The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

So we can't be founded on a principle unless it's in a treaty first?

No. Please don't try to make us believe you don't understand the point.

So the founding fathers were lying?

No more and no less than any other politician. That's why you get multiple opinions on religion and government coming from the same guy. Jefferson saying he's a Christian...Jefferson saying he's not a Christian. Adams being for Christianity in government...Adams signing a treaty that says we are not a Christian nation. It's pandering, it's politics, it's business much the way it is now.

I guess they were unaware of what 'founded' means. They were well known to be ignorami, after all. Not at all knowledgeable about such things.

Now you are simply being silly.
It's not a treaty, it was in a letter written by J Adams to Thomas Jefferson on June 28,1813.

You don't want to play the history game with me.

Letters are incorporated into our Government structure?

What about the Treaty of Tripoli...SIGNED by J. Adams, approved unanimously by Congress, a legal document?

No, they are not. and neither are treaties you simpleton.

"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever."

Another quote from the man who signed a treaty which allegedly proves that Adams didn't think we were founded on Christian principles.

Also simpleton would you like me to find other examples of treaties which were couched in niceties that weren't worth more than the paper they were written on?

I assume this is the question you refer to....

Pretty much all treaties still in affect. (except those with native american tribes...we've got a bad record with them)

Trade treaties, peace treaties....a good example is The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago...also the Webster-Ashburton Treaty...the Treaty of Ghent....of course, the Treaty of Paris....very important for us to say the least.

Here's a good list:

Notice some of the things covered that are part of our law and official policies today.
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So we can't be founded on a principle unless it's in a treaty first?

No. Please don't try to make us believe you don't understand the point.

So the founding fathers were lying?

No more and no less than any other politician. That's why you get multiple opinions on religion and government coming from the same guy. Jefferson saying he's a Christian...Jefferson saying he's not a Christian. Adams being for Christianity in government...Adams signing a treaty that says we are not a Christian nation. It's pandering, it's politics, it's business much the way it is now.

I guess they were unaware of what 'founded' means. They were well known to be ignorami, after all. Not at all knowledgeable about such things.

Now you are simply being silly.

Not at all.

You have claimed over and over that the country can't be founded upon Christianity because God isn't mentioned in the Constitution. You refuse to speak to the MULTITUDE of quotes that have been linked that show that the founding fathers, multiple presidents, and the Supreme Court have stated and ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle.

So either you think all those people are lying, or they didn't know what "found" means.

If you don't, then you have to accept that the country was, indeed, founded upon Christian principle.
So we can't be founded on a principle unless it's in a treaty first?

No. Please don't try to make us believe you don't understand the point.

No more and no less than any other politician. That's why you get multiple opinions on religion and government coming from the same guy. Jefferson saying he's a Christian...Jefferson saying he's not a Christian. Adams being for Christianity in government...Adams signing a treaty that says we are not a Christian nation. It's pandering, it's politics, it's business much the way it is now.

I guess they were unaware of what 'founded' means. They were well known to be ignorami, after all. Not at all knowledgeable about such things.

Now you are simply being silly.

Not at all.

You have claimed over and over that the country can't be founded upon Christianity because God isn't mentioned in the Constitution.
And other legal documents for running our government. I have ALSO asked you repeatedly for any evidence to the contrary...anything indicative within our Government's founding documents that show we are to be run based on Christian tenets. So far, you've given me letters (not governing documents), evasions (not governing documents), insults (not governing documents), negs (not governing documents), and whining about how I ruin your thread (not governing documents)

You refuse to speak to the MULTITUDE of quotes that have been linked that show that the founding fathers, multiple presidents, and the Supreme Court have stated

PRIVATELY as in letters (not legal documentation), with frequent CONTRADICTORY documentation

and ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle.

Ah...rulings....where are those rulings. Give us some. Rulings are legal documentation....especial rulings made by federal courts.

So either you think all those people are lying, or they didn't know what "found" means.

I'm beginning to think that you don't know what a Christian principle sure can't list any.

If you don't, then you have to accept that the country was, indeed, founded upon Christian principle.

Some being......?

Here....let's get something you believe that if a leader/leaders writes letters or speaks about their christian faith and that they believe they are doing christian work....that means their country is based on christian tenets?
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They didn't state they thought they were doing "Christian work" you moron. They said they founded the country on Christianity.

