The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

Wrongo dancing flower obviously are a product of our librul propaganda education system....which has perverted our history books with an anti-Christian flavor...there actually were only a handful of deists and quasi-deists....MOST of the founding fathers were Protestants...i.e., Christians....

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America
Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

It's well documented that they looked to the bible as the blueprint for freedom.
There are no Christian prayers in the Constitution. God isn't even mentioned.

But the Constitutional Convention was covered in prayer and the mention of God....
The best and most powerful argument that we are not founded on religion.
They did exactly that and then INTENTIONALLY left out God, prayers, religion and any mention of anything religous in ALL of our laws.
There was a reason for that. Guess what it was?

Because they did not want the state to be able to dictate religion.

Which is fine. But does nothing to support the premise that we're a SECULAR nation or that we are non-Christian. The founding fathers talked often, long and hard about the role of God in the creation and maintenance of our nation.

Jefferson wanted a much more obvious Christian slant to everything. The Baptists talked him out of it.
Where in the law is there any mention of religion?
We are a nation of LAWS.
How hard is that for you to understand? Religion is not an accepted form of government in any form. A secular government is what the Founders set up with the seperation of powers.
What role does religion play in our government? Tell us where that power is defined someplace, anyplace, somewhere, ANYWHERE in the law or the Constitution.
You have no evidence as usual. Give it up. There is no evidence that religion plays any role and has any authority in our government.
There is a reason for that. Thank God for it. God and religion ARE NOT a part of this government. They do it that way in Iran. We don't.

Exactly...we have secular (small s) govt.....we are a nation of laws....our Christian Founders protected the individual right to practice religion (or not) as we see fit through Constitutional law....and the law also says we cannot establish a government don't have that in Iran...where they have theocracy...muslims don't "render unto Caesar" if they don't have to...

....which is why Islam is a threat to our country if they start to establish sharia law....

....i also consider Secularism (capital S...which i consider a form of "religion") to also be a threat to this country's religious freedoms...religion does play an indirect role in government...

Well, you are getting there Eagle.
The part that gets under my skin is this Christian victim mentality. The false claim by the fundementalist that I am attemtping to ban Christianity because I want no part of it in government.
Islam is not a threat to our government unless we continue to fight ALL religous influence in government, no matter how good we view some such as the good things in Christianity. Radical Islam is NOW a real threat to our country.
Kill all the radical Muslims and let Allah sort them out.

Getting where? It's an historical fact that the Christian founding fathers of this country purposely established a secular government that allows for the free practice of religion....that in no way declared the people of our country to be Secularists...

The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are is not "protecting" our government from theocracy...instead it is actually restricting our free practice of religion...

Yes, Islam is a theocratic relgion which is a threat to our secular government.....but so is "Secularism"....which one could say is the "religion" of the Left...

...haven't you ever wondered why the Lefties and Islam are in bed together....?
Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

It's well documented that they looked to the bible as the blueprint for freedom.


which is why blacks had NO freedom but were, instead, slaves

and why women had few rights

thanks to that bible

would you prefer to go back to THAT type of government?

do you think our founding fathers (and the bible) were wrong on those points?
The only way you can pretend that the Founders didn't base this nation in fundamental Judeo-Christian values is to be completely ignorant of what they actually said and did. And to likewise be completely ignorant of Judeo-Christian values.

"Chose ye this day, whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

You could go a step further and realize that the Founders, like Locke, having based our Law's on Judeo-Christian Principles, as a Foundation, in fact kept Government non-secular for a very important reason. One cannot legislate Salvation. It cannot be forced on anyone. The matters of the flesh, Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, are under the watch of the powers that be, by the consent of the whole. We do not want or need magistrates governing the do's and don't of the Spirit. We do not want Sect's battling over Jurisdiction and who's version of doctrine rules the land. We are free to choose, to participate or not participate as we will. That is the point. Let Conscience dictate. When Madison gave us separation of Church and State, he told us to put Conscience before the State. Do not sacrifice Conscience or Principle simply because you may be outnumbered.
Exactly...we have secular (small s) govt.....we are a nation of laws....our Christian Founders protected the individual right to practice religion (or not) as we see fit through Constitutional law....and the law also says we cannot establish a government don't have that in Iran...where they have theocracy...muslims don't "render unto Caesar" if they don't have to...

....which is why Islam is a threat to our country if they start to establish sharia law....

....i also consider Secularism (capital S...which i consider a form of "religion") to also be a threat to this country's religious freedoms...religion does play an indirect role in government...

