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The United States IS a Christian Nation

I just don't get why they care so much about having a christian idol in the courthouse ... seriously ... do you have to advertise your religion so much?
Have you read the Declaration recently? It quite clearly uses the word 'God' and other euphemisms.

Thankfully, the Declaration is not the Constitution.

ROFLMNAO... isn't that precious kids... She's ALL about the USC... or so she feels... but she's not very comfortable with the Charter instrument if the United States, which lays out the principles on which America was founded and those which the US Constitution rests...

LOL... Morons...

(Shrug) My point still stands. The Constitution (not the Declaration) is the supreme law of the land.
I know there is a difference between being a Nation made up of mostly Christians, even if not in practice, and a Christian Nation THEOCRACY, which we are not.

Just because Viet Nam is a Buddhist country, does not mean their government is a Buddhist THEOCRACY.

Just because Iraq was a Muslim Nation (with also Christians living among them), did not mean that it was a Muslim Theocracy...it was a "secular Nation", (when it came to religion choices), ruled by a dictator!

I think I am seeing that there are those who want to say we are not or were not primarily a Christian Nation when we were created verses a Muslim Nation or a Buddhist Nation or a Jewish Nation or a Hindu Nation etc., are doing so for some sort of political reason or political gain....

And I also think I am seeing that there are those who want to say that we are a Christian Nation to score some sort of "religious" and political gain or reason.

And then there are those like me, who have no problems at all calling us primarily a Christian Nation or saying that we were considered a Nation, primarily made up of Christians in our founding years....trying to rewrite HISTORY is unnecessary for me.....

I don't think that we are a theocracy, a Christian Theocracy and never will think we are one and I KNOW we never can be one, due to our constitution's Bill of Rights, let alone the fact that I would NEVER, EVER want us to be a theocracy...I cherrish freedom too much...as I cherrish free will...

I just don't get why they care so much about having a christian idol in the courthouse ... seriously ... do you have to advertise your religion so much?

There religion has spread across the globe like a plague and they will not rest until every mind has been infected and disabled

I don't think that we are a theocracy, a Christian Theocracy and never will ...

to found a christian nation (xtian theocracy) is impossible, for the bible condemns rebellion against any master or authority (read the writings of 'paul') for all authority is given by od, and to rebel against one's master is to to rebel against the authority given by god, and against god himself. The FF were not xtians, despite coopting the title. They went against the very teachings of the faith they claimed to follow in order to forge this great nation
Thankfully, the Declaration is not the Constitution.

ROFLMNAO... isn't that precious kids... She's ALL about the USC... or so she feels... but she's not very comfortable with the Charter instrument if the United States, which lays out the principles on which America was founded and those which the US Constitution rests...

LOL... Morons...

(Shrug) My point still stands. The Constitution (not the Declaration) is the supreme law of the land.

Looks like Publius AdNauseam :ahole-1:is the one who doesn't know anything about the US Constitution. He's all hot air and no substance.
ROFLMNAO... isn't that precious kids... She's ALL about the USC... or so she feels... but she's not very comfortable with the Charter instrument if the United States, which lays out the principles on which America was founded and those which the US Constitution rests...

LOL... Morons...

(Shrug) My point still stands. The Constitution (not the Declaration) is the supreme law of the land.

Looks like Publius AdNauseam :ahole-1:is the one who doesn't know anything about the US Constitution. He's all hot air and no substance.


Yes kids... Mother Irony can be a real BITCH!
Does it matter? No. It serves to illustrate that you point is at best bizarre. By the way a hell of a lot of the founders were New Englanders who didn't own slave one.

