The War of the Red Line


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
It looks like Obama is going to get his little war.

Martial spirit and humanitarian compassion...qualities possessed today by the Americans alone...will bail him out. For many in his party, it will be an ungracious acquiescence.

It won't be much of a war...unless it widens.

We were going to teach North Korea a quick lesson back in 1949-1950 until we looked up and a million Chinese soldiers were coming at us.

Obama is haunted an apprehension of such surprises so he has sought cover in a place his arrogance previously made him disdain.

The Ayatollahs are watching...looking for an opportunity for mischief. In fact, the whole Middle East...cursed by Islam to a fatal heritage of malignant passions...are looking for an such a target rich environment as another American invasion of Arabia.

But, maybe Obama will get lucky. Maybe the Ayatollahs will want to sit this one out while they finish up their nuclear weapon. Maybe.

Who can fathom the abysses of the mind of an Iranian Ayatollah?

How do you predict what Crazy will do?
It looks like Obama is going to get his little war.

Martial spirit and humanitarian compassion...qualities possessed today by the Americans alone...will bail him out. For many in his party, it will be an ungracious acquiescence.

It won't be much of a war...unless it widens.

We were going to teach North Korea a quick lesson back in 1949-1950 until we looked up and a million Chinese soldiers were coming at us.

Obama is haunted an apprehension of such surprises so he has sought cover in a place his arrogance previously made him disdain.

The Ayatollahs are watching...looking for an opportunity for mischief. In fact, the whole Middle East...cursed by Islam to a fatal heritage of malignant passions...are looking for an such a target rich environment as another American invasion of Arabia.

But, maybe Obama will get lucky. Maybe the Ayatollahs will want to sit this one out while they finish up their nuclear weapon. Maybe.

Who can fathom the abysses of the mind of an Iranian Ayatollah?

How do you predict what Crazy will do?

Obabbles "bring it on" moment...he loves to mimic W.....
“This message came to me concerning Damascus: ‘Look, Damascus will disappear! It will become a heap of ruins. The cities of Aroer will be deserted. Sheep will graze in the streets and lie down unafraid. There will be no one to chase them away. The fortified cities of Israel will also be destroyed, and the power of Damascus will end. The few left in Aram will share the fate of Israel’s departed glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Isaiah 17:1-3 (NLT)
It looks like Obama is going to get his little war.

Martial spirit and humanitarian compassion...qualities possessed today by the Americans alone...will bail him out. For many in his party, it will be an ungracious acquiescence.

It won't be much of a war...unless it widens.

We were going to teach North Korea a quick lesson back in 1949-1950 until we looked up and a million Chinese soldiers were coming at us.

Obama is haunted an apprehension of such surprises so he has sought cover in a place his arrogance previously made him disdain.

The Ayatollahs are watching...looking for an opportunity for mischief. In fact, the whole Middle East...cursed by Islam to a fatal heritage of malignant passions...are looking for an such a target rich environment as another American invasion of Arabia.

But, maybe Obama will get lucky. Maybe the Ayatollahs will want to sit this one out while they finish up their nuclear weapon. Maybe.

Who can fathom the abysses of the mind of an Iranian Ayatollah?

How do you predict what Crazy will do?

The Chinese and Russians got their ass kicked in Korea with just a portion of American military might.
A war for obama's vanity.

It should be horrifying. How many people have to die before he feels better about himself?
Katz likes the use of chemical weapons, she has her own stockpile for when the in-laws come over for the holidays.
How do you predict what Crazy will do?

"Crazy" went down when the chemical weapons hit the pavement. If the U.S. does not respond in some military fashion, what kind of signal does that send to the rest of the world?

This must be done.

I don't believe the so called evidence presented. US Intelligence has had an extremely pathetic record.

Obama wanted to go drop bombs before the UN team had even taken samples.

He just wants to take out Assad. Period full stop.

AQ in Syria known al Nusra must be just jumping up and down for joy.

