The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

the US has ALWAYS enjoyed religious freedom

our founding fathers SPECIFICALLY stated FREEDOM OF religion

freedom OF includes freedom FROM

the words "America is a christian nation" are NOT in the contitution

ALL Americans have ALWAYS had the CONSTTUTIONAL right to practice ANY religion or even NO religion.

MOST christian morals/laws are not only NOT laws in America but are ALSO unconstitutional

America is a SECULAR nation

Sounds great.
But we aren't a secular nation.


A secular nation doesn't require elected officials to be SWORN in on the bible.
And we don't. In fact, such a requirement constitutes a religious test and is illegal- read the Constitution.
A secular nation doesn't print money that says "In God We Trust"

And we didn't until McCarthyism and the rise of the Christian Right Wing

Thank you for acknowledging we are a Christian nation.
You're wrong, Sky. You're wrong from the get go, where you laughably insist we aren't a Christian nation and have NEVER been a Christian nation. you can yammer all you like, but you're making an idiot of yourself by basing everything on a demonstrably FALSE PREMISE.

Grow the fuck up. If you want to argue that Christianity is a threat to freedom of religion and should therefore be shut down, just make that argument. But nobody is going to take you seriously if you keep mindlessly repeating the idiotic statement "The US isn't Christian and never has been. Those founding fathers guys weren't really Christians, either. Because if they were, they couldn't have supported freedom of religion".

Get in touch with reality. Or go light some incense and meditate or something. Because you come across as delusional.

We're debating points of view, potty mouth. Your view is the US is a Christian theocracy. It's not a Christian nation just because most US citizens happen to be Christian., my view is NOT that we are a theocracy.

Once again, your premise is wrong. You maintain that if the US is founded on Christian elements, it's a theocracy.

You're wrong. You've been told you're wrong. Everyone has said "we don't think it's a theocracy" but every time you are in a corner you trot out that egregious accusation again.

I know what a theocracy is. The US is not one. We are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, the first and foremost of which is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM, particularly FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

What the hell is your IQ? I don't usually care, but in your case I'm starting to feel bad because you don't seem capable of comprehending what is going on.

It's a free country, not a Christian nation. The Treaty of Tripoli spelled that out. American citizens are not constitutionally Christians. Quite the contrary. No mention of God in the constitution. The Constitution is in fact the first significant governing charter in the history of mankind that does not invoke any deities, even impersonal ones, for support.

Some Christians would like to change that and make the US a theocracy I've named a few Christian organizations oriented that way.

Thanks for leaving out the foul language. Maybe next time you can avoid the ad hominems.
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Why did they go to Church?

Why did Obama?

Social network, appearances, propriety...

LOL...a librul being honest about BO?

About Christian principles....which show up in the founding fathers's one...

“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” Mathew 22:21

We are a Christian nation....but we do not have a Christian government per se/'s secular...
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Sounds great.
But we aren't a secular nation.


And we don't. In fact, such a requirement constitutes a religious test and is illegal- read the Constitution.
A secular nation doesn't print money that says "In God We Trust"
And we didn't until McCarthyism and the rise of the Christian Right Wing

Thank you for acknowledging we are a Christian nation.

Delusional disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allie, read the Constitution.

no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.


It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

The fact that it universally is accepted in the US is evidence that we're a Christian nation.
You're wrong, Sky. You're wrong from the get go, where you laughably insist we aren't a Christian nation and have NEVER been a Christian nation. you can yammer all you like, but you're making an idiot of yourself by basing everything on a demonstrably FALSE PREMISE.

Grow the fuck up. If you want to argue that Christianity is a threat to freedom of religion and should therefore be shut down, just make that argument. But nobody is going to take you seriously if you keep mindlessly repeating the idiotic statement "The US isn't Christian and never has been. Those founding fathers guys weren't really Christians, either. Because if they were, they couldn't have supported freedom of religion".

Get in touch with reality. Or go light some incense and meditate or something. Because you come across as delusional.

the US has ALWAYS enjoyed religious freedom

our founding fathers SPECIFICALLY stated FREEDOM OF religion

freedom OF includes freedom FROM

the words "America is a christian nation" are NOT in the contitution

ALL Americans have ALWAYS had the CONSTTUTIONAL right to practice ANY religion or even NO religion.

