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The United States IS a Christian Nation

The United States was Christian nation...but the government was always secular. Now you have people that follow Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism...and various other religions, and Atheism too.

Just let religions be...and don't let religion get too far into politics. If history is any guide...if any one religion or belief system takes power it represses or imposes on the other. This is why the founders of the United States established secularism...to stop a single faith from controlling the united states...and there are tons of faiths...why should one denomination of Christianity control the rest (aka why should a Catholic control a Protestant) or why should another faith control another. Its just wrong. This is why the United States will always be secular.

The whole argument depends on how "christian nation" is defined. If it means that the population is predominantly christian, then you could call the US a christian nation. Then again using that logic, you could also call it a brown haired nation and we could also say we're living in a non-christian world since the earth's population is predomionantly non-christian. If the above definition is being used, then what is the signigficance? What is the point in using that label?

If by "christian nation", you mean that the country was created for the sole benefit of christians and that non-christians have to bow to the wishes of christians, then that is wrong. The US has always been a secular nation - that was the intent of the founding fathers. Had it been their intention to make this a "christian nation" they would have specifically spelled that out in the Constitution and they did no such thing.
It was critical to Christians that we have a secular government...in fact, it was THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to all of them, thus the First amendment being the FIRST of our Bill of Rights.....

IT WAS CHRISTIANS that pushed this sentiment because of what they had gone through in England, with being FORCED to belong to the Church of England, and no other Christian denominations were allowed or acknowledged other than the Church of England....

Here we had Puritans and Quakers and Methodists etc that escaped England's forced denominational theocracy, so being a secular country, with NO GOVERNMENT RULE over religion, was key to living in happiness for these Christians.
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Of course the US is a christian nation, it says it on your money, "in god we trust", and your prez has to be a christian church goer or he doesn't get elected. Even GW Bush called the war in iraq a "crusade". And as good god fearing people, your military is as big as the rest of the world's COMBINED!

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Of course the US is a christian nation, it says it on your money, "in god we trust", and your prez has to be a christian church goer or he doesn't get elected. Even GW Bush called the war in iraq a "crusade". And as good god fearing people, your military is as big as the rest of the world's COMBINED!

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Those phrases were added in during the cold war against the godless communists, also George W Bush and Blair are out of office...no one really bought the religious crusade idea...except Ann Coulter and a few fox newsreaders.
Jews, Christians, and mulsims- all are enemies of the Republic, and of freedom.All patriots who love liberty should oppose them at all times and turns, for only when they are destroyed completely and retired to the pages of history, serving, like gods past,m as merely the literary material of the coming generations- that liberty may be secure

Now, don't get your sheets in a twist, but I think your pillowcase is wrapped too tight.
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Of course the US is a christian nation, it says it on your money, "in god we trust", and your prez has to be a christian church goer or he doesn't get elected. Even GW Bush called the war in iraq a "crusade". And as good god fearing people, your military is as big as the rest of the world's COMBINED!

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

What does in God we trust have to do with Christianity....?

Don't you think Christians would want it to say, in Jesus, we Trust or in Christ we trust? :eusa_whistle:
I'm not sure Reagan was a big church goer, and he was one of the most loved and influential presidents of our time.
what's it to ya?

considering you people want to hijack our nation, destroy the republic, and abolish the very basis of the law- it's important for everyone

I don't want to destroy the republic, nor do any Christians, or Jews, or Muslims or Buddhists that I know want to do such....HOWEVER, to me, it seems as though YOU are the one who wants to do such! You are just a looney toon! :cuckoo:


his first coming was to save the jews that recognized that he was the messiah, and also for the gentiles that were grafted in to the tree of life once they accepted him, is my understanding of his first coming.

'grafted into the tree of life' :cuckoo:

lol, yep, I meant to say Israel's lifeline....

Mat 10:5 Jesus sent these twelve out, charging them, saying: Do not go into the way of the nations, and do not go into a Samaritan city.
Mat 10:6 But rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

then, after realizing he'd screwed up again, youe bible says your god changes its mind yet again
Mat 28:19 Then having gone, disciple all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

God Almighty, may heaven help you! You are sooooooooo ignorant on what the Bible says and teaches it is just incredible...

The passage in Matthew 10 was to the diciples LONG before Jesus was hung on the cross, and their mission was to reach the people in their immediate region, (while Jesus was training them and teaching them.....another yr or 2) the Jews or the lost sheep of the Jews.