Well, you are getting there Eagle.
The part that gets under my skin is this Christian victim mentality. The false claim by the fundementalist that I am attemtping to ban Christianity because I want no part of it in government.
Islam is not a threat to our government unless we continue to fight ALL religous influence in government, no matter how good we view some such as the good things in Christianity. Radical Islam is NOW a real threat to our country.
Kill all the radical Muslims and let Allah sort them out.

Getting where? It's an historical fact that the Christian founding fathers of this country purposely established a secular government that allows for the free practice of religion....that in no way declared the people of our country to be Secularists...

The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are is not "protecting" our government from theocracy...instead it is actually restricting our free practice of religion...

Yes, Islam is a theocratic relgion which is a threat to our secular government.....but so is "Secularism"....which one could say is the "religion" of the Left...

...haven't you ever wondered why the Lefties and Islam are in bed together....?

"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath
Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

You may be rewriting History a bit here. Was Locke a Deist? I think not. Jefferson and Madison are more rooted in his brand than Deism. It may serve a corrupted vision to claim Deism, though it is still a tangent, that diverts from the truth.

On this Page:
- signers of the Declaration of Independence
- signers of the Articles of Confederation
- Constitutional Convention delegates including signers of the U.S. Constitution
Ennumerating the Founding Fathers
The three major foundational documents of the United States of America are the Declaration of Independence (July 1776), the Articles of Confederation (drafted 1777, ratified 1781) and the Constitution of the United States of America (1789). There are a total of 143 signatures on these documents, representing 118 different signers. (Some individuals signed more than one document.)

There were 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. There were 48 signers of the Articles of Confederation. All 55 delegates who participated in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 are regarded as Founding Fathers, in fact, they are often regarded as the Founding Fathers because it is this group that actually debated, drafted and signed the U.S. Constitution, which is the basis for the country's political and legal system. Only 39 delegates actually signed the document, however, meaning there were 16 non-signing delegates - individuals who were Constitutional Convention delegates but were not signers of the Constitution.

There were 95 Senators
and Representatives in the First Federal Congress. If one combines the total number of signatures on the Declaration, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution with the non-signing Constitutional Convention delegates, and then adds to that sum the number of congressmen in the First Federal Congress, one obtains a total of 238 "slots" or "positions" in these groups which one can classify as "Founding Fathers" of the United States. Because 40 individuals had multiple roles (they signed multiple documents and/or also served in the First Federal Congress), there are 204 unique individuals in this group of "Founding Fathers." These are the people who did one or more of the following:

- signed the Declaration of Independence
- signed the Articles of Confederation
- attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787
- signed the Constitution of the United States of America
- served as Senators in the First Federal Congress (1789-1791)
- served as U.S. Representatives in the First Federal Congress

The religious affiliations of these individuals are summarized below. Obviously this is a very restrictive set of names, and does not include everyone who could be considered an "American Founding Father." But most of the major figures that people generally think of in this context are included using these criteria, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Hancock, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and more.

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America
Jefferson Bible
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth
Extracted Textually from the Gospels

Compiled by Thomas Jefferson

Edited by Eyler Robert Coates, Sr.

. . . Thomas Jefferson believed that the ethical system of Jesus was the finest the world has ever seen. In compiling what has come to be called "The Jefferson Bible," he sought to separate those ethical teachings from the religious dogma and other supernatural elements that are intermixed in the account provided by the four Gospels. He presented these teachings, along with the essential events of the life of Jesus, in one continuous narrative.
This presentation of The Jefferson Bible offers the text as selected and arranged by Jefferson in two separate editions: one edition uses a revised King James Version of the biblical texts, corrected in accordance with the findings of modern scholarship; the second edition uses the original unrevised KJV. The actual verses of the Bible used for both editions are those chosen by Jefferson. Visitors should find the revised KJV text much easier to read and understand. Those seeking the precise English version Mr. Jefferson used when making his compilation can click on "Unrevised KJV text."

The Jefferson Bible is now available in Spanish:
La Biblia de Jefferson
And in German:
Die Jefferson-Bibel


