The US Is Officially A Banana Republic: The Top 1% Now Own More Wealth Than The Entire Middle Class

Not only "tax loopholes", but "capital gains" tax breaks, "offshore tax havens", as well as "subsidies" paid to many corporations, or moving US jobs overseas..
The working stiff pays more than half his wages to various Fed, State, and Local taxes, then tries to raise a family.
The wealthy have tax attorneys and tax loopholes, the rich get richer, is a FACT.

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Thank you for posting!
Well then, Bezo's has billions, so then should you.
Why should I?

I make as much as I am willing to work for. I could expand and take on more work but I am content where I am. My happiness in life isn't dependent on the charity or income taxes paid by others. Just like everyone else I strive to pay as little as I can.
Reagan, Bush2, and trump tax cuts for the rich brought us to where a handful of wealthy people own most of the wealth. It's all on the republican politicians and nary a peep from the right wingers who continuously vote against their own interests since republican leaders use racism, transgenderism, homosexuality etc. to scare the shit out of them.
Why should I?

I make as much as I am willing to work for. I could expand and take on more work but I am content where I am. My happiness in life isn't dependent on the charity or income taxes paid by others. Just like everyone else I strive to pay as little as I can.

Bezo's hasn't worked for much of what he has. The trillions pumped into the market has artificially raised his net worth. There are thousands of people who work harder than he does but aren't billionaire's.
Reagan, Bush2, and trump tax cuts for the rich brought us to where a handful of wealthy people own most of the wealth. It's all on the republican politicians and nary a peep from the right wingers who continuously vote against their own interests since republican leaders use racism, transgenderism, homosexuality etc. to scare the shit out of them.

To note, the rich got richer and the poor, poorer under Obama also. The pumping never stopped. It went into overdrive. He refused to prosecute those who broke our financial laws. He has been rewarded for all of that.
We have a declining middle class because we have declining work ethics. Period

Wages have lagged productivity. The difference went straight to the top. Workers are busting their asses and don’t reap the benefits.
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The US officially became a banana republic when the demleftists used covid to change election laws to install mass mail in balloting .
Too bad most of the mail in ballots went to Biden instead of your babbling orange ape. How many Red States instituted mail in balloting because of COVID?
They them pay what they already owe. Do away with all their loopholes. The fact thatTrump paid only 750 bucks on an income of millions is a joke.... And its the same with most of them.
If you don’t like Trump paying such a small amount in income taxes relative to his income, then change the tax code. Arguably, any wealthy or high income earner like Trump paying such a small amount in income taxes already paid their taxes in incentives and credits.

Economic prosperity for all will never be achieved in policies rooted in class envy.

Wages have lagged productivity. The difference went straight to the top. Workers are busting their asses and don’t reap the benefits.

You are SO wrong. There is ample opportunity to make a good living in the US but it takes sacrifice and hard work, something most aren't willing to do. Democrats creating a welfare state doesn't help either. Currently, there are literally millions of jobs out there to be had but people aren't taking them. You say it is because they don't pay enough but that is utter bull. Due to the lack of labor, virtually anyone could take a job at McDonald's now making 13-15/hr and easily work their way into management with little hard work and without a chip on their shoulder. The problem is, the Biden Administration and the entire Democratic Party have created an entire generation of people that think they are owed everything, nothing is "fair" and that the US is a terrible place to live. They are spoiled brats akin to adults living in their parent's basement and Democrats across the nation perpetuate it by promising more "free" stuff without having to work for it. Sorry you can't see that.
You are SO wrong. There is ample opportunity to make a good living in the US but it takes sacrifice and hard work, something most aren't willing to do. Democrats creating a welfare state doesn't help either. Currently, there are literally millions of jobs out there to be had but people aren't taking them. You say it is because they don't pay enough but that is utter bull. Due to the lack of labor, virtually anyone could take a job at McDonald's now making 13-15/hr and easily work their way into management with little hard work and without a chip on their shoulder. The problem is, the Biden Administration and the entire Democratic Party have created an entire generation of people that think they are owed everything, nothing is "fair" and that the US is a terrible place to live. They are spoiled brats akin to adults living in their parent's basement and Democrats across the nation perpetuate it by promising more "free" stuff without having to work for it. Sorry you can't see that.
Pure partisan bullshit.