This is CLEAR if you read the entire context of the passage, (which you ALWAYS FAIL TO DO), and the previous chapter and following chapter shows you precisely what I said....this was the mission of the early diciples.

the later chapter in Matthew 28 is the end of Jesus's earthly life and he then, sends out His more experienced Diciples/Apostles, to preach to the Nations the "Good News!"

You are so anxious to copy what these Christian HATER SITES have printed to refute christianity, yet YOU NEVER BOTHER to CHECK the source of your masters....sad, really sad!

I am not certain why you have chosen this "truly ignorant character" that you have chosen to "play" on this site, but you might try reading in context all the Bible quotes you falsly give to support your contentions before you go and post them and make a complete fool of yourself....the only people believing a word you say are those who also have not researched the quotes they are given from your religion hating sites that you get them from.... if you think we think you KNOW what you are talking about and found these quotes on your own because of your supposed knowledge on the topic, you are nuts, crazy to the bone!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It was critical to Christians that we have a secular government...in fact, it was THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to all of them, thus the First amendment being the FIRST of our Bill of Rights.....

IT WAS CHRISTIANS that pushed this sentiment because of what they had gone through in England, with being FORCED to belong to the Church of England, and no other Christian denominations were allowed or acknowledged other than the Church of England....

So you admit that xtians couldn't trust eachother because each trie to destroy the other the moment they gained power

Here we had Puritans and Quakers and Methodists etc that escaped England's forced denominational theocracy, so being a secular country,

There was no religious freedom in the colonies. The Puritans didn't leave England for religious freedoms, but to find a place where they could be in charge and enforce THEIR religion upon the masses. Each colony, with few exceptions,only allowed one faith- that is why the FF had to keep the church and the State from eachother, lest the other party win

God Almighty,
Who waited until 2000 BCE to care about his creation...

The bible says women should be silent in the precense of men- why don't you start practicing?

the later chapter in Matthew 28 is the end of Jesus's earthly life and he then, sends out His more experienced Diciples/Apostles, to preach to the Nations the "Good News!"
-that your evil god had ended the call for genocide and would allow non-jews to live without their men, women, and children being slain and their virgin daughters taken as sex slaves?- or have you not read the Torah/OT?
Of course the US is a christian nation, it says it on your money, "in god we trust", and your prez has to be a christian church goer or he doesn't get elected. Even GW Bush called the war in iraq a "crusade". And as good god fearing people, your military is as big as the rest of the world's COMBINED!

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

My dear friend--

The fact that are currency says 'in God we trust' speaks to the fact that the founders of our nation were deists, not Christian. Citizens of our nation want our President to demonstrate ethical values. The presence or absence of Christian ethical values in President's in near history is questionable.

Not all Presidents in our history were Christian.

In truth, Thomas Jefferson was not a Christian; he was a deist. Jefferson writes, in a letter penned to Benjamin Rush, that he was "a Christian" only in the fact that he respected the moral teachings of Jesus. He most certainly did not -- like most of the other founding fathers influenced by the Enlightenment philosophy around them -- believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ nor any of the supernatural aspects of the Christian Bible. Most would agree that to not believe in a good majority of the Bible (virgin birth; death and resurrection; etc) and to not believe that Jesus was the son of God, merely a good moral teacher, does not a Christian make.

You certainly have an unusual view of American law, the Constitution and collective American values. My position is that many more American citizens are inclusiive of our plurality and differences than your posts seem to indicate.
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"In God We Trust" was added to the money by banks, who printed the money and chose the design, money wasn't made a federal standard until after, then they just went with what people were already using. So that isn't even close to evidence.
The United States of America (commonly referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to its east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories, or insular areas, in the Caribbean and Pacific.

At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km²) and with about 306 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area, and third largest by land area and by population. The United States is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries.[7] The U.S. economy is the largest national economy in the world, with an estimated 2008 gross domestic product (GDP) of US $14.3 trillion (23% of the world total based on nominal GDP and almost 21% at purchasing power parity).[4][8]

The nation was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard. On July 4, 1776, they issued the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed their independence from Great Britain and their formation of a cooperative union. The rebellious states defeated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first successful colonial war of independence.[9] The Philadelphia Convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17, 1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic with a strong central government. The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedoms, was ratified in 1791.

