The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

That's been addressed already. I can't help it if you don't understand English. Take a remedial class.
Yes, this is where you say "Please enable my habit of continually asking the same questions and ignoring the answers over and over again..."
What amazes me about you LoneStar is your excellent on point posts in support of 2nd Amendment and gun rights and fiscal issues that I agree with you on point 100% that are supported by you with the LAW AND CONSTITUTION which you cite, yet in this argument you make claims without any LAW OR CONSTITUTION to back any of it up. You ain't stupid. However, you have no specific principles to cite in this argument and never make them.
Oh well, at least we agree on something.

That's because this nation wasn't founded on laws or the Constitution. The Constitution came AFTER this country was founded. The evidence is in the words of the founding fathers, particularly the DOI.

Granted, God is not mentioned in the Constitution, but He is mentioned in every major document leading up to the final wording of the Constitution. For example, Connecticut is still known as the "Constitution State" because its colonial constitution was used as a model for the United States Constitution. Its first words were: "For as much as it has pleased the almighty God by the wise disposition of His Divine Providence…"

Most of the fifty-five Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution were members of orthodox Christian churches and many were even evangelical Christians. The first official act in the First Continental Congress was to open in Christian prayer, which ended in these words: "...the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Savior. Amen". Sounds Christian to me.

Ben Franklin, at the Constitutional Convention, said: "...God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?"

John Adams stated so eloquently during this period of time that; "The general principles on which the fathers achieved Independence were ... the general principles of Christianity ... I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that the general principles of Christianity are as etemal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God."

John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and one of the three men most responsible for the writing of the Constitution declared:

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is their duty-as well as privilege and interest- of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."

Need I go on? Fact is, this isn't a theocracy and no one has suggested it was or should be but the underlining principles upon which this nation was founded is undeniably Christian as Jefferson demonstrated in the DOI.

Now you can choose to ignore the words of the founding fathers but that would only make you a fool.

"You ain't stupid"
I was very wrong on that one. Sorry about that.
Your claim that this nation was founded BEFORE the Constitution and THE LAW shows you to be the fool you are.
So if the English would have won then this nation still would have been founded on Christianity.:cuckoo:
Because after all, like you say, we were founded before the Constitution and the Law.
We were founded UPON Christian principle.

We were not founded solely the Constitution. We started laying the foundation long before the Constitution existed.

Again, you don't understand the terminology.
We were founded UPON Christian principle.

We were not founded solely the Constitution. We started laying the foundation long before the Constitution existed.

Again, you don't understand the terminology.

Unfortunately for you, we were not founded upon Christian principle....or even more than one.

We were the first country in the world to go 180 degrees away from basing our country on religious tenets.

And our Founders were very, very wise to do that. Wiser than many of those who benefit from their wisdom....
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And the Quakers were heinously persecuted during the history of the US.


And someone (Gadawg?) thinks the Tories (only he misspells it) were some sort of religious cult.

History buffs, obviously!
We were founded UPON Christian principle.

We were not founded solely the Constitution. We started laying the foundation long before the Constitution existed.

Again, you don't understand the terminology.

Unfortunately for you, we were not founded upon Christian principle....or even more than one.

We were the first country in the world to go 180 degrees away from basing our country on religious tenets.

And our Founders were very, very wise to do that.

Actually I've never seen anything that separated religious tenets from the establishment of our country. Well not until the Warren Court rewrote the constitution. Our founders seemed more intent on protecting religious freedoms from government limits than anything. They truly were interested in protecting religious freedom and that is exactly what their words represent.
Unfortunately for you, we were not founded upon Christian principle....or even more than one.

How would you know?

You think the Whigs fought the Tories, for fucks sake.....

You are utterly and completely clueless, lacking so much as even a second grade education.

The Patriots WERE Whigs, colonial Whigs....and the Tories were the Loyalists.

I'm surprised you didn't know that.
We were founded UPON Christian principle.