MOST christian morals/laws are not only NOT laws in America but are ALSO unconstitutional

America is a SECULAR nation

Sounds great.
But we aren't a secular nation. A secular nation doesn't require elected officials to be SWORN in on the bible. A secular nation doesn't print money that says "In God We Trust". A secular nation doesn't have a Declaration of Independence which refers to a Creator.

The rest of your rant is just a lunatic rant. Carry on.

"But we aren't a secular nation."

yes we are

" A secular nation doesn't require elected officials to be SWORN in on the bible."

ha ha

you believe so much that just aint so.....

I can't imagine being so stupid....

I also find it amusing (and ironic) that you keep INSISTING that we ALL have religious freedom

and yet
here you are INSISTING that we DO NOT HAVE The religous freedom to be sworn in without your christian bible.....

we do
there has already been a muslim using the koran
and should an atheist be elected he/she would have a right to be sworn in witjhout the CHRISTIAN bible

" A secular nation doesn't print money that says "In God We Trust"."

in god we trust (you stupid nitwit) was added to our currency AFTER the civil war.

our founding fathers had nothing to do wit hit

it was merely a nod (once again) to whiny selfindulgant demanding christians to placate them after the hoorros of the war and in no way makes us "christian"


I'm looking at a bill right now
and I see...a pyramid...
does that mean that America is really an egyptian nation?

once again
you reveal just how woefully ignroant you truly are

you know SO MUCH that just aint so!

" A secular nation doesn't have a Declaration of Independence which refers to a Creator."

the actual words;

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator "

My creator was my mother and father

muslims would say that THEIR creator was allah

zoroastians would say that THEIR creator was ZORO (musta been hard to sword fight with a big cape always in the way)

any American with any religion that is different from christianity might say that they have a different creator....

"creator" is NOT "christian god"

the words "America is a christian nation" does NOT appear in the constitution
Allie, read the Constitution.

no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

Can't keep track of your own bullshit?

But we aren't a secular nation. A secular nation doesn't require elected officials to be SWORN in on the bible. .

Mental retardation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To those who think it would be better if we agreed to call this a Christian nation, answer these questions:

Do you want agents of any government to make religious decisions for you?

Do you want any government to help you, directly or indirectly, as you try to persuade others of the truth of your religious beliefs?

Do you believe parents are not always the proper source of religious instruction for young children, and if not, do you want government agents to decide which parents are wrong or inadequate regarding religion?

Do you want government agents to try to force a preference for religious beliefs on anyone?

Do you believe any government should tax citizens to pay for encouraging others to accept religious beliefs not shared by those being taxed?

If you answer "No!" you must agree that this is a free country, not a Christian nation.
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Allie, read the Constitution.

no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.


It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

The fact that it universally is accepted in the US is evidence that we're a Christian nation.

no, it isn't

it is merely evidence that MOST elected officials happen to be christians

which makes me think.....

you HATE liberals an ddemocrats....

you believe that liberals and democrats HATE christians and HATE god

and yet
god hating liberals and dmeocrats keep getting elected to office...

does it boither you that god hating liberals and democrats use your christian bible to be sworn in?

(do they spit onthose bibles before they do so?
do they burn them afterwards?)

if godhating liberals and democrats keep getting elected to office
does that prove that America is a god hating and christian hating nation?
We're debating points of view, potty mouth. Your view is the US is a Christian theocracy. It's not a Christian nation just because most US citizens happen to be Christian., my view is NOT that we are a theocracy.

Once again, your premise is wrong. You maintain that if the US is founded on Christian elements, it's a theocracy.

You're wrong. You've been told you're wrong. Everyone has said "we don't think it's a theocracy" but every time you are in a corner you trot out that egregious accusation again.

I know what a theocracy is. The US is not one. We are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, the first and foremost of which is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM, particularly FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

What the hell is your IQ? I don't usually care, but in your case I'm starting to feel bad because you don't seem capable of comprehending what is going on.

It's a free country, not a Christian nation. The Treaty of Tripoli spelled that out. American citizens are not constitutionally Christians. Quite the contrary. No mention of God in the constitution. The Constitution is in fact the first significant governing charter in the history of mankind that does not invoke any deities, even impersonal ones, for support.

