The Vaccine is Dangerous

You do not know the deaths caused by Covid either. Not one statistic is truthful or can be proven. We know how you assholes are about proof. You have none except the narrative which clearly is not, and has never been, the truth. You are done here troll, bye.
You are quite the loony.....first you push The Big Lie about the election....(remember 30JUN21 and 13AUG21?) And now you are an anti-vaxxer crazy. :heehee:
For example?

What are you talking about.

Your question was if we had first-hand contact with HC professionals.

I have had plenty of contact with them.

They share how people with lots of other issues die.....from those issues.....but if they are positive for COVID....guess what they died of.

Is that what you are asking ?
You are quite the loony.....first you push The Big Lie about the election....(remember 30JUN21 and 13AUG21?) And now you are an anti-vaxxer crazy. :heehee:


He is making an assertion.

One you have no capacity or data with which to respond.
I live in Austin and most hospitals around here are near capacity. The governor has called in help from out of state and many hospitals have canceled elective surgeries. These are real effects caused by retards that think like you.
ok...there are 49 states, and 3 quarters of texas speak for 1 city....retards that think like you, are spewing lie after lie, because you are worried you may have been screwed by getting the DEATH JAB....stop spreading the chinese flu...retard
We are in a discussion forum dipshit... Take a hike if you want everybody to mind their own business, this website is here for people to express their opinions and have discussions.
awwww----not what the scumbag wanted to fucking bad--whine ass
hows that for a discussion---dipshit
What are you talking about.

Your question was if we had first-hand contact with HC professionals.

I have had plenty of contact with them.

They share how people with lots of other issues die.....from those issues.....but if they are positive for COVID....guess what they died of.

Is that what you are asking ?
Like who? Share an example? Have you actually spoken to a medical professional that does not recommend the vaccine and masking in crowds?
ok...there are 49 states, and 3 quarters of texas speak for 1 city....retards that think like you, are spewing lie after lie, because you are worried you may have been screwed by getting the DEATH JAB....stop spreading the chinese flu...retard
You moving the goal posts?! You asked for an example and I gave you one in the city where I live. But now that doesn’t matter because it’s only one city?! Give me a break. Why did you even ask then?!
How many deaths have been caused by just Covid? We have no clue, because it has been all lies since day 1. That is the end of your silly questions, I hope.

The vaccine IS killing people.
If you're getting your Covid medical advice from some goat roper sitting in his basement typing lies on a message board, you need to seek psychiatric help first.

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