You continue to be dishonest.

Likewise, I don't need to quote any legal documents that refer God because I have never made the claim that *found* is a legal term, or must be supported by legal documents. It's not, it doesn't. That's your assertion, and it's incorrect, so you are being dishonest when you seek to compel me to provide evidence that there are references to God in our laws (though there probably are) and if there are no references, our country can't be founded upon Christianity. That's hogwash. I will not provide such evidence because it's not needed and proves nothing. I've provided reams of evidence of our founding fathers stating they founded the country on Christianity, and supporting quotes from the Supreme Court and later presidents stating the same thing.

Since the founding fathers, the Supreme Court, and various presidents have all concurred and stated that the country is firmly rooted in Christianity, there is no need for me to list the tenets. It doesn't matter what they are. The fact is, the people who created the country agree, as do all scholars, that the country was founded on Christian tenets. It doesn't matter what they are (though they have been listed, by multiple posters); you wouldn't recognize them as Christian anyway. More dishonesty on your part.
So we can't be founded on a principle unless it's in a treaty first?

No. Please don't try to make us believe you don't understand the point.

No more and no less than any other politician. That's why you get multiple opinions on religion and government coming from the same guy. Jefferson saying he's a Christian...Jefferson saying he's not a Christian. Adams being for Christianity in government...Adams signing a treaty that says we are not a Christian nation. It's pandering, it's politics, it's business much the way it is now.

I guess they were unaware of what 'founded' means. They were well known to be ignorami, after all. Not at all knowledgeable about such things.

Now you are simply being silly.

Not at all.

You have claimed over and over that the country can't be founded upon Christianity because God isn't mentioned in the Constitution. You refuse to speak to the MULTITUDE of quotes that have been linked that show that the founding fathers, multiple presidents, and the Supreme Court have stated and ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle.

So either you think all those people are lying, or they didn't know what "found" means.

If you don't, then you have to accept that the country was, indeed, founded upon Christian principle.

"The Supreme Court ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle":cuckoo:
The Supreme Court rules ON THE LAW, NOT RELIGION.
Show us a ruling based on religion.
Just the other day I was in Chickamauga, Ga. There are hundreds of Confederate monuments there with quotes from many a politician on how great the sacrifice was and how God was on the side of the protectors of the South from the invading armies.
There are hundreds of these all over the south.
Accordingly, the South was founded on Christian Confederate principle.
just the other day i was in chickamauga, ga. There are hundreds of confederate monuments there with quotes from many a politician on how great the sacrifice was and how god was on the side of the protectors of the south from the invading armies.
There are hundreds of these all over the south.
Accordingly, the south was founded on christian confederate principle.

They didn't state they thought they were doing "Christian work" you moron. They said they founded the country on Christianity.

You continue to be dishonest.

Likewise, I don't need to quote any legal documents that refer God because I have never made the claim that *found* is a legal term, or must be supported by legal documents. It's not, it doesn't. That's your assertion, and it's incorrect, so you are being dishonest when you seek to compel me to provide evidence that there are references to God in our laws (though there probably are) and if there are no references, our country can't be founded upon Christianity. That's hogwash. I will not provide such evidence because it's not needed and proves nothing. I've provided reams of evidence of our founding fathers stating they founded the country on Christianity,

OK, so if leaders/founders of a country write/say they are founding their country on Christianity, that settles it? They are doing so and it IS so?

and supporting quotes from the Supreme Court

If you gave supporting quotes from the Supreme Court I honestly missed them...could you repeat them please?

and later presidents stating the same thing.
This goes back to what I asked before...if they say it, that means it IS so?

Since the founding fathers, the Supreme Court, and various presidents have all concurred and stated that the country is firmly rooted in Christianity, there is no need for me to list the tenets. It doesn't matter what they are. The fact is, the people who created the country agree, as do all scholars, that the country was founded on Christian tenets. It doesn't matter what they are (though they have been listed, by multiple posters); you wouldn't recognize them as Christian anyway. More dishonesty on your part.

So, you are presenting the argument that these people saying it is so...that is good enough for you, it IS so? I just want to be perfectly clear on your argument here.
No. Please don't try to make us believe you don't understand the point.