United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States and the U.S. state of Florida. The motto first appeared on a United States coin in 1864 during strong Christian sentiment emerging during the Civil War, but In God We Trust did not become the official U.S. national motto until after the passage of an Act of Congress in 1956.[1] It is codified as federal law in the United States Code at 36 U.S. 302, which provides: "'In God we trust' is the national motto"[2].

In God We Trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now..........considering that this country was founded in 1776, and it didn't become a motto until the Civil War (which was several years AFTER the founding of this country), as well as the fact that it wasn't ratified into law until 1956, what exactly again makes you think this country was founded on Christian values again?

Yeah.......it's on the money, but so what......this country was ALREADY HERE!
My dear friend--

The fact that are currency says 'in God we trust' speaks to the fact that the founders of our nation were deists, not Christian.


I love this one...

What is with the whole "Deist" thing... First, it's not true and second, it's irrelevant.

The US Founding Fathers were CHRSTIANS... and what's more, they were DEVOUT CHRISTIANS...

Citizens of our nation want our President to demonstrate ethical values. The presence or absence of Christian ethical values in President's in near history is questionable.

Not all Presidents in our history were Christian.

Oh I'd LOVE to hear this one... Now while you can argue their commitment to the faith, even the most vile secularist, Wilson, was a professed true believer of the Christian faith.

And your current President, while a Muslim by birth and despite being raised a Muslim, felt he had to portray himself as a Christian to gain power in the US.

The fact is that if he delcared TODAY that he is a Muslim, the odds of his being in Office next week would be slim to none.

In truth, Thomas Jefferson was not a Christian; he was a deist. Jefferson writes, in a letter penned to Benjamin Rush, that he was "a Christian" only in the fact that he respected the moral teachings of Jesus. He most certainly did not -- like most of the other founding fathers influenced by the Enlightenment philosophy around them -- believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ nor any of the supernatural aspects of the Christian Bible. Most would agree that to not believe in a good majority of the Bible (virgin birth; death and resurrection; etc) and to not believe that Jesus was the son of God, merely a good moral teacher, does not a Christian make.
WikiAnswers - Was their ever a non Christian presidents

ROFLMNAO... This is nonsense and one of the reasons why WIKIpedia is to be avoided as source.

This interpretation of jefferson's letter to Rush projects precisely what Jefferson described he wanted to avoid in the BALANCE of that same letter... That his words would be used to countenance atheism...

Jefferson thought himself to be a man of science... thus he believed what could be proven through science... at least that's how he rationalized it.

But Jefferson spoke to his deep faith in the creator, throughout his life along with his inate understanding of such and in the necessity of the steadfast and honest study of same... in the most infamous of all Jefferson writings, the most misused instrument of all secularist lies... the Letter to his nephew Peter Carr, Jefferson required his nephew to fully consider all aspects of the creation and to come to his own conclusions as a result of that study and stated very clearly, that such a study would bring its own truths. So while it's easy to declare Jefferson a Deist and to conclude that such was somehow antithetical to Christianity is as ignorant as it is dishonest.

Jefferson simply believed that the Creator was a natural being, that such was not to be described in terms of supernatural and therein lies the distinction between his beliefs and those of his Christian contemporaries. I suspect that if Jefferson had the means to understand the theory of M... he would readily report that such explains much of the gulf between his thinking and those who proclaimed 'super-natural power' of the Deity; wherein the Deity is a natural force, which simply falls beyond our present means to understand, but remains wholly natural in his abilities and scope.

Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders. Some of the 1787 delegates had no affiliation. The others were Protestants except for three Roman Catholics: C. Carroll, D. Carroll, and Fitzsimons. Among the Protestant delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 28 were Church of England (Episcopalian, after the Revolutionary War was won), eight were Presbyterians, seven were Congregationalists, two were Lutherans, two were Dutch Reformed, and two were Methodists, the total number being 49. Some of the more prominent Founding Fathers were anti-clerical or vocal about their opposition to organized religion, such as Thomas Jefferson[10][11] (who created the "Jefferson Bible"), and Benjamin Franklin[12]. However, other notable founders, such as Patrick Henry, were strong proponents of traditional religion. Several of the Founding Fathers considered themselves to be deists or held beliefs very similar to that of deists.[13]

Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Epic fail yet again ya knuckle dragging cock smoker Infinite Puberty.

But.......keep trying..........just remember your helmet and try not to lick the windows.
Geez, "in god we trust" on your fucking money. Not in Allah we trust, or buddha... fucking GOD! Jesus' dad! The one all white people are made in the image of.

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