The Vaccine Hoax is over.

hey eots, here is the u.s. Infant mortality rates, per 1, 000 babies, for 5-year ranges from the 1950's to 2010.

Notice a trend, or no?

30.46, 27.33, 25.38, 22.67, 18.39, 14.34, 11.60, 10.37, 8.81, 7.49, 6.92, 6.81.

Link, with actual sources at the bottom:

list of countries by infant mortality rate - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i love that chart. You know why? Because it shows something very very important. Causation fallacy.

What we have here is a causation fallacy. You want to attribute the infant mortality and child death rate to one thing, when it is another.

It has to do with food and nutrition. When families and children eat better, they survive. When they have no food, they die. It is as simple as that. With out food and sunshine, an immune system can not operate. Better nourishment means healthier people.

What was passed in 1966? Bueller? Bueller? That's right, the child nutrition act.
and wic to follow in 1969.

This had a lot more to do with the survival of children than a bunch of chemicals. The body doesn't lack drugs to survive, it lacks nutrients.


pediatric and neonatal medicine advances since ww2 has more to do with rates of infant mortality than anything else.

If we didn't count every baby as a live birth (meaning not count ones that are going to die or count ones that are simply to premature to live), our rates would be even lower. As it is, if the baby takes a single breath outside of the womb, it's a live birth...even if that one breath is the only one it ever takes.

infant mortality is based on the first year of life in reality and the over all mortality rate is also lower and longevity
the highest mortality rate of any developed country gives the most vaccinations

comparing the american infant mortality rate: The state of american healthcare? - youtube

so what does socialized medicine have to do with vaccinations? Didn't know eots was a socialist....

socialized medicine ?...whatever are you babbling about ..this has no relation to the fact these children receive half the vaccines yet have both lower infant mortality and greater longevity..
the highest mortality rate of any developed country gives the most vaccinations

comparing the american infant mortality rate: The state of american healthcare? - youtube

so what does socialized medicine have to do with vaccinations? Didn't know eots was a socialist....

socialized medicine ?...whatever are you babbling about ..this has no relation he the fact these children receive half the vaccines yet have both lower infant mortality and greater longevity..

Your video was all about socialized medicine...really, once again I find you don't watch your own shit..
the highest mortality rate of any developed country gives the most vaccinations.

We also have the most television sets per capita - so how are you sure it isn't the TV's that are killing the babies?

the point is they receive half of these vaccines claimed as necessary for health yet experience greater health what would that indicate...can you say snake-oil
so what does socialized medicine have to do with vaccinations? Didn't know eots was a socialist....

socialized medicine ?...whatever are you babbling about ..this has no relation he the fact these children receive half the vaccines yet have both lower infant mortality and greater longevity..

your video was all about socialized medicine...really, once again i find you don't watch your own shit..

the video was to supply statistics on infant mortality rates and inoculation rates in various nations
i love that chart. You know why? Because it shows something very very important. Causation fallacy.

What we have here is a causation fallacy. You want to attribute the infant mortality and child death rate to one thing, when it is another.

It has to do with food and nutrition. When families and children eat better, they survive. When they have no food, they die. It is as simple as that. With out food and sunshine, an immune system can not operate. Better nourishment means healthier people.

What was passed in 1966? Bueller? Bueller? That's right, the child nutrition act.
and wic to follow in 1969.

This had a lot more to do with the survival of children than a bunch of chemicals. The body doesn't lack drugs to survive, it lacks nutrients.


pediatric and neonatal medicine advances since ww2 has more to do with rates of infant mortality than anything else.

If we didn't count every baby as a live birth (meaning not count ones that are going to die or count ones that are simply to premature to live), our rates would be even lower. As it is, if the baby takes a single breath outside of the womb, it's a live birth...even if that one breath is the only one it ever takes.

infant mortality is based on the first year of life in reality and the over all mortality rate is also lower and longevity

No, the failure is that other countries count infant mortality in different way. In the US, if the baby is alive, it counts. In Germany, it is if the baby is after 30 weeks. If a baby more premature lives, great. If a <30 weeker dies, it was never counted as a live birth so doesn't end up on an infant mortality chart.
Actually, in the video, there are several researches who present their peer reviewed reports on substances that are in vaccines, things like aluminum, how it differs from aluminum that we ingest in our diet, what aluminum does when it is directly injected into the body, what their research showed, how the CDC, NIHS and industry reacted, stuff like that. But if you don't want to bother educating yourself? Not my problem. Stick your head in the mud, attack people with your ad hominem, anything to fend of cognitive dissonance. This is peer reviewed science mind. :cool:
oh no! not the cognitive dissonance ploy!
as opposed to MB'S AND eots' cognitive!

cognitive dissonance is you holding on to the belief corporations would not try to sell you products you do not need or that are even harmful for you...
false assumption... causation- cognitive bias..
pediatric and neonatal medicine advances since ww2 has more to do with rates of infant mortality than anything else.