Some Christians would like to change that and make the US a theocracy I've named a few Christian organizations oriented that way.

Thanks for leaving out the foul language. Maybe next time you can avoid the ad hominems.
Nobody said we are constitutionally Christians. That's your own phrase.

Try to concentrate on understanding what people are saying before you head into lala land.
Allie, read the Constitution.


It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

The fact that it universally is accepted in the US is evidence that we're a Christian nation.

no, it isn't

it is merely evidence that MOST elected officials happen to be christians

which makes me think.....

you HATE liberals an ddemocrats....

you believe that liberals and democrats HATE christians and HATE god

and yet
god hating liberals and dmeocrats keep getting elected to office...

does it boither you that god hating liberals and democrats use your christian bible to be sworn in?

(do they spit onthose bibles before they do so?
do they burn them afterwards?)

if godhating liberals and democrats keep getting elected to office
does that prove that America is a god hating and christian hating nation?

What is with you and Sky telling me what I think?
I say what I think. I don't need you to re-phrase for me.

So let's talk some more about ad hominems...Sky? Sky?, my view is NOT that we are a theocracy.

Once again, your premise is wrong. You maintain that if the US is founded on Christian elements, it's a theocracy.

You're wrong. You've been told you're wrong. Everyone has said "we don't think it's a theocracy" but every time you are in a corner you trot out that egregious accusation again.

I know what a theocracy is. The US is not one. We are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, the first and foremost of which is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM, particularly FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

What the hell is your IQ? I don't usually care, but in your case I'm starting to feel bad because you don't seem capable of comprehending what is going on.

It's a free country, not a Christian nation. The Treaty of Tripoli spelled that out. American citizens are not constitutionally Christians. Quite the contrary. No mention of God in the constitution. The Constitution is in fact the first significant governing charter in the history of mankind that does not invoke any deities, even impersonal ones, for support.

Some Christians would like to change that and make the US a theocracy I've named a few Christian organizations oriented that way.

Thanks for leaving out the foul language. Maybe next time you can avoid the ad hominems.
Nobody said we are constitutionally Christians. That's your own phrase.

Try to concentrate on understanding what people are saying before you head into lala land.

We have never been a Christian nation. The Constitution is godless. We are a secular society.

We have religious freedom. Lets keep it that way.

We have a Bill of Rights to protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority.
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Allie, read the Constitution.


It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

Can't keep track of your own bullshit?

But we aren't a secular nation. A secular nation doesn't require elected officials to be SWORN in on the bible. .

Mental retardation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you're good!
Incorrect premise.

We are a Christian nation and have always been.

But keep babbling.
It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

Can't keep track of your own bullshit?

But we aren't a secular nation. A secular nation doesn't require elected officials to be SWORN in on the bible. .

Mental retardation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you're good!

Already addressed. If accepted practice, without requirement, is to swear on a bible, then that is evidence we really are a Christian nation.

Not a theocracy.

Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah. Me. Today and all the other times Sky has dragged this idiotic argment out.
It's not unconstitutional if the participants choose to do it. Then it is an expression of religious freedom.

The fact that it universally is accepted in the US is evidence that we're a Christian nation.

no, it isn't

it is merely evidence that MOST elected officials happen to be christians

which makes me think.....

you HATE liberals an ddemocrats....

you believe that liberals and democrats HATE christians and HATE god

and yet
god hating liberals and dmeocrats keep getting elected to office...

does it boither you that god hating liberals and democrats use your christian bible to be sworn in?

(do they spit onthose bibles before they do so?
do they burn them afterwards?)

if godhating liberals and democrats keep getting elected to office
does that prove that America is a god hating and christian hating nation?

What is with you and Sky telling me what I think?
I say what I think. I don't need you to re-phrase for me.

So let's talk some more about ad hominems...Sky? Sky?

You called?

I see your point. In one way, because most citizens call themselves Christian we could be called a Christian country. But in another way, we can't. The Founders did not intend to establish religion and the Constitution is godless.

Incredible as it may seem there are certain Christian groups who won't be happy until they create a Christian theocracy.
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