The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

I'm not taking the position that their actions *speak louder than words*, i.e., aren't Christian. That's all you. So prove your weird point...though of course that has nothing to do with the argument that the US was founded upon Christian principle.

But knock yourself out, fruitcake.

I take the position that their actions speak louder than CHOOSE to add the thought "i.e. aren't Christian". That's all on you and your personal interpretation.

But you want me to prove that "actions speak louder than words" now? And you think that's a weird point?

No, I don't want you to prove that actions speak louder than words. As I said, it's an irrelevant point, meant to deflect from the actual discussion and argument, and meant to divert attention from the fact that you made the claim that America wasn't founded upon Christian principle, and your best argument is that "actions speak louder than words".

If you just want to talk about "actions speak louder than words", which is juvenile and silly, you should make another thread about that. Otherwise, I will continue to assume it's a lame-ass attempt to muddy the waters....triggered by the fact that your grasp of history is as feeble as your grasp of the English language.

So you think that believing Actions Speak Louder than Words is irrelevant? So what you say, what others say is more important that what you do, than what others do?

Is that your belief? That it's NOT what the Founders DID, but just what the Founders SAID?
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For the purposes of this argument, yes. Like I said, if you want to talk about how the founders were terrible people who didn't adhere to Christian principle, go ahead and start a thread about it. But it has nothing to do with whether or not the US was founded upon Christian principle.

You know that, of course. You just want to change the subject so nobody will notice you were unable to support your original argument.
For the purposes of this argument, yes. Like I said, if you want to talk about how the founders were terrible people who didn't adhere to Christian principle, go ahead and start a thread about it.

No one seems to be saying that but you, Allie.

But it has nothing to do with whether or not the US was founded upon Christian principle.

Founding is an Action, is it not? (actually, a long string of actions)

You know that, of course. You just want to change the subject so nobody will notice you were unable to support your original argument.

I am not changing the subject at all...the Subject is whether the U.S. is Founded on Christian Principles or not....that is an Action....let us look at the Action(s) of our Founding more than any words...because "Actions Speak Louder than Words."

...that is, of course, unless you don't believe that actions speak louder than words. Do you?
You're an idiot. I know you think you're being clever, but you're just being dishonest and foolish.
You're an idiot. I know you think you're being clever, but you're just being dishonest and foolish. this how you answer some legitimate questions? Seriously? Can't you stick with a debate for even one day without dropping the topic and getting into personal attacks?

C'mon....tell me now. Do you believe Actions Speak Louder than Words or not?
Yeah whatever.

Well, since you negged me again for asking a simple, non-threatening question, I will have to assume (yes, I know it's an assumption, but you certainly are running away from answering for some reason) that you find my question intimidating in some way....or that you are afraid to answer because you know it kicks the foundation out from your assertions about our Founders.

Only you know for sure....and you are busy negging me and calling me names. (Your Actions speak louder than your words too, Allie)

Now I have to go update the score in my sig.
I don't answer stupid questions that have no bearing on anything, as you know.

So, you think it is a stupid question to ask you if you believe "Actions Speak Louder than Words."

Is it stupid because we should already know your answer?

Or is it stupid because you don't want to answer because it will knock the foundations off your Founders argument?

And the question has a LOT of bearing on the OP title...We know a lot about whether the U.S. was founded upon Christianity by the ACTS of our Founders. We shall know they by their Actions, so to speak. Why does that make you shy away?
No, it has zero bearing upon the OP. Please sign up for remedial English and perhaps a vocabulary class, and check back when you have a firmer grasp of the language.
This is what American was based on



We are the new Rome
No, it has zero bearing upon the OP. Please sign up for remedial English and perhaps a vocabulary class, and check back when you have a firmer grasp of the language.

It has a great deal to do with the OP and answering it. The Founders Actions Speak Louder than their Words as to whether we were Founded as a christian country or not. That is why you dodge answering my question, IMO.

And it shows everytime you choose to personally attack me rather than answer.
No, it has zero bearing upon the OP. Please sign up for remedial English and perhaps a vocabulary class, and check back when you have a firmer grasp of the language.

It has a great deal to do with the OP and answering it. The Founders Actions Speak Louder than their Words as to whether we were Founded as a christian country or not. That is why you dodge answering my question, IMO.

And it shows everytime you choose to personally attack me rather than answer.

I'm not attacking you, I'm identifying you as an idiot who has no more business attempting an adult debate than my dog does. It's a waste of time and energy to *debate* with a person who doesn't have a basic adult vocabulary, who lies, and doesn't know the difference between fact and fiction.
No, it has zero bearing upon the OP. Please sign up for remedial English and perhaps a vocabulary class, and check back when you have a firmer grasp of the language.

It has a great deal to do with the OP and answering it. The Founders Actions Speak Louder than their Words as to whether we were Founded as a christian country or not. That is why you dodge answering my question, IMO.

And it shows everytime you choose to personally attack me rather than answer.

I'm not attacking you, I'm identifying you as an idiot who has no more business attempting an adult debate than my dog does. It's a waste of time and energy to *debate* with a person who doesn't have a basic adult vocabulary, who lies, and doesn't know the difference between fact and fiction.

How fascinating. Did you type that with a straight face?

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