If we didn't count every baby as a live birth (meaning not count ones that are going to die or count ones that are simply to premature to live), our rates would be even lower. As it is, if the baby takes a single breath outside of the womb, it's a live birth...even if that one breath is the only one it ever takes.

infant mortality is based on the first year of life in reality and the over all mortality rate is also lower and longevity

No, the failure is that other countries count infant mortality in different way. In the US, if the baby is alive, it counts. In Germany, it is if the baby is after 30 weeks. If a baby more premature lives, great. If a <30 weeker dies, it was never counted as a live birth so doesn't end up on an infant mortality chart.

The link I provided said the stats listed are based on 1st year of life
oh no! not the cognitive dissonance ploy!
as opposed to MB'S AND eots' cognitive!

cognitive dissonance is you holding on to the belief corporations would not try to sell you products you do not need or that are even harmful for you...
false assumption... causation- cognitive bias..

its hardly a false assumption it is a reality of everyday life
infant mortality is based on the first year of life in reality and the over all mortality rate is also lower and longevity

No, the failure is that other countries count infant mortality in different way. In the US, if the baby is alive, it counts. In Germany, it is if the baby is after 30 weeks. If a baby more premature lives, great. If a <30 weeker dies, it was never counted as a live birth so doesn't end up on an infant mortality chart.

The link I provided said the stats listed are based on 1st year of life

I'm just going off the M&M conferences I was at when I worked at a hospital. I figured people from the NIH talking to physicians might have an inkling of what they're talking about and where they get their statistics.
The point is that the chicken little rantings and falsehoods of dawshits and his 'fact" that all these vaccinations are required or "the person is a very high probability of dying from the disease they are not vaccinated for".. is complete nonsense as countries that give half the vaccinations have substantially lower infant mortality rates and are clearly not at a high probability of dying from diseases they were not vaccinated for
yes dear! now take your meds!

??? ..loser...trying to run away from the FACT you claimed

Originally Posted by daws101 View Post
fact! anyone who is not vaccinated has a very high probability of death from any diseases they are not vaccinated for..
no that would be you attempting to change the subject.
What is the death rate of plague?

In the pre-antibiotic era (1900 through 1941), mortality among those infected with plague in the United States was 66%. Antibiotics greatly reduced mortality, and by 1990-2010 overall mortality had decreased to 11%. Plague can still be fatal despite effective antibiotics, though it is lower for bubonic plague cases than for septicemic or pneumonic plague cases. It is hard to assess the mortality rate of plague in developing countries, as relatively few cases are reliably diagnosed and reported to health authorities. WHO cites mortality rates of 8–10%, however some studies (WHO, 2004) suggest that mortality may be much higher in some plague endemic areas.
Infectious Diseases :: What Are Infectious Diseases?

infectious diseases more common than in developed countries. One such disease is tuberculosis, a bacterial disease which killed 1.7 million people in 2004. Malaria causes about 400–900 million cases of fever and 1–3 million deaths annually. 10 Leading Causes of Mortality Worldwide
cognitive dissonance is you holding on to the belief corporations would not try to sell you products you do not need or that are even harmful for you...
false assumption... causation- cognitive bias..

its hardly a false assumption it is a reality of everyday life
you're right you're paranoia and cognitive bias are a fact. your assumptions about me are not.
Actually, in the video, there are several researches who present their peer reviewed reports on substances that are in vaccines, things like aluminum, how it differs from aluminum that we ingest in our diet, what aluminum does when it is directly injected into the body, what their research showed, how the CDC, NIHS and industry reacted, stuff like that. But if you don't want to bother educating yourself? Not my problem. Stick your head in the mud, attack people with your ad hominem, anything to fend of cognitive dissonance. This is peer reviewed science mind. :cool:
oh no! not the cognitive dissonance ploy!
as opposed to MB'S AND eots' cognitive!

Hey, you know what Daws? You got me! I'll admit it, I DO have a cognitive bias! :redface: I don't fucking trust the establishment. Why should I? I know it lies. My grandfather was a thirty-second degree Freemason, my father always told me, don't trust them all, any of them might be lying, you must ALWAYS follow the money. I KNOW president Clinton lied, don't you? I KNOW president BUSH lied, don't you? How can you be so tuned out to not know the establishment is constantly deceiving us in so many ways. You must not just take what they tell you at face value. Does that mean you should take what others read at face value? No. We must SEE the results of these things in reality, and not seek to deny what we see.

I have had over seven years of Political Science at University. I have been well trained in interest groups, revolving door politics, and Iron triangles. My skepticism if VERY high. I KNOW what the elites think the masses are there for. Sure, my cognitive bias is there, and it is extremely skeptical. If you bothered to watch that piece, you would KNOW it isn't a hit piece on vaccines, it is a middle of the road skepticism piece that acknowledges the great wonder and benefit that vaccines have played in our society. And I am willing to bet, that even Eots would say, there was a time when vaccines were a boon to our civilization.

