The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Deist was a term used back then. Benjamin Franklin used it. God is not in the Constitution. Christ is mentioned nowhere.

I agree with you about religious freedom being a principle in the first amendment. That is NOT a Christian concept. Here is a source about Deism;
Deist Roots of America

Educate yourself about the Dominion movement and you'll see my concerns a bit clearer. They are a dangerous movement toward a Christian theocracy.
Why did they go to Church?

Sky, the fear of us becoming a theocracy is lunacy are NO CLOSER to this happening at any time in History of our country....we have a constitution that will ALWAYS keep this from happening, and in addition to this, you have fewer Christians than in any time of our History....we have millions of Buddhists, Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, Wicca, and Atheists. We are a Secular Nation, where one can choose your religion or lack thereof and THIS WILL NOT CHANGE....

so, stop this theocracy PHOBIA is just your group of religious thinkers that is trying to unite you in "an enemy", so to give them more power....they get power from your what I think is going on with you...???

to go through your life in FEAR of such, makes you weak in mind and in body. You should release yourself of such fear, you will be more spiritually whole, without it....from one friend to another.


What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State

Joan Bokaer, the Director of Theocracy Watch, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell University wrote, “In March 1986, I was on a speaking tour in Iowa and received a copy of the following memo [Pat] Robertson had distributed to the Iowa Republican County Caucus titled, “How to Participate in a Political Party.” It read:

“Rule the world for God.

“Give the impression that you are there to work for the party, not push an ideology.

“Hide your strength.

“Don’t flaunt your Christianity.

“Christians need to take leadership positions. Party officers control political parties and so it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership positions whenever possible, God willing.”[12]
The Despoiling Of America
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Deist was a term used back then. Benjamin Franklin used it. God is not in the Constitution. Christ is mentioned nowhere.

I agree with you about religious freedom being a principle in the first amendment. That is NOT a Christian concept. Here is a source about Deism;
Deist Roots of America

Educate yourself about the Dominion movement and you'll see my concerns a bit clearer. They are a dangerous movement toward a Christian theocracy.
Why did they go to Church?

Sky, the fear of us becoming a theocracy is lunacy are NO CLOSER to this happening at any time in History of our country....we have a constitution that will ALWAYS keep this from happening, and in addition to this, you have fewer Christians than in any time of our History....we have millions of Buddhists, Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, Wicca, and Atheists. We are a Secular Nation, where one can choose your religion or lack thereof and THIS WILL NOT CHANGE....

so, stop this theocracy PHOBIA is just your group of religious thinkers that is trying to unite you in "an enemy", so to give them more power....they get power from your what I think is going on with you...???

to go through your life in FEAR of such, makes you weak in mind and in body. You should release yourself of such fear, you will be more spiritually whole, without it....from one friend to another.


What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...
Not only that, the church has ALWAYS been a corporation. It has to be, to support its endeavors.
Why did they go to Church?

Sky, the fear of us becoming a theocracy is lunacy are NO CLOSER to this happening at any time in History of our country....we have a constitution that will ALWAYS keep this from happening, and in addition to this, you have fewer Christians than in any time of our History....we have millions of Buddhists, Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, Wicca, and Atheists. We are a Secular Nation, where one can choose your religion or lack thereof and THIS WILL NOT CHANGE....

so, stop this theocracy PHOBIA is just your group of religious thinkers that is trying to unite you in "an enemy", so to give them more power....they get power from your what I think is going on with you...???

to go through your life in FEAR of such, makes you weak in mind and in body. You should release yourself of such fear, you will be more spiritually whole, without it....from one friend to another.


What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

I rest my case. Say goodbye to religious freedom.
What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

I rest my case. Say goodbye to religious freedom.

Don't rest or say goodbye too soon.....just how many dominionists are there exactly.....?
Not only that, the church has ALWAYS been a corporation. It has to be, to support its endeavors.


since it is a corporation

and since it believes it has the power to affect government

they should start paying their fair share of taxes?

sure would be nice if they started to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes so the rest of us could keep a little more of our own money....

or do you support HIGHER TAXES?
Why did they go to Church?

Sky, the fear of us becoming a theocracy is lunacy are NO CLOSER to this happening at any time in History of our country....we have a constitution that will ALWAYS keep this from happening, and in addition to this, you have fewer Christians than in any time of our History....we have millions of Buddhists, Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, Wicca, and Atheists. We are a Secular Nation, where one can choose your religion or lack thereof and THIS WILL NOT CHANGE....

so, stop this theocracy PHOBIA is just your group of religious thinkers that is trying to unite you in "an enemy", so to give them more power....they get power from your what I think is going on with you...???

to go through your life in FEAR of such, makes you weak in mind and in body. You should release yourself of such fear, you will be more spiritually whole, without it....from one friend to another.


