The Unfathomable Depths of Leftists

I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

Let it begin, then. Civil Wars don't start themselves. Pitter patter, let's get at her!
You're too stupid to understand why it's relevant.
Lol, nope. You just run out of arguments.
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?

By looking at his rulings from the bench, that's how. Kavenaugh won praise from both sides of the aisle for his qualifications. If we can't trust him to respect the rights of all women, it would show in his rulings. Go ahead, look through them. There are lots of them over a long time, so show us where he showed contempt for women. If you can't/won't, I really think you have nothing to complain about and we're right back where we started, at partisan politics.
'Guilty until proven innocent': life after a false rape accusation

Wrongfully Convicted of Rape, a New Jersey Man Finds More Punishment After Prison

Now, I am not making light of what Ford has said, however we should call a man guilty just by the accusations, we need more.

Yeah, the justice system is fallible. And the minuscule number of falsely accused and convicted men determine your thinking, not the millions of women failed by that same justice system, so much so that the conviction rate for rape ranges in the low single digits. It so frightens you, you cannot even independently make up your mind to assess the veracity of competing claims, which, quite obviously, doesn't get anyone into prison.


I have independently made up my mind. I don't know her motivations, I don't know her, I don't know Kavanaugh. When there are two people and one said it happened and one said t didn't happen, and I don't know their motivations, why would I believe one over the other?
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Mentally unhinged? A hollow slur made by those that never wanted him in office, and would love to see him removed from the day he was elected. Scratch that. Trump is merely not fixed within the same or any mental frame that the Left can control or deal with

The Orange Virus is a narcissistic, crass, tacky rube that has spawned a whole family of the same. He's a perfect representation of the elite to the poor and uneducated. There's nothing mysterious about rubes.

Incompetent? Is that why he is getting 10X more good things done for this country than Obama in the same time-frame? Trump is merely not doing the things the Left want him to do and won't be any time soon either.

He's done... what, exactly? The economy was already good, so he best not fuck that up, because it's the only talking point Cult45 has these days. He addresses the country with the speech of a mental patient. Meandering, illogical speeches that jump from one irrelevant point to another, intermingled with lies. He seems to be sitting on his big orange ass most (Governing by pen and phone, just like Obama) of the time in his pResidency in between outings of golf. He's not even a conservative. His tax cuts with no curbing of spending is a financial band aid, his response to PR was shit, his solution to illegal immigration is a hammer of ICE to round up border jumper families, lock them away and let the fallout sort itself out. No real talent will touch him or any event he schedules because he's an incompetent rube that no one can stand.

An embarrassment? Perhaps unpredictable, unexpected, uncustomary, Trump is certainly not behaving in the way the Left or world wants. Good! I can't think of a thing the Left or Europe has been doing or thinks good and right that I'd care to see Trump do as well. Trump is the ANTI-president, he is the kryptonite to everything that has been wrong in politics for years.

The Orange Virus cares about only himself/his brand/his world. His ignorance and narcissism isn't cute, nor cool, nor inspiring. It's just embarrassing.
You're too stupid to understand why it's relevant.
Lol, nope. You just run out of arguments.
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
Lol, nope. You just run out of arguments.
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?

By looking at his rulings from the bench, that's how. Kavenaugh won praise from both sides of the aisle for his qualifications. If we can't trust him to respect the rights of all women, it would show in his rulings. Go ahead, look through them. There are lots of them over a long time, so show us where he showed contempt for women. If you can't/won't, I really think you have nothing to complain about and we're right back where we started, at partisan politics.
His rulings from.the bench? What about all those millions of pages of stuff they refuse to release?
Oh, and BTW, "We need proof!" is the way how assault in private, without witnesses, went unpunished for times immemorial, how the perpetrators went on to their next exploit, and how women's reputations were tarnished. Time's up for that kind of self-serving (from a male perspective), fake-equitable procrastination. In Kavanaugh's case we actually have at least two independent accusations of assault, and for neither is there any evidence even hinting at a political plot bringing it to life.

'Guilty until proven innocent': life after a false rape accusation

Wrongfully Convicted of Rape, a New Jersey Man Finds More Punishment After Prison

Now, I am not making light of what Ford has said, however we should call a man guilty just by the accusations, we need more.

Why not make light of it? Her story is beyond absurd. Can anyone even imagine a meek mild mannered guy like Kavanaugh laying on top of a woman without her permission? Simply to ask the question is to answer it.

The lying mentally ill slut is obviously lying,
Lol, nope. You just run out of arguments.
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough

There is obviously no way to definitively find out. That is not going to happen.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough

There is obviously no way to definitively find out. That is not going to happen.
I'm afraid you're right, the conservitards are gonna short circuit the process. Oh well, we will just have to impeach him later.
The Orange Virus is a narcissistic, crass, tacky rube that has spawned a whole family of the same.
I wouldn't have taken you for a Trump supporter. You don't appear smart enough.

He's a perfect representation of the elite to the poor and uneducated. There's nothing mysterious about rubes.
So you are saying the nation's poor have all given up on the Democrats to quit making them and keeping them so poor and have switched to Trump to help them out of poverty? Is that why the most uneducated, those in black housing projects, etc., have long voted for the Dems? I see.

The economy was already good, so he best not fuck that up,
The economy was already good under Obama? I guess that's why for 8 years it was called the slowest recovery in history, people asked where the recovery was and within a couple months of Trump getting in office the stock market soared almost overnight? Is all of your revisionist memory as defective?