But you know, have you ever heard the saying, "Too much of a good thing?" Isn't it just possible that drug companies have seen something that can be used for the masses as a way to make millions, perhaps billions, and have cut manufacturing processes using cheap ingredients to save costs, have skipped safety trials, and have pushed unnecessary vaccines for diseases that aren't truly a threat to public safety, all in the search of the almighty profit? Did you know that drug companies control the FDA and the CDC? If you don't see or believe that, you aren't a skeptic, you aren't reserving judgement, and you are letting them corrupt something that is probably hugely beneficial for society, only to let it have become deadly dangerous. In my parents day, and my day, vaccines weren't causing the epidemic of health problems that they are causing today. They used to save lives. Now? I'm not sure the cost is worth the gain. That is all I am trying to put forward.

Why don't you ever want to think for yourself?
wow the classic and totally false paranoid rambling..

always has the same ending too !:"Why don't you ever want to think for yourself?" that's ironic since everything you asshats post is a rehash of every other conspiracy theorist's
paranoid rambling..the antistasis of thinking for yourself...
oh no! not the cognitive dissonance ploy!
as opposed to MB'S AND eots' cognitive!

Hey, you know what Daws? You got me! I'll admit it, I DO have a cognitive bias! :redface: I don't fucking trust the establishment. Why should I? I know it lies. My grandfather was a thirty-second degree Freemason, my father always told me, don't trust them all, any of them might be lying, you must ALWAYS follow the money. I KNOW president Clinton lied, don't you? I KNOW president BUSH lied, don't you? How can you be so tuned out to not know the establishment is constantly deceiving us in so many ways. You must not just take what they tell you at face value. Does that mean you should take what others read at face value? No. We must SEE the results of these things in reality, and not seek to deny what we see.

I have had over seven years of Political Science at University. I have been well trained in interest groups, revolving door politics, and Iron triangles. My skepticism if VERY high. I KNOW what the elites think the masses are there for. Sure, my cognitive bias is there, and it is extremely skeptical. If you bothered to watch that piece, you would KNOW it isn't a hit piece on vaccines, it is a middle of the road skepticism piece that acknowledges the great wonder and benefit that vaccines have played in our society. And I am willing to bet, that even Eots would say, there was a time when vaccines were a boon to our civilization.

But you know, have you ever heard the saying, "Too much of a good thing?" Isn't it just possible that drug companies have seen something that can be used for the masses as a way to make millions, perhaps billions, and have cut manufacturing processes using cheap ingredients to save costs, have skipped safety trials, and have pushed unnecessary vaccines for diseases that aren't truly a threat to public safety, all in the search of the almighty profit? Did you know that drug companies control the FDA and the CDC? If you don't see or believe that, you aren't a skeptic, you aren't reserving judgement, and you are letting them corrupt something that is probably hugely beneficial for society, only to let it have become deadly dangerous. In my parents day, and my day, vaccines weren't causing the epidemic of health problems that they are causing today. They used to save lives. Now? I'm not sure the cost is worth the gain. That is all I am trying to put forward.

Why don't you ever want to think for yourself?
wow the classic and totally false paranoid rambling..

always has the same ending too !:"Why don't you ever want to think for yourself?" that's ironic since everything you asshats post is a rehash of every other conspiracy theorist's
paranoid rambling..the antistasis of thinking for yourself...

O.K. I tried being logical, rational, and reasonable with you. But I know you well enough to know that is not possible. You don't like to read and take seriously what I have to say, because it causes you serious difficulties. I know what your problem is. . .
No, the failure is that other countries count infant mortality in different way. In the US, if the baby is alive, it counts. In Germany, it is if the baby is after 30 weeks. If a baby more premature lives, great. If a <30 weeker dies, it was never counted as a live birth so doesn't end up on an infant mortality chart.

The link I provided said the stats listed are based on 1st year of life

I'm just going off the M&M conferences I was at when I worked at a hospital. I figured people from the NIH talking to physicians might have an inkling of what they're talking about and where they get their statistics.

Irrelevant how the people you speak of calculate their statistics .. the statistics listed are based on first year of life

"Infant mortality rate is the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age"
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The link I provided said the stats listed are based on 1st year of life

I'm just going off the M&M conferences I was at when I worked at a hospital. I figured people from the NIH talking to physicians might have an inkling of what they're talking about and where they get their statistics.

Irrelevant how the people you speak of calculate their statistics .. the statistics listed are based on first year of life

"Infant mortality rate is the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age"

How is it irrelevant if other countries don't count certain things as infant mortality that the US does?

*I'm neither confirming nor denying the veracity of the claims, just questioning their relevance
I'm just going off the M&M conferences I was at when I worked at a hospital. I figured people from the NIH talking to physicians might have an inkling of what they're talking about and where they get their statistics.

Irrelevant how the people you speak of calculate their statistics .. the statistics listed are based on first year of life

"Infant mortality rate is the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age"

How is it irrelevant if other countries don't count certain things as infant mortality that the US does?

*I'm neither confirming nor denying the veracity of the claims, just questioning their relevance

because it was statistics for a many nations and these specific statistics were calculated based on the parameter of "the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age"
false assumption... causation- cognitive bias..

its hardly a false assumption it is a reality of everyday life
you're right you're paranoia and cognitive bias are a fact. your assumptions about me are not.

I am convinced there is ample evidence that a corporation will sell a product that is not needed or can cause the body harm..I do not think any rational person would even attempt deny this

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