No more and no less than any other politician. That's why you get multiple opinions on religion and government coming from the same guy. Jefferson saying he's a Christian...Jefferson saying he's not a Christian. Adams being for Christianity in government...Adams signing a treaty that says we are not a Christian nation. It's pandering, it's politics, it's business much the way it is now.

Now you are simply being silly.

Not at all.

You have claimed over and over that the country can't be founded upon Christianity because God isn't mentioned in the Constitution. You refuse to speak to the MULTITUDE of quotes that have been linked that show that the founding fathers, multiple presidents, and the Supreme Court have stated and ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle.

So either you think all those people are lying, or they didn't know what "found" means.

If you don't, then you have to accept that the country was, indeed, founded upon Christian principle.

"The Supreme Court ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle":cuckoo:
The Supreme Court rules ON THE LAW, NOT RELIGION.
Show us a ruling based on religion.

I already did, fuckchops.

What is with the fad of pretending that evidence that has been provided doesn't exist, and asking for it over, and over, and over, and over again?

Again, pure trolling. Read the thread.
Not at all.

You have claimed over and over that the country can't be founded upon Christianity because God isn't mentioned in the Constitution. You refuse to speak to the MULTITUDE of quotes that have been linked that show that the founding fathers, multiple presidents, and the Supreme Court have stated and ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle.

So either you think all those people are lying, or they didn't know what "found" means.

If you don't, then you have to accept that the country was, indeed, founded upon Christian principle.

"The Supreme Court ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle":cuckoo:
The Supreme Court rules ON THE LAW, NOT RELIGION.
Show us a ruling based on religion.

I already did, fuckchops.

What is with the fad of pretending that evidence that has been provided doesn't exist, and asking for it over, and over, and over, and over again?

Again, pure trolling. Read the thread.

No you haven't.
They didn't state they thought they were doing "Christian work" you moron. They said they founded the country on Christianity.

You continue to be dishonest.

Likewise, I don't need to quote any legal documents that refer God because I have never made the claim that *found* is a legal term, or must be supported by legal documents. It's not, it doesn't. That's your assertion, and it's incorrect, so you are being dishonest when you seek to compel me to provide evidence that there are references to God in our laws (though there probably are) and if there are no references, our country can't be founded upon Christianity. That's hogwash. I will not provide such evidence because it's not needed and proves nothing. I've provided reams of evidence of our founding fathers stating they founded the country on Christianity,

OK, so if leaders/founders of a country write/say they are founding their country on Christianity, that settles it? They are doing so and it IS so?

and supporting quotes from the Supreme Court

If you gave supporting quotes from the Supreme Court I honestly missed them...could you repeat them please?

and later presidents stating the same thing.
This goes back to what I asked before...if they say it, that means it IS so?

Since the founding fathers, the Supreme Court, and various presidents have all concurred and stated that the country is firmly rooted in Christianity, there is no need for me to list the tenets. It doesn't matter what they are. The fact is, the people who created the country agree, as do all scholars, that the country was founded on Christian tenets. It doesn't matter what they are (though they have been listed, by multiple posters); you wouldn't recognize them as Christian anyway. More dishonesty on your part.

So, you are presenting the argument that these people saying it is so...that is good enough for you, it IS so? I just want to be perfectly clear on your argument here.

Yes, of course that settles it. When MULTIPLE of the founding fathers (note the term "founding") state that they have developed the structure of the country according to Christian principles, then we can take them at their word. They are the source, they are the ones who know what precepts they were following. Second guessing them is idiotic...UNLESS YOU ARE CLAIMING THAT THEY WERE LIARS and had some motive to lie about it. In which case you also have to prove that the courts lied and presidents Lincoln and Obama lied.

What other proof do you think there is? You want to completely disregard teh FOUNDING fathers' claims that they were applying Christian principle when they considered this new country?

There is no better evidence. In fact, there's no other evidence, period.

And this is more evidence of your own dishonesty..or stupidity. This is NOT relative. This is history. History isn't subject to change, and it isn't subject to your own whims. There is no evidence that will trump the multiple statements by the founding fathers, unless you have some evidence of a grand conspiracy, entered into by all of the founding fathers and everyone else who has agreed that they built the foundation of the country upon Christian principle.