He addresses the country with the speech of a mental patient. Meandering, illogical speeches that jump from one irrelevant point to another, intermingled with lies.
So you are saying you know all about being a mental patient, and that though Trump is an apparent idiot, you still can't even follow what he is talking about because he still talks over your head? So that leaves at least 150 million Americans out there with more brains than you.

He seems to be sitting on his big orange ass most of the time in his pResidency in between outings of golf.
You got the heads-up on the color of Trump's ass. Apparently you stay quite close to it to know its color. How is the air down there? How does Orange smell? But hey, at least he owns most of those golf courses and works while golfing. Hell of a lot more than can be said about the big floppy-eared bastard, Barry Soetoro Hussein who took a 150 million dollar vacation around the world every 7 weeks!

He's not even a conservative. His tax cuts with no curbing of spending is a financial band aid,
Helluva lot better than tax increases with no curbing of spending!

his response to PR was shit, his solution to illegal immigration is a hammer of ICE to round up border jumper families, lock them away and let the fallout sort itself out.
Cry it for me, Honey! I love to hear pigs squeal!

The Orange Virus cares about only himself/his brand/his world. His ignorance and narcissism isn't cute, nor cool, nor inspiring. It's just embarrassing.
Great! Glad to know it is DRIVING YOU NUTS. :laughing0301: Meantime, much as you hate it, the rest of the country gets better, heals and moves on. MAGA.
You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough

There is obviously no way to definitively find out. That is not going to happen.
I'm afraid you're right, the conservitards are gonna short circuit the process. Oh well, we will just have to impeach him later.

It's he said, she said, 30 years after the facts, this is not about conservative doing anything, other than refusing to let themselves be pressured into destroying an innocent man.

You are an asshole.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I love how the conservatives reconcile that since the economy is on an upswing; any behavior by the president is acceptable. When there is an inevitable downturn, I guess you guys will care about integrity once more?

What you said sure reminds me of you libtards and bill clinton...
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.
You simply prove how slow the reich are to feel as you do.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough

There is obviously no way to definitively find out. That is not going to happen.
I'm afraid you're right, the conservitards are gonna short circuit the process. Oh well, we will just have to impeach him later.

It's he said, she said, 30 years after the facts, this is not about conservative doing anything, other than refusing to let themselves be pressured into destroying an innocent man.

You are an asshole.
How does not appointing him to the supreme Court destroy him?
That never happened, you sleazy lying dirt bag. We aren't required to pretend that your absurd accusations have any basis in fact. It's obvious that the stories of the two lying pussy-hat-wearing sluts are not credible.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough

There is obviously no way to definitively find out. That is not going to happen.
I'm afraid you're right, the conservitards are gonna short circuit the process. Oh well, we will just have to impeach him later.

It's he said, she said, 30 years after the facts, this is not about conservative doing anything, other than refusing to let themselves be pressured into destroying an innocent man.

You are an asshole.
How does not appointing him to the supreme Court destroy him?

Dear Horse-Droppings For Brains,
There can only be ONE reason for a guy with the sterling judicial background and record of Kavanaugh not to be confirmed to the SC: his life's reputation effectively smeared and destroyed by baseless and unproven sexual allegations.
How do you know they don't? Don't you think we need to find out?

You wanting to believe Bart O'Kavanaugh is telling the truth isn't enough

There is obviously no way to definitively find out. That is not going to happen.
I'm afraid you're right, the conservitards are gonna short circuit the process. Oh well, we will just have to impeach him later.

It's he said, she said, 30 years after the facts, this is not about conservative doing anything, other than refusing to let themselves be pressured into destroying an innocent man.

You are an asshole.
How does not appointing him to the supreme Court destroy him?

Dear Horse-Droppings For Brains,
There can only be ONE reason for a guy with the sterling judicial background and record of Kavanaugh not to be confirmed to the SC: his life's reputation effectively smeared and destroyed by baseless and unproven sexual allegations.
Lol, either that or he's not as clean as you wish he was.
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
Right, because she's lying and it never happened.

And if it did it happen it wasn't that bad.

But if it was that bad it's not a big deal because everybody does it.

You kids should step back and listen to this pathetic weaseling.

You do, though, have to take the entire picture into consideration. If the incident really did happen, it happened when Kavenaugh was a minor, and we have a strong tradition of clearing the slate when a kid becomes an adult. Are we willing to set that on its head just for this one occasion? "Sorry, Mister Brown, your exemplary life as an adult simply doesn't matter. The fact that you robbed a gas station when you were 17 disqualifies you for this job. We simply can't have violent thugs like you stocking our shelves".

To say that he is a dangerous sexual predator is fallacious because he's been a model citizen for a very long time. Let's let his accuser testify and see if her story holds up. If not, let it go.
We aren't talking about a job at the 7-11 here son. This is a lifetime appointment to the supreme Court.

How can we expect this douchebag to rule fairly on the rights of all women if he has a history of being unable to respect the rights of even even one?

By looking at his rulings from the bench, that's how. Kavenaugh won praise from both sides of the aisle for his qualifications. If we can't trust him to respect the rights of all women, it would show in his rulings. Go ahead, look through them. There are lots of them over a long time, so show us where he showed contempt for women. If you can't/won't, I really think you have nothing to complain about and we're right back where we started, at partisan politics.
His rulings from.the bench? What about all those millions of pages of stuff they refuse to release?

Those aren't rulings. His decisions are available for all to see. You're worried about his rulings? Check them out. As far as I can tell, judges' decisions are public.

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