Mr. Jefferson's Compilation

Jefferson's Syllabus Comparing Jesus and Other Philosophers


Early Years and Ministry [Unrevised KJV text]
Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem, where Jesus is born; He is circumcised and named and they return to Nazareth. At 12 years of age, he accompanies his parents to Jerusalem and returns. John baptises in Jordan. Jesus is baptised at 30 years of age. He drives the traders out of the temple. He baptises but retires into Galilee on the death of John. He teaches in the Synagogue, explains the Sabbath. Call of his disciples.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
The sermon on the mount.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
The sermon on the mount (continued).
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Exhortations. A woman anointeth him. Precepts. Parable of the rich man.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Precepts. Parable of the Sower. Parable of the Tares.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Precepts. Parable of new wine in old bottles. A prophet hath no honor in his own country. Mission, instruction, and return of apostles.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Precepts. Parable of the wicked servant. Mission of the Seventy. The feast of the tabernacles.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
The woman taken in adultery. To be born blind is no proof of sin. The good shepherd. Love God and thy neighbor. Parable of the Samaritan. Form of prayer.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
The Sabbath. The bidden to a feast. Precepts. Parables of the lost sheep and the Prodigal son.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Parable of the unjust steward. Parable of Lazarus. Precepts: to be always ready. Parables of the widow and judge, the Pharisee and Publican. Precepts.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Precepts. Parable of the laborers in the vineyard. Zaccheus, and the parable of the talents.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Goes to Jerusalem and Bethany. The traders cast out from the temple. Parable of the two sons. Parable of the vineyard and husbandmen. Parable of the king and the wedding feast. On tribute, marriage, and resurrection. The two greatest commandments.
Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
Precepts: pride, hypocrisy, swearing. The widow's mite. Jerusalem and the day of judgment. The faithful and wise servant.
The End Times [Unrevised KJV text]
Parable of the ten virgins. The parable of the talents. The day of judgment.
The Betrayal [Unrevised KJV text]
A woman anointeth him. Judas undertakes to point out Jesus. Precepts to his disciples. Washes their feet. Troubled of mind, and prayer.
Arrest and Condemnation [Unrevised KJV text]
Judas conducts the officers to Jesus. He is arrested and carried before Caiaphas the High Priest and is condemned. He is then carried to Pilate, who sends him to Herod.
Crucifixion, Death and Burial [Unrevised KJV text]
Pilate receives him back, scourges and delivers him to execution. His crucifixion, death and burial.

The Jefferson Bible
Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

do you believe our Nation of Christians who ratified the Constitution were well aware that our founding fathers were Deists?

I don't believe in 'our nation of Christians'. We have a nation that has religious freedom and that was the founders intention. Fundamentalists want to rewrite history in an attempt to make our country a Christian theocracy. America was not founded on Christianity. It was founded on European Enlightenment philosophy designed by John Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu. It was not founded by Christians, but rather by Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. It was called the last best hope for humanity for a reason: That in the darkness of Christian domination of Europe, a country was born that was not founded on Biblical supremacism but rather on reason and intelligence. And it is intelligence, and not Christianity, that made possible for America to rise as high as it did.

The Constitution does not mention God or religion, except for Article 6 which prohibits religious tests for public office. Article 6 meant that any free, propertied man, religious or nonreligious, Christian or non-Christian, could vote and hold public office. If the framers, had wanted to declare a special place for Christianity in governance and society, they would have done so. But they didn't. The Christian nationalists have to engage in some rather spectacular evasions to get around this inescapable fact.
Last edited:
Christian nationalists believe in a revisionist history, which holds that the founders were devout Christians who never intended to create a secular republic; separation of church and state, according to this history, is a fraud perpetrated by God-hating subversives. One of the foremost Christian revisionist historians is David Barton, who , in addition to running an organization called Wallbuilders that disseminates Christian nationalist books, tracts and videos, is also the vice-chairman of the Texas Republican Party. The goal of Christian nationalist politics is the restoration of the imagined Christian nation. As George Grant, former executive director of D. James Kennedy's influential Coral Ridge Ministries, wrote in his book "The Changing of the Guard:"
"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish."

In the Christian nationalist vision of America, non-believers would be free to worship as they choose, as long as they know their place. When Venkatachalapathi Samuldrala became the first Hindu priest to offer an invocation before Congress, the Family Research Council issued a furious statement that reveals much about the America they'd like to create:

"While it is true that the United States of America was founded on the sacred principle of religious freedom for all, that liberty was never intended to exalt other religions to the level that Christianity holds in our country's heritage...Our founders expected that Christianity -- and no other religion -- would receive support from the government as long as that support did not violate peoples' consciences and their right to worship. They would have found utterly incredible the idea that all religions, including paganism, be treated with equal deference."
Talk To Action | What is Christian nationalism?
Well, you are getting there Eagle.
The part that gets under my skin is this Christian victim mentality. The false claim by the fundementalist that I am attemtping to ban Christianity because I want no part of it in government.
Islam is not a threat to our government unless we continue to fight ALL religous influence in government, no matter how good we view some such as the good things in Christianity. Radical Islam is NOW a real threat to our country.
Kill all the radical Muslims and let Allah sort them out.

