didn't seem to get it the first ten or twelve time I've explained it, but once more and then I give up:

The principle is to recognize, protect, and defend the unalienable rights of each person. In order to do that, there must be restraints on religion as well as every other aspect of government so that an authoritarian church or any other ideology cannot take away a person's unalienable rights.

The principle of unalienable rights arises out of Christian faith and was believed by the Founders to come from God. It did not arise out of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, or any other religion. It was uniquely a Christian concept of what government should be.

The Atheists, radical left, and extremists all should be giving thanks to visionary Christians who made it possible for people to be Atheist, wingnuts, and extreme with impunity. We are the first nation in the world to recognize protection of unalienable rights as the primary function o government and to implement it.

Now, if you don't understand that, there's nothing I will likely say to convince you.
The only thing regarding religion they concerned themselves with in the law was to ensure that the government would not be given any say in what person's believed in matters of religion/faith/church/spirituality and would not be able to either reward nor punish people for what they believed. That in turn required that the Church would not be given authority in government.You and Gadawg seem almost desperate to believe that meant there are no Christian concepts contained in the wording and structure that the Founders gave us in the Declaration and the Constitution. And you keep insisting on that despite reams of evidence to the contrary.

What you said there is EXTREMELY True and I applaud you for saying it so clearly.

Now...not to bust your bubble...what is the Christian principle in that?

Well you didn't seem to get it the first ten or twelve time I've explained it, but once more and then I give up:

The principle is to recognize, protect, and defend the unalienable rights of each person. In order to do that, there must be restraints on religion as well as every other aspect of government so that an authoritarian church or any other ideology cannot take away a person's unalienable rights.

The principle of unalienable rights arises out of Christian faith and was believed by the Founders to come from God. It did not arise out of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, or any other religion. It was uniquely a Christian concept of what government should be.

The Atheists, radical left, and extremists all should be giving thanks to visionary Christians who made it possible for people to be Atheist, wingnuts, and extreme with impunity. We are the first nation in the world to recognize protection of unalienable rights as the primary function o government and to implement it.

Now, if you don't understand that, there's nothing I will likely say to convince you.

She will NEVER be convinced, because she doesn't want to be. She is not here to learn. Indeed , I don't think she can learn. She is here to berate, belittle, and lie.

She truly is a worthless person.
They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law.
You have it backwards bodecea
Our Governmental law was founded on religion
Laws being;
Murder - thou shalt not kill
Under oath of the courts -thou shall not bear false witness -lie
Steal- thou shall not steal
Just a few off the top of my head.
Definition of FOUND

transitive verb
: to take the first steps in building

What in the first steps of building our nation were Christian principles?
: to set or ground on something solid : base

What christian principles are set in the ground in our Nation's government?
: to establish (as an institution) often with provision for future maintenance

What Christian principle(s) were established as an institution(s) with provisions for future maintenance by our nation?
They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law.
You have it backwards bodecea
Our Governmental law was founded on religion
Laws being;
Murder - thou shalt not kill
Under oath of the courts -thou shall not bear false witness -lie
Steal- thou shall not steal
Just a few off the top of my head.

You're wasting your time with dishonest scum.
They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law.
You have it backwards bodecea
Our Governmental law was founded on religion

No, it was founded to avoid any contact with religion.

Laws being;
Murder - thou shalt not kill
Under oath of the courts -thou shall not bear false witness -lie
Steal- thou shall not steal
Just a few off the top of my head.

And those are found in ANY society and is not limited to Christian or even religious societies.

Surely you don't think that our Nation had murder laws ONLY because it's a christian thing?
They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law.
You have it backwards bodecea
Our Governmental law was founded on religion
Laws being;
Murder - thou shalt not kill
Under oath of the courts -thou shall not bear false witness -lie
Steal- thou shall not steal
Just a few off the top of my head.

You're wasting your time with dishonest scum.

Hi, TheBrain. Glad to see you back again....even tho you said last nite you weren't coming back...for the 3rd or 4th time.

Now...what were you saying about "dishonest scum"? :eusa_eh:
I give up. When a plethora of credible and verifiable rebuttal to a mantra has been provided but it is ignored while the same wrong mantra, with no supporting evidence, is repeated again and again, the only logical conclusion is a) the person is being intentionally dishonest; b) the person is an idiot; c) the person is uneducable; d) the rest of us are piss poor teachers.