A principle is NOT necessarily a written stricture or a law. People adhere to principles and develop things based upon their value systems all the time, despite the fact they haven't developed a contract that lays out the values by name. The whole concept that they didn't do it (despite their claims) if it's not in the laws is incorrect. It's so incorrect it isn't even debatable, and you look foolish for maintaining for more than 100 pages that it is. Which is why I call you dishonest for doing it....flying in the face of the evidence that is not questioned by any historian, scholar, or even politician, without establishing WHY or HOW they are ALL being dishonest is intellectually dishonest.

It's like saying "The sky is green" because there is no "scientific" evidence that it is blue. We don't need scientific evidence to prove the sky is blue...everybody can see it, everybody is blue. It doesn't cease to be blue because there's no study on its blueness.
James Madison, the Father of The United States Constitution:
"What have been Christianity's fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity; in both-superstition, bigotry and persecution"
Sure, Allie, Madision founded this nation on Christian principles.
Jefferson letter to Adams:
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter".
Yeah, right, Jefferson sure admired Christianity.
Want more?
Theses two idiots cannot refute the facts so what do they do? Present strawman arguments over and over and over again. If either of them would just look at the facts.

Declaration of Independance

Name of Signer State Religious Affiliation

Charles Carroll Maryland Catholic
Samuel Huntington Connecticut Congregationalist
Roger Sherman Connecticut Congregationalist
William Williams Connecticut Congregationalist
Oliver Wolcott Connecticut Congregationalist
Lyman Hall Georgia Congregationalist
Samuel Adams Massachusetts Congregationalist
John Hancock Massachusetts Congregationalist
Josiah Bartlett New Hampshire Congregationalist
William Whipple New Hampshire Congregationalist
William Ellery Rhode Island Congregationalist
John Adams Massachusetts Congregationalist; Unitarian
Robert Treat Paine Massachusetts Congregationalist; Unitarian
George Walton Georgia Episcopalian
John Penn North Carolina Episcopalian
George Ross Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Thomas Heyward Jr. South Carolina Episcopalian
Thomas Lynch Jr. South Carolina Episcopalian
Arthur Middleton South Carolina Episcopalian
Edward Rutledge South Carolina Episcopalian
Francis Lightfoot Lee Virginia Episcopalian
Richard Henry Lee Virginia Episcopalian
George Read Delaware Episcopalian
Caesar Rodney Delaware Episcopalian
Samuel Chase Maryland Episcopalian
William Paca Maryland Episcopalian
Thomas Stone Maryland Episcopalian
Elbridge Gerry Massachusetts Episcopalian
Francis Hopkinson New Jersey Episcopalian
Francis Lewis New York Episcopalian
Lewis Morris New York Episcopalian
William Hooper North Carolina Episcopalian
Robert Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
John Morton Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Stephen Hopkins Rhode Island Episcopalian
Carter Braxton Virginia Episcopalian
Benjamin Harrison Virginia Episcopalian
Thomas Nelson Jr. Virginia Episcopalian
George Wythe Virginia Episcopalian
Thomas Jefferson Virginia Episcopalian (Deist)
Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Episcopalian (Deist)
Button Gwinnett Georgia Episcopalian; Congregationalist
James Wilson Pennsylvania Episcopalian; Presbyterian
Joseph Hewes North Carolina Quaker, Episcopalian
George Clymer Pennsylvania Quaker, Episcopalian
Thomas McKean Delaware Presbyterian
Matthew Thornton New Hampshire Presbyterian
Abraham Clark New Jersey Presbyterian
John Hart New Jersey Presbyterian
Richard Stockton New Jersey Presbyterian
John Witherspoon New Jersey Presbyterian
William Floyd New York Presbyterian
Philip Livingston New York Presbyterian
James Smith Pennsylvania Presbyterian
George Taylor Pennsylvania Presbyterian
Benjamin Rush Pennsylvania Presbyterian