You do realize that almost no one in this country today knows jack about the history of American slavery, right? They don't seem to realize that the vast majority of people in the US did not ever own a single slave, that many states had laws actually prohibiting slaveowners from simply freeing their slaves, and that many people who DID own slaves only did so as a way of getting around slavery laws (Quakers, for example, would buy slaves who couldn't be freed because of restrictive laws, and allowed them to live as free men in practice, if not in legality).
You do realize that almost no one in this country today knows jack about the history of American slavery, right? They don't seem to realize that the vast majority of people in the US did not ever own a single slave, that many states had laws actually prohibiting slaveowners from simply freeing their slaves, and that many people who DID own slaves only did so as a way of getting around slavery laws (Quakers, for example, would buy slaves who couldn't be freed because of restrictive laws, and allowed them to live as free men in practice, if not in legality).

most people also don't realize that Whites bought African salves from other africans who had been captured in inter-tribal conflicts:eusa_whistle:
I just don't get why they care so much about having a christian idol in the courthouse ... seriously ... do you have to advertise your religion so much?

A Christian idol? The Ten commandments, you feel that they represent idolotry?

ROFLMNAO Sweet Mother, that's hysterical...
Thankfully, the Declaration is not the Constitution.

ROFLMNAO... isn't that precious kids... She's ALL about the USC... or so she feels... but she's not very comfortable with the Charter instrument if the United States, which lays out the principles on which America was founded and those which the US Constitution rests...

LOL... Morons...

(Shrug) My point still stands. The Constitution (not the Declaration) is the supreme law of the land.

Anyone here argue that the US Declaration of Indendence is representative of US law?

I've gone over the thread and that's not a point which anyone's asserted... so how you're coming to claim this as a point which you've contested, which remains standing, is known only to you...

Thus, it's not a point which is at contest, so it sure as hell isn't standing anywhere around here.
I know there is a difference between being a Nation made up of mostly Christians, even if not in practice, and a Christian Nation THEOCRACY, which we are not.

Just because Viet Nam is a Buddhist country, does not mean their government is a Buddhist THEOCRACY.

Just because Iraq was a Muslim Nation (with also Christians living among them), did not mean that it was a Muslim Theocracy...it was a "secular Nation", (when it came to religion choices), ruled by a dictator!

I think I am seeing that there are those who want to say we are not or were not primarily a Christian Nation when we were created verses a Muslim Nation or a Buddhist Nation or a Jewish Nation or a Hindu Nation etc., are doing so for some sort of political reason or political gain....

And I also think I am seeing that there are those who want to say that we are a Christian Nation to score some sort of "religious" and political gain or reason.

And then there are those like me, who have no problems at all calling us primarily a Christian Nation or saying that we were considered a Nation, primarily made up of Christians in our founding years....trying to rewrite HISTORY is unnecessary for me.....

I don't think that we are a theocracy, a Christian Theocracy and never will think we are one and I KNOW we never can be one, due to our constitution's Bill of Rights, let alone the fact that I would NEVER, EVER want us to be a theocracy...I cherrish freedom too much...as I cherrish free will...


Which would be just an OUTSTANDING point, IF someone had advocated for a Christian theocracy... which FTR: No one has...
(Shrug) My point still stands. The Constitution (not the Declaration) is the supreme law of the land.

Looks like Publius AdNauseam :ahole-1:is the one who doesn't know anything about the US Constitution. He's all hot air and no substance.


Yes kids... Mother Irony can be a real BITCH!

Then tell us agin how the DOI is a governing document so that we can all chuckle at your stupidity. You make the same amateur mistakes that a grade school student would make.
I just don't get why they care so much about having a christian idol in the courthouse ... seriously ... do you have to advertise your religion so much?

They don't want it for their own worshiping purposes. They want the rest of us heathens to be exposed to their religion so we can see the light and live in peace and happiness. It's all about power.
No, we want freedom of religion as expressed in the consitutition and in the declaration. We want to be able to admire our religion, to show respect, without being banned from public spaces, without being refused entry into politics, and without prejudice of any kind.

If the Ten Commandments is the basis upon which our government was built (and it is) or even if it wasn't, if in posting it we can show we abide by them as a community, then we have every right to refer to them and to exhibit them. They are a part of our culture and our national history, as Christianity is.