People don’t want to work shitty jobs anymore. People don’t want to be treated like shit from customers and from their bosses. People don’t want to work for people who don’t care about their health or dignity.

This isn’t about free stuff, it’s about people deciding what’s best for them. Corporate America needs to wake up and understand they can’t get away with how they treat people anymore.
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Pure partisan bullshit.

People don’t want to work shitty jobs anymore. People don’t want to be treated like shit from customers and from their bosses. People don’t want to work for people who don’t care about their health or dignity.

This isn’t about free stuff, it’s about people deciding what’s best for them. Corporate America needs to wake up and understand they can’t get away with how they treat people anymore.

Gotcha. People want to be paid more than $31k/yr($15/hr) to do non-skilled labor that used to be done by 16-year-old teenagers looking to make date money for the weekend. Maybe we should pay the professional burger flipper $50k/yr and they will work? The reality is they need to make significantly more to actually work than they are getting paid to stay home. The government is paying too much if they actually want people to get off their duffs and work.
Gotcha. People want to be paid more than $31k/yr($15/hr) to do non-skilled labor that used to be done by 16-year-old teenagers looking to make date money for the weekend. Maybe we should pay the professional burger flipper $50k/yr and they will work? The reality is they need to make significantly more to actually work than they are getting paid to stay home. The government is paying too much if they actually want people to get off their duffs and work.
See, that’s the thing you aren’t getting. It’s not always about the money.
See, that’s the thing you aren’t getting. It’s not always about the money.

Oh, it is most definitely about the money first and foremost. Staying home and spending government checks is simply much easier than working for the same or less money. This is human nature.

I am not in a position where I need to take such a job, but I see signs all over where businesses are hiring with benefits, college tuition, insurance, etc. with no experience or education necessary. No, you won't be living near the country club on the salary, but the opportunity for advancement is certainly there and you can take advantage of the benefits. I started out at a company that didn't pay great but had a bonus structure, of which I routinely took advantage. I worked hard, stayed late, didn't complain about what was fair and not fair and what do you know, things have worked out well. My parent's taught me to have a good work ethic and not to expect things for free. That is uncommon nowadays, particularly among Democrats.
The U.S. might be coming close to a Banana Republic but it isn't because of top heavy individual wealth. The Banana Republic tyrants don't earn their wealth, they take it and there is no middle class. The political system under total democrat party control assisted by the media is what comes close to Banana Republic regimes. Punishing previous administrations and using secret police to intimidate citizens. The criminal use of federal law enforcement agencies and the effort to control information by restricting access to social media is what Banana Republic regimes are like and today's democrat party assisted by the liberal media comes closest.
We are resembling a plutocracy more and more instead of socialist. That's just rhetoric and some poor folk buy into it
Pretty amazing watching the devotees of "Greed Is Good" suddenly doing a full one-eighty and going ersatz populist.

Those darn rich guys!

You are the nut job for thinking that American's don't understand the merit incentive system that has been in play for decades upon decades, and that helped to create this mega freedom loving country in which we all live in.

Of course newly formed radical agenda's that are attempted to be fully implemented is threatening the very foundations of our American system now.

Attempting to capitalize on crisis after crisis that has been generated by the leftist communist, is all by design.

The conservatives in their generosity, and wanting to be cool, and be with the new in crowd, have since been blindsided by it all, and now they are paying a huge price for their complicity in it all.
The U.S. might be coming close to a Banana Republic but it isn't because of top heavy individual wealth. The Banana Republic tyrants don't earn their wealth, they take it and there is no middle class. The political system under total democrat party control assisted by the media is what comes close to Banana Republic regimes. Punishing previous administrations and using secret police to intimidate citizens. The criminal use of federal law enforcement agencies and the effort to control information by restricting access to social media is what Banana Republic regimes are like and today's democrat party assisted by the liberal media comes closest.
Great analogy.
I didn't make that accusation. We have discussed the pumping of the markets here endlessly. Try being honest.
You don't have to directly make an accusation, where as all you have to do is infer one within your writing's. No one is as ignorant as you might hope for them to be.

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