The Constitution

Name of Signer State Religious Affiliation

Daniel Carroll Maryland Catholic
Thomas Fitzsimons Pennsylvania Catholic
Roger Sherman Connecticut Congregationalist
Nathaniel Gorham Massachusetts Congregationalist
John Langdon New Hampshire Congregationalist
Nicholas Gilman New Hampshire Congregationalist
Abraham Baldwin Georgia Congregationalist; Episcopalian
William Samuel Johnson Connecticut Episcopalian; Presbyterian
James Madison Jr. Virginia Episcopalian
George Read Delaware Episcopalian
Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Maryland Episcopalian
David Brearly New Jersey Episcopalian
Richard Dobbs Spaight, Sr. North Carolina Episcopalian
Robert Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Gouverneur Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
John Rutledge South Carolina Episcopalian
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney South Carolina Episcopalian
Charles Pinckney South Carolina Episcopalian
Pierce Butler South Carolina Episcopalian
George Washington Virginia Episcopalian
Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Episcopalian (Deist)
William Blount North Carolina Episcopalian; Presbyterian
James Wilson Pennsylvania Episcopalian; Presbyteran
Rufus King Massachusetts Episcopalian; Congregationalist
Jacob Broom Delaware Lutheran
William Few Georgia Methodist
Richard Bassett Delaware Methodist
Gunning Bedford Jr. Delaware Presbyterian
James McHenry Maryland Presbyterian
William Livingston New Jersey Presbyterian
William Paterson New Jersey Presbyterian
Hugh Williamson North Carolina Presbyterian
Jared Ingersoll Pennsylvania Presbyterian
Alexander Hamilton New York Huguenot; Presbyterian; Episcopalian
Jonathan Dayton New Jersey Presbyterian; Episcopalian
John Blair Virginia Presbyterian; Episcopalian
John Dickinson Delaware Quaker; Episcopalian
George Clymer Pennsylvania Quaker; Episcopalian
Thomas Mifflin Pennsylvania Quaker; Lutheran
Not at all.

You have claimed over and over that the country can't be founded upon Christianity because God isn't mentioned in the Constitution. You refuse to speak to the MULTITUDE of quotes that have been linked that show that the founding fathers, multiple presidents, and the Supreme Court have stated and ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle.

So either you think all those people are lying, or they didn't know what "found" means.

If you don't, then you have to accept that the country was, indeed, founded upon Christian principle.

"The Supreme Court ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle":cuckoo:
The Supreme Court rules ON THE LAW, NOT RELIGION.
Show us a ruling based on religion.

I already did, fuckchops.

What is with the fad of pretending that evidence that has been provided doesn't exist, and asking for it over, and over, and over, and over again?

Again, pure trolling. Read the thread.

No. No you did not. You've pulled this before...making an assertion and when asked to prove evade by saying you already did....We're not buying that crap anymore, Allie.

Show us the evidence. Don't lie and evade for once.
Shit, Bod has spent the duration of this thread either denying that the Declaration is a founding document, or ignoring it completely.
"The Supreme Court ruled that the country was based upon Christian principle":cuckoo:
The Supreme Court rules ON THE LAW, NOT RELIGION.
Show us a ruling based on religion.

I already did, fuckchops.

What is with the fad of pretending that evidence that has been provided doesn't exist, and asking for it over, and over, and over, and over again?

Again, pure trolling. Read the thread.

No. No you did not. You've pulled this before...making an assertion and when asked to prove evade by saying you already did....We're not buying that crap anymore, Allie.

Show us the evidence. Don't lie and evade for once.

You don't remember the links and the quotes that had the supreme court ruling?

You're a liar. Find it yourself.
Theses two idiots cannot refute the facts so what do they do? Present strawman arguments over and over and over again. If either of them would just look at the facts.