What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

of course you would

because in a christian nation you'd be a relatively free man

while only the people you hate (liberals, atheists, homosexuals, wiccans, democrats, intellectuals, evolutionists, abortionists) would have to live in fear

personally I'd rather live in a FREE country than a christian country

if I had to choose between a nation (christian) that would take away MY Rights and freedoms

or a nation (communist) that would take away YOUR rights and freedoms...


you can guess......
Not only that, the church has ALWAYS been a corporation. It has to be, to support its endeavors.


since it is a corporation

and since it believes it has the power to affect government

they should start paying their fair share of taxes?

sure would be nice if they started to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes so the rest of us could keep a little more of our own money....

or do you support HIGHER TAXES?

let's start with all those black churches the dems like to politic in...
Not only that, the church has ALWAYS been a corporation. It has to be, to support its endeavors.


since it is a corporation

and since it believes it has the power to affect government

they should start paying their fair share of taxes?

sure would be nice if they started to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes so the rest of us could keep a little more of our own money....

or do you support HIGHER TAXES?

They want to have it both ways. Take over the government and pay no taxes.
What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

I rest my case. Say goodbye to religious freedom.

you are right, of course

but the CONSERVATIVE will SPIN IT differently.....

they'll say..."but YOU DO have religious freedom....."
"as do we!"

"you can FREELY CHOOSE to join our religion OR we can FREELY CHOOSE to lock you up for choosing the WRONG religion!"

we BOTH have religious freedom"
What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

of course you would

because in a christian nation you'd be a relatively free man

while only the people you hate (liberals, atheists, homosexuals, wiccans, democrats, intellectuals, evolutionists, abortionists) would have to live in fear

personally I'd rather live in a FREE country than a christian country

if I had to choose between a nation (christian) that would take away MY Rights and freedoms

or a nation (communist) that would take away YOUR rights and freedoms...


you can guess......

Wise already live in a free country....many thanks to your Christian forebearers....

Today the real threat is not from the Christian right.....that is a commie lie...
Not only that, the church has ALWAYS been a corporation. It has to be, to support its endeavors.


since it is a corporation

and since it believes it has the power to affect government

they should start paying their fair share of taxes?

sure would be nice if they started to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes so the rest of us could keep a little more of our own money....

or do you support HIGHER TAXES?

let's start with all those black churches the dems like to politic in...

I think, once again, you are trying to be UNfair.

I know you can't help yourself...
deranged hatefilled lunatic conservative scumbags always behave badly....

I'd rather be FAIR
let's start with ALL churches at the same time......

I'm sure we''ll get much more tax relief from evangelical churches than we ever will from poor black churches
What you fail to recognize is how much more fundamental and politically powerful christianity is today. 100 years ago, churches were small and rural. Churches nowadays are closer to corporations. Look at new life "church". Churches and their members have become much more radical in their beliefs. This isn't your grandfathers church.

Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

I rest my case. Say goodbye to religious freedom.

No, you fucking idiot. Calling the US a Christian nation in no way reduces the rights of anyone to practice religion. Negating Christianity, however, does. You're saying that if a person dares to bring religion into their politics on a personal level, if we DARE to refer to religion anywhere outside a church, that is restricting religious freedom.
You are saying (over and over again) that religious freedom can only be attained if we suppress Christianity.
Fucking nitwit.
Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

of course you would

because in a christian nation you'd be a relatively free man

while only the people you hate (liberals, atheists, homosexuals, wiccans, democrats, intellectuals, evolutionists, abortionists) would have to live in fear

personally I'd rather live in a FREE country than a christian country

if I had to choose between a nation (christian) that would take away MY Rights and freedoms

or a nation (communist) that would take away YOUR rights and freedoms...


you can guess......

Wise already live in a free country....many thanks to your Christian forebearers....

Today the real threat is not from the Christian right.....that is a commie lie...

commies might say it but I have arrived at the conclusion that righ twing evangelical christians are trying real hard to take over our government NOT from any communist tract (which I have NEVER read) but, rather, from listening to the words of right wing evangelical conservative christians themselves.

if a tree falls in the woods it DOES make a sound even if you don't hear it.

just because you have done a wonderful job of refusing to hear or read the words of the wel-organized right wing evangelical nutcases does NOT mean that they haven't spoken

since it is a corporation

and since it believes it has the power to affect government

they should start paying their fair share of taxes?

sure would be nice if they started to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes so the rest of us could keep a little more of our own money....

or do you support HIGHER TAXES?

let's start with all those black churches the dems like to politic in...

I think, once again, you are trying to be UNfair.