And by the way, and you know I rarely disagree with you, but who the hell appointed the USA as "world enforcer"?
Katz likes the use of chemical weapons, she has her own stockpile for when the in-laws come over for the holidays.

The only people who have been tagged by the UN Chemical Inspectors are the rebels, not Assad.

You and your President just want to hand Syria over to al Qaeda. If Obama bombs the shit out of Syria to remove Assad, there is no other way to explain this.
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How do you predict what Crazy will do?

"Crazy" went down when the chemical weapons hit the pavement. If the U.S. does not respond in some military fashion, what kind of signal does that send to the rest of the world?

This must be done.

It signals we don't get involved in other countries civil wars.

Hundreds were killed by Assad with conventional weapons yet not a peep from anyone. He allegedly uses gas and now he must be stopped.

Have you seen any evidence that Assad gassed his own people? If so, then by all means share it.
How do you predict what Crazy will do?

"Crazy" went down when the chemical weapons hit the pavement. If the U.S. does not respond in some military fashion, what kind of signal does that send to the rest of the world?

This must be done.

I don't believe the so called evidence presented. US Intelligence has had an extremely pathetic record.

Obama wanted to go drop bombs before the UN team had even taken samples.

He just wants to take out Assad. Period full stop.

AQ in Syria known al Nusra must be just jumping up and down for joy.

And by the way, and you know I rarely disagree with you, but who the hell appointed the USA as "world enforcer"?

France seems convinced that the evidence is irrefutable. Intel is never 100%.
And if Obama wanted to "take out Assad", he could have done it long ago.
As much as I despise the President, I'll support the bombings.

This isn't so much an "enforcement" action, but an action of conscience.
"Crazy" went down when the chemical weapons hit the pavement. If the U.S. does not respond in some military fashion, what kind of signal does that send to the rest of the world?

This must be done.

I don't believe the so called evidence presented. US Intelligence has had an extremely pathetic record.

Obama wanted to go drop bombs before the UN team had even taken samples.

He just wants to take out Assad. Period full stop.

AQ in Syria known al Nusra must be just jumping up and down for joy.

And by the way, and you know I rarely disagree with you, but who the hell appointed the USA as "world enforcer"?

France seems convinced that the evidence is irrefutable. Intel is never 100%.
And if Obama wanted to "take out Assad", he could have done it long ago.
As much as I despise the President, I'll support the bombings.

This isn't so much an "enforcement" action, but an action of conscience.

Only Hollande committed before any evidence was even presented. He wants to "punish" Assad as well.

Same term as Kerry has been using. It's a western flex. Punish is the key. World police action if you will.

Kill innocent civilians to punish Assad for supposedly killing innocent civilians. Oh that's a freaking interesting way to intervene on humanitarian grounds now isn't it?

Back to Hollande. The latest poll that I saw was 64% were "hostile" to any intervention. He has no backing from his citizenry.

Hollande is also under huge fire from his deputies who are demanding a vote on the matter.

Seriously Mr. H, when Kerry of all people tell you "trust us, our intelligence told us we have proof" do you really expect the world to buy into this shit?

Oh and btw, International law will be broken by any country firing on Syria according to many legal scholars. On the bright side then hopefully Obama will be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize and be declared a war criminal.

Link to why you better not count on Hollande. One of many.

French oppose military intervention in Syria and don't trust Francois Hollande to carry it out
The French people are overwhelmingly opposed to armed intervention in Syria, a new poll has revealed.

It shows that 64 per cent of the country are "hostile" to taking part in military intervention in Syria and 58 per cent did not trust Hollande to conduct any operation.

Major concerns expressed are that such action will turn the country against West and increase the barbarity of Syria's civil war, which has already claimed more than 100,000 lives.

French oppose military intervention in Syria and don't trust Francois Hollande to carry it out - Telegraph

And this will take you to an article regarding how Hollande is under the gun by his deputies.

And please note the operative word here. Punish. Punish. Punish. World enforcer wanna bes.