Declaration of Independance

Name of Signer State Religious Affiliation

Charles Carroll Maryland Catholic
Samuel Huntington Connecticut Congregationalist
Roger Sherman Connecticut Congregationalist
William Williams Connecticut Congregationalist
Oliver Wolcott Connecticut Congregationalist
Lyman Hall Georgia Congregationalist
Samuel Adams Massachusetts Congregationalist
John Hancock Massachusetts Congregationalist
Josiah Bartlett New Hampshire Congregationalist
William Whipple New Hampshire Congregationalist
William Ellery Rhode Island Congregationalist
John Adams Massachusetts Congregationalist; Unitarian
Robert Treat Paine Massachusetts Congregationalist; Unitarian
George Walton Georgia Episcopalian
John Penn North Carolina Episcopalian
George Ross Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Thomas Heyward Jr. South Carolina Episcopalian
Thomas Lynch Jr. South Carolina Episcopalian
Arthur Middleton South Carolina Episcopalian
Edward Rutledge South Carolina Episcopalian
Francis Lightfoot Lee Virginia Episcopalian
Richard Henry Lee Virginia Episcopalian
George Read Delaware Episcopalian
Caesar Rodney Delaware Episcopalian
Samuel Chase Maryland Episcopalian
William Paca Maryland Episcopalian
Thomas Stone Maryland Episcopalian
Elbridge Gerry Massachusetts Episcopalian
Francis Hopkinson New Jersey Episcopalian
Francis Lewis New York Episcopalian
Lewis Morris New York Episcopalian
William Hooper North Carolina Episcopalian
Robert Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
John Morton Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Stephen Hopkins Rhode Island Episcopalian
Carter Braxton Virginia Episcopalian
Benjamin Harrison Virginia Episcopalian
Thomas Nelson Jr. Virginia Episcopalian
George Wythe Virginia Episcopalian
Thomas Jefferson Virginia Episcopalian (Deist)
Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Episcopalian (Deist)
Button Gwinnett Georgia Episcopalian; Congregationalist
James Wilson Pennsylvania Episcopalian; Presbyterian
Joseph Hewes North Carolina Quaker, Episcopalian
George Clymer Pennsylvania Quaker, Episcopalian
Thomas McKean Delaware Presbyterian
Matthew Thornton New Hampshire Presbyterian
Abraham Clark New Jersey Presbyterian
John Hart New Jersey Presbyterian
Richard Stockton New Jersey Presbyterian
John Witherspoon New Jersey Presbyterian
William Floyd New York Presbyterian
Philip Livingston New York Presbyterian
James Smith Pennsylvania Presbyterian
George Taylor Pennsylvania Presbyterian
Benjamin Rush Pennsylvania Presbyterian

The Constitution

Name of Signer State Religious Affiliation

Daniel Carroll Maryland Catholic
Thomas Fitzsimons Pennsylvania Catholic
Roger Sherman Connecticut Congregationalist
Nathaniel Gorham Massachusetts Congregationalist
John Langdon New Hampshire Congregationalist
Nicholas Gilman New Hampshire Congregationalist
Abraham Baldwin Georgia Congregationalist; Episcopalian
William Samuel Johnson Connecticut Episcopalian; Presbyterian
James Madison Jr. Virginia Episcopalian
George Read Delaware Episcopalian
Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Maryland Episcopalian
David Brearly New Jersey Episcopalian
Richard Dobbs Spaight, Sr. North Carolina Episcopalian
Robert Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Gouverneur Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
John Rutledge South Carolina Episcopalian
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney South Carolina Episcopalian
Charles Pinckney South Carolina Episcopalian
Pierce Butler South Carolina Episcopalian
George Washington Virginia Episcopalian
Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Episcopalian (Deist)
William Blount North Carolina Episcopalian; Presbyterian
James Wilson Pennsylvania Episcopalian; Presbyteran
Rufus King Massachusetts Episcopalian; Congregationalist
Jacob Broom Delaware Lutheran
William Few Georgia Methodist
Richard Bassett Delaware Methodist
Gunning Bedford Jr. Delaware Presbyterian
James McHenry Maryland Presbyterian
William Livingston New Jersey Presbyterian
William Paterson New Jersey Presbyterian
Hugh Williamson North Carolina Presbyterian
Jared Ingersoll Pennsylvania Presbyterian
Alexander Hamilton New York Huguenot; Presbyterian; Episcopalian
Jonathan Dayton New Jersey Presbyterian; Episcopalian
John Blair Virginia Presbyterian; Episcopalian
John Dickinson Delaware Quaker; Episcopalian
George Clymer Pennsylvania Quaker; Episcopalian
Thomas Mifflin Pennsylvania Quaker; Lutheran

And? Has anyone here disputed that the Founders themselves for the most part were Christians? Does being a Christian, saying one is a Christian, going regularly to a Christian church mean these guys constructed our secular government upon Christian principles?

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