I know you can't help yourself...
deranged hatefilled lunatic conservative scumbags always behave badly....

I'd rather be FAIR
let's start with ALL churches at the same time......

I'm sure we''ll get much more tax relief from evangelical churches than we ever will from poor black churches

Yeah, all those evangelical chruches in backwaters across the US RAKE in the dough...while poor black churches, like Wright's church, languish.:cuckoo:
The notion that America was founded as a Christian nation is a central animating element of the ideology of the Christian Right. It touches every aspect of life and culture in this, one of the most successful and powerful political movements in American history. The idea that America's supposed Christian identity has somehow been wrongly taken, and must somehow be restored, permeates the psychology and vision of the entire movement. No understanding of the Christian Right is remotely adequate without this foundational concept.

But the Christian nationalist narrative has a fatal flaw: it is based on revisionist history that does not stand up under scrutiny. The bad news is that to true believers, it does not have to stand up to the facts of history to be a powerful and animating part of the once and future Christian nation. Indeed, through a growing cottage industry of Christian revisionist books and lectures now dominating the curricula of home schools and many private Christian academies, Christian nationalism becomes a central feature of the political identity of children growing up in the movement. The contest for control of the narrative of American history is well underway.

History is powerful. That's why it is important for the rest of society not only to recognize the role of creeping Christian historical revisionism, but our need to craft a compelling and shared story of American history, particularly as it relates to the role of religion and society. We need it in order to know not how the religious Right is wrong, but to know where we ourselves stand in the light of history, in relation to each other, and how we can better envision a future together free of religious prejudice, and ultimately, religious warfare.

We've seen how religious beliefs (and other ideologies) inspire people to view others as subhuman, deviant, and deserving of whatever happens to them, including death. It is the stuff of persecution, pogroms, and warfare. The framers of the U.S. Constitution struggled with how to inoculate the new nation against these ills, and in many respects, the struggle continues today. The story goes that when Benjamin Franklin, a hometown delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, emerged from the proceedings, people asked him what happened. His famous answer was "You have a republic, if you can keep it." To "keep it" in our time, we must appreciate the threat and dynamics of Christian nationalism, and the underlying historical revisionism that supports it. Then we can develop ways to counter it. - The Website of Political Research Associates
Ii'd rather live in a christian nation than a commie nation any day...

I rest my case. Say goodbye to religious freedom.

No, you fucking idiot. Calling the US a Christian nation in no way reduces the rights of anyone to practice religion. Negating Christianity, however, does. You're saying that if a person dares to bring religion into their politics on a personal level, if we DARE to refer to religion anywhere outside a church, that is restricting religious freedom.
You are saying (over and over again) that religious freedom can only be attained if we suppress Christianity.
Fucking nitwit.

Nice Christian language
let's start with all those black churches the dems like to politic in...

I think, once again, you are trying to be UNfair.

I know you can't help yourself...
deranged hatefilled lunatic conservative scumbags always behave badly....

I'd rather be FAIR
let's start with ALL churches at the same time......

I'm sure we''ll get much more tax relief from evangelical churches than we ever will from poor black churches

Yeah, all those evangelical chruches in backwaters across the US RAKE in the dough...while poor black churches, like Wright's church, languish.:cuckoo:

once again you let your hatred cloud your judgement

just because you HATE liberals doens't automatically prove that black churches have more money than white evangelical churches

that is just...insane

I have no doubt (and I won't even bother to prove it cus I KNOW it is true)

that WHITE EVANGELICAL right wing churches rake in MUCH more money than black churches.

have you even seen any of those MASSIVE MEGA CHURCHES they have?
and they ALL have their own radio and tv stations

of course
to be fair
lots of those evangelical mega churches have LOTS of blacks in their congregations
of course you would

because in a christian nation you'd be a relatively free man

while only the people you hate (liberals, atheists, homosexuals, wiccans, democrats, intellectuals, evolutionists, abortionists) would have to live in fear

personally I'd rather live in a FREE country than a christian country

if I had to choose between a nation (christian) that would take away MY Rights and freedoms

or a nation (communist) that would take away YOUR rights and freedoms...


you can guess......

Wise already live in a free country....many thanks to your Christian forebearers....

Today the real threat is not from the Christian right.....that is a commie lie...

commies might say it but I have arrived at the conclusion that righ twing evangelical christians are trying real hard to take over our government NOT from any communist tract (which I have NEVER read) but, rather, from listening to the words of right wing evangelical conservative christians themselves.

if a tree falls in the woods it DOES make a sound even if you don't hear it.

just because you have done a wonderful job of refusing to hear or read the words of the wel-organized right wing evangelical nutcases does NOT mean that they haven't spoken

what specifically about the right wing evangelicals threatens you most.....?

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