France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria

(Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande reaffirmed to U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday his will to punish Syria for a suspected chemicals weapons attack but was under increasing pressure to put the intervention to parliament.

France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria | Reuters
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It won't be much of a war...unless it widens.

We were going to teach North Korea a quick lesson back in 1949-1950 until we looked up and a million Chinese soldiers were coming at us.

The history of war is a history of all wars taking much, much longer and many, many more lives and bankrupted nations than anyone expected going in.

World War I: "It will be over before the leaves fall!" said the Kaiser. In England they expected it would be over "before the snow flies."

Four-plus years and ten million battlefield deaths and much poison gas and machine guns in trench warfare was finally over, or at least there was an Armistice so they could all start up again in 1939, 20 years later.

Remember when we were supposed to have "won" George Bush's Iraq War so fast, in 3 1/2 weeks? Ten years later we were being driven out, Iraq completely demolished to this day, collapsed in daily mass bombings. Iraq lost AND we lost. Both sides lost.

"It'll be quick and easy and cheap" is always the biggest lie anyone tells about the next war they want to get you into.
I don't believe the so called evidence presented. US Intelligence has had an extremely pathetic record.

Obama wanted to go drop bombs before the UN team had even taken samples.

He just wants to take out Assad. Period full stop.

AQ in Syria known al Nusra must be just jumping up and down for joy.

And by the way, and you know I rarely disagree with you, but who the hell appointed the USA as "world enforcer"?

France seems convinced that the evidence is irrefutable. Intel is never 100%.
And if Obama wanted to "take out Assad", he could have done it long ago.
As much as I despise the President, I'll support the bombings.

This isn't so much an "enforcement" action, but an action of conscience.

Only Hollande committed before any evidence was even presented. He wants to "punish" Assad as well.

Same term as Kerry has been using. It's a western flex. Punish is the key. World police action if you will.

Kill innocent civilians to punish Assad for supposedly killing innocent civilians. Oh that's a freaking interesting way to intervene on humanitarian grounds now isn't it?

Back to Hollande. The latest poll that I saw was 64% were "hostile" to any intervention. He has no backing from his citizenry.

Hollande is also under huge fire from his deputies who are demanding a vote on the matter.

Seriously Mr. H, when Kerry of all people tell you "trust us, our intelligence told us we have proof" do you really expect the world to buy into this shit?

Oh and btw, International law will be broken by any country firing on Syria according to many legal scholars. On the bright side then hopefully Obama will be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize and be declared a war criminal.

Link to why you better not count on Hollande. One of many.

French oppose military intervention in Syria and don't trust Francois Hollande to carry it out
The French people are overwhelmingly opposed to armed intervention in Syria, a new poll has revealed.

It shows that 64 per cent of the country are "hostile" to taking part in military intervention in Syria and 58 per cent did not trust Hollande to conduct any operation.

Major concerns expressed are that such action will turn the country against West and increase the barbarity of Syria's civil war, which has already claimed more than 100,000 lives.

French oppose military intervention in Syria and don't trust Francois Hollande to carry it out - Telegraph

And this will take you to an article regarding how Hollande is under the gun by his deputies.

And please note the operative word here. Punish. Punish. Punish. World enforcer wanna bes.

France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria

(Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande reaffirmed to U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday his will to punish Syria for a suspected chemicals weapons attack but was under increasing pressure to put the intervention to parliament.

France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria | Reuters

I'm still cool with it.
And you KNOW you can trust me! :eusa_whistle:
This morning Ban Ki Moon said that a US strike would be illegal.

UN chief warns ?punitive? strike on Syria would be illegal without Security Council approval - The Washington Post

UNITED NATIONS — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday warned that any “punitive” action taken against Syria for an alleged chemical weapons attack last month would be illegal without Security Council approval or a sound case for self-defense.

Only obama says it's the world's red line. The world doesn't say it's the world's red line.

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