I'm going with "C" on this one and I blame liberal brainwashing. Or Obama. Or Bush. Or potty training. Or something.
Definition of FOUND

Finally, you lying sack? This is the third or fourth time it's gone up.

transitive verb
: to take the first steps in building

What in the first steps of building our nation were Christian principles?
Look to the Declaration of Independence or any of the quotes from the founding fathers. This has already been established, and already been posted over and over and over and over and over again.

: to set or ground on something solid : base

What christian principles are set in the ground in our Nation's government?
Set in the ground? Do I have to pull the definition for "ground" as well? Is English a second or third language for you? What a loon.

: to establish (as an institution) often with provision for future maintenance

What Christian principle(s) were established as an institution(s) with provisions for future maintenance by our nation?
Already established repeatedly.
There is nothing quite so pathetic as one who strains at gnats to avoid acknowledging the truth in the obvious. The phenomenon is so prevalent among the radical left and the radically anti-religious that I think it must be what Michael Savage meant when he coined the phrase: "liberalism is a mental disorder."

I do wonder what they fear would happen to them if they embraced the truth of what our Founders were about even if they do not personally accept those concepts. They can't even seem to appreciate that it was BECAUSE the Founders saw unalienable rights in the their faith and implemented them in the Declaration and Constitution that our contrarian friends have the right to disagree that such exists.

The Truth of what our Founders were about is that they were for the most part Christian men who had seen what happens when Religion rules the State and when the State rules Religion and they set out to FIX that. They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law. No one had ever done that before. That is the awesomeness of it....and to say they created our government based on ONE religion's tenets is denying the awesomeness of what they did. What they DID.

I don't remenber any Jesus is Lord sayings in the Constitution.
I give up. When a plethora of credible and verifiable rebuttal to a mantra has been provided but it is ignored while the same wrong mantra, with no supporting evidence, is repeated again and again, the only logical conclusion is a) the person is being intentionally dishonest; b) the person is an idiot; c) the person is uneducable; d) the rest of us are piss poor teachers.

I'm going with "C" on this one and I blame liberal brainwashing. Or Obama. Or Bush. Or potty training. Or something.

The correct answer is A,B, and C in this case. She's a dishonest, stupid, and unwilling to learn.
I give up. When a plethora of credible and verifiable rebuttal to a mantra has been provided but it is ignored while the same wrong mantra, with no supporting evidence, is repeated again and again, the only logical conclusion is a) the person is being intentionally dishonest; b) the person is an idiot; c) the person is uneducable; d) the rest of us are piss poor teachers.

I'm going with "C" on this one and I blame liberal brainwashing. Or Obama. Or Bush. Or potty training. Or something.

We have about 50 years or so of liberal lies to combat with the truth.
Many blacks still believe that Martin Luther King was a Democrat when in fact he was a Republican.
But when you give them the facts on how Southern Democrats made the laws on segregation, and that is why MLK was a republican, even they start to get it, and see that they have been lied to by liberals.
For poor bodecea there seems to be no hope at all. very sad.
It's not sad at all. She has chosen to lie, and as such, earns the disdain she is afforded.
There is nothing quite so pathetic as one who strains at gnats to avoid acknowledging the truth in the obvious. The phenomenon is so prevalent among the radical left and the radically anti-religious that I think it must be what Michael Savage meant when he coined the phrase: "liberalism is a mental disorder."

I do wonder what they fear would happen to them if they embraced the truth of what our Founders were about even if they do not personally accept those concepts. They can't even seem to appreciate that it was BECAUSE the Founders saw unalienable rights in the their faith and implemented them in the Declaration and Constitution that our contrarian friends have the right to disagree that such exists.

The Truth of what our Founders were about is that they were for the most part Christian men who had seen what happens when Religion rules the State and when the State rules Religion and they set out to FIX that. They created the first written Constitutional government that codified freedom of religion and kept ANY religion out of governmental law. No one had ever done that before. That is the awesomeness of it....and to say they created our government based on ONE religion's tenets is denying the awesomeness of what they did. What they DID.

I don't remenber any Jesus is Lord sayings in the Constitution.

There isn't. There's no legal content whatsoever to their assertion that the U.S. was founded on Christian principles. They know it, we know they go to Plan B....attack the messenger...rather than debate the message.
It's not sad at all. She has chosen to lie, and as such, earns the disdain she is afforded.

I agree. I save my pity for those who deserve it. This angry lesbian does NOT deserve it. She deserves disdain for her actions. She's a pathetic, dishonorable, lying, scumbag troll. I don't even care what she believes in as far as political positions.

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