We were not founded solely the Constitution. We started laying the foundation long before the Constitution existed.

Again, you don't understand the terminology.

Unfortunately for you, we were not founded upon Christian principle....or even more than one.

We were the first country in the world to go 180 degrees away from basing our country on religious tenets.

And our Founders were very, very wise to do that.

Actually I've never seen anything that separated religious tenets from the establishment of our country. Well not until the Warren Court rewrote the constitution. Our founders seemed more intent on protecting religious freedoms from government limits than anything. They truly were interested in protecting religious freedom and that is exactly what their words represent.

How did they do that?
And the Quakers were heinously persecuted during the history of the US.

Uh, no. Now I understand your confusion when you misunderstand simple things such as the FACT that Quakers were heiniously persecuted by European (christian tenet based) countries and by the Colonial Puritans (christian tenet based).....NOT during the history of the U.S. which started in the 1770s.


And someone (Gadawg?) thinks the Tories (only he misspells it) were some sort of religious cult.

Well, if he said that (and of course to ask you proof would be pointless), he would be wrong. They were a political party...a conservative loyalist party....the term translated into all those who supported remaining with England.

History buffs, obviously!

Better than saying that the United States was based on Christian tenets without even being able to list any of those christian tenets. That's always a knee-slapper. :lol::lol::lol:
Of course it was. Since they were listed repeatedly.

Today in fact.

Your ignorance continues to shine.
See, was never about the topic with them.

I read it and thought the :eusa_whistle: clearly indicated sarcasm as well and that in fact Peach misread it.

So you admit, finally after 180 pages, that you were wrong and that in fact the USA was founded on Christian principles?

I am saying that the words "Sundays excepted" in Article I of the Constitution is solid, undisputable evidence that the Founders meant our new country to be founded on Christian tenets. Doesn't get any more rock solid than that.

Never mind that she admitted this on page 165
The Patriots WERE Whigs, colonial Whigs....and the Tories were the Loyalists.


A scattered FEW early colonialists were Whigs, some were Tories - the came over from England. These were ENGLISH political parties. The colonial congress had no such parties. Not only were men such as Washington NOT Whigs, they berated the very notion of parties.

"All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They [political parties] serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.

"However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion." - President George Washington
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Your correct...It was founded on Judeo Christian values...

Let's just take Moses.

If you go to the Supeme Court Building you will find Moses and the Ten Commandments carved into the stucture


Why is there a quote from Moses on the Liberty Bell?

"Proclaim Liberty Thro' All The Land To All The Inhabitants Thereof" Leviticus 25:10


Why was the original Seal of the United States, Moses crossing the Red Sea? It was designed by a committee lead by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Ben Franklin


Moses can also be found in the House Chamber where the President gives his address


Auctual photo from inside the House Chamber

These are just a few examples. There are 100s if not 1000s.
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The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Your correct...It was founded on Judeo Christian values...

Let's just take Moses.

If you go to the Supeme Court Building you will find Moses and the Ten Commandments carved into the stucture


Why is there a quote from Moses on the Liberty Bell?

"Proclaim Liberty Thro' All The Land To All The Inhabitants Thereof" Leviticus 25:10


Why was the original Seal of the United States, Moses crossing the Red Sea? It was designed by a committee lead by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Ben Franklin


Moses can also be found in the House Chamber where the President gives his address


Actually the Moses on the supreme court building is only one of several lawgivers, some....gasp...pagan....and the #'s I-X refer to the Bill of Rights.

And if you want to go into art...some of my favorites are a) the painting in the rotunda of the Capital building of Washington AS a god and the Romaneque statue of him in the Smithsonian.
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And the Quakers were heinously persecuted during the history of the US.

.. Quakers were heiniously persecuted by European (christian tenet based) countries and by the Colonial Puritans (christian tenet based).....NOT during the history of the U.S. which started in the 1770s.

Yes, and I'm very happy you were able to benefit from my pointing it out to you.

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