Getting where? It's an historical fact that the Christian founding fathers of this country purposely established a secular government that allows for the free practice of religion....that in no way declared the people of our country to be Secularists...

The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are is not "protecting" our government from theocracy...instead it is actually restricting our free practice of religion...

Yes, Islam is a theocratic relgion which is a threat to our secular government.....but so is "Secularism"....which one could say is the "religion" of the Left...

...haven't you ever wondered why the Lefties and Islam are in bed together....?

"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath

Exactly...I read a post a few years back from someone who admittedly screamed at a group of High Schoolers at a Barnes and Noble who were offering Holiday Present wrapping...their sign said Holiday Present Wrapping, not Christmas Present Wrapping.....
Christian nationalists believe in a revisionist history, which holds that the founders were devout Christians who never intended to create a secular republic; separation of church and state, according to this history, is a fraud perpetrated by God-hating subversives. One of the foremost Christian revisionist historians is David Barton, who , in addition to running an organization called Wallbuilders that disseminates Christian nationalist books, tracts and videos, is also the vice-chairman of the Texas Republican Party. The goal of Christian nationalist politics is the restoration of the imagined Christian nation. As George Grant, former executive director of D. James Kennedy's influential Coral Ridge Ministries, wrote in his book "The Changing of the Guard:"
"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish."

In the Christian nationalist vision of America, non-believers would be free to worship as they choose, as long as they know their place. When Venkatachalapathi Samuldrala became the first Hindu priest to offer an invocation before Congress, the Family Research Council issued a furious statement that reveals much about the America they'd like to create:

"While it is true that the United States of America was founded on the sacred principle of religious freedom for all, that liberty was never intended to exalt other religions to the level that Christianity holds in our country's heritage...Our founders expected that Christianity -- and no other religion -- would receive support from the government as long as that support did not violate peoples' consciences and their right to worship. They would have found utterly incredible the idea that all religions, including paganism, be treated with equal deference."
Talk To Action | What is Christian nationalism?

Ah...those Dominionists. They also want to create their own South Carolina, I believe.
Well, you are getting there Eagle.
The part that gets under my skin is this Christian victim mentality. The false claim by the fundementalist that I am attemtping to ban Christianity because I want no part of it in government.
Islam is not a threat to our government unless we continue to fight ALL religous influence in government, no matter how good we view some such as the good things in Christianity. Radical Islam is NOW a real threat to our country.
Kill all the radical Muslims and let Allah sort them out.

Getting where? It's an historical fact that the Christian founding fathers of this country purposely established a secular government that allows for the free practice of religion....that in no way declared the people of our country to be Secularists...

The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are is not "protecting" our government from theocracy...instead it is actually restricting our free practice of religion...

Yes, Islam is a theocratic relgion which is a threat to our secular government.....but so is "Secularism"....which one could say is the "religion" of the Left...

...haven't you ever wondered why the Lefties and Islam are in bed together....?

"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath

Are you one of those vampire types that recoils in horror whenever someone flashes a cross....? :lol:
Getting where? It's an historical fact that the Christian founding fathers of this country purposely established a secular government that allows for the free practice of religion....that in no way declared the people of our country to be Secularists...

The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are is not "protecting" our government from theocracy...instead it is actually restricting our free practice of religion...

Yes, Islam is a theocratic relgion which is a threat to our secular government.....but so is "Secularism"....which one could say is the "religion" of the Left...

...haven't you ever wondered why the Lefties and Islam are in bed together....?

"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath

Are you one of those vampire types that recoils in horror whenever someone flashes a cross....? :lol:

and THAT is why I think you cons are scum.....

there we were
having a conversation

you stating something completely untrue....
(with NO evidence to back it up)

me correcting you with reality

and then YOU resorting to attacks and insults....

how..."conservative"...of you.....

I have no problem with MOST christians.
MOST christians are NOT you...

MOST christians are moderates (or even liberals)

MOST christians are NOT trying to impose theiur reliogious beliefs on everyone...

my problem, is with the group of christians ARE trying to impose their religion on everyone...
Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

do you believe our Nation of Christians who ratified the Constitution were well aware that our founding fathers were Deists?

I don't believe in 'our nation of Christians'. We have a nation that has religious freedom and that was the founders intention. Fundamentalists want to rewrite history in an attempt to make our country a Christian theocracy. America was not founded on Christianity. It was founded on European Enlightenment philosophy designed by John Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu. It was not founded by Christians, but rather by Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. It was called the last best hope for humanity for a reason: That in the darkness of Christian domination of Europe, a country was born that was not founded on Biblical supremacism but rather on reason and intelligence. And it is intelligence, and not Christianity, that made possible for America to rise as high as it did.