If some other religion happens to have something which appropriately and truthfully symbolizes something about our country, I've no problem with such a symbol to be displayed, provided it acutally connects in some obvious way or shows respect in an appropriate way to a higher being. IF IT IS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTRY and the community in which it is exhibited.

Of course having some weird pagan God displayed in front of the courthouse in a primarily Christian community is not appropriate or symbolic of anything that anyone will relate to as it pertains to our nationality or community. But if there were an appropriate quotation or group of quotations from the Koran or whatever collection pagans turn to, and the community related to it and was okay with it; I'd have no problem with those exhibits on community property either.

The fact is, we were created using Christian principles...one of which is separation of church and state. To deny it is to deny who we are as a nation. We tolerate other religions and you all have the right to worship as you please, provided you aren't hurting anyone or violating anyone's rights in doing so. BUT BEING EXPOSED TO SOMEONE ELSE'S RELIGION is not a violation of anyone's rights. Nor is acknowledging the history and structure of our system as a Christian one.

If you want to start up a little Rashneeshpuram and can find enough people to go with you, you can put whatever weird, fringe element you would like on what passes for a courthouse. But when a few people who aren't Christian think they should be able to eliminate all references to Christianity in our public speeches or at our public places, well that's fascism, pure and simple.
No, we want freedom of religion as expressed in the consitutition and in the declaration.

Where in the Declaration of Independence is the freedom of religion expressed?

We want to be able to admire our religion, to show respect, without being banned from public spaces, without being refused entry into politics, and without prejudice of any kind.
For the 1,000th time, the only limitation on the exercise of your religion is that the giovernment cannot endorse it. When will that simple concept be acknowledged by you rabid fundies?
You are not being stopped from discussing Jesus on a public street, nor are any politicians banned from making statementas about their own religious beliefs. The only thing I see from you people is a lot of juvenile whining because you can't dominate others any longer.
Clearly, unless our legal system doesn't reflect the same stone age bullshit that gave Moses the green light to slaughter all the calf worshipers after his first tryst down the mountain then we are persecuting christians..


crybaby christians get old real quick. There are no Mishaks, Shadraks and Abednegos in America but lord fucking knows you would think every dogma junkie was being chased by a fucking lion from the decibel of their bitching.
If the Ten Commandments is the basis upon which our government was built (and it is)

Really> Let's examine that claim...

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...

0 for 1

'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

Ignoring the fact for the moment that xtians do not follow this at all.... I can find no such thing in the Constitution.. In fact, the Liberty Tree would violate that... so..

0 for 2

'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the pres

0 for 3

'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

No such thing occurs int the Constitution...

0 for 4

'Honor your father and your mother.'

can't find that anywhere, either...

0 for 5

'You shall not murder.'
doesn't even count, as every society in the world\d has that law- further evidence for the moral instinct and social contract

'You shall not commit adultery.'
according the jesus, marrying a divorcee is adultery... and we had divorce from the get-go

'You shall not steal.'

like murder, exists independently from religion

'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
Lying gets maybe a quarter-point, as once again this comes about everywhere the bible s not to be found

You shall not covet ...
well, that desire feeds the capitalist free-trade system, now don't it?


'The Ten Commandments is the basis upon which our government was built '= DEBUNKED
Read the writings of the men who wrote the developed our nation. They all claim that there can be no democracy without the tenets of Christianity, and freedom and human rights come from God.

Nice try, but no banana.
Read the writings of the men who wrote the developed our nation. They all claim that there can be no democracy without the tenets of Christianity, and freedom and human rights come from God.

Nice try, but no banana.

No they didn't.

And where in the bible does it say anything about Christianity?

Where in the Bible are the bill of rights mentioned? I don't recall anything in the Bible about freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, right to a trial by your peers, due process, or no cruel and unusual punishment. Much less freedom of religion, quite the contrary.

To the contrary the Bible has all this stuff about stoning people for ridiculous infractions.

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