The Constitution does not mention God or religion, except for Article 6 which prohibits religious tests for public office. Article 6 meant that any free, propertied man, religious or nonreligious, Christian or non-Christian, could vote and hold public office. If the framers, had wanted to declare a special place for Christianity in governance and society, they would have done so. But they didn't. The Christian nationalists have to engage in some rather spectacular evasions to get around this inescapable fact. - The Website of Political Research Associates

So your real problem is you hate fundamentalists...?

Then you might also keep your eye on those fundamentalist muslims...can't get much more fundamental than them....seems to me they are heck more of a danger to this country than those know...the kind of fundamentalists that come here to kill people...and to establish sharia law...
Getting where? It's an historical fact that the Christian founding fathers of this country purposely established a secular government that allows for the free practice of religion....that in no way declared the people of our country to be Secularists...

The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are is not "protecting" our government from theocracy...instead it is actually restricting our free practice of religion...

Yes, Islam is a theocratic relgion which is a threat to our secular government.....but so is "Secularism"....which one could say is the "religion" of the Left...

...haven't you ever wondered why the Lefties and Islam are in bed together....?

"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath

Are you one of those vampire types that recoils in horror whenever someone flashes a cross....? :lol:

See, that's the funny thing about hyperbole....have you any indication that any of us here do recoil at the sight of someone wearing a cross?
do you believe our Nation of Christians who ratified the Constitution were well aware that our founding fathers were Deists?

I don't believe in 'our nation of Christians'. We have a nation that has religious freedom and that was the founders intention. Fundamentalists want to rewrite history in an attempt to make our country a Christian theocracy. America was not founded on Christianity. It was founded on European Enlightenment philosophy designed by John Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu. It was not founded by Christians, but rather by Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. It was called the last best hope for humanity for a reason: That in the darkness of Christian domination of Europe, a country was born that was not founded on Biblical supremacism but rather on reason and intelligence. And it is intelligence, and not Christianity, that made possible for America to rise as high as it did.

The Constitution does not mention God or religion, except for Article 6 which prohibits religious tests for public office. Article 6 meant that any free, propertied man, religious or nonreligious, Christian or non-Christian, could vote and hold public office. If the framers, had wanted to declare a special place for Christianity in governance and society, they would have done so. But they didn't. The Christian nationalists have to engage in some rather spectacular evasions to get around this inescapable fact. - The Website of Political Research Associates

So your real problem is you hate fundamentalists...?

Then you might also keep your eye on those fundamentalist muslims...can't get much more fundamental than them....seems to me they are heck more of a danger to this country than those know...the kind of fundamentalists that come here to kill people...and to establish sharia law...

Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)
"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath

Are you one of those vampire types that recoils in horror whenever someone flashes a cross....? :lol:

and THAT is why I think you cons are scum.....

there we were
having a conversation

you stating something completely untrue....
(with NO evidence to back it up)

me correcting you with reality

and then YOU resorting to attacks and insults....

how..."conservative"...of you.....

I have no problem with MOST christians.
MOST christians are NOT you...

MOST christians are moderates (or even liberals)

MOST christians are NOT trying to impose theiur reliogious beliefs on everyone...

my problem, is with the group of christians ARE trying to impose their religion on everyone...

Of course you think cons are are an idiot librul....when someone starts by claiming i've got things "backasswards" and claiming that "nobody" is attempting to ban the expression of Christmas i know i am dealing with a librul halfwit...

There may be some fringe Christian groups (quite minor) that want to "dominate"....they are not any threat....but you libruls sure know how to shriek and scream and make a MOUNTAIN out of a molelhill....

...however the FACT is there is a MUCH LARGER group of people ....called progressive secularists....that are ANTI-Christian....what is your position on them.....pray tell...?

...or don't you libruls have any concern about religious freedom when it comes to Christians....?
"The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country....led by the communist et al statist lefties....banning stupid things like saying Merry Christmas is simply attacking our heritage and culture and the reality that most Americans are Christian...."

you have it assbackwards

NOBODY has banned the words "meryr christmas"


there is a contingency of deranged conservatives (there's a shock)
who are actively working to ban any words that are NOT "merry christmas"

try saying "happy holidays" to a conservative and then feel his wrath

Are you one of those vampire types that recoils in horror whenever someone flashes a cross....? :lol:

See, that's the funny thing about hyperbole....have you any indication that any of us here do recoil at the sight of someone wearing a cross?

heh....i doubt you do....being an old vampire who's developed some